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PENGUJIAN AIR LINDI TPA SAMPAH KOTA PALANGKA RAYA SEBAGAI PUPUK ORGANIK CAIR PADA TANAMAN OKRA: Testing Of Leachate In Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Palangka Raya As Liquid Organic Fertilizer On Okra Plant Ruben Tinting Sirenden; Sulmin Gumiri; Bambang Supriono Lautt; Liswara Neneng
AgriPeat Vol. 23 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL AGRIPEAT
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36873/agp.v23i1.4464


Okra Plant (AbelmoschusesculentusL. Moench) is a type of vegetable that is in high demand in Indonesia. Okra Fruit is not only known as vegetable but also known as a functional food because it contains fiber and secondary metabolites in the form of phenolic compound and flavonoid which are antioxidants which are useful for health. Okra plants can grow in a variety of soil types. One type of soil that can be found in the city of PalangkaRaya is podzols. Podzols is less productive is poor in nutrients, low Ph and porous so is easy to lose moisture and nutrient, therefore, inputs are needed, including fertilization. Liquid Organic fertilizer is a type of fertilizer that is being developed nowadays. This study aims to examine the effect of giving liquid organic fertilizer leachate from Palangka Raya Landfill to okra plants on podzols. The study was conducted in a green house and was arranged according to completely randomized design with leachate treatment from landfill, namely L0 (without treatment), L1 (150 ml plant-1), L2 (300 ml plant-1) dan L3 (450 ml plant-1). All treatments were repeated 6 times so which there were 24 experimental units. The results showed the administration of 450 ml of leachate showed the highest growth and yield of okra compared to other treatment, with height to 103cm, number of leaves 31 pieces, dry weight of stoves 576.89 g, and fresh weight of fruit 159.98 g
Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Hutan dan Lahan Gambut yang Berkelanjutan Berbasis Kearifan Lokal dan Pengakuan Hak Kelola Masyarakat di Desa Kalumpang Kecamatan Mantangai Kabupaten Kapuas Ruben Tinting Sirenden; Yosefin Ari Silvianngsih; Maya Erliza Anggraeni; Eva Oktoberyani Christy
Diteksi : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Fakultas Teknik Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Diteksi, Vol. 1, No. 1, Mei 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Palangka Raya

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Kebakaran hutan dan lahan gambut terus meluas ke beberapa desa sekitar perkebunan kelapa sawit di eks PLG 1 juta hektar sejak Agustus 2015. Kebakaran terjadi di beberapa kabupaten termasuk Kabupaten Kapuas, Pulang Pisau, Palangka Raya dan Kabupaten Kotawiaringin Barat–Timur. Pada kebakaran tahun 2015, diupayakan pencegahan dan penanggulangan kebakaran yang terus meluas dari areal perkebunan kelapa sawit dan wilayah gambut kering yang memberi dampak bagi warga masyarakat di Kecamatan Mantangai, Kapuas Murung, Desa Tumbang Nusa, Kota Palangka Raya dan Kabupaten Barito Selatan. Desa Kalumpang merupakan salah satu desa rawan kebakaran hutan dan lahan gambut yang ada di wilayah Kabupaten Kapuas. Tujuan umum kegiatan ini adalah memperkuat partisipasi warga masyarakat dalam melakukan pencegahan, penanggulangan dan pemulihan ekosistem gambut paska kebakaran hutan dan lahan gambut serta untuk mengantisipasi kebakaran di tahun berikutnya, dan juga bertujuan memberikan pemahaman tentang pengelolaan sumberdaya hutan dan lahan gambut yang berkelanjutan berbasis kearifan local. Metode kegiatan yang digunakan yaitu: sosialisasi pengelolaan sumberdaya hutan dan lahan gambut yang berkelanjutan berbasis kearifan lokal dan pengakuan hak kelola masyarakat, pendampingan kegiatan pengelolaan sumberdaya hutan dan lahan gambut yang berkelanjutan serta evaluasi
Urban Gardening Pada Kawasan Hunian Barak Sebagai Upaya Penerapan Edukasi dan Ketahanan Pangan di Kelurahan Bukit Tunggal Amiany; Ruben Tinting Sirenden; Ave harysakti
Diteksi : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Fakultas Teknik Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Diteksi, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Palangka Raya

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Bukit Tunggal is one of the densely populated residential areas where there are many barracks, inhabited by many housewives of productive age between 30-46 years old with an average junior high school education who have a lot of free time. Housewives generally take care of the household with a junior high school education without adequate skills. After the pandemic, people tend to be more creative and can be creative to outsmart the existing situation, including in maintaining access to food. People are expected to have the awareness to do independent planting, at least to fulfil their own food needs. There are many ways to do independent planting, such as urban gardening, which is the concept of gardening on limited urban land, which is the right solution for community members, especially housewives, in helping to improve family food security. Therefore, it is necessary to provide knowledge and understanding training to partners so that they are able to master this urban gardening pattern including: (1) preparation, namely preparing training modules, basic knowledge of urban gardening and trials; (2) training implementation: potential vegetables, urban gardening planting methods and media, and direct practice to partners; (3) Partner assistance, and (4) evaluation. The results of vegetable crops that are usually grown include mustard greens, spinach, lettuce, kale, tomatoes and others.