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Power Management System (PMS) Sebagai Kontrol Utama Dalam Perkembangan Power Listrik Kapal Eka Darmana; Fajar Pujiyanto
Majalah Ilmiah Bahari Jogja Vol 19 No 2 (2021): Juli
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Maritim Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33489/mibj.v19i2.268


Shipboard electrical power was introduced in the 19th century, electricity as a source of energy for operating vessel is used for lighting, communication, navigation, monitoring, alarm systems, running electric motors, and high voltage installations as the main propulsion. The first electrical installation by commercial ship SS Columbia with a DC electical power, followed by an AC induction motor with a diesel engine. The new technology of electrical power is All Electric Ship (AES) by the passenger ferry Ampere, is the first ship in the world to use fully battery driven and operate regularly in Norway waters. Currently the world engineers are developing new ship designs with a hybrid power, which combines two or more integrated power sources to get high-efficiency power. In this paper uses a qualitative description method with reference to literature studies. The development of electricity from each generation regarding electric power sources, automatic control and power management is the material to be discussed in this paper. The Power Management System (PMS) is a functionally integrated control system to optimize power allocation and energy distribution. PMS keeps electrical power working without any fault, disruptions or system failures while the ship is operating. PMS controls power in a safe and balanced manner between power generation and distribution of ship electrical power.
Publisher : UNIMAR AMNI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5903.247 KB) | DOI: 10.33556/jstm.v23i1.319


The three-phase induction motor is an alternative to changing the diesel engine as the main driver in the industrial world. This transition is aimed at energy efficiency and reducing air pollution from diesel engine exhaust gases. It was chosen because it is easy to operate, quiet and low operating costs. Induction motors are used for driving water pumps to as the main propulsion on board vessels. Constraints and failures of induction motor components when operating, cause a decrease in performance and risk of damage. This is due to winding disturbances, increasing motor temperature, unbalanced stator and rotor, broken rotor shafts, air gap eccentricity, motor load, mechanical and environmental effects. The cause of motor damaged is increased temperatures on the motor side. It occurs due to unbalanced phase voltage (UPV), unbalanced magnet pull (UMP) and motor load (ML). This journal discusses three factors and their effect on motor temperature based on Fuzzy Inference System (FIS). FIS analysis is used to simulate changes in motor temperature which are influenced by the variable values of these three factors. This paper uses a qualitative descriptive method with literature reviews and data analysis using FIS in a Matlab application. The analysis of the change in temperature of an induction motor with the three parameters based on FIS has been successfully carried out. The result of study concludes that UPV and UMP are the dominant factors as a cause of temperature changes in the induction motor compared to ML).Ådnanes, A. K. (2003). Maritime electrical installations and diesel electric propulsion. ABB AS Marine. (2017). What is MATLAB and its Uses. Article/Id_ID.Ardana, I. W. R., & Sutawinaya, I. P. (2017). Pemodelan Sistem Kontroler Logika Fuzzy Pada Pengaturan Kecepatan Motor Induksi Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak Matlab / Simulink. Matrix : Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Dan Informatika, 7(1), 1., P. (1992). The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships. Ports As Nodal Points in a Global Transport System, 111(50), 259–270., A. H., & Soukup, G. C. (1986). in Squirrel Cage Induction Motors. I(6), 1165–1173.Bonnett, A. H., & Soukup, G. C. (1992). Cause and Analysis of Stator and Rotor Induction Motors. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 28(4), 921–937.Hall, D. T. (1999). KNOWLEDGE MARINE Second Edition.International, C., Commission, E., Deshpande, V., Power, C., & No, O. (2004). Internationale International Standard. Order A Journal On The Theory Of Ordered Sets And Its Applications, 1997, 1–25.Kliman, G. B., Premerlani, W. J., Koegl, R. A., & Hoeweler, D. (1996). New approach to on-line turn fault detection in AC motors. Conference Record - IAS Annual Meeting (IEEE Industry Applications Society), 1, 687–693., S. (2003). Artificial Intelligence (Techniques and Applications). Graha Ilmu.McCoy, Gilbert A.; Douglass, J. G. (2014). Premium efficiency motor selection and application guide - A handbook for industry. 136., B., Smolka, J., Hetmanczyk, J., & Lasek, P. (2019). Numerical and experimental analysis of heat dissipation intensification from electric motor. Energy, 182, 269–279. and Generator Section. (2009). NEMA Standards Publication MG 1-2009. 552, 775., Demetgul, Muhammet, U. (Ed.). (1993). Parameter Estimation, Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis of Electrical Machines. 1993 (1st ed.). Janeza trdine 9. 51000 Rijeka, Croatia., S., Toliyat, H. A., & Li, X. (2005). Condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electrical motors - A review. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 20(4), 719–729., L. N. (n.d.). Lecture Notes on Machine-Ii.PP. (1999). Pp Ri No 41 Tahun 1999 Tentang Pengendalian Pencemaran Udara. Peraturan Pemerintah No. 41 Tentang Pengendalian Pencemaran Udara.Siddiqui, K. M., Sahay, K., & Giri, V. K. (2014). Health Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis in Induction Motor- A Review. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, 3(1), 2320–3765.Squirrel, I. (n.d.). Lecture 1 Three-phase Induction Motor Construction and Principle of Operation 2 . Induction Motor Types : 1–9.Sri Kusumadewi, H. P. (2010). Fuzzy logic application for decision support. Graha Ilmu.Teknologi, I., & Seni, D. (2020). Analisa Thermal Overload Relay ( TOR ) Type Lrd08c Pada Sistem Proteksi Motor 3 Fasa Belt Conveyor. 1, 79–90.US Department of Energy. (2014). Determining Electric Motor Load Ranges. Motor Challenge, 1, 1., P., & Brunner, C. U. (2011). Energy-Efficiency Policy Opportunities for Electric Motor-Driven Systems. Internationale Energy Agency, na(na), 132.
Majalah Ilmiah Gema Maritim Vol 24 No 2 (2022): Gema Maritim Vol 24 No 2 tahun 2022 tanggal 30 September 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Bumi Akpelni

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (584.52 KB) | DOI: 10.37612/gema-maritim.v24i2.296


Electrical installations need to be installed correctly by referring to the basic guidelines, namely the General Guidelines for Electrical Installation (PUIL) for the country of Indonesia, or referring to other guidelines with international standards, namely the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and IEEE. Electrical installations must have a protection system, high reliability when operating, and the ability to respond to installation disturbances quickly. The protection system provides safety for living things, property, and the electrical installation itself. The grounding system is one of the protections to maintain the reliability of the installation and protect the safety of personnel, the grounding system serves to ensure a stable and safe power supply voltage. This study discusses the grounding system, namely grounding resistance (GR), and its relation to the grounding rod material and soil resistivity (SR). The writing of the paper used a qualitative descriptive method, the basic supporting material was carried out with a literature review and references to previous research. The assessment of the two components aims to produce a good grounding system with economical design and maintenance costs, it is stated that the grounding rod material and soil resistivity are important factors for the grounding installation system.
Analisis Ekonomi Pengoperasian Ketel Uap Bantu Laboratorium Permesinan Kapal Polimarin Dengan Variasi Bahan Bakar Susanto Santo; Okpina Rochadian; Fajar Pujiyanto
Jurnal Maritim Polimarin Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : PPPM Polimarin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52492/jmp.v9i1.97


Heat energy and steam pressure are very important properties in various life applications. The steam production process in a boiler can occur in a container or in a pipe. Fuel as a source of chemical energy for steam boilers can use solid, liquid or gas types. The use of solid fuel is relatively easier to use, by simply putting it into the fire kitchen. Use of gas as boiler fuel can use a gas burner as in a gas stove. The type of fuel oil used as boiler fuel is diesel oil. Diesel oil in order to be used as boiler fuel requires a burner as a fogger combined with compressed air. This study was conducted for the purpose of studying the performance of the boiler when operated from cold conditions to the maximum achievable pressure. Specifically, to determine the specific fuel consumption and the amount of fuel cost required. The experimental method was chosen for the study. Steam pressure and the amount of fuel required during combustion and steam production were the two parameters measured. There are 3 types of diesel oil grades that will be analysed in this study. Fuel type and quality affect the time required to reach maximum pressure. Bio diesel takes the longest time, dexlite takes a shorter time, and pertamina dex takes the shortest time. Total difference in fuel consumption for one operation of bio diesel oil, dexlite, and pertamina dex is 4.68, 4.38, and 4.19 litres respectively. The amount of cost required to pay for bio diesel oil, dexlite, and pertamina dex is Rp 31,824, Rp 62,415, and Rp 64,526 for one operation respectively. Fuel consumption for laboratories is recommended to use dexlite with better quality than bio diesel at a lower price than using Pertamina dex.
Pendekatan Logika Fuzzy untuk Pengontrolan Material Batu Bara dalam Jalur Conveyor Belt Fajar Pujiyanto; Santhi Wilastari; M. Aji Luhur Pambudi
JURNAL CRANKSHAFT Vol 6, No 3 (2023): Jurnal Crankshaft Vol.6 No.3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Muria Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24176/crankshaft.v6i3.11417


PLTU di Indonesia mayoritas digunakan steam boiler untuk memutarkan turbin generator, batu bara sebagai bahan bakar utama sistem pembakaran steam boiler. Proses transport batu bara dari dermaga (jetty) ke furnace boiler digunakan jalur conveyor belt tertutup. Debu halus batu bara mengandung gas CH4, CO, dan light fuel dalam zat terbang sesuai peringkat batubara. Debu dengan viscosity dibawah 50 g/m3, konsentrasi gas CH4, CO dan temperatur tinggi memicu terjadinya pembakaran sendiri (self combustion) hingga bahaya kebakaran. Penelitian ini dibahas tentang pengontrolan material batu bara dengan pendekatan logika fuzzy untuk menghindari bahaya self combustion. Metode penelitian deskripsi kualitatif dengan penyelesaian masalah skala laboratorium. Dasar keilmuan mengacu penelitian sebelumnya dan literatur review. Pendekatan logika fuzzy sebagai program tertanan di arduino board. Parameter input adalah konsentrasi CH4, CO, temperatur, dust viscosity dan water spray sebagai parameter output. Hasil penelitian dinyatakan bahwa faktor dominan self combustion adalah dust viscosity, konsentrasi gas CH4 dan CO. Coal dust viscosity berat dan dingin  mengurangkan konsentrasi flammable gas, sehingga  bahaya self combustion dapat dihindari.  Dust viscosity lebih dari 50g/m3 dan temperatur dibawah 60oC adalah kondisi aman dalam proses transport batu bara.