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Evaluasi Materi Ajar Bahasa Inggris Cambridge IGCSE dan A/AS Level Sebagai Materi Acuan Program SBI tingkat SMA di Indonesia, Studi Kasus SMAN 70 Jakarta Ria Herwandar
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (303.219 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v1i1.18


A law no 20/2000 paragraph 50, article 3 has been enacted by the Ministry of education concerning the implementation of International class in high Schools throughout Indonesia. The purpose of this regulation is to standardize the quality of the Indonesian students educational qualification to those of students abroad. As a result, Cambridge International Examinations IGCSE, A/AS Level have become popular to the majority of Indonesian High Schools, especially  for subjects such as Mathematics, English, Physics, Biology and Chemistry. This research will look upon the develompment of school implementation of IGCSE, A/AS Level of English Language in SMA N 70 jakarta as a case study. Through several assessments of students IGCSE, A/AS Level tests, interviews, questionners and material evaluation, a reliable findings will be identified. At the end, ways of effective learning and teaching of IGCSE, A/AS Level  for Indonesian High Schools will be suggested.
Middle Class Rebellion through the Main Characters in Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club Ali Muhammad; Andhika Pratiwi; Ria Herwandar
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (152.233 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v4i4.299


Abstract - This research entitled “Middle Class Rebellion through the Main Characters in Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club” analyses the portrayal of the Middle Classes which is depicted through the main characters. These characters are undertaking a Rebellion towards the system of Capitalism that is depicted in the novel Fight Club. The theory used in this research is the theory of the intrinsic element of Characterization by M.H. Abrams and the theory Capitalism by Karl Marx which includes the theory of Alienation and the Struggle of Social Classes. This research focuses on the portrayal of how Middle Classes undertake their Rebellion which is depicted through the main characters in the novel Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk. This research has found that the two main characters are a depiction of the Middle Class and the Working Class. They rebel against Capitalism by doing small acts of vandalism which escalates into blackmail. The findings are that the real characteristics of modern society of the middle class can be seen  such as consumerism, restless life towards insomnia and workers who identify themselves as not workers.Keywords - Middle Class, Rebellion, Social Class, Marxism, Capitalism
Metonimia dan Metafora dalam Norma dan Eksploitasi Tipe Semantis Adjektiva Value Frasa Nomina Eye pada Coca Ria Herwandar; Lusi Lian Piantari
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (536.931 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v4i2.262


Abstrak - Penelitian ini berjudul Metonimia dan Metafora dalam  Norma dan Eksploitasi Tipe Semantis Adjektiva Value Frasa Nomina Eye Pada COCA ‘Penelitian ini mengkaji kolokasi terdekat dengan kata eye untuk mendapatkan  makna prototipe dalam norma dan makna eksploitasi norma. Analisis kajian bertumpu pada The Theory of Norms and Exploitations, TNE karya Hanks (2013), sebuah teori bahasa yang berfokus pada kajian leksikal, berbasis kelola korpus dan teori bawah atas. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah metode pendekatan gabungan antara kualitatif sebagai pendekatan yang utama dan kuantitatif berdasarkan frekuensi kata dalam korpus. Lima puluh frasa nomina tertinggi dan lima puluh frasa nomin terendah dari 500 frekuensi di seleksi dan dipilah berdasarkan kategori tipe semantis ajektiva dengan fokus pada tipe semantis value. Jenis makna dalam norma dan eksploitasi bervariasi dengan inti perluasan makna literal terhadap metonimia dan metafora. Metonimia konseptual dan metafora konseptual di tingkat dasar yang diterapkan untuk frasa nomina eye adalah organ perseptual bersanding sebagai persepsi dan metafora konseptual melihat adalah menyentuh. Pada tingkat abstrak metafora konseptual menjadi  berpikir, mengetahui atau mengerti adalah melihat. Kata Kunci – Norma dan Eksploitasi, Jenis dari Nilai Semantik, metonymy, metaphor, Frase kata benda “ eye”  Abstract - This reseach entitled  ‘Metonymy and Metaphor in Norm and Exploitation Semantic Types Adjective Value of Noun Phrase Eye in COCA’. This research analyse adjacent collocation the noun eye in oder to identify the prototype meaning of norms and extention meaning of the exploitations. The research is based on The Theory of Norms and Exploitations, TNE by Hanks (2013), a lexical and bottom-up theory, based on corpus data. The methodology used is a mixed-method of qualitative and quantitative of frequency of word in corpus. 50 highest frequency of noun phrase eye and 50 lowest frequency noun phrase from 500 frequncy  are selected and sorted out within the semantic type of the adjectives and focus on the semantic types of value. Type of meaning in norms and exploitations are varied with the core literal meaning extension towards metonymy and metaphor. The basic  conceptual Metonymy and the conceptual of metaphor for eye is perceptual organ stands for perception and for metaphor seeing is touching.In the abstract level of conceptual metaphor is describes as thimking, knowing aand understanding is seeing. Keywords - Norms and Exploitations, Semantic Type of Value, Metonymy, Metaphor, Eye noun phrase.
Evaluasi Cambridge International Primary Programme Siswa SD Al Azhar pada Mata Pelajaran Sains dalam Bahasa Inggris Ria Herwandar; Denny Azhari Safryono
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (589.288 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v2i4.174


Abstrak – Penelitian ini memiliki judul Evaluasi Cambridge International Primary Programme Siswa SD Al Azhar pada Mata Pelajaran Sains dalam Bahasa Inggris'. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat pemahaman dan kelancaran dalam melakukan ujian sains yang berisi bahan ESP / EAP. Hasilnya sangat tak terduga menjanjikannya. Siswa telah mencapai hasil yang baik di semua bidang ilmu pengetahuan seperti biologi, kimia, fisika dan penyelidikan ilmu pengetahuan dan telah terbukti bahwa siswa di usia tua bisa belajar dan memperoleh bahasa kedua dan bahasa pertama di dasar kesetaraan sekitar tiga belas tahun. Oleh karena itu, peserta didik muda harus intensif bahasa Inggris dalam membantu mereka mengembangkan pelajaran sekolah lainnya dalam kurikulum utama Inggris. Kata Kunci – Science enquiry, biologi, kimia, fisika, ESP/EAP Abstract – This research has a title of ‘Evaluation Cambridge International Primary Programme for Pupils of Al Azhar in  Science’. The purpose of the research is to identify their level of understanding and fluency in doing science examinations which contains ESP/EAP materials. The results have been unexpectedly promising. The pupils have achieved good results in all areas of science such as biology, chemistry, physics and science enquiry and it has been proved that pupils in the age of around thirteen years old could learn and acquire second language and first language in equal basis.  Therefore, Young learners should be intensively exposed to excellent English language learning in helping them developed other school subjects within the English primary curriculum. Keywords – Science enquiry, biology, chemistry, physics, ESP/EAP
Evaluasi Program Matrikulasi ”TOEFL” Mahasiswa Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia 2010/2011 Ria Herwandar; Denny Azhari Safryono; Priyanti Yuni Haryono
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (370.822 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v1i3.67


Penelitian ini menjabarkan proses pembelajaran TOEFL dan hasil temuan terhadap mahasiswa Al Azhar Indonesia angkatan 2010-2011 Program Matrikulasi. Pelatihan TOEFL ini berlangsung 38 jam dilengkapi dengan 4 progressive test. Hasil temuan dari penelitian ini mengungkapkan kelemahan dan kemajuan pada kemahiran bahasa Inggris dengan tampilan kelemahan terutama pada struktur bahasa. Saran dan solusi untuk menanggulangi kelemahan di paparkan berdasarkan hasil test. This research has focused on the process and findings of TOEFL Matriculation which has been conducted to the students of University of Al Azhar Indonesia year 2010-2011. The course consists of 38 hours TOEFL training and 4 progressive tests. The findings shown of certain progress and weaknesses of proficiency especially in “structure”. At the end solution or suggestion are given based on the tests.
Evaluasi Cambridge International Primary Program Siswa SD Al-Azhar pada Mata Pelajaran ’English Language’ Ria Herwandar; Denny Azhari Safryono
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (477.512 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v2i3.148


Abstrak – Analisis materi ujian bahasa Inggris Cambridge Primary Checkpoint merupakan bagian dari penelitian Evaluasi Cambridge International Primary Program siswa SD Al-Azhar pada mata pelajaran “English Language. Peneliti ingin membuktikan bahwa teori pemerolehan bahasa ke dua pada anak usia dini dapat dibuktikan melalui hasil capaian ujian yang dikelola oleh Cambridge. Terbukti bahwa anak (usia 12-130) mampu menguasai bahasa ke dua dengan baik apabila dilaksanakan dengan benar. Abstract – The analysis of English Examination of Cambridge Primary Checkpoint has been a part of the research with the title “Evaluation of Cambridge International Primary Program of elementary students of Al-Azhar on ‘English language’”. The researcher wishes to identify that the theory of second language aquisation on children has been proved adequately through the analyses of examination results which has been conducted in Al-Azhar primary school. It is identified that children (age 12-13) are capable of mstering other language when it is given in the proper manner. Keywords – Cambridge Primary Checkpoint, reading, writing ,usage and evaluation
Norma dan Eksploitasi Tipe Semantis Properti Fisik Adjektiva Pada Frasa Nomina ’Eye’ dalam COCA Ria Herwandar; Risa Utami Putriya Kesuma
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (681.823 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v3i4.226


Abstrak - Penelitian ini berjudul “Norma dan Eksploitasi Tipe Semantis Properti Fisik Ajektiva pada Frasa nomina ‘Eye’ dalam COCA”. Bahasannya mengenai klasifikasi adjekitva terhadap nomina’eye’pada tipe semantis PHYSICAL PROPERTY di 50 frekuensi tertinggi dan 50 frekuensi terendah dari 500 frekuensi frasa nomina ‘eye’. Metode yang digunakan berdasarkan teori Creswell dalam Research Design Qualitative, quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches (2009)  Hasil temuan dianalisis melalui teori  yang diciptakann Hanks, ‘Lexical  Analysis Norms and Exploitations’ untuk melihat dinamika ekspoitasi frasa nomina ‘eye’ Kata Kunci: Frasa nomina ‘Eye’ dalam COCA, Teori Hanks, Teori Creswell,  Abstract - This research entitled “Norma dan Eksploitasi Tipe Semantis Properti Fisik Ajektiva pada Frasa nomina ‘Eye’ dalam COCA”. The study is on the classification of semantic type for PHYSICAL PROPERTY in adjective of  ‘eye’ as noun. The Method used is basing on Creswell theory in Research Design Qualitative, quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches (2009). The finding is analysed through  Hanks’ theory ‘ Lexical Analysis Norms and exploitations’, to see the dynamic exploitation of noun Phrase’eye’. Keywords: Noun Phrase ‘Eye’ in COCA, Hanks Theory, Creswell Theory.
Tingkat Kemampuan Mengajar Kelas Bertaraf Internasional Guru Al Azhar Melalui TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) pada Tingkat SD, SMP, dan SMA Ria Herwandar
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (387.062 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v2i1.115


Abstrak – Teaching Knowledge Test merupakan program yang sangat efektif bagi guru-guru Al Azhar sebagai senjata untuk mengajar di program sekolah bertaraf internasional (SBI). Penelitian ini diawali dengan pelatihan 30 jam dan ujian akhir yang diselenggarakan langsung oleh Cambridge University. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori perolehan Bahasa ke 2, membahas materi 3 modul pola pembelajaran dan pengajaran dan sejauh mana keberhasilan para guru dalam memahami pelatihan TKT ini. Temuan hasil penelitian akan menjadi ukuran bagaimana harus menanggulangi kelemahan yang ada. Tujuannya adalah agar program SBI dapat berjalan sempurna dan efektif sehingga mampu meningkatkan kualitas belajar mengajar sesuai standar internasional. Apabila standar internasional telah dimiliki maka sekolah Al Azhar mampu menciptakan kualitas guru dan murid yang sempurna. Abstract – Teaching Knowledge Test is an effective programme for teachers of Al Azhar, as a tool to equipt teachers in teaching under the program of international school known as SBI. The research has started by the implementation of 30 hour of TKT training and followed by an examination conducted by the Cambridge University. The research is basing on second language acquisition and has discussed the three Modu;es of teaching and learning and how far can the modules be understood by the teachers. The result finding will become the measurement of how the weakness should be overcome. The purpose of this research is to enable the SBI operates perfectly and effectively and produces qualified teaching and learning environment inline with the international standard. Once the international standard has been achieved, Al Azhar school would have been able to create qualified teachers and student perfectly.
Teknik Penerjemahan Tuturan Alih Kode dan Campur Kode dalam Film Aruna dan Lidahnya (2018) Era Bawarti; Ria Herwandar
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v8i1.1677


This research is a translation-studies one discussing translation techniques used in Indonesian subtitle for English utterances and Indonesian utterances consisting English either words or expressions in the dialog of Aruna dan Lidahnya (2018) film. Analysis is done for utterances consisting code-switching and code-mixing. Methods used are descriptive-qualitative and library ones. Data are collected with content-analysis technique. Source text (ST) data are classified using code-switching and code-mixing classification. Target text (TT) data are classified using translation techniques by Molina and Albir (2002). Out of 72 data of bilingualism in use, 61.6% are code-mixing while 38.9% are code switching. Yet out of 37 utterances translated into Indonesian subtitle, 54.05% are code-switching while 45.95% are code-mixing. Out of 18 translation techniques proposed by Molina and Albir (2002), only 11 techniques used. Established equivalent is the most frequent techniques used, i.e. 23,1% out of 39 data in TT. The result also shows that all 11 translation techniques used are fit with the principle of subtitling according to Ho (2015). Keywords – translation, subtitle, code switching, code mixing, film Indonesia
Implementasi Pengajaran "Arah" dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan Pendekatan Komunikatif pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar Dhuha Hadiyansyah; Ria Herwandar; Era Bawarti; Rasika Tasdyatta Mahendro; Raditya Daffa Adrimurlan; Farhan Alfarizi Iskandar
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (SENDAMAS) Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : UniversitasAl Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/psn.v3i1.2488


Pengabdian masyarakat Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia (UAI) di SD Al-Fityan Tangerang dalam program Gerakan Nasional Revolusi Mental (GNRM) 2023 dilakukan dengan implementasi pengajaran “arah” dalam Bahasa Inggris kepada siswa kelas 4 dengan pendekatan komunikatif. Kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keahlian siswa dalam berbahasa Inggris. Pembelajaran dilakukan dengan pendekatan komunikatif. Pengajaran dengan pendekatan komunikatif menekankan pengembangan komunikasi sebagai inti pembelajaran bahasa asing, yaitu bagaimana menggunakan bahasa yang dipelajari sebagai secara efektif dalam situasi yang nyata. Pada situasi yang diciptakan dalam bentuk permainan fisik, kegiatan ini menemukan bahwa pendekatan komunikatif terbukti membuat siswa berhasil mengingat dan mempraktikkan semua kosakata yang diberikan. Selain itu, pendekatan komunikatif melalui permainan juga mempromosikan lingkungan pembelajaran yang berpusat pada peserta didik yang menumbuhkan keterampilan untuk bekerja sama, mengambil keputusan, fokus dan mengingat.Kata kunci: Pendekatan Komunikatif, Arah, Permainan, Pengabdian Masyarakat