Duta Widhya Sasmojo
Prodi Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Univ. Pancasila

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Spektra: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya Vol 6 No 3 (2021): SPEKTRA: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, Volume 6 Issue 3, December 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Fisika Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/SPEKTRA.063.02


The package delivery system during this pandemic period require concerned health protocols. Receiving packages sometimes needs to be done even though there is no recipient. Here, the box for receiving goods has an important role. The goods receiving box must have security and ensure that the goods are received/placed in the box. In this case, it is necessary to detect the presence of objects in the box using a weight sensor, and a box locking motor is also needed. A push-button is needed when the package items are put into the box. The process of this activity can be monitored directly with the help of the Blynk application from a smartphone. The tests are carried out, and the push button signals to open the box. The weight sensor detects weight changes. The Blynk application will inform the smartphone that the object has been placed in the box from the weight change, and the system will lock the box again. The detection and monitoring system for goods on the box can work well.
MANAJEMEN SISTEM PENERANGAN DENGAN KENDALI ON/OFF RELAY PADA GEDUNG MENGGUNAKAN MIKROKONTROLLER DAN METODE POLLING Duta Widhya Sasmojo; Agung Saputra; Gunady Haryanto; Sri Rezeki Candra Nursari; Wisnu Broto; Bambang Riono Arsad; Fauzie Busalim; M. Yaser M. Yaser
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika dan Program Studi Fisika Universitas Negeri Jakarta, LPPM Universitas Negeri Jakarta, HFI Jakarta, HFI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (212.118 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/03.SNF2019.02.PA.09


Penghematan energi listrik dibutuhkan, mengingat saat ini energi baru terbarukan belum banyak berkembang dan masih mengandalkan energi berbasis fosil yang semakin hari semakin langka. Salah satu komponen yang mengkonsumsi energi listrik adalah penggunaan penerangan. Pada umumnya gedung-gedung sebagai pusat kegiatan saat ini masih mengandalkan swith on-off yang terpasang pada dinding untuk mematikan/menghidupkan penerangan dan dibutuhkan operator untuk mengoperasikannya. Faktor manusia dan area yang luas dalam gedung menjadikan tingkat efisiensi penggunaan energi listrik sangat tergantung dari operator tersebut. Ketidak efisienan penggunaan energi listrik untuk penerangan lampu didapat ketika penerangan menyala pada waktu yang tidak tepat, misal pada siang hari, atau area yang seharusnya dimatikan. Sistem kendali on/off terpusat merupakan salah satu solusi untuk mengoptimalisasi penggunaan energi listrik bagi penerangan gedung dengan mengganti kendali on/off switch yang terpasang di dinding dengan penggunaan relay yang dikendalikan oleh mikrokontroler terpusat. Dalam penelitian ini penggunaan relay dikendalikan oleh mikrokontroler Arduino yang bekerja mendapat perintah dengan membaca data secara periodik ke server yang dihubungkan dengan internet. Pengguna dapat mematikan atau menyalakan penerangan lampu dengan mengakses web server yang telah terprogram dan menyimpan status relay tersebut dalam sebuat basis data mysql. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan sebuah sistem kendali on/off relay yang bekerja dibalik NAT dengan menggunakan IP lokal yang dapat mengakses ke server di internet. Pembacaan status relay dilakukan secara polling secara periodik 10 detik sekali untuk mengetahui status akhir. Pemasangan peralatan dilakukan dengan cara paralel dengan on/off switch yang sudah terpasang di dinding agar tidak banyak merombak struktur kelistrikan yang ada dan antisipasi cadangan bila sistem kendali on/off otomatis mengalami kegagalan. Electricity energy savings are needed, considering that currently new renewable energy has not developed much and still relies on fossil-based energy which is increasingly scarce. One component that consumes electrical energy is the use of lighting. In general, buildings as a center of activity currently still rely on switch on-off installed on the wall to turn off / turn on lighting and operators need to operate it. Human factors and large areas in the building make the level of efficiency in the use of electrical energy highly dependent on the operator. Inefficient use of electrical energy for lighting lamps is obtained when lighting lights up at an incorrect time, for example during the day, or an area that should be turned off. Centralized on / off control system is one solution to optimize the use of electrical energy for building lighting by replacing wall-mounted on / off switches with the use of a relay controlled by a centralized microcontroller. In this study the use of relays is controlled by an Arduino microcontroller that works by getting orders by reading data periodically to a server connected to the internet. Users can turn off or turn on lighting by accessing a pre-programmed web server and store the status of the relay in a MySQL database. The results of this study get an on / off relay control system that works behind NAT by using a local IP that can access the server on the internet. The relay status readings are carried out in polls and periodically 10 seconds to find out the final status. Installation of equipment is carried out in a parallel with the on / off switch installed on the wall so it won’t need to overhaul the existing electrical structure and anticipate reserves if the automatic on / off control system fails.