Hadi Sudarmo
Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat

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Potensi Galur-Galur Harapan Wijen di Lahan Sawah Sesudah Padi Sudarmo, Hadi; Purwati, Rully Dyah; Djumali, .
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri Vol 4, No 2 (2012): Oktober 2012
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat (Balittas)

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Wijen (Sesamum indicum L.) merupakan komoditas yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku aneka indus-tri dan minyak makan. Di Indonesia, wijen dibudidayakan di lahan kering pada musim penghujan dengan pro-duktivitas rata-rata pada tahun 2005 sebesar 420 kg. Peningkatan produksi wijen nasional dapat ditempuh dengan memperluas pengembangan wijen ke lahan sawah sesudah padi. Upaya tersebut perlu didukung dengan perakitan varietas unggul. Dari kombinasi hasil persilangan sudah terpilih 11 galur harapan, selanjutnya untuk mengetahui potensi hasil dan daya adaptasi galur-galur tersebut terhadap lingkungan, dilakukan uji multilokasi di tiga lokasi masing-masing tiga musim tanam. Pengujian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok diulang tiga kali dengan ukuran petak 6 m x 8 m. Data hasil biji dianalisis ragam gabungan, untuk uji stabilitas mengikuti metode Eberhart dan Russell, dan untuk mengetahui daya adaptasi galur dilakukan ploting data menggunakan metode Finlay dan Wilkinson. Penelitian menghasilkan tiga galur unggul yang berpotensi hasil tinggi yakni 99002/7/3, 99001/9/1, dan 99003/11/10 dengan potensi hasil masing-masing 2.222 kg/ha, 1.933 kg/ha, dan 1.874 kg/ha. Galur 99002/7/3 dan 99001/9/1 beradaptasi umum di semua lingkungan, sedangkan galur 99003/11/10 beradap-tasi khusus pada lingkungan suboptimal. Delapan galur yang lain berpotensi hasil lebih rendah yaitu 99002/7/10 beradaptasi umum di semua lingkungan, sedangkan 99001/15/2, 99001/9/7, 99001/15/4, 99002/7/5, 99001/8/3, 99001/10/9, dan 99003/28/5 tidak mempunyai kemampuan adaptasi terhadap semua lingkungan. Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is a potential commodity that has essential as raw material for varying indus-try and edible oil. In Indonesia, sesame is commonly cultivated in dry land during rainy season with the pro-ductivity as much as 420 kg/ha in 2005. Increasing national sesame production can be reached by expand-ing the development area into the paddy fields after rice. To increase productivity, it has to be supported by high yielding varieties. Eleven promising lines had been selected for multilocation trials. This trial aimed to determine yield potential and adaptability of these promising lines on the environment. The multilocation trials were conducted at three locations and each on three seasons. The trials used a randomized block de-sign with three replications plot size was 6 m x 8 m. The yield was observed and analysed using combining analysis, then the stability of each line was further analysed using the method of Eberhart and Russell. To determine the lines adaptability, the data were plotted using the method of Finlay and Wilkinson. Result shows that there are three superior lines i.e. 9002/7/3, 99001/9/1, and 99003/11/10 which have potential produc-tion 2,222 kg/ha, 1,933 kg/ha and 1,874 kg/ha respectively, lines 99002/7/3 and 99001/9/1 common in all environments, whereas line 99003/11/10 was unstable and had a specific adaptability in suboptimal environments. Eight other lines that could potentially yield lower 99002/7/10 common in all environments, while 99001/15/2, 99001/9/7, 99001/15/4, 99002/7/5, 99001/8/3, 99001/10/9, and 99003/28/5 do not have the ability to adapt to all environments.
Skrining Provenan Jarak Pagar Terpilih di Beberapa Agroekosistem Sudarmo, Hadi; Mahfud, Moch.; Djumali, .; Pranowo, Dibyo; S.W., Tukimin
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri Vol 2, No 1 (2010): April 2010
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat (Balittas)

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Pengembangan jarak pagar sebagai bahan bakar nabati (BBN) memerlukan bahan tanam yang unggul. Se-leksi rekuren sederhana terhadap populasi hasil eksplorasi dari beberapa daerah telah menghasilkan tiga po-pulasi unggul, yaitu IP-1A, IP-1M, dan IP-1P yang diprediksi mempunyai potensi produksi 45 ton per ha/ta-hun mulai tahun ke-4. Namun demikian populasi terpilih tersebut apabila dibudidayakan oleh petani secara sederhana, nilai ekonomis hasilnya belum menguntungkan. Penelitian skrining provenan ini dalam rangka mendukung pengembangan varietas unggul jarak pagar berproduktivitas tinggi dan berkadar minyak tinggi. Penelitian ini diawali pada tahun 2007, berlokasi di 3 tempat yaitu Kebun Percobaan (KP) Asembagus, KP Muktiharjo, dan KP Pakuwon. Genotipe yang diskrining sebanyak 20 provenan terdiri atas 17 genotipe yang berasal dari provenan terpilih yaitu HS-49/NTT, SP-16/Sulsel, SP-8/Susel, NTB-2555, NTB-554, NTB-3189, NTB-3052, NTB-575, Puncu/Jatim, PT-3/Lampung, PT-7/Lampung, PT-13/Lampung, PT-14/Lampung, PT-15/Lampung, PT-18/Lampung, PT-26/Banten, PT-33/Lampung, dan 3 populasi terpilih hasil seleksi masa ya-itu IP-1A, IP-1M, IP-1P, yang digunakan sebagai pembanding. Perlakuan disusun dalam rancangan acak ke-lompok dengan ulangan 3 kali. Setiap perlakuan ditanam dalam petak berukuran 10 m x 8 m dengan jarak tanam 2 m x 2 m. Hasil skrining provenan terpilih jarak pagar di Asembagus, Muktiharjo, dan Pakuwon ada-lah tiga provenan yang berpotensi produksi dan berkadar minyak tinggi, yaitu HS-49, NTB-3189, dan PT-7/Lampung. Ketiganya memiliki potensi produksi pada tahun 2009 masing-masing 1.150,70 kg; 1.113,30 kg; 1.064,60 kg/ha/th dan kadar minyak 37,66%; 35,39%; dan 35,84%. The main problem in developing physic nut as a source of biofuel is unavailability of the superior plant mate-rials. Recurent selection of collected physic nut population found three superior provenances i.e., IP-1A, IP-1M, and IP-1P which have been predicted to have production potency of 45 tones/ha/year in fourth year onwards. However, if selected provenances are cultivated with a simple crop management it would not give economically profitable. Therefore, it needs to develop high yield and oil varieties. Screening of selected pro-venances was started 2007 in three Research Stations (RS) Asembagus, Muktiharjo, and Pakuwon, with dif-ferent agroecosystem. The screened genotypes were: HS-49/NTT, SP-16/Sulsel, SP-8/Susel, NTB-2555, NTB-554, NTB-3189, NTB-3052, NTB-575, Puncu/Jatim, PT-3/Lampung, PT-7/Lampung, PT-13/Lampung, PT-14/Lampung, PT-15/Lampung, PT-18/Lampung, PT-26/Banten, PT-33/Lampung, and three of mass se-lected: IP-1A, IP-1M, IP-1P as comparison. This research used randomized block design with three replica-tions. Results showed that three provenances: HS-49, NTB-3189, and PT-7/Lampung have superior potential production and oil content in those three locations. The potential production and oil content of HS-49, NTB-3189, and PT-7/Lampung in 2009 were 1,150.70 kg; 1,113.30 kg; 1,064.60 kg/ha/year; and 37.66%; 35.39%; 35,84% respectively.
Uji Daya Hasil Beberapa Aksesi Jarak Pagar Berpotensi Produksi dan Berkadar Minyak Tinggi pada Lahan Kering di Asembagus Sudarmo, Hadi; Djumali, .
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri Vol 5, No 1 (2013): April 2013
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat (Balittas)

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Pengembangan tanaman jarak pagar banyak diarahkan ke lahan kering iklim kering di wilayah Timur Indo-nesia, sehingga masalah utama yang dihadapi adalah kekurangan air. Oleh karena itu, perlu dicari bahan tanaman yang sesuai untuk lahan kering dengan produktivitas tinggi. Salah satu cara untuk memperoleh ba-han tanaman tersebut ditempuh melalui seleksi genotipe. Hasil evaluasi produksi terhadap 421 aksesi plasma nutfah di Asembagus sampai umur satu tahun telah diperoleh 26 aksesi potensial yang berproduktivitas tinggi. Untuk menindaklanjuti hasil tersebut dilaksanakan penelitian uji daya hasil terhadap 26 aksesi potensial jarak pagar dengan kontrol IP-3A, bertujuan untuk mendapatkan beberapa aksesi yang berpotensi produksi dan berkadar minyak tinggi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di KP Asembagus mulai Desember 2009 hingga Novem-ber 2010. Perlakuan disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok diulang tiga kali. Parameter yang diamati me-liputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang, jumlah tandan, jumlah kapsul/tanaman, hasil biji kering, berat 100 biji, dan kadar minyak, serta data curah hujan selama penelitian berlangsung. Analisis data menggunakan ana-lisis ragam dengan pembandingan Tukey taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian terpilih tiga aksesi jarak pagar yang da-lam kondisi tanpa pengairan di musim kemarau memiliki produktivitas lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan IP-3A dan berkadar minyak lebih dari 35%. Tiga aksesi tersebut yaitu SM-100/NTB, HS-48/NTT, dan SP-88/ Sulsel, masing-masing sampai dengan umur 12 bulan menghasilkan biji kering sebesar 827,8 kg; 824,2 kg; dan 818,0 kg/ha dengan kadar minyak 39,5%; 41,2%; dan 39,3%. Development of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) is directed to dry climate in Eastern Indonesia, so the main problem encountered is the lack of water. Therefore, it is necessary to find a suitable plant material to dry land with high productivity. One way to obtain plant material was taken through genotype selection. Evalua-tion of the production of 421 germplasm accessions in Asembagus until the age of one year, has gained 26 accession of high potential productivity. To follow up on this results, another research was conducted on 26 accessions of physic nut potential to control IP-3A, aiming to get some potential accession production and high oil yield. Research conducted at Asembagus Experimental Station from December 2009 until November 2010. Treatment arranged in a randomized block design, repeated three times. Parameters observed were plant height, number of branches, number of bunches, number of capsules per plant, weight of 100 dried seed, and oil content, as well as rainfall data during the study. Analysis of data using various analysis with Tukeys comparison level of 5%. The results showed that selected three accessions (SM-100/NTB, HS-48/NTT, and SP-88/Sulsel) in the absence of irrigation in the dry season up to the age of 12 months had higher productivity than the IP-3A and oil yield over 35%, viz. yield of dry beans 827.8 kg, 824.2 kg, and 818.0 kg per hectare with oil content of 39.5%, 41.2%, and 39.3%, respectively.
Production and Efficiency of Pond Fish Farming Business Milkfish Sudarmo, Hadi; Fyka, Samsul Alam
HABITAT Vol 28, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Department of Social Economy, Faculty of Agriculture , University of Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (324.934 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.habitat.2017.028.1.3


Various different factors, either direct or indirect one, contribute to decreasing production of milkfish in milkfish farms located in North Konawe. Production of milkfish in the area is relatively low and it is predicted that the milkfarmers’ inability to either allocate inputs or maximize the use of the inputs becomes the cause. Therefore, the objectives of the study were to analyze the line of production factors and production efficiency of milkfish farm in South Konawe. Path analysis was the method to analyze the direct and indirect factors affecting the production of the milkfish farm while marginal product value was the one used to analyze the price efficiency and optimal input. The findings of the study indicated that: the factors that directly affected production were the number of seed and employees as well as the amount of fertilizer while the factors indirectly affecting production were the number of seeds and employees as well as the amount of fertilizer. The milkfish farms in North Konawe would become efficient when there were 7,606 milkfish seeds, 41 employees and 427 kilograms of fertilizer.
COMPATIBILITY LEVEL OF SEVEN INDONESIAN LOCAL JATROPHA (Jatropha curcas Linn.) CROSSING ACCESSION Maftuchah, Maftuchah; Zainudin, Agus; Heliyanto, Bambang; Sudarmo, Hadi
Journal of Agroecology Vol 1, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Journal of Agroecology

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Jatropha curcas Linn., is one of the oil plant producers, which can be processed to be the substitute fuel for diesel. The purpose of this research is to gain information of accession crosses compatibility level from different selected Jatropha. The study was conducted using seven accessions of Indonesia Jatropha planting material, which has a high productivity expectations, the HS-49, SP-16, SP-38, SP-8, SM-33, SP-34, and SM-35. The seven accessions were selected mass. Jatropha accessions used as an elder in the course of this research came from Gardens Jatropha Plant Germplasm Collection located in Asembagus–Situbondo. The crossings between seven accessions are not entirely successfully producing fruit and seeds. The crossing between SP-38 X HS-49 produced the highest number of fruits and seeds and followed by the crossing between SM-35 X HS-49. Of all the 42 crossing combinations, there are 14 crossing combinations that do not produce fruit and seeds at all.