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Eklektik : Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Eklektik
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (353.917 KB) | DOI: 10.24014/ekl.v3i1.10095


This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurship training and entrepreneurial motivation on entrepreneurial interest in the village of Teluk Latak Bengkalis. This research is used for the process of monitoring and evaluation for the Bengkalis State Polytechnic community service team in the future to formulate a better program in increasing the interest of entrepreneurs in the target community groups. This type of research is explanatory research or explanatory research using hypothesis testing using quantitative approaches. The sample in this study was the community group of Teluk Latak Village, Bengkalis District, Bengkalis Regency, amounting to 35 people. The data analysis method used is multiple linear regression. The partial t-test results on the entrepreneurship training variable have Sig. (0.013 and t-test 2,645). Partial t-test results on entrepreneurial motivation variables have Sig. (0.016 and t-count 2,556). Multiple linear regression summary output models have a coefficient of determination of R Square of 39.9%. It can be concluded that entrepreneurship training and entrepreneurial motivation can increase interest in entrepreneurship
Inovbiz: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis Vol 6, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (879.241 KB) | DOI: 10.35314/inovbiz.v6i1.379


PT. Bank Tabungan Negara Syariah Pekanbaru Branch is one of the institutions operating in sharia principles. In practice, PT. Bank Tabungan Negara Syariah Pekanbaru Branch distributes various products to the community with various contracts (Aqad)in accordance with what is needed by its customers. One of the funding products offered is mudharabah deposits accaount using aqad mudharabah. This research was conducted at PT. Bank Tabungan Negara Syariah Pekanbaru Branch which is located at Jl. Tuanku Tambusai Block A. No. 10-11 Labuh Baru Timur Payung Sekaki. The purpose of this study is to find out about the application of accounting conducted by this bank, the authors want to know whether it has been implemented in accordance with the PSAK No. 105 standard. In this study, the author uses descriptive method in which the authors obtain data from interviews and documentation directly from the bank. The results showed that the application of mudharabah deposit accounting at PT. Bank Tabungan Negara Syariah Pekanbaru Branch using Cash Basis method is a method of comparison between income and expenses where income is reported when the money has been received and expenses are reported when the money has been paid. While profit sharing to customers using Revenue Sharing principle where rates (Nisbah) for deposit accaount products is greater for customers than for the banks. With a ratio of 44% for customers as owners of funds and 56% for the bank as a fund manager.
STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) PENERIMAAN TAMU (Studi Kasus Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis) M Hamidi; Wan Junita Raflah
Inovbiz: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (447.819 KB) | DOI: 10.35314/inovbiz.v6i2.863


This research aims to design and create a Standard Operating Procedure SOP or reception at checkpoints guards of State Polytechnic. The method used is descriptive qualitative, method of data collection in the form of observation, the study of the literature and interviews. The results of this research is the SOP or Standard Operating Procedure reception at State Polytechnic Bengkalis which can be used by default.  SOP type created is formats technical an form of format combinations.
Penggunaan Analisis SWOT dalam Mengembangkan Po-tensi Usaha Dodol Nenas Kelompok Tani Tunas Makmur Sungai Pakning Wan Junita Raflah
Inovbiz: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35314/inovbiz.v9i1.1641


This study aims to find out potential development strategy of pineapple dodol business of Tunas Makmur farmer grpup in sungai Pakning using SWOT analysis. This study was conducted in Kampung Jawa Sungai Pakning using primary and secondary data in which primary data was collected through interviews, observations and literature review. The result of this study found that the strategy for developing the pineapple dodol business in Tunas Makmur Sungai Pakning is to implement an aggressive strategy by increasing the amount of pineapple production, maintain the good quality product, Product innovation, penetrate foreign markets, Increase partnerships, especially in the fields of marketing, technology and capital.
The Application of a Cost Plus Pricing Method in Determining the Selling Price of Dried Lomek Products (Case Study at Bumdes Kuala Alam) Siti Nurhaliza; Wan Junita Raflah
Inovbiz: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis Seri Manajemen, Investasi dan Kewirausahaan Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Edisi Juni 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (384.534 KB) | DOI: 10.35314/inovbizmik.v2i1.2483


The determination of the selling price will affect the level of consumer purchasing power, specifically, if the price offered is too high, it will have an impact on the decline in consumer purchasing power. As a result, the product willbe unable to compete in the market and vice versa. Even though the products offered at low prices can compete in the market, the profit achieved by the company will not be maximized. This study aims to determine the selling price of dried lomek products at BUMDes Kuala Alam, as well as the selling price of dried lomek products using the cost plus pricing method. This study uses a quantitative descriptive research method by collecting data from BUMDes Kuala Alam, observing the data and displaying the results in the tables described. This study obtained the results that there are differences in determining the selling price of dried lomek between the methods used by BUMDes and the Cost Plus Pricing method. The difference in the inclusion of variable factory overhead costs and fixed factory overhead costs. The method of determining the selling price of Cost Plus Pricing is able to determine the selling price that is able to compete. Because the selling price is below the market selling price range for 100 Kg is Rp. 13,700/pcs and the selling price of 1000 Kg is Rp. 8,000/pcs. Keywords: Pricing Strategy, Selling Price, Cost Plus Pricing Method.
The Influence of Brand Image, Brand Ambassador and Price on Purchasing Decisions for Scarlett Whitening Product in Riau Elli Safika; Wan Junita Raflah
Inovbiz: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis Seri Manajemen, Investasi dan Kewirausahaan Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Edisi Juni 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (339.514 KB) | DOI: 10.35314/inovbizmik.v1i1.1876


This research aims to determine the influence and how much the influence of brand image, brand ambassador, and price on purchasing decisions for Scarlett Whitening Products in Riau partially and simultaneously. This research used quantitative methods. Data collection technique used online questionnaires and literature study with a sample of 97 people. The value of each independent variable is 2,888 for brand image; 2,135 for brand ambassador and 5,708 for price, meanwhile the value of t table is 1.986 that’s mean the brand image, brand ambassador, and price has significant and positive influence on purchasing decisions. The results of the coefficient of determination is 0,420 or 42%, which means the influence of the independent variable (brand image, brand ambassador, and price) on the dependent variable (purchasing decisions) is 42% while the remaining 58% is influenced by other factors not examined in this research.