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Journal : Lontar : Journal of Community Health

Knowledge and Attitude of Adolescents about Unwanted Pregnancy in SMA Negeri 8 Kupang Dewa Ayu Ratna Ningrum; Masrida Sinaga; Amelya Sir
Lontar : Journal of Community Health Vol 4 No 3 (2022): September 2022
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/ljch.v4i3.4892


Unwanted pregnancy in adolescents is related to reproductive health behavior, including knowledge, attitudes, and actions. Knowledge will produce positive or negative attitudes, and from these attitudes, individuals will apply them in the form of actions, including sexual behavior. This study described adolescent knowledge and attitudes about unwanted pregnancy. The research method used in this study was descriptive with a quantitative approach. The study was conducted at SMA Negeri 8 in March-April 2021. Teenage girls in grades X and XI of SMAN 8 Kupang were used in this study totaling 323 people. The sample used was 179 people taken by a simple random sampling technique and the Slovin formula. Data was collected using an online questionnaire. The results showed that most respondents had good knowledge about unwanted pregnancy and had a positive attitude towards unwanted pregnancy. Schools should be more selective in receiving and providing information on sexual behavior before marriage and unhealthy dating relationships for students. At the same time, the Kupang City Education Department suggested launching a new policy related to reproductive health education for adolescents. Keywords: adolescent, attitude, knowledge, unwanted pregnancy
Description of the Personal Hygiene of Women Adolescent in the At-Tin Orphanage Kurnia Sari Hayon; Deviarbi Sakke Tira; Amelya Sir
Lontar : Journal of Community Health Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Maret 2023
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/ljch.v5i1.6143


The transition period from childhood to adulthood marked by accelerated physical, mental, emotional, and social development in a dynamic phase of growth and development in life is the understanding of adolescence. Adolescence is the age of puberty, so it is related to reproductive health. Health problems due to insufficient knowledge about personal hygiene in the reproductive organs are reproductive health problems, such as cervical cancer, vaginal discharge, genital skin irritation, allergies, and urinary tract infections. This study aims to describe personal hygiene in adolescents at the At-Tin Orphanage, Kupang City, in 2021. This type of research is quantitative, using a descriptive method. The population in this study amounted to respondents using total sampling. Analysis of the data used in this study is descriptive statistics. Data was collected using observation sheets and questionnaire sheets. The results showed that adolescents' knowledge about personal hygiene was good (62.2%), adolescent attitudes about personal hygiene were negative (86.7%), adolescent behavior about personal hygiene was good (73.3%), and facilities and infrastructure regarding personal hygiene were available (100%). The caretakers at the At-Tin orphanage need to carry out routine supervision to check or supervise the cleanliness of the rooms and personal hygiene of respondents so that young women can maintain the cleanliness of their rooms and themselves properly to avoid various diseases.