Ahmad Dimyati
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

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SUPERMAT : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Supermat : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33627/sm.v4i1.339


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji dan membandingkan perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematis antara siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran Model Search, Solve, Create, and Share (SSCS) dengan metode hypnoteaching dengan pembelajaran konvensional, Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian kelompok kontrol non-ekuivalen yang terdiri dari kelas eksperimen yang memperoleh pembelajaran Model SSCS dengan metode hypnoteaching dan kelas kontrol yang memperoleh pembelajaran konvensional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa MTs Negeri di kabupaten Tangerang dengan sampel penelitian siswa kelas VIII di salah satu MTs Negeri di kabupaten Tangerang. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data pada penelitian ini terdiri dari instrumen tes kemampuan komunikasi matematis dan lembar observasi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan uji perbedaan rataan yaitu Uji-t dan Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran Model SSCS dengan metode hypnoteaching lebih baik daripada siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran konvensional.
Analysis of Content Validity on Mathematical Computational Thinking Skill Test for Junior High School Student Using Aiken Method Yusriyyah Febriani Putri; Kadir Kadir; Ahmad Dimyati
Hipotenusa : Journal of Mathematical Society Vol 4, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Program Studi Tadris Matematika IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/hipotenusa.v4i2.7465


Computational thinking skills are a relevant approach to future problem-solving. Therefore, these skills need to be integrated into mathematics learning in schools. This research is part of developing mathematical computational thinking skill tests for junior high school students. In this segment, the study aims to analyze the content validity of the mathematical computational thinking skill test. The main stages in this research are define, design, and develop. Expert validation data were collected using Google Form sheets. The analysis technique used is the content validity technique with the V Aiken method.  The results of the study revealed that the results of content validation through the assessment of 7 experts, developed a test specification containing 20 items that measure mathematical computational thinking skills with a coefficient (V) in the interval (0.770 – 0.920) with an average of 0.866 or very good category. The test instrument is valid for measuring decomposition indicators, pattern recognition, abstraction, algorithmic thinking, and evaluation indicators. Each indicator is measured by 4 items with a coefficient of V decomposition indicator of 0.868, pattern recognition 0.883, abstraction 0.865, algorithmic thinking 0.833, and evaluation 0.883. The study concludes that the indicators of decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, algorithmic thinking, and evaluation indicators are valid in measuring mathematical computational thinking skills.
ALGORITMA: Journal of Mathematics Education Vol 4, No 2 (2022): ALGORITMA Journal Of Mathematics Education
Publisher : Faculty of Educational sciences, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/ajme.v4i2.29392


The purpose of this research is to develop students' self-determination instruments in learning mathematics. This research is development research with the stages of of define, design, and develop. The research was conducted at a high school in South Tangerang in the 2021/2022 Academic Year involving 368 class XI students as respondents. Data analysis techniques use theoretical validation and empirical validation. Theoretical validation was through expert panelist assessment using the Aiken's V method, while empirical validation was using confirmatory factor analysis techniques. The results of the study revealed: (1) Theoretical validation, obtained 20 valid items with Aiken's V (0.75 - 1.00), p-value <0.05. Empirical validation, obtained 13 out of 20 items declared valid (t-count> 1.96). Reliability is classified as good with Cronbach's Alpha of 0.685, with construct reliability (CR) indicators of autonomy (CR = 0.330), competence (CR = 0.247), and relatedness (CR = 0.714). The self-determination construct model fits the empirical data, with an instrument readability percentage of 95% or very good. (2) Overall self-determination of students in learning mathematics is in the high category (76.23%), consisting of 71.78% autonomous indicators, 73.56% competence, and 81.58% relatedness. There are differences in students' self-determination in learning mathematics in terms of gender, school, major, origin of junior high school, and mother's level of education. The conclusion of this study is that the indicators of autonomy, competence, and relatedness are valid and consistent in measuring students' self-determination in learning mathematics.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan instrumen determinasi diri siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan tahapan pendefinisian, perancangan, dan pengembangan. Penelitian dilakukan di suatu sekolah menengah atas di Tangerang Selatan pada Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022 dengan melibatkan 368 siswa kelas XI sebagai responden. Teknik analisis data menggunakan validasi teoretis dan validasi empiris. Validasi teoretis melalui penilaian panelis ahli dengan metode Aiken’s V, sedangkan validasi empiris menggunakan teknik analisis faktor konfirmatori. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan: (1) Validasi  teoretis, diperoleh 20 butir valid dengan Aiken’s V (0,75 – 1,00), p-value < 0,05. Validasi empiris, diperoleh 13 butir dari 20 butir dinyatakan valid (t-hitung > 1,96). Reliabilitas tergolong baik dengan Cronbach's Alpha sebesar 0,685, dengan construct reliabilty (CR) indikator otonomi (CR = 0,330), kompetensi (CR = 0,247), dan keterkaitan (CR = 0,714). Model konstruk determinasi diri cocok (fit) dengan data empiris, dengan persentase keterbacaan instrumen sebesar 95% atau sangat baik. (2) Secara keseluruhan determinasi diri siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika berada dalam kategori tinggi (76,23%), terdiri dari indikator otonom 71,78%, kompetensi 73,56%, dan keterkaitan 81,58%. Terdapat perbedaan determinasi diri siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika ditinjau dari jenis kelamin, sekolah, jurusan, asal SLTP, dan tingkat pendidikan Ibu. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah bahwa indikator otonomi, kompetensi, dan keterkaitan valid dan konsisten mengukur determinasi diri siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika.  
AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Vol 12, No 1 (2023)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (971.043 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/ajpm.v12i1.6444


Penelitian R&D (Research and Develompment) ini dilatarbelakangi oleh belum optimalnya proses pembelajaran daring pada mata kuliah aplikasi matematika komputer, yaitu terbatasnya media pembelajaran yang menarik, perangkat laptop tidak mendukung aplikasi, dan sinyal internet yang tidak stabil. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengembangkan media video motion graphic yang valid dan praktis. Pengembangan produk menggunakan model ADDIE, yang memiliki lima tahapan: Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, dan Evaluate. Penelitian dilakukan di jurusan Pendidikan Matematika UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta dengan subjek penelitian adalah 3 ahli materi, 3 ahli media, dan 84 mahasiswa. Teknik angket digunakan untuk memperoleh data berupa angket validasi ahli dan validasi pengguna. Berdasarkan validasi ahli media dan ahli materi, diperoleh hasil penelitian bahwa media motion graphic yang dihasilkan memenuhi kriteria kelayakan. Pada hasil uji coba terbatas diperoleh kategori sangat layak dengan persentase sebesar 80,22% serta hasil uji coba lapangan diperoleh kategori respon positif mahasiswa sangat layak dengan persentase sebesar 80,03%. Oleh karena itu, produk akhir media motion graphic memenuhi kategori valid dan praktis untuk diterapkan dalam perkuliahan aplikasi matematika komputer.This R&D research (Research and Development) was motivated by the less than optimal online learning experience in computer mathematics application courses, namely the lack of interesting learning resources, the incapability of laptops to run applications, and the unstable internet signals. This research is intended to develop valid and practical motion graphic video media. Product development uses the ADDIE model, which has five stages: Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. The research was conducted in the Department of Mathematics Education at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta with 3 subject matter experts, 3 media experts, and 84 students as subjects. Questionnaire techniques are used to obtain data in the form of expert validation questionnaires and user validation. Based on the validation of media experts and material experts, it was found that the resulting motion graphic media met the eligibility criteria. In the limited trial results, the very feasible category was obtained with a percentage of 80.22%, and the field trial results were obtained in the very feasible category of positive student responses with a percentage of 80.03%. Therefore, the final product of motion graphic media meets the valid and practical criteria to be applied in lectures on computer mathematics applications.