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Menentukan Maintenance And Repair Mesin Ditinjau dari Getaran dan Emisi Gas Buang Pada Mesin Diesel Komatsu Type 6D 125 – 2 Sudiyono, ; Bambang Antoko,
Otopro Vol 7, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Otopro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Maintenance and repair yang dilakukan pada mesin diesel ataupun mesin yang lainnya ditentukan berdasarkan jenis kerusakan yang dialami, pengalaman atau teknisi yang berpengalaman. Namun dengan kondisi dari mesin yang tetap bekerja dan dengan mudah dapat dilakukan pengukuran dari getaran dan emisi gas buang akan bisa menentukan apakah mesin tersebut perlu dilakukan maintenance and repair. Dari hasil pengukuran getaran tersebut akan bisa ditelusuri bagian mana yang mengalami keausan ataupun kerusakan baik bagian – bagian mesin yang bergerak maupun yang tidak bergerak. Sedangkan hasil pengukuran emisi gas buang akan bisa menentukan perbaikan mulai dari sistem bahan bakar yaitu pompa bahan bakar, injektor maupun jenis nozzle yang menyemprotkan bahan bakar. Emisi gas buang adalah akibat dari sistem kerja pompa bahan bakar, injektor dan nozzle yang mengalami gangguan, dan dikenal dengan istilah condition monitoring. Condition Monitoring adalah proses memonitor kondisi dari sebuah mesin sehingga bisa diketahui apakah dalam kondisi baik atau mulai ada gejala rusak. Dengan kata lain: Medical Check Up nya mesin. Dari hasil pengujian getaran dan hasil analisa pengujian emisi gas buang diperoleh bahwa pada kondisi rpm mesin 900, getarannya (acceleration, desplacemen dan velocity) tinggi, seiring dengan kenaikan rpm mesin sampai 1244 getarannya cenderung turun, hal ini menunjukan mesin dalam kondisi normal. Untuk emisi gas buang kandungan CO tinggi pada rpm mesin 900 seiring dengan kenaikan rpm mesin sampai 1244 kandungan CO turun, sebaliknya kandungan NO dan NOx cenderung naik, hal ini menunjukkan mesin dalam keadaan normal tidak memerlukan maintenance dan repair dalam waktu dekat.   Kata kunci:Maintenance, repair, mesin diesel, emisi gas buang, getaran   ABSTRACT   Maintenance and repair was conducted to diesel engine or other engine that are determined based on the type of damage suffered, or be experienced technician. However the condition of the engine is working and can be easily to carried out measurements of vibration and exhaust emissions will be able to determine whether the machine needs to maintenance and repair. From that results of vibration, measurements will be able to trace which parts that moving or not moving. While the results of measurement of exhaust emissions will be able to determine of improvement from that fuel system which called the fuel pump, injector and nozzle type that spraying fuel. The impact of these emissions is the result of work on the fuel pump, injector and nozzle have been affected, and called as condition monitoring. Condition Monitoring is the process of monitor condition from a machine so that can be known the condition of the engine is in good condition or damaged from any symptoms that called engine’s Medical Check Up. The results of vibration testing and analysis of exhaust emissions testing that had reached to condition of the engine 900 rpm vibration (acceleration, and velocity desplacemen) is high, if the rpm increase up to 1244 rpm so engine vibration can be down, it indicate the engine in normal conditions. The higher of rpm can be cause the content of CO in exhaust emission. At 900 rpm the engine due to higher CO in exhaust emission and engine rpm to 1244 content of CO will decrease. So can make the content of NO and NOx can increase, it indicates the engine in normal condition so that not require maintenance and repair.   Keywords: Maintenance, repair, diesel engine, exhaust emissions, vibration
The effect of supplementation perilla seeds (Perilla frutescens) in the diets on feed consumption and digestibility nutrients on ducks Rendi Fathoni Hadi; Sudiyono; Zamzam Rizki Hamdani
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science) Vol. 32 No. 3 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jiip.2022.032.03.01


This study aims to determine the digestibility of perilla seeds (Perilla frutescens) in 3 levels (0, 2.5, and 5%) in rations given to local ducks. The research material used was male Mojosari ducks (Day Old Duck) with as many as 90 tails, with an average initial body weight of 35.36 grams. The ration consists of ground corn, pollard, fine bran, soybean meal (SBM), vitamin premix, and perilla seed supplementation. Livestock was separated by three treatments, P0: 100% basal ration without supplementation of Perilla frutescens L seeds; P1: 97.5% basal ration + 2.5% supplementation of Perilla frutescens L. seeds; P2: 95% basal ration + 5% supplementation of Perilla frutescens L. seeds. Duck ducks are kept for two months. The variables observed were crude protein digestibility, crude fat, crude fiber, and organic matter. The results showed a very significant effect (P <0.05) on the digestibility of crude protein, crude fat, and crude fiber and an insignificant effect (P> 0.05) on the digestibility of organic matter and feed consumption. Supplementation of perilla seeds can increase the digestibility of fat and fiber but decreases protein digestibility.