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Pendidikan mengenai kesetaraan gender dan anti kekerasan dalam rumah tangga Erna Dyah Kusumawati; Sasmini Sasmini; Adriana Grahani Firdausy
Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat (JIPEMAS) Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat (JIPEMAS)
Publisher : University of Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jipemas.v4i1.9048


The number of victims of domestic violence in Indonesia is still considerably high. The aims of this community service are threefold. The first aim is to share knowledge with the community. Second is to increase the community’s legal awareness of the issue, and the third aim is to perform one task of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Such sharing knowledge is deemed to be beneficial both for the community and the university. This community service employed both lecturing and interactive discussion methods. Lecturing was used to deliver the materials, and discussion was used to further explore topics relating to the issues. These methods enable society’s acceptance and understanding. Prior to this activity, most participants did not comprehend the meaning of gender equality and its significant influence on family life. The participants informed that some forms of domestic violence occur in the neighbourhood. Previously, they were of the opinion that such incidents were families’ private matters. They neither have rights nor obligations to interfere. As community members, they have an obligation to prevent such incidents from happening and could also assist in protecting the victims by informing the police or local institutions established for prevention and handling domestic violence
Libarian Competence Development in Supporting Scientific Publication Guidance Services at Library of Sebelas Maret University Dian Hapsari; Adriana Grahani Firdausy; Haryanto Haryanto
Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 7 No 2 (2023): Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33487/edumaspul.v7i2.6688


The aim of this research is to analyze the development of librarian competencies related to scientific publication guidance services. This research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach, data analysis using Miles and Huberman. Respondents totaled 30 people, consisting of lecturers, students, and librarians. The data collection instruments used in this research were observation, interviews and documentation. The results of research on the concept of librarian competency development related to scientific publications. The research outcome is to find a model for developing librarian competency in supporting scientific publication guidance services at the Sebelas Maret University Library.
Peran Pemerintah Daerah Dalam Pelaksanaan Kabupaten Magetan Layak Anak Vina Tatyana Lianto; Adriana Grahani Firdausy; Maria Madalina
Aliansi: Jurnal Hukum, Pendidikan dan Sosial Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 4 (2024): July : Aliansi: Jurnal Hukum, Pendidikan dan Sosial Humaniora
Publisher : Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Hukum Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62383/aliansi.v1i4.286


This research aims to determine the implementation of a Child Friendly District (KLA) in Magetan Regency. The implementation of the role of the Magetan Regency Government is to implement and carry out policies in implementing and developing a Child-Friendly Magetan Regency and knowing what factors are obstacles and drivers of the regional government's role in implementing a Child-Friendly Regency in Magetan Regency. This research was conducted using empirical or non-doctrinal law using primary data in the form of interviews with regional officials of Magetan Regency as well as the results of field observations conducted in Magetan Regency. Secondary data used in this research are legal materials in the form of articles, journals and other legal literature related to the research being discussed. The role of regional government in implementing KLA is an implementation of obligations that have been regulated in Government Regulation Number 12 of 2022 concerning the Implementation of Child Friendly Districts/Cities, and in its implementation the role of regional government is regulated directly in the policies governing Magetan Regency, this is specifically regulated in Magetan Regency Regional Regulation Number 1 of 20222 concerning the Implementation of a Child Friendly Regency.