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Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan PT Asia Forestama Raya di Kota Pekanbaru dan Penegakan Hukumnya Andrew Shandy Utama; Rizana Rizana; Tri Anggara Putra
Pagaruyuang Law Journal VOLUME 2 NOMOR 2, JANUARI 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/plj.v2i2.1241


Companies that carry out their business activities in the field of natural resources and / or fields related to natural resources must carry out corporate social responsibility. The field of corporate social responsibility can be carried out in the fields of education, health, infrastructure, sports and arts, social and religious arts, environmental preservation, populist economic endeavors, empowerment of indigenous peoples, and other fields of work that significantly impact the quality of the community. Based on the results of observations made in the Limbungan Village of Pekanbaru City, it is known that the corporate social responsibility program of PT Asia Forestama Raya was felt by the community. How is the implementation of corporate social responsibility of PT Asia Forestama Raya towards the community? How is law enforcement towards the implementation of corporate social responsibility of PT Asia Forestama Raya based on Riau Provincial Regulation Number 6 of 2012? The method used in this research is socio-legal research. The results of this research that PT Asia Forestama Raya actually implemented a corporate social responsibility program to the community of Limbungan Village, but it is not routinely carried out every year and does not cover all existing work fields. The obstacle is because the company's financial condition is currently in an unstable condition, so the budgeted corporate social responsibility funds are limited. Based on Article 32 of Riau Provincial Regulation Number 6 of 2012 it is affirmed that if PT Asia Forestama Raya does not carry out corporate social responsibility to the public, then the company will be subject to administrative sanctions by the Government of Pekanbaru City in the form of written warnings, restrictions on business activities, suspension of business activities , to revoke business activities.
Peningkatan Pemahaman Terkait Kedudukan Hukum Perjanjian Terapeutik Dalam Persetujuan Tindakan Medik Di Rumah Sakit Aulia Kota Pekanbaru: Increasing Understanding Regarding the Legal Position of Therapeutic Agreements in Approval of Medical Actions at Aulia Hospital Pekanbaru City Indra Afrita Indra; Wilda Arifalina Wilda; Tri Anggara Putra Anggara
CONSEN: Indonesian Journal of Community Services and Engagement Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Consen: Indonesian Journal of Community Services and Engagement
Publisher : Institut Riset dan Publikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (333.75 KB) | DOI: 10.57152/consen.v1i2.142


 The problem found in community service activities is the lack of understanding of health workers in the Pekanbaru City Aulia Hospital regarding the Legal Position of Therapeutic Agreements in Approval of Medical Actions. They do not understand the Therapeutic agreement in detail and have a legal basis, especially the benefits and uses of the Therapeutic agreement for Health Workers.The solution offered in this service activity is to increase the understanding of Health Workers in the Pekanbaru City Aulia Hospital regarding the Legal Position of Therapeutic Agreements in Medical Action Agreements.The method of implementing this service activity is to use the lecture, dialogue, and discussion methods in the context of legal counseling about Increasing Understanding of the Legal Position of Therapeutic Agreements in Approval of Medical Actions at Aulia Hospital Pekanbaru City.The participation of partners in this community service activity is the management of the Aulia Hospital and also the health workers who play a role in carrying out this therapeutic agreement. Aulia Hospital contributes to providing a place and supporting facilities to carry out activities and bring health workers and management.The output targets of this community service activity are scientific articles which will later be published in national journals, as well as part of the implementation of the Tri Dharma of higher education.The conclusion is that this activity has been successfully implemented and the benefits can be felt for the participants. This can be seen from the participants' answers to the questionnaire given after the activity was carried out. After the activity was carried out, 98% of participants answered that they knew and understood the material presented.The suggestion is that activities with this theme should be carried out on an ongoing basis to health workers and management of the Pekanbaru City Aulia Hospital. Keywords: Agreement, Therapeutic Agreement.
Pagaruyuang Law Journal volume 7 nomor 1 juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/plj.v7i1.4563


Tujuan jangka panjang diadakan penelitian ini dimaksudkan memberi berkonstribusi bagi ilmu pengetahuan khususnya terhadap hukum perdata, Perusahaan dan persaingan usaha. Konstribusi nantinya bertujuan melahirkan konsep baru untuk memperbaiki aturan hukum, memperbaiki mekanisme pengawasan pelaksanaan peraturan perundang-undangan. Target Khusus penelitian ini adalah memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat selaku Pelaku usaha dalam menjalankan aktivitas usahanya.Jenis Penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Hukum Yuridis Normatif. Target penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis tentang sejauh mana batasan aset dan omset dalam suatu merger yang menimbulkan peraktek monopoli dan persaingan usaha tidak sehat.Luaran penelitian ini adalah memperkaya bahan ajar mata kuliah hukum perdata, perusahaan dan Persaingan usaha, serta artikel ilmiah. Penelitian ini berkonstribusi bagi ilmu pengetahuan juga bagi masyarakat dan perusahaan peorangan. Konstribusi dimaksud adalah melahirkan konsep baru untuk memperbaiki aturan hukum terkait perusahaan perorangan,  sekaligus memberikan sumber informasi bagi perusahaan dan masyarakat untuk perbaikan hubungan hukum, akibat hukum dan pengawasan pelaksanaan kepemilikan asset sebuah perusahaan peorangan di Indonesia.