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AL-TAHRIR Vol 15, No 2 (2015): Transformasi Perempuan dalam Masyarakat Islam
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/al-tahrir.v15i2.273


Abstract: Marriage, as one of the subject domains of Islamic studies, often led to problems in a number of cases if it is related to polygamy. Polygamy was often only seen from the perspective of the needs and the existence of man. Wives who accepted polygamy were synonymous with stigma called "trouble maker wives." This point of view caused community see polygamy as a form of abuse and torture against women. However, the practice of in disguise polygamy was still going on firmly.  n. A male was "allowed" to have as many women as he wants, as long as it was not carried out in public registry office or religious court. Illegal polygamy had raised many social problems and made women as its victims. Studies through the perspective of the economy, particularly through the concept of supply and demand, indicated that people's attitude which opposed toward polygamy had made all women in a very poor bargaining position. The struggle of feminists to reject polygamy was a wrong step that could disadvantage womankind. That is why this study tried to explore polygamy from Islamic perspective.  Islam actually had given privilege to every wife to ensure the harmony of family and happiness of life. However, if a wife was not comfortable with being polygamous relationships, she could get out of his marriage without being given the burden of a child, living, as well as fearing of getting public censure. Islam gave ease to every woman to marry another better man.الملخص :إن موضوع "النكاح" كأحد الموضوعات في الدراسات الإسلامية، كثيرا ما أنشأت الخلافات في جوانب، ومنها تعدد الزوجات. وهذا التعدّد يُنظر كثيرا من ناحية الحاجة وكنه الرجل. والزوجة القابلة للتعدّد لها سمة "المرأة ذات مسألة". هذه الوجهة من النظر جعل المجتمع ينظر إلى "تعدد الزوجات" كشكل التعذيب للنساء. لكن وقوع عملية هذا التعدّد خفية مستمرّ. يجوز للرجل أن يملك لنفسه عددا من النساء على حسب رغباته، بشرط أن لا يكون تحت "النكاح". سبّب هذا النوع من التعدد (غير الرسمي) إلى ظهور مشاكل إجتماعية ووضع المرأة مظلومة. دلّت الدراسة – بوجهة النظر الإقتصادية – وخاصة بالمفهوم " supply and demand”  " أن موقف المجتمع المعارض لتعدد الزوجات وضع المرأة في موضع تساوم وضيع. وجهاد الحركة النسائية لرفض التعدد هو خطوة ضالة ومخسّرة للنساء أنفسهنّ. لذا فإن هذه الدراسة حاولت دراسة "تعدد الزوجات" بمنظار الإسلام. ولقد أعطى الإسلام حقا مثاليا للزوجة للتأكد على سعادة الحياة الزوجية ورفاهيتها. لكن لو أنها شعرت بعدم الاطمئنان بالتعدّد، يجوز لها الانفصال عن النكاح بدون عبء الأولاد، والنفقات، أو الخوف من لومة المجتمع. وأجاز الإسلام أن تنكح هي من رجل آخر أحسن من زوجه الأول.Abstrak: Pernikahan, sebagai salah satu dari ranah subyek kajian Islam, seringkali memunculkan permasalahan dalam sejumlah hal, termasuk ketika ia direlasikan dengan poligami. Poligami seringkali hanya dilihat dari perspektif kebutuhan dan eksistensi laki-laki. Istri yang menerima poligami identik dengan stigma “istri bermasalah.” Sudut pandang ini menyebabkan masyarakat memandang poligami sebagai bentuk penyiksaan terhadap perempuan. Namun praktik poligami secara terselubung tetap terjadi. Laki-laki “diperbolehkan” memiliki perempuan sebanyak yang ia mau, selama tidak dilakukan di dalam lembaga pernikahan. Poligami ilegal menimbulkan berbagai persoalan sosial dan menempatkan perempuan sebagai korban. Kajian melalui perspektif ekonomi, khususnya melalui konsep supply and demand, menunjukkan bahwa sikap masyarakat yang antipoligami telah menempatkan seluruh wanita dalam posisi tawar yang sangat rendah. Perjuangan kaum feminis untuk menolak poligami merupakan langkah yang tersesat dan justru merugikan kaum perempuan. Karenananya kajian ini mencoba untuk mengeksplorasi poligami melalui perspektif Islam. Islam sejatinya memberi hak istimewa kepada istri untuk memastikan keharmonisan rumah tangga dan kebahagiaan hidup. Namun, bila istri tidak nyaman dengan poligami, ia boleh keluar dari pernikahannya tanpa beban anak, nafkah, maupun kekhawatiran mendapatkan celaan masyarakat. Islam memberi kemudahan untuk menikah dengan laki-laki lain yang lebih baik.Keywords: poligami, supply, demand, perempuan, istri, perspektif Islam.
Pendidikan Khusus Perempuan: Antara Kesetaraan Gender dan Islam Erma Pawitasari
TSAQAFAH Vol 11, No 2 (2015): Islamic Education
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (805.09 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/tsaqafah.v11i2.268


Liberalism and gender equity has influenced the society so much that the different roles between men and women are minimized. Social agreements based on traditions, cultures, and religion are deliberately violated. Women are given opportunity to enter “masculine world”, such as becoming a president or a soldier. Men are given the opportunity to enter “feminine world”, such as becoming a women hair stylist or an OBGYN (a doctor that specializes in women’s reproductive’s health). Everyone is given the freedom to choose their own gender, furthermore, to change their sex organ when they feel comfortable with their choice of gender. Special education based on human’s natural gender is envisaged as discriminative and out dated. Literature research is conducted to understand if special education based on gender is a fruitless idea, if men and women have no unique needs according to their gender differences, and what Islamic perspective is on women education. The finding is an eye-opening. This article shows that brain research reveals a distinguished anatomy and function between male’s and female’s brains. Thus, it is only natural that each gender has unique needs. Further study shows, not only that men and women entail special education to fulfill their distinct needs, divergent methods of teaching are also important to boost both male and female students’ performance.
Pendidikan Karakter Bangsa dalam Perspektif Islam (Studi Kritis Terhadap Konsep Pendidikan Karakter Kementerian Pendidikan & Kebudayaan) Erma Pawitasari; Endin Mujahidin; Nanang Fattah
TA`DIBUNA Vol 4, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Ibn Khaldun, Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (713.608 KB) | DOI: 10.32832/tadibuna.v4i1.573


TAWAZUN: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 8 No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Islam,Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (441.24 KB) | DOI: 10.32832/tawazun.v8i2.1147


Liberalism and gender equity has influenced the society that the different roles between men and women are minimized. Social agreements based on traditions, cultures, and religion are deliberately violated. Women are given opportunity to enter “masculine world”, like becoming a president or a soldier. Men are given the opportunity to enter “feminine world”, like becoming a women hair stylist or an OBGYN (a doctor that specializes in women’s reproductive’s health). Special education based on gender is envisaged as discrimative and outdated.Literature research is conducted to understand if special education based on gender is a fruitless idea, if men and women have no unique needs according to their gender differences, and what is Islamic perspective on women education. The finding is an eye-opening. Not only that men and women entail special education to fulfill their different needs, but divergent methods of teaching are also important to boost both male and female students. Keywords : islamic education, women education, gender education, gender equity, gender
Pendidikan Khusus Perempuan: Antara Kesetaraan Gender dan Islam Erma Pawitasari
TSAQAFAH Vol. 11 No. 2 (2015): Islamic Education
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/tsaqafah.v11i2.268


Liberalism and gender equity has influenced the society so much that the different roles between men and women are minimized. Social agreements based on traditions, cultures, and religion are deliberately violated. Women are given opportunity to enter “masculine world”, such as becoming a president or a soldier. Men are given the opportunity to enter “feminine world”, such as becoming a women hair stylist or an OBGYN (a doctor that specializes in women’s reproductive’s health). Everyone is given the freedom to choose their own gender, furthermore, to change their sex organ when they feel comfortable with their choice of gender. Special education based on human’s natural gender is envisaged as discriminative and out dated. Literature research is conducted to understand if special education based on gender is a fruitless idea, if men and women have no unique needs according to their gender differences, and what Islamic perspective is on women education. The finding is an eye-opening. This article shows that brain research reveals a distinguished anatomy and function between male’s and female’s brains. Thus, it is only natural that each gender has unique needs. Further study shows, not only that men and women entail special education to fulfill their distinct needs, divergent methods of teaching are also important to boost both male and female students’ performance.