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JURNAL ILMIAH BISNIS, PASAR MODAL DAN UMKM Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Ilmiah Bisnis, Pasar Modal dan UMKM (JIBPU)
Publisher : Magister Manajemen Institut Bisnis Nusantara

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh dari transparansi dan akuntabilitas terhadap pengelolaan keuangan desa. Variabel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari transparansi, akuntabilitas sebagai variabel independen dan pengelolaan keuangan desa sebagai variabel dependen. Skala pengukuran yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ordinal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Uji statistik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah validitas, reliabilitas, uji normalitas, multikolinearitas, heterokedastisitas, koefisien determinasi, uji t dan uji F menggunakan aplikasi Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial transparansi tidak berpengaruh terhadap pengelolaan keuangan desa, sedangkan akuntabilitas berpengaruh terhadap pengelolaan keuangan desa. Akan tetapi secara simultan transparansi dan akuntabilitas berpengaruh terhadap pengelolaan keuangan desa dengan nilai kontribusi sebesar 29,2%.
Program Akselarasi Sekolah Fitri Sukmawati
INSANIA : Jurnal Pemikiran Alternatif Kependidikan Vol 16 No 3 (2011)
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (354.104 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/insania.v16i3.1596


Abstract: Government through the Ministry of National Education has accommodated the implementation of an accelerated program in anticipation of and maximizes the potential of students with ability above the average. Differentiated educational services by using a diversified curriculum can be implemented through the organization of the class acceleration system, so that children can develop the potential he/she has. Key words: Acceleration of school
Analisis Faktor Psikososial pada Tenaga Kesehatan di KecamatanSungai Raya Kabupaten Kubu Raya Eli Sutiawati; Gusti Ansahari; Fitri Sukmawati
Sehat Rakyat: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 3 (2024): Agustus 2024
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Penelitian Pengabdian Algero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54259/sehatrakyat.v3i3.3072


Introduction: Psychosocial risks can lead to stress and depression in the workplace, causing potential negligence and errors in performing work resulting in workplace accidents. Objective: To analyze the psychosocial risk factors of health workers in health centers that lead to the risk of workplace stress. Methods: Deskriptif analysis research using the Spearman test with a sample 65 people selected by purposive sampling from 186 health workers who served at the Sungai Durian, Sungai Raya Dalam, and Korpri health centers in Kubu Raya Regency. Research variables: Role Confusion, Role Conflict, Quantitative Overload, Qualitative Overload. Career Development, Responsibility for Others and job stress. Data were obtained from the IFRC  and  SDS. Results: Spearman test the most influential is qualitative overload mean value (x̄=11.28) moderate stress (39.24%). severe stress (1.54%), second quantitative overload (x̄=10.25) moderate stress 49.24%, third responsibility to others (x̄=10.26) moderate stress (41.34%). severe stress (3.0).  The significance of the relationship between the variables of psychosocial risk factors and work stress   very strong correlation level, the direction of the relationship is positive and unidirectional between psychosocial risk factors and work stress in health workers. Conclusion: Psychosocial risk factors experienced by health workers quantitative overload and responsibility for others need to be of concern to management there is a decrease in motivation and weakening of activities. Suggestions for management leader and health workers to increasing motivation and managing effective working hours.
Leadership, Social Capital and Village Finance: Development Capital For Village Sustainability Shaleh , Khairul; Fitri Sukmawati; Silviana
KRISNA: Kumpulan Riset Akuntansi Vol. 15 No. 2 (2024): KRISNA: Kumpulan Riset Akuntansi
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/kr.15.2.2024.212-219


This research aims to capture the combination of leadership, social capital, and village finance in realizing rural sustainable development. Field research seeks to understand social reality by the actual circumstances that exist and occur in a particular area. Researchers obtain scans of social reality through a qualitative research approach. Researchers in this context use qualitative research with an emphasis on case studies. The research used participant observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and field documentation. The results show that the village's financial capacity is an essential element. However, more importantly, the legitimacy and trust of the community in the leadership of the village head can establish communication in campaigning for village environmental conservation with a sustainable development orientation. The village head presents himself as a protector through humanist communication interactions with all elements in the village environment. The legitimacy of power and trust in the formal village leader leads to the belief of the community to take part in village development.
Jurnal Pengabdian Ibnu Sina Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Juli 2023
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Ibnu Sina

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36352/j-pis.v2i2.572


ABSTRAK Gerakan Peduli Sosial dilakukan oleh Sekolah Islam Nabilah kepada seluruh karyawan iBPL di Lingkungan Perumahan Dutamas, Batam Kota, pada tanggal 29 Maret 2023. Kepedulian Sosial ini merupakan program Tahunan dari sekolah, terhadap karyawan di lingkungan Dutamas. Karena secara lokasi sangat berdekatan dan saling memberikan kemanfaatan satu sama lain. Kegiatan ini mempunyai tujuan meningkatkan kepedulian social di masa bulan Ramadhan. Program tahunan yang dilaksanan ini menjadi program tetap Sekolah Islam Nabilah, Batam kepada beberapa instansi/Lembaga, termasuk internal dan eksternal lingkungan sekolah. Metode yang dipakai dalam pengabdian masyarakat kali ini adalah bakti social. Dalam kegiatan peduli social ini, berupa memeberikan sembako sejumlah seluruh karyawan iBPL Dutamas, yaitu 85 orang yang meliputi : karyawan kantor 4 orang, 44 petugas keamanan, 26 petugas kebersihan. Dalam Kegiatan itu hadir Kepala Sekolah TK, SD,SMP, SMA dan Direktur Pendidikan Sekolah Islam Nabilah Batam. Diharapkan pembagian 85 paket sembako, yang terdiri dari : beras, minyak, minuman, gula, serta mi instan. Diharapkan Kegiatan Peduli Sosial dengan pembagian sembako pada 74 karyawan iBPL ini akan meningkatkan hubungan iBPL dan Sekolah Islam Nabilah yang beroperasi di lingkungan sama, serta meningkatkan kepedulian social dalam menyambut bulan Ramadhan. Kata Kunci: Gerakan Peduli Sosial, Kepedulian Sosial, Program Tahunan ABSTRACT The Social Care Movement was carried out by the Nabilah Islamic School for all iBPL employees in the Dutamas Housing Environment, Batam City, on March 29, 2023. This Social Care is an annual program from the school, for employees in the Dutamas environment. Because the location is very close and mutually provide benefits to each other. The method used is Social Service. This activity has the aim of increasing social awareness during the month of Ramadan. This annual program has become a permanent program for the Nabilah Islamic School, Batam for several agencies/institutions, including the internal and external school environment. In this social care activity, in the form of providing groceries to all iBPL Dutamas employees, namely 85 people including: 4 office employees, 44 security officers, 26 cleaners. The activity was attended by Principals of TK, SD, SMP, SMA and the Director of Education of the Nabilah Batam Islamic School. It is expected that 85 basic food packages will be distributed, consisting of: rice, oil, drinks, sugar and instant noodles. It is hoped that the Social Care Activity by distributing groceries to 74 iBPL employees will improve the relationship between iBPL and the Nabilah Islamic School which operates in the same environment, as well as increase social awareness in welcoming the month of Ramadan. Keywords: Social Care Movement, Social Concern, Annual Program