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Perancangan dan Pembuatan Sistem Kendali Gerak Pahat Pada Mesin Router NC 3-Axis Untuk Kriya Seni Ukiran Kayu sugiharto, sugiharto sugiharto
ROTASI Vol 22, No 1 (2020): VOLUME 22, NOMOR 1, JANUARI 2020
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (472.989 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/rotasi.22.1.36-42


Profil permukaan kayu dibuat dengan mengumpankan pahat pemotong pada permukaannya.  Litasan pahat akan menentukan bentuk profil di permukaan kayu yang sedang dibentuk. Agar pahat pemotong dapat membuat lintasan sesuai dengan yang diinginkan diperlukan sitem kendali gerak pahat pemotong dalam gerak rotasi dan gerak translasi dalam arah sumbu x, y, dan z. putaran pahat pemotong disesuaikan dengan menggunakan metode pulse width modulation (PWM). Pahat pemotong ditempatkan pada dudukan yang bergerak ke arah sumbu z, dudukan pahat ditempatkan pada penyangga yang dapat bergerak ke arah sumbu x. Dudukan tersebut ditempatkan pada tiang yang dapat bergerak ke arah sumbu y. Mekanisme gerak tiga sumbu digerakkan oleh motor servo. Kendali gerak motor servo dilakukan dengan mengatur jumlah dan frekuensi pulsa di setiap motor servo. Jumlah dan frekuensi pulsa diatur oleh mikrokontroler. Mikrokontroler menerima data, seperti jumlah dan frekuensi pulsa dari komputer melalui komunikasi serial. Jumlah pulsa serta frekuensi pulsa ditentukan berdasarkan koordinat dan kecepatan yang harus dicapai oleh alat pemotong.
Analisis dan Pengembangan Model Penampang Profil Baja Struktur Ringan SNI-1729:2015 Untuk Usaha Peningkatan Nilai Kekakuannya sugiharto, sugiharto sugiharto
ROTASI Vol 22, No 4 (2020): VOLUME 22, NOMOR 4, OKTOBER 2020
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/rotasi.22.4.215-221


Profil baja struktur ringan  adalah baja profil yang dibentuk dari pelat baja tipis hasil pengerolan dingin sehingga profil baja tersebut berbobot ringan dan tipis. Kekuatan tarik baja struktur ringan memiliki nilai yang sama dengan dengan kekuatan tarik baja sejenis. Kekuatan struktur baja ditentukan oleh kekakuan dan fleksibilitas strukturnya. Kekakuan adalah gaya yang diperlukan untuk menghasilkan  perpindahan, sedangkan fleksibilitas adalah defleksi yang dihasilkan oleh gaya yang diberikan. Defleksi yang terjadi pada suatu batang ditentukan oleh nilai inersia penampang batangnya. Kekuatan struktur yang disusun oleh baja profil struktur ringan, dibentuk dari tingkat kekakuan profil penyusunnya, semakin kaku profilnya maka akan semakin kuat struktur yang disusun oleh profil baja struktur ringan tersebut. Pada makalah ini akan diuraikan suatu proses penelitian untuk peningkatan nilai kekakuan pada profil baja struktur ringan dari bentuk dan ukuran profil menurut standar SNI-1729:2015. Peningkatan nilai kekakuan dilakukan dengan mengembangkan model dari bentuk penampang profilnya, peningkatan kekakuan ditinjau dari besar defleksi yang terjadi pada saat diberikan beban lenturan. Hasil analisis menunjukan pengembangan model penampang yang dilakukan pada profil baja struktur pada ketebalan pelat yang sama dapat menurunkan defleksi yang terjadi dibawah beban lentur yang sama.
OPTIMASI PELAPISAN MATERIAL VISKOELASTIK I Wayan Suweca; Bagus Budiwantoro; Gatot Santoso; Djoeli Satrijo
Mesin Vol. 11 No. 1 (1996)
Publisher : Mesin

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Dalam tulisan ini dibahas suatu penerapan dari metode optimasi untuk mendapatkan redaman struktur melalui pelapisan material viskoelastik secara optimal. Algoritme optimasi yang digunakan didasarkan pada metode kriteria optimalitas (optimality criteria) dari Kuhn-Tucker, di mana berat total struktur di ambil sebagai fungsi objektif dengan kendala dinamik berupa redaman struktur. Model redaman yang digunakan adalah redaman jenis histeritik. Gradien fungsi kendala terhadap disain variabel dihitung dengan menggunakan perhitungan sensitivitasdengan variabel kompleks. Sebagai contoh numerik diberikan satu kasus optimasi pelapisan material viskoelastik pada suatu beam Euler-Bernoulli.
Jurnal Teknologika Vol 9 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Teknologika
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Wastukancana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1098.264 KB)


Umur pahat merupakan suatu data pemesinan yang sangat penting dalam perancangan proses produksi pemesinan. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan proses pembubutan baja St-41 untuk menentukan umur pahat HSS. Rancangan percobaan memvariasikan tiga variabel bebas yaitu, kecepatan putar spindle 280 rpm dan 360 rpm, sudut potong utama pada pengujian tahap pertama 70o dan 90o, pada pengujian tahap kedua 50odan 60o,sedangkan merk pahat yaitu HSS Bohler MO Rapid Ekstra 1200 dan HSS ASSAB 17 Sweden. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kecepatan putar spindel dan sudut potong utama berpengaruh terhadap umur pahat. Merk pahat HSS ASSAB 17 Sweden memiliki umur lebih unggul 5,72 menit, dibandingkan merk pahat HSS Bohler MO Rapid Ekstra 1200. Hasil pengujian diperoleh persamaan umur pahat Taylor, untuk pahat HSS Bohler MO Rapid Ekstra 1200 yaitu VT0,474 = 37,6 dan untuk pahat HSS ASSAB 17 Sweden yaitu VT0,226 = 32. Umur pahat terbesar berada pada range kecepatan putar spindel 285 rpm, dan sudut potong utama 50o, dengan nilai umur pahat sebesar 160 menit. Umur pahat optimum tidak dapat ditemukan, karena semakin kecil sudut potong utama dan semakin rendah kecepatan putar spindel, maka umur pahat semakin besar.
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin POROS Vol 15, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin POROS
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Mesin Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1475.199 KB) | DOI: 10.24912/poros.v15i2.1270


Abstract: Equestrian sport or horse riding is very popular because not only for sports or hobby, but also for entertainment. The performance racehorse of the is largely determined by the suitability of the characteristics of horseshoes material with horse's hooves. This paper describes the identification of materials and heat treatment process of horseshoe made in local and imported products. Previous publication suggests that horseshoe made in foreign countries provides better performance than domestic products, especially in terms of flexibility of horse motion, durability, speed, and lifetime. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research that emphasizes the observation of material characteristics, manufacturing and heat treatment process as a first step towards the substitution of imported products. A number of observations have been made on the two types of products:macro and micro observations, heat treatment process analyzes that have been subjected to materials, and mechanical testing. From the test results obtained that imported horseshoe material is low carbon steel with of 0.08 %, while carbon content for local product is 0.17%. Thus, both from the material side and from the side of manufacturing, including heat treatment process, local horseshoe products still need to be developed. 
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin POROS Vol 16, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Imiah Teknik Mesin POROS
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Mesin Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1137.007 KB) | DOI: 10.24912/poros.v16i1.6282


This paper presents the results of advanced work as a continuation of previous observations about the identification of material and process of the horseshoe fabrication for racehorses as published in the “Jurnal Poros Vol. 15 No. 2, November 2017”. This further research is more focused on the evolution of microstructure and the value of hardness as a function of deformation degree variations of the forging process for horseshoes and horse nails. This is performed to investigate how much degree of deformation can produce form, type and phase distribution on the microstructure and the value of hardness that are relevant to the characteristics of imported products. Through this stage, the material characteristics of imported products can be approached and obtained from the local products. Thus, the quality of horseshoes and horse nails similar to imported products are expected to be able to fabricate in the local SME (Small Medium Enterprise). From the microstructure aspect, there are differences in grain shapes for Local, Australian and Swedish products because the grain forms fabricated in Sweden and Australia are more elongated than local products. This represents that the value of hardness is higher than local products except products fabricated in Australia. Local product nails have better grain because they are more equiaxial and have finer grains so that they have a high hardness value and better toughness compared to imported products. Local horseshoe show a much lower value of hardness compared to imported products. There is a peculiarity in the horseshoe because the hardness value decreases when the degree of deformation increases that is from the percentage of the work process 20% to 80%. From the microstructure of the horseshoe, the increasing deformation degree of the work process percentage 20% to 80%, the grain size is coarser and the grain size is smoother back when the percentage of the work process reaches 100%. This is proven when the percentage of the work process reaches 100%, the value of hardness increases to 147 VHN.
Assistance and Empowerment of MSES: Aoplication of Flower Preservation Methods and Simple Accounting to Increase the Income of the Retirement Age Community in Sukapada Village, Cibeunying Kidul District, Bandung City Gatot Santoso; Magnaz Lestira Oktaroza
Kajian Akuntansi Volume 24, No. 1, 2023
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/ka.v24i1.11468


Assistance and empowerment are carried out for Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs –Retirement Age) actors with preserved flower products and the application of SimpleAccounting in the Sukapada sub-district, Cibeunying Kidul District, Bandung City. Based onthe results of the PKM Team's survey, information was obtained that Sukapada Village,Cibeunying Kidul District, is the northernmost village in Cibeunying Kidul District, most ofthe residents are retirees from various jobs who gather together daily to carry out worship andsports activities. Furthermore, information was obtained that in the Sukapada Village therewere several groups of residents who were flower craftsmen trying to develop decorativeflower crafts. The constraints currently faced by flower makers in the Sukapada sub-district arefast wilting flowers, non-uniform flower diameters and blooming rates. Based on the conditionsmentioned above, the PKM Team intends to help improve the quality of these ornamentalflowers to become ornamental flowers that last for more than 1 year so that they have highselling power by implementing a preservation process. Assistance and empowerment is carriedout through training on flower preservation, training on making simple bookkeeping, trainingon website management for online shopping, and product registration in the form of preservedflowers in several market places. Through the training conducted, business people have beenable to produce quality preserved flowers and calculate the cost of the product and the sellingprice of the preserved flowers. In addition, they are also able to always maintain the websiteand market place they already have so that they can be used all the time to increase profitablesales volume and increase the income of these business people.