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Formica Online Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Formica Online
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Biologi FPMIPA UPI

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Research on the effect of Aloe vera (Aloe vera) leaf gel macerate on blood cholesterol level of hyperglicemic mice (Mus musculus) has done. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of giving the Aloe vera (Aloe vera) leaf gel macerate on blood cholesterol level, so this research can be used for the basic information to develop an anti-hyperlipidemia drug by Aloe vera and this research also analyze effect the different dose of Aloe vera leaf gel macerate on blood cholesterol level in mice. An hyperglicemic condition was induced by giving 0,65 ml/100g BW alloxan to the mice intrevenaly. Complete Random Draft (CRD) with five repeatitions and four treatment (positive control hyperglicemic by alloxan induced without giving an Aloe vera macerate, a hyperglicemic mice give a dose Aloe vera 0,70; 1,05; 1,40ml/100g BW/day) used in this study.Four months old male mice were subjected to the Aloe vera leaf gel macerate by gavage for 30 days after 30 days acclimatization. On day 31 mice’s blood colected by injured the tail, and 1,5 µl blood sample was measured by Cholesterol-meter to get a concentration of cholesterol in mice’s blood. The results, show all ofAloe vera leaf gel macerate doses significantly lowering the concentration of blood cholesterol level. The  most effective dose was Aloe vera 1,05 ml/100g BW/day which get the best decrease concentration on blood cholesterol level (164,6±28,5 mg/dl) in hyperglicemic mice. Aloe vera macerate can decrease blood cholesterol level because it contain the active substance such as flavonoid, fiber, unsaturated fatty acid and Vitamin A,B E. Based on these results we can conclude that the Aloe vera leaf gel macerate can be used to decrease concentration of blood cholesterol level in hyperglicemic mice.But then in the aplication of Aloe vera macerat as antihypercholesterolemic the dose and time should be pay attention more because in the long term use with high dose, Aloe vera macerate can cause a contra affect such a hypocholestrolemia.  Keywords: Aloe vera, Cholesterol, hyperglicemia, mice (Mus musculus), Alloxan
PENGARUH JUS DAUN JATI BELANDA (Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk.)TERHADAP BERAT DAN HISTOLOGI GINJAL MENCIT (Mus musculus L.) GALUR SWISS WEBSTER Andalusia, Messa; Soesilawati, Soesy Asiah; Shintawati, Rita
Formica Online Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Formica Online
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Biologi FPMIPA UPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai pengaruh jus daun Jati Belanda terhadap berat dan histologi ginjal mencit. Penelitian eksperimen ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan empat kali pengulangan dan enam dosis perlakuan (0,00 g/BB/hari; 0,05 g/BB/hari; 0,10 g/BB/hari; 0,15 g/BB/hari; 0,20 g/BB/hari; 0,25 g/BB/hari) digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Mencit jantan usia empat bulan diberi perlakuan jus daun Jati Belanda dengan cara gavage selama 14 hari. Pada hari ke-15 mencit dimatikan dengan cara dislokasi leher kemudian dibedah dan ginjalnya diambil untuk kemudian ditimbang dan dibuat preparat histologinya. Pembuatan preparat dilakukan dengan metode parafin dengan pewarnaan Hematoxylin Erlich-Eosin untuk melihat struktur jaringan ginjal. Analisis data dilakukan baik secara kualitatif maupun kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian jus daun Jati Belanda mulai dosis 0,10 g/BB/hari hingga 0,25 g/BB/hari secara signifikan meningkatkan berat ginjal. Pengaruh jus jati belanda terhadap berat ginjal yaitu sebesar 86%. Rata-rata berat ginjal mencit semakin meningkat seiring dengan semakin tingginya dosis jus daun Jati Belanda yang diberikan. Adapun rata-rata diameter tubulus, diameter lumen, serta ketebalan sel epitel semakin meningkat seiring dengan semakin berat ukuran ginjal. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa  penggunaan jus daun Jati Belanda dalam rentang dosis antara 0,10 g/BB/hari hingga 0,25 g/BB/hari aman dikonsumsi bagi tubuh dalam jangka waktu singkat. Kata kunci : Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk., tubulus, lumen, Mus musculus L.