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Pelatihan Microsoft Office 2007 di Desa Sukosari, Kecamatan Dagangan, Kabupaten Madiun Nanang Junaedi; Candra Budi Susila
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/dymas.v5i1.37


Information Technology has grown rapidly in Indonesia. Almost all problems can be handled by a computer. For this reason, every level of society must be ready and able to follow along with the development of technology. After the development of information technology, typewriter users moved to the computer. Because of its more efficient performance. Now almost all people must have switched from being manually switched to computers, nowadays performance is demanded to be faster in solving a problem. Correspondence is a problem that is often handled by computer administrators in order to become faster, the making of letters or reports at the village level government should be using a computer. But in reality, there are still many village officials who cannot yet use computers, especially older employee. Even though in making letters or reports, village administrators are required to work faster. By referring to these problems, at this time service will be conducted a training aimed at village officials about their understanding of information technology, especially the ability of village officials to understand the making of letters or reports using Microsoft Office 2007. Microsoft Word 2007 and Microsoft Excel 2007, this programs is often used when making reports. In the future it is expected that all village administrators can understand the use of this application correctly and precisely. Keywords—: Microsoft Office 2007; Correspondence; Village Administrator.
Integrated Stock Information System on Smartphone Stores sukadi sukadi; Candra Budi Susila
Fountain of Informatics Journal Vol. 7 No. 3 (2022): Specials Issue Desember - Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/fij.v7i3.9671


AbstractThis research is motivated by the increasing number of smartphone shops nowadays, where there are many shops where if a buyer asks for goods and it happens that the stock of goods in the store is empty, the seller will ask other stores directly for stock, so it is less effective in terms of time and prospects. buyers will wait a long time. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to create a prototype system to integrate stock in smartphone stores where stores that are integrated with the system can see each other's stock information from other stores in the system, so that it is expected to speed up or help sellers get information on which store which are still in stock. The methodology used in this research is literature study, observation, interviews, and software development using the waterfall method. This research produced a prototype of an integrated inventory integration information system at a smartphone store which also has a function for processing purchasing and sales data and more importantly a search menu for information on the availability of goods at other stores which if implemented properly will make it easier and faster for shop owners in the search for information on the availability of goods in other stores. The results of this research can be developed into a smartphone marketplace and its accessories in accordance with technological developments.Keywords: stock inventory integration, information system, smartphone shop AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh semakin banyaknya toko smartphone saat ini, dimana banyak toko yang apabila ada pembeli yang menanyakan barang dan kebetulan stok barang di toko tersebut kosong maka penjual akan menanyakan stok barang ke toko lain secara langsung, sehingga kurang efektif dari sisi waktu dan juga calon pembeli akan menunggu lama. Oleh karena itu tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat sebuah prototype system untuk mengintegrasikan stok barang pada toko smartphone dimana toko yang terintegrasi dengan sistem tersebut dapat saling melihat informasi stok barang dari toko lain di sistem tersebut, sehingga diharapkan dapat mempercepat atau membantu penjual mendapatkan informasi toko mana yang stok barangnya masih ada. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitin ini adalah studi literatur, observasi, wawancara, dan pembuatan perangkat lunak menggunakan metode waterfall. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah prototipe sistem informasi integrasi stok barang terpadu pada toko smartphone yang juga mempunyai fungsi untuk pengolahan data pembelian dan penjualan serta yang lebih utama adalah menu pencarian informasi ketersediaan barang di toko lain, yang jika diterapkan dengan baik maka akan mempermudah dan mempercepat para pemilik toko dalam pencarian informasi ketersediaan barang di toko lain. Hasil dari penelitian ini bisa dikembangkan menjadi sebuah marketplace smartphone dan kelengkapannya yang sesuai dengan perkembangan teknologi.Kata kunci : integrasi stok barang, system informasi toko smartphone
Pendampingan Administrator Dalam Mengelola Untuk Memperbaiki Tampilan Halaman Web Tika Dedy Prastyo; Danang Endarto Putro; Afid Burhanuddin; Candra Budi Susila
Journal of Social Empowerment Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Social Empowerment
Publisher : LPPM STKIP PGRI Pacitan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21137/jse.2023.8.1.8


Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan memberikan solusi agar halaman web menjadi menarik dari segi tampilan, kegiatan pendampingan pengaturan tampilan halaman web, menentukan tata letak dan pengaturan susunan menu, widget yang dibutuhkan dan plugin yang dipasang. Kegiatan abdimas dilakukan di Mushola Albarokah, Dusun Suruhan Desa Sirnoboyo (63518), Kecamatan/Kabupaten Pacitan. Objek kegiatan adalah santri TPA ALBA yang bertugas mengelola Pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan pada Bulan Juli-Agustus 2023. Pelaksanaan kegiatan meliputi observasi permasalahan mitra, pelaksanaan kegiatan, wawancara, analisis kegiatan dan kesimpulan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan abdimas adalah 82,1 % takmir menyatakan tampilan dan aspek manfaat dari lebih baik dibandingkan dengan saat awal pertama diluncurkan.
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/dymas.v8i2.129


This Community Service activity was carried out as a form of youth organization Dwi Manunggal, Jagan Village, Bendosari, Sukoharjo in increasing the knowledge and abilities of members in planning and carrying out activities. Where the main problem faced by the youth committee is that youth members in planning and carrying out activities have begun to show a significant decline in enthusiasm, one of which is the lack of response to existing activities. To revive the spirit of youth organizations in planning and carrying out activities, organizational training activities were held for members of youth organizations Dwi Manunggal, Jagan Village, Bendosari, Sukoharjo. In the activity, it was also explained about the existing conditions or problems of the Dwi Manunggal youth organization and also the solutions. The results of this community service activity showed that based on the results of the discussion after the delivery of the material it was found that members of the Dwi Manunggal youth organization became more knowledgeable about an organization so that the Dwi Manunggal youth organization could become a place for good self-development of its members