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Optimasi K-Means Clustering Menggunakan Particle Swarm Optimization pada Sistem Identifikasi Tumbuhan Obat Berbasis Citra Franki Yusuf Bisilisin; Yeni Herdiyeni; Bib Paruhum Silalahi
Jurnal Ilmu Komputer & Agri-Informatika Vol. 3 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Komputer - IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1151.464 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jika.3.1.37-46


Teknologi identifikasi pada penelitian ini diperlukan untuk mempercepat proses identifikasi spesies tumbuhan obat berupa data citra digital. Penelitian ini membangun sistem identifikasi tumbuhan obat menggunakan teknik clustering. Teknik clustering digunakan untuk mengelompokkan data citra sesuai dengan spesies tumbuhan obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan optimasi k-means clustering menggunakan metode particle swarm optimization (PSO). Metode PSO digunakan untuk mengatasi kelemahan pada metode clustering tradisional yaitu pemilihan pusat cluster awal dan solusi lokal. Proses ekstraksi fitur menggunakan fuzzy local binary pattern (FLBP) untuk merepresentasikan tekstur dari citra. Implementasi program menggunakan bahasa pemrograman C++. Analisis clustering dilakukan untuk 30 spesies tumbuhan obat yang ada di Indonesia dengan jumlah 48 citra masing-masing spesies. Pengukuran kualitas clustering menggunakan nilai quantization error dan akurasi. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan metode PSO mampu meningkatkan kinerja dari metode k-means clustering dalam proses identifikasi tumbuhan obat.Kata kunci: fuzzy local binary pattern, k-means clustering, particle swarm optimization, tumbuhan obat
Estimasi Spektrum Reflectance Citra Daun Jati Belanda Menggunakan Transformasi Wavelet I Gede Arta Wibawa; Yeni Herdiyeni; Bib Paruhum Silalahi
Jurnal Ilmu Komputer & Agri-Informatika Vol. 4 No. 1 (2015)
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Komputer - IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (373.132 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jika.4.1.22-28


Jati belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia) adalah salah satu tanaman yang berkhasiat sebagai antioksidan karena pengaruh senyawa aktif yang terkandung di dalamnya. Cahaya pantulan (reflectance) dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui kualitas senyawa aktif pada daun jati belanda. Penelitian ini membahas tentang estimasi spektrum reflectance citra digital daun jati belanda menggunakan model reflectance daun tanaman obat dengan menerapkan transformasi wavelet. Bahan yang digunakan adalah daun tanaman obat dan daun jati belanda. Transformasi wavelet digunakan untuk merepresentasikan reflectance daun tanaman obat. Model polinomial diterapkan untuk mengekspansi ciri citra digital. Model reflectance terbaik dari penerapan transformasi wavelet dan model polinomial digunakan untuk mengestimasi reflectance dari daun jati belanda. Evaluasi spektrum reflectance asli dengan spektrum keluaran model estimasi reflectance menggunakan kriteria kesalahan terkecil dan kemiripan terbesar. Kata kunci: jati belanda, model polinomial, reflectance, wavelet
Jurnal MSA ( Matematika dan Statistika serta Aplikasinya) Vol 8 No 1 (2020): Volume 8 Nomor 1
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/msa.v8i1.12294


Metode konjugat gradien adalah salah satu metode yang efektif dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan optimasi tak-berkendala dan metode ini juga termasuk salah satu metode iteratif. Pada tulisan ini, peneliti mengusulkan metode konjugat gradien hibrid baru yaitu metode new hybrid 4 yang merupakan gabungan antara metode Hestenes dan Stiefel – Conjugate Descent, dimana metode tersebut diusulkan berdasarkan ide dari metode yang telah diusulkan sebelumnya yaitu metode Polak, Ribiѐre dan Polyak - Fletcher dan Reeves atau metode NH1, metode Hestenes dan Stiefel – Dai dan Yuan atau metode NH2 dan metode Liu dan Storey – Conjugate Descent (NH3). Peneliti mengusulkan metode tersebut dengan menggabungkan antara metode HS dan CD, dimana metode tersebut memiliki kekurangan masing-masing. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti membandingkan hasil numerik antara metode baru yaitu Metode HS-CD (NH4) dengan metode-metode sebelumnya serta membuktikan bahwa memenuhi sifat konvergen global dan memenuhi kondisi descent setiap iterasinya. Hasil numerik menunjukkan bahwa metode baru adalah sangat efisien dalam menyelesaikan fungsi nonlinear tak-berkendala. Metode tersebut juga terbukti memenuhi sifat konvergen global menggunakan kondisi Wolfe serta memenuhi kondisi descent di setiap iterasinya.
Parallel Technique for Medicinal Plant Identification System using Fuzzy Local Binary Pattern Ngakan Nyoman Kutha Krisnawijaya; Yeni Herdiyeni; Bib Paruhum Silalahi
Journal of ICT Research and Applications Vol. 11 No. 1 (2017)
Publisher : LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/itbj.ict.res.appl.2017.11.1.5


As biological image databases are growing rapidly, automated species identification based on digital data becomes of great interest for accelerating biodiversity assessment, research and monitoring. This research applied high performance computing (HPC) to a medicinal plant identification system. A parallel technique for medicinal plant image processing using Fuzzy Local Binary Pattern (FLBP) is proposed. The FLBP method extends the Local Binary Pattern (LBP) approach by employing fuzzy logic to represent texture images. The main goal of this research was to measure the efficiency of using the proposed parallel technique for medicinal plant image processing and evaluation in order to find out whether this approach is reasonable for handling large data sets. The parallel processing technique was designed in a message-sending model. 30 species of Indonesian medical plants were analyzed. Each species was represented by 48 leaf images. Performance evaluation was measured using the speed-up, efficiency, and isoefficiency of the parallel computing technique. Preliminary results show that HPC worked well in reducing the execution time of medical plant identification. In this work, parallel processing of training images was 7.64 times faster than with sequential processing, with efficiency values greater than 0.9. Parallel processing of testing images was 6.73 times faster than with sequential processing, with efficiency values over 0.9. The system was able to identify images with an accuracy of 68.89%.
Application of Recursive Algorithm on Shamir's Scheme Reconstruction for Cheating Detection and Identification Rafika Husnia Munfa'ati; Sugi Guritman; Bib Paruhum Silalahi
Jambura Journal of Mathematics Vol 4, No 1: January 2022
Publisher : Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1267.787 KB) | DOI: 10.34312/jjom.v4i1.12001


Information data protection is necessary to ward off and overcome various fraud attacks that may be encountered. A secret sharing scheme that implements cryptographic methods intends to maintain the security of confidential data by a group of trusted parties is the answer. In this paper, we choose the application of recursive algorithm on Shamir-based linear scheme as the primary method. In the secret reconstruction stage and since the beginning of the share distribution stage, these algorithms have been integrated by relying on a detection parameter to ensure that the secret value sought is valid. Although the obtained scheme will be much simpler because it utilizes the Vandermonde matrix structure, the security aspect of this scheme is not reduced. Indeed, it is supported by two detection parameters formulated from a recursive algorithm to detect cheating and identify the cheater(s). Therefore, this scheme is guaranteed to be unconditionally secure and has a high time efficiency (polynomial running time).
Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Determining Travelling Salesman Problem Solution and Its Comparison with Branch and Bound Method Bib Paruhum Silalahi; Farahdila Sahara; Farida Hanum; Hidayatul Mayyani
JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika) Vol 6, No 3 (2022): July
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jtam.v6i3.8481


Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a problem where a person must visit some places, starting from one city and then moving on to the next city with the conditions that the places visited can only be passed precisely once and then back to the starting city. TSP is an NP-hard, an important problem in operations research. TSP problems can be solved by an exact method or an approximation method, namely the metaheuristic method. This research aims to solve the TSP problem with an approximation method called the Simulated Annealing (SA), and then compare the results of this approximation method with the exact Branch and Bound method. The results indicated that the SA method could accomplish TSP problems. However, like other metaheuristic methods, SA only accomplishes it using an approach to get good results. Still, it cannot be determined that SA has the most optimal results, but the time needed by the SA method is faster than the Branch and Bound method. In case I, the percentage difference between the distance generated using the SA method with the B-and-B method is 0%, in case II it is 7% and in case III it is 8%.  
Modeling Singular Value Decomposition and K-Means of Core Image in Clasification of Potential Nickel Agung Prajuhana Putra; Agus Buono; Bib Paruhum Silalahi
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vol 13, No 3: March 2015
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

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Exploration is a main process in the nickel mining activities. One of the most important steps in exploration is obtain soil samples (cores) to determine the potential of nickel in the soil. Laboratory testing is a way to know how much the nickel content on the core. This research aims to utilize the core image of the statistical characteristics of color and texture, Biplot analysis using SVD, K-Means and identification using SVM method with RBF kernel and polynomial to determine the potential of nickel.DOI:
Similarity Measurement for Speaker Identification Using Frequency of Vector Pairs Inggih Permana; Agus Buono; Bib Paruhum Silalahi
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vol 12, No 8: August 2014
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v12.i8.pp6205-6210


Similarity measurement is an important part of speaker identification. This study has modified the similarity measurement technique performed in previous studies. Previous studies used the sum of the smallest distance between the input vectors and the codebook vectors of a particular speaker. In this study, the technique has been modified by selecting a particular speaker codebook which has the highest frequency of vector pairs. Vector pair in this case is the smallest distance between the input vector and the vector in the codebook. This study used Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) as feature extraction, Self Organizing Map (SOM) as codebook maker and Euclidean as a measure of distance. The experimental results showed that the similarity measuring techniques proposed can improve the accuracy of speaker identification. In the MFCC coefficients 13, 15 and 20 the average accuracy of identification respectively increased as much as 0.61%, 0.98% and 1.27%.
BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika dan Terapan Vol 16 No 3 (2022): BAREKENG: Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (440.926 KB) | DOI: 10.30598/barekengvol16iss3pp805-814


Cutting stock problem (CSP) is a problem of cutting an object into several smaller objects to fulfill the existing demand with a minimum unused object remaining. Besides minimizing the remaining of the object, sometimes there is another additional problem in CSP, namely minimizing the number of different cutting patterns. This happens because there is a setup cost for each pattern. This study shows a way to obtain a minimum number of different patterns in the cutting stock problem (CSP). An example problem is modeled in linear programming and then solved by a column generation algorithm using the Lingo 18.0 software.
Asymptotic Distribution of an Estimator for Variance Function of a Compound Periodic Poisson Process with Power Function Trend Muhammad Wiranadi Utama; I Wayan Mangku; Bib Paruhum Silalahi
JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika) Vol 6, No 4 (2022): October
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jtam.v6i4.10213


In this paper, an asymptotic distribution of the estimator for the variance function of a compound periodic Poisson process with power function trend is discussed. The periodic component of this intensity function is not assumed to have a certain parametric form, except it is a periodic function with known period. The slope of power function trend is assumed to be positive, but its value is unknown. The objectives of this research are to modify the existing variance function estimator and to determine its asymptotic distribution. This research begins by modifying the formulation of the variance function estimator. After the variance function is obtained, the research is continued by determining the asymptotic distribution of the variance function estimator of the compound periodic Poisson process with a power function trend. The first result is modification of existing estimator so that its asymptotic distribution can be determined. The main result is asymptotic normality of the estimator of variance function of a compound periodic Poisson process with power function trend.