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Journal : Jurnal Agroekoteknologi

Efek Perendaman Benih dengan Pupuk Hayati terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit dan Serangan Penyakit Rebah Semai pada Tomat (Solanum lycopersicum) Cendy Monica Wohel; A. Marthin Kalay; Abraham Talahaturuson
Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Vol 14, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Jurusan Agroekoteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Untirta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33512/jur.agroekotetek.v14i1.15255


The use of biofertilizers is part of an environmentally friendly plant cultivation. In order to analyze the effect of soaking seeds with several types of biofertilizers on seedling growth and damping off disease in tomatoes, a greenhouse experiment has been carried out using biofertilizers and the fungicide Propineb as control treatment. The biofertilizers used were mixed biofertilizer (BION-UP), Consortium isolates of tomato rhizosphere bacteria (CITRB), consortium of Azotobacter chrococcum and Trichoderma harzianum (Azoto-Tricho). The results showed that soaking tomato seeds in bioagens solution increased plant height, number of petioles, fresh weight and dry weight of plants, as well as suppressed damping off disease in tomato nursery. The CITRB biofertilizer has a better effect on plant growth and diseases suppression than another biofertilizers and Propineb fungicide. CITRB enable to increase plant height by 49.97%, number of petioles by 60.00%, plant fresh weight by 107.23%, dry weight of plants by 129.41%, and suppress damping off disease by 56.67%. BION-UP, CITRB and Azoto-Tricho were able to suppress damping off disease by 22.22%, 27.78% and 16.67% respectively.  The ability of all biofertilizer to suppress damping off disease incidence were better than Propineb fungicide.
Pemberian Pupuk Hayati dengan Interval Waktu Aplikasi Berbeda terhadap Perkembangan Penyakit Rebah Semai dan Pertumbuhan Sawi (Brasica Rapa) di Pesemaian Silvia Kilian; A. Marthin Kalay; Abraham Talahaturuson
Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Vol 14, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Jurusan Agroekoteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Untirta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33512/jur.agroekotetek.v14i2.17506


Seedling fall disease caused by the fungus Rhizoctonia solani is one of the limiting factors in the cultivation of mustard plants. This pathogen can attack plants in the nursery as well as after the plants in the field. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of using biological fertilizers Azoto-Trico and KIBPF with different application time intervals on the development of seedling fall disease and the growth of mustard in the nursery. The study used Azoto-Tricho and KIBPF biological fertilizers with application intervals of 2 days, 4 days and 6 days. The results showed that the application of biological fertilizers Azoto-Tricho and KIBPF with different application time intervals had an effect on controlling seedling fall disease and increasing plant height and plant fresh weight. The application of Azoto-Tricho biofertilizer and KIBPF if applied at intervals of 2 days or 4 days or 6 days had the same ability to control seedling fall disease and increase plant height and fresh weight of mustard plants in nurseries.
Efek Penggunaan Metabolit Sekunder Trichoderma harzianum terhadap Penyakit Busuk Buah Phomopsis, Hama Perusak Daun Epilachna, dan Hasil Tanaman Terung A. Marthin Kalay; Jeffij Hasinu; Widia Eka Putri; Abraham Talahaturuson
Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Vol 15, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Jurusan Agroekoteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Untirta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33512/jur.agroekotetek.v15i1.20003


Upaya peningkatan produktivitas terung seringkali terkendala kerusakan tanaman oleh serangan fitopatogen dan hama. Pemanfaatan metabolit sekunder agens hayati untuk pengendalian fitopatogen dan hama perusak pada tanaman, merupakan cara pengendalian yang ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi metabolit sekunder Trichoderma harzianum yang efektif untuk mengendalikan penyakit busuk buah Phomopsis vexans dan hama perusak daun Epilachna, serta untuk meningkatkan produksi terung. Perlakuan yang dicobakan adalah metabolit sekunder T. harzianum dengan konsentrasi 0%, 10%, 20% dan 30%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan metabolit sekunder T. harzianum menekan penyakit busuk buah Phomopsis, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap kerusakan daun Epilachna. Pengobatan dengan konsentrasi 10%, 20% dan 30% masing-masing dapat menurunkan intensitas penyakit 51.65%, 64.25% dan 69.63%. Kerusakan daun oleh Epilachna sp tergolong ringan untuk semua tingkat konsentrasi yakni berkisar 3.65-4.32%. Perlakuan metabolit sekunder T. harzianum dengan berbagai tingkat konsentrasi berpengaruh terhadap panjang buah tetapi terhadap jumlah buah, diameter buah, dan berat buah tidak berpengaruh