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Kesantunan Berbahasa dalam Interaksi Akademik di Fakultas Sastra UAI Lusi Lian Piantari; Era Bawarti
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (328.37 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v3i3.211


Abstrak - Penelitian ini membahas strategi kesantunan yang digunakan oleh dosen ketika melakukan bimbingan skripsi dengan mahasiswa. Hasil analisis yang dilaporkan dalam penelitian ini adalah tipe strategi kesantunan yang digunakan oleh dosen ketika memproduksi tuturan yang mengandung tindakan mengancam muka (Face Threatening Acts) kepada mahasiswa. Data diperoleh secara natural dari percakapan antara seorang dosen dan dua mahasiswa pada saat proses bimbingan skripsi. Tuturan yang mengandung tindakan mengancam muka yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini adalah pada saat dosen meminta siswa untuk melakukan sesuatu. Data percakapan direkam secara audio untuk dianalisis berdasarkan teori strategi kesantunan dan konsep muka Brown & Levinson (1987) dan tipe permintaan (request) Blum Kulka & Olshtain (1984). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan permintaan yang dituturkan oleh dosen dilakukan dengan tiga tipe strategi yaitu secara eksplisit (bald-on record), menggunakan strategi kesantunan positif yang meliputi claim common ground, hedge opinion, dan avoid disagreement dan gabungan antara strategi kesantunan positif dan negatif. Relasi kuasa antara dosen dan mahasiswa juga merupakan faktor penting dalam penggunaan strategi kesantunan. Kata kunci - strategi kesantunan, konsep muka, permintaan, relasi kuasa Abstract - This research discusses the politeness strategy used by lecturers when doing thesis guidance with students. The result of analysis reported in this research is the type of politeness strategy used by the lecturer when producing speech that contains Face Threatening Acts to the students. The data obtained naturally from the conversation between a lecturer and two students during the process of thesis tutoring. The words that contain the face-threatening actions analyzed in this study is when the lecturer asks the student to do something. The conversation data was recorded by audio for analysis based on the politeness strategy and concept of Brown & Levinson face (1987) and Blum Kulka & Olshtain (1984). The result of the research shows that the demand given by the lecturer is done with three types of strategy that is explicitly (bald-on record), using positive politeness strategy which includes common ground claim, hedge opinion, and avoid disagreement and combination between positive and negative politeness strategy. The power relations between lecturers and students is also an important factor in the use of politeness strategies. Keywords – strategy of unity, concept advance, demand, power relations  
Metonimia dan Metafora dalam Norma dan Eksploitasi Tipe Semantis Adjektiva Value Frasa Nomina Eye pada Coca Ria Herwandar; Lusi Lian Piantari
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (536.931 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v4i2.262


Abstrak - Penelitian ini berjudul Metonimia dan Metafora dalam  Norma dan Eksploitasi Tipe Semantis Adjektiva Value Frasa Nomina Eye Pada COCA ‘Penelitian ini mengkaji kolokasi terdekat dengan kata eye untuk mendapatkan  makna prototipe dalam norma dan makna eksploitasi norma. Analisis kajian bertumpu pada The Theory of Norms and Exploitations, TNE karya Hanks (2013), sebuah teori bahasa yang berfokus pada kajian leksikal, berbasis kelola korpus dan teori bawah atas. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah metode pendekatan gabungan antara kualitatif sebagai pendekatan yang utama dan kuantitatif berdasarkan frekuensi kata dalam korpus. Lima puluh frasa nomina tertinggi dan lima puluh frasa nomin terendah dari 500 frekuensi di seleksi dan dipilah berdasarkan kategori tipe semantis ajektiva dengan fokus pada tipe semantis value. Jenis makna dalam norma dan eksploitasi bervariasi dengan inti perluasan makna literal terhadap metonimia dan metafora. Metonimia konseptual dan metafora konseptual di tingkat dasar yang diterapkan untuk frasa nomina eye adalah organ perseptual bersanding sebagai persepsi dan metafora konseptual melihat adalah menyentuh. Pada tingkat abstrak metafora konseptual menjadi  berpikir, mengetahui atau mengerti adalah melihat. Kata Kunci – Norma dan Eksploitasi, Jenis dari Nilai Semantik, metonymy, metaphor, Frase kata benda “ eye”  Abstract - This reseach entitled  ‘Metonymy and Metaphor in Norm and Exploitation Semantic Types Adjective Value of Noun Phrase Eye in COCA’. This research analyse adjacent collocation the noun eye in oder to identify the prototype meaning of norms and extention meaning of the exploitations. The research is based on The Theory of Norms and Exploitations, TNE by Hanks (2013), a lexical and bottom-up theory, based on corpus data. The methodology used is a mixed-method of qualitative and quantitative of frequency of word in corpus. 50 highest frequency of noun phrase eye and 50 lowest frequency noun phrase from 500 frequncy  are selected and sorted out within the semantic type of the adjectives and focus on the semantic types of value. Type of meaning in norms and exploitations are varied with the core literal meaning extension towards metonymy and metaphor. The basic  conceptual Metonymy and the conceptual of metaphor for eye is perceptual organ stands for perception and for metaphor seeing is touching.In the abstract level of conceptual metaphor is describes as thimking, knowing aand understanding is seeing. Keywords - Norms and Exploitations, Semantic Type of Value, Metonymy, Metaphor, Eye noun phrase.
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/jpm.v1i2.337


Abstrak Masalah yang dihadapi oleh Panti Asuhan Harapan Remaja adalah kurangnya motivasi dan inspirasi anak asuh siswa SMP untuk belajar bahasa asing. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah menumbuhkan motivasi dan inspirasi belajar bahasa asing untuk belajar bahasa asing. Salah satu cara untuk menunbuhkan motivasi dan isnpirasi belajar bahasa asing adalah dengan dilakukannya pengenalan bahasa asing dengan konteks yang dekat dengan keseharian anak asuh/siswa. Untuk itu telah diadakan program penumbuhan motivasi dan inspirasi berbahasa asing terutama bahasa Jepang dan Inggris masing-masing selama 2 kali. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah munculnya ketertarikan siswa terhadap bahasa asing dan ketertarikan untuk belajar bahasa asing terutama bahasa Inggris dan Jepang. Selain itu terlihat juga peningkatan motivasi belajar bahasa asing selain pelajaran sekolah. Akan tetapi tidak ada peningkatan ketertarikan untuk berinteraksi dengan orang asing. Saran kegiatan ke depan adalah mengadakan yang berkelanjutan dan berkala.Kata kunci: Bahasa Asing, Inspirasi, MotivasiAbstractThis community service activity had purposes to inspire and motivate the junior high school students to learn a foreign language at the Harapan Remaja Orphanage. This orphanage has a problem dealing with foster children’s motivation in learning foreign languages. The result of this activity is the emergence of an interest in foreign languages and learning those languages, especially English and Japanese. After the activities, the result shows that the learners’ motivation is still low. However, the activities related to foreign languages increased the participants’ interests to learn foreign languages, in this context, Japanese and English. It is suggested that the activity can be carried out continuously because raising inspiration and motivation requires enough time.Keywords: Foreign language, Inspiration, Motivation,
Pengetahuan Tentang Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka dan Minat Mengikuti Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Studi Empirik Terhadap Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia Zaqiatul Mardiah; Lusi Lian Piantari
JURNAL Al-AZHAR INDONESIA SERI HUMANIORA Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Juli 2022 (Edisi Khusus MBKM)
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v7i2.1006


The MBKM program was first launched in early 2020 to provide opportunities for students to be active outside the campus. I took part in this program. A number of socialization activities were carried out to provide knowledge about what and how the MBKM program was. In two years, 235 UAI students have participated in 8 MBKM programs. This number can increase as the number of students who know and understand the program increases, as well as their knowledge of the benefits and risks of the program they are interested in. By utilizing Prospect Theory (Tversky and Kahneman, 1992), this study examines the relationship between the knowledge that students have about the MBKM program, both its benefits and risks, their degree of interest in the program, and the choice of the type of program they are interested in. The results indicate that students who have a higher perception of the potential benefits that can be achieved from MBKM activities are expected to have a higher interest in participating in, and recommending the MBKM program to their colleagues with the same risk perception; and vice versa.Keywords – By utilizing the Prospect Theory of Tversky and Kahneman, 1992, By utilizing the Prospect Theory of Tversky and Kahneman, 1992 Benefits, knowledge, prospects, risks, theory
Respon Pembaca Terhadap Teks Channel At The Bottom Of The Sea Karya Stephanie Ye Mengenai Pemahaman Komunikasi Interkultural Sherien Sabbah; Thafhan Muwaffaq; Lusi Lian Piantari
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v8i1.1130


This research examines students’ understanding of intercultural communication issues through text reading using a short story entitled Channel at the Bottom of the Sea written by a Singaporean author, Stephanie Ye. A readers’ response qualitative method is used in conducting this research which uses a literary text focusing on multicultural themes. By using Martin and Nakayama’s intercultural communication concepts specifically on the four barriers in intercultural communication, this analysis examines 25 students’ response in understanding, reacting, and reflecting intercultural communication cases.  In conclusion, it can be seen that 64% students responded well enough in perceiving the issues of intercultural communication in a multicultural context. Key Word: Intercultural Communication, Literary Text, Multiculturalism, Readers’ Response, Stephanie Ye.