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Journal of Management Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Journal of Management - Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/jom.v4i1.1357


Key to the success of an organization is the human resources (HR). The central role of human resourcesbecome the main driving force for the organization to respond to the various challenges faced. Someorganizations attempt a variety of ways to improve the quality of its human resources by using theinformation and communication technology development called Electronic Human Resource Management(EHRM). The purpose of this research is to analyze the application of EHRM conducted by PT. TelkomKupang region. Interviewees on this research was the head of SAS Asman, head of human resources andthe Supporting Business, JOM IT Witel, and several employees of PT Telkom Kupang region. Theapproach used in this study is a qualitative descriptive study which aims to give you an idea that becamethe focus of attention of this research. The results of this research show the application of EHRM by PTTelkom Kupang region NTT brings changes and progress in working, improves employees skills, ultimatelyimproves the quality of work and quality of service.Keywords: Human Resources, The Electronic Human Resource Management
Journal of Management Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Vol 14 No 2 (2021): Journal of Management - Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's)
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/jom.v14i2.4784


One of the impacts caused by the Covid-19 pandemic is the limited interaction of the community in various activities, including business activities, causing Indonesia to experience a 0.1% decline in economic growth in 2020, and more than 50% of Small and Medium Enterprises have become victims. However, the limited interaction in business activities is not a major problem for the millennial generation. They have sufficient skills and knowledge in utilizing technology to carry out their business activities. The method used today is marketing through digital content which is known as digital content marketing. Many business people have started to switch to modern marketing based on digital technology because it is considered more effective and can be done in various situations and conditions, including during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to examine the role of digital content marketing towards the efforts made by millennial entrepreneurs in Kupang City during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative in order to obtain data and facts related to the research problem directly. Through the results and discussion, it was concluded that digital content marketing plays an important role in creating cost-effective promotions, increasing sales, communication media and effective and up to date marketing information. Digital content marketing plays a role in building brand awareness and consumer loyalty, being a means of developing creativity and knowledge of business actors in utilizing technology for business, and creating competitive advantages for millennial entrepreneurs in Kupang City. Keywords: Digital Content Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Millennial Generation
Increasing Rural Household Income through Human Resources Empowerment and Capacity Building to Overcome Stunting Marianus S. Neno; Irience R.A. Manongga; Klaasvakumok J. Kamuri; Dominikus Kopong T. Aman; Marylin E.S. Nenohai
Interdisciplinary Social Studies Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Regular Issue
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55324/iss.v2i4.417


ackground: Low levels of education and livelihoods have an impact on household income/income. In general, the biggest expenditure of households with low incomes is for food needs, which if viewed further, is mostly on staple food so that there is an imbalance in household consumption which is eventually alleged to be the cause of malnutrition, especially in children. Aim: This study aims to determine strategies for increasing rural household income through empowerment and capacity building of household human resources as an effort to overcome stunting. Method: This is a case study with a qualitative approach. It attempts to capture reality as holistic, complex, dynamic, meaningful and the relationship is interactive/reciprocal. The types of data used in this study are quantitative data types and qualitative data types of required data sources, namely primary data and secondary data. The data needed were collected by means of in-depth interviews, observations, documentation. Findings: The government seeks to overcome stunting in Kupang, TTS and Manggarai Regencies by empowering the community through several stages such as the first stage, namely making the community aware of the importance of increasing self-capacity, in the second stage, namely the transformation stage, opening people's insights in the form of basic knowledge and skills about the role taken in development in the household and in the community. The last or third stage is the improvement of intellectual abilities ranging from skills to skills that can form initiatives and innovation so that it can usher in a pattern of independence.
Management of Improving Household Economic Structure to Overcome Stunting Klaasvakumok J. Kamuri; Dominikus Kopong T. Aman; Marianus S. Neno; Irience R.A. Manongga; Marylin E.S. Nenohai
Interdisciplinary Social Studies Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Regular Issue
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55324/iss.v2i4.419


Background: The increase in stunting continues to occur in this world, including in Indonesia. the need for the cooperation of various interests to reduce stunting interventions. Various studies have shown that stunting is a lack of nutrition caused by a low household economic structure. Aim: This study aims to determine the management of improving household economic structure as an effort to overcome stunting with case studies conducted on stunted households in Kupang Regency, TTS Regency, and Manggarai Regency. Method: This study uses a qualitative method. Data obtained through documentation techniques. Findings: The results of this study indicate that the management of increasing the household economic structure must be carried out jointly and cannot be carried out by only one sector. Based on several studies, the cause of stunting is a lack of nutrition. Malnutrition is caused by a lack of household welfare, and household economic welfare is caused by low education. So that the main source is education which is still low. Thus, the management of improving the household economic structure needs to start with improving education in Kupang, TTS, and Manggarai districts.
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 7, No 2 (2023): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v7i2.15038


ABSTRAKKegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini berjudul “Pelatihan Kewirausahaan dan Digital Marketing bagi pemuda Noelbaki Kabupaten Kupang”, yang dilakukan dengan melibatkan mitra utama yaitu para pemuda di Desa Noelbaki. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan kewirausahaan dan digital marketing, agar para pemuda mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang kegiatan wirausaha dan memanfaatkan teknologi digital dalam mengembangkan kegiatan wirausaha mereka. Penggunaan metode dalam kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah ceramah, diskusi, pelatihan dan pendampingan bagi mitra dengan target luaran yang ingin dicapai adalah mitra dapat memiliki pemahaman dan pengetahuan tentang kewirausahaan dan bagaimana mereka dapat menggunakan teknologi digital dalam berwirausaha. Hal ini dikarenakan, para pemuda di Desa Noelbaki sebagian besar adalah mereka yang sudah melek teknologi namun pemanfaataannya masih bersifat sebatas untuk hiburan, main game online, dan sosial media. Padahal jika mereka dapat memanfaatkan teknologi ini secara maksimal maka dapat menjadi sebagai sumber pendapatan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini langsung direspon oleh pemuda yang hadir dengan membuat rencana usaha dengan memanfaatkan sumberdaya yang ada di sekitar mereka. Mereka juga memilih sosial media sebagai salah satu media digital marketing sebagai media promosi usaha mereka. Kata Kunci: pemuda; kewirausahaan; pemasaran digital; teknologi; noelbaki ABSTRACTThe title of the Community Service Activity (PKM) is "Entrepreneurship and Digital Marketing Training for youth in Noelbaki village, in Kupang Regency". This activity aims to provide a training of entrepreneurship and digital marketing for young people in Noelbaki village so they can have knowledge about entrepreneurial and how to utilize digital technology to help them in developing their entrepreneurial activities. The method used in this community service activity was lectures, discussions, training and mentoring for partners. The output target of this PKM is that the young people in Noelbaki can have understanding and knowledge about entrepreneurship and how they can use digital technology in entrepreneurship. This is because, most of the youth in Noelbaki Village are those who are already literate in technology but their use is still limited to entertainment, playing online games, and social media. Even if they can take full advantage of this technology, it can become a source of income. The results of this activity were immediately responded to by the youth who attended by making a business plan by utilizing the resources around them. They also choose social media as one of the digital marketing media as a medium for promoting their business. keywords: youth; entreprenuer; digital marketing; technology; noelbaki
The Role Of Digital Marketing Content Tools In Building Public Trust In Kupang City To Online Shopping Klaasvakumok Jehezkielomi Kamuri; Andrias Umbu Tuku Anabuni; Yonas Ferdinand Riwu; Irience Rachel Agatha Manongga
Journal of Tourism Economics and Policy Vol. 3 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Tourism Economics and Policy (July - September 2023)-In Press
Publisher : PT Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/jtep.v3i3.769


To build consumer trust through online sales, business people can utilize digital marketing content tools, which are a determining factor in building consumer trust. This research aims to describe how the role of digital marketing content tools builds trust in a person to do online shopping. The object of this research is the people of Kupang City who are active in doing online shopping activities, which are studied using qualitative descriptive methods. The results show that in creating consumer trust for online shopping, social media acts as a facilitator through the right aspects, namely, relationship, communication, content, and connection. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) acts as a credible information center because it is able to map the profile of marketers and their products based on other users' experiences and ratings of marketers' reputation, product quality, and service quality. Pay Per Click (PPC) acts as executive sales and video marketing through its visualization power, acting as a source of information as well as an effective teaching tool to illustrate how the product should be used.
Stunting Reduction: TTS District Community Empowerment Based on Local Wisdom Yonas Ferdinand Riwu; Irience R. A. Manongga; Klassvakumok J. B. Kamuri; Anderias U. T. Anabuni
ABDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024): ABDIMAS UMTAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35568/abdimas.v7i1.4446


Stunting has become a serious problem today. Data shows that East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province first ranks in stunting nationally. Based on the 2021 Indonesian Nutritional Status Study (SSGI), 15 districts in NTT are categorized as red (stunting prevalence >30%). South Middle East (TTS) and North Middle East (TTU) districts have a prevalence of >46%. This study aims to discuss the model of community empowerment in dealing with stunting which has become a serious problem today in South Middle East District (TTS). The method used is direct education (a method that involves delivering information and knowledge directly to individuals or groups). The results show that community empowerment to reduce stunting is a collective work between pentahelix elements, community empowerment programs in Haumenbaki Village rely on the strength of local wisdom, namely manonop (cooperation) and three important actors of community empowerment elements in Haumenbaki Village, namely the community, village government, and external institutions (agencies, universities, NGOs, and the media).
Financial Bookkeeping for Inmates of Class II B Women's Prison in Kupang Reyner Makatita; Apriana Fanggidae; Klaasvakumok Jehezkielomi Kamuri
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 5 No 1 (2024): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Asia Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32815/jpm.v5i1.1924


Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to provide knowledge about simple financial bookkeeping, enhance the skills of inmates in financial bookkeeping, understand effective financial management strategies, and encourage active participation of inmates in entrepreneurship upon their release. Method: The team determined the methods used in this activity, which are workshops, case studies, and practical exercises. Practical Applications: The outcomes of this activity include active participation of participants, indicating their interest and motivation to learn and enhance their knowledge in financial bookkeeping. Participants experience an increased understanding of financial management, especially in financial bookkeeping. They also develop improved practical skills in financial management, particularly in financial bookkeeping. Conclusion: This training has long-term impacts on participants. These impacts include increased financial independence, a change in perspective towards financial management, improved job skills, motivation to develop businesses after release, and minimizing the risk of reoffending.
E-Amal: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2: Mei 2023
Publisher : LP2M STP Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47492/eamal.v3i2.2573


NTT merupakan provinsi dengan prevalensi stunting tertinggi di Indonesia pada tahun 2021, dan Kabupaten TTS dengan prevalensi sebesar yakni 37,8%. Salah satu penyebab adalah pola konsumsi makanan bergizi yang belum memadai. Pemanfaatan pangan lokal di TTS untuk tujuan konsumsi menjadi makanan yang diminati belum banyak dilakukan. Pengolahan pangan lokal di tingkat rumah tangga belum berkembang dengan baik, dan masyarakat belum memiliki pemahaman yang baik terkait pengolahan pangan lokal untuk meningkatkan nilai gizi. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam mempersiapkan makanan bergizi menggunakan bahan pangan local serta memperkuat pemanfaatan sumber daya lokal kepada ibu rumah tangga yang memiliki balita stunting denga metode lokakarya, pelatihan dan pendampingan teritegrasi pada keluarga / rumahtangga sasaran. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah meningkatnya pengetahuan baru kepada ibu rumah tangga sasaran mengenai bahan pangan lokal yang bergizi sert cara pengolahannya, memberi pemahaman baru dan perubahan mainset kepada rumah tangga sasaran potensi bahan pangan lokal yang ada di Kabupaten TTS sehingga dapat meningkatkan ketahanan keluarga. Selain itu kegiatan ini dapat menjadi model yang bisa diadopsi oleh pemerintah Kabupaten TTS sebagai upaya penanggulangan stunting.