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SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION : Economic, Accounting, Management and Business Vol 2 No 1 (2019): SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION: Economic, Accounting, Management, & Business
Publisher : Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Pustek

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (118.153 KB) | DOI: 10.37481/sjr.v2i1.52


Empirically, this study aims to determine the effect of rotation audits on audit quality with audit fees as moderating manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012-2016. The population in this study are manufacturing companies listed on the Stock Exchange in 2012-2016. The sampling technique in this study used a purposive sampling technique, sampled were 24 companies with a research period of 5 years, to obtain 120 research samples. The hypothesis test uses logistic regression analysis and the moderating variable test uses Moderated Regression Analysis. The results show that the rotation audit variable doesn?t significant on audit quality, the audit fee variable has a significant effect on audit quality, while audit fees cannot moderate the effect of rotational audits on audit quality. According to the research results obtained in the F test, the rotation audit and audit fee as moderating simultaneously have a significant effect on audit quality
Animal Agriculture Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2012): Volume 1, Nomor 1, Tahun 2012
Publisher : Animal Agriculture Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (507.891 KB)


ABSTRACT The study aimed to assess the effect increased with the addition of nutrient rations Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a source of pre-probiotics on fertility and embryonic mortality of breeder kedu hen. The materials in use are 90 black kedu chickens in a year production period with weight 1636,13 g 109, 51 for females and 1850,54 g  120,89 for males, and yeast breads (fermipan) as a source of S. cerevisiae. The ration consists of corn, concentrate, premix, rice bran, fish flour, soybean meal, lime, and shell flour. The design of experiment that is used is complete randomized design (CRD) 2x3 factorial with 3 replications. The first factor is the type of breeder ration (R1) and improved ration (R2), the second factor is the level of addition of yeast bread of 0% (S0), 2% (S1) and 4% (S2) of the ration given. The result of this research showed that there was no interaction (P>0,05) between the ration improvement and the level of yeast nread to the value of ration consumption of breeder’s kedu chicken for eggs fertility and embryo mortility. The addition of yeast bread factor significantly increase egg fertility and reduce embryo mortality, especially the addition of 2% (S1) than unleavened bread (S0) and the addition of 4% (S2). Based on the results, it can be concluded that administration of yeast as much as 2% can improve fertility by reduce embryo mortality in breeder kedu chickens.   Key words: Kedu hen, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, fertility and embryonic mortality.   ABSTRAK Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji akibat peningkatan nutrien ransum disertai penambahan S. cerevisiae sebagai sumber pre-probiotik terhadap fertlititas dan mortalitas embrio ayam kedu pebibit. Materi yang digunakan adalah 90 ekor ayam kedu hitam periode produksi  umur 1 tahun dengan bobot badan pada betina 1636,13 g ± 109,51 dan pada jantan 1850,54 g ± 120,89, ragi roti (fermipan) sebagai sumber S. cereviciae, ransum terdiri dari jagung, konsentrat, premix, dedak padi, tepung ikan, bungkil kedelai, kapur, dan tepung kulit kerang. Penelitian  menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial 2x3 dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah jenis ransum peternak (R1) dan ransum perbaikan (R2), faktor kedua adalah level penambahan ragi roti yaitu 0% (S0), 2% (S1) dan 4% (S2) dari ransum yang diberikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat interaksi (P>0,05) antara perbaikan ransum dan level ragi roti terhadap nilai konsumsi ransum ayam Kedu pebibit baik terhadap fertilitas telur maupunn mortalitas embrio. Faktor penambahan ragi roti nyata meningkatkan fertlititas telur dan menurunkan mortalitas embrio terutama penambahan 2% (S1) dibandingkan tanpa ragi roti (S0) dan penambahan 4% (S2). Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian ragi roti sebanyak 2% dapat meningkatkan fertilitas dengan penurunan angka mortalitas embrio pada  ayam Kedu pebibit.   Kata kunci: ayam kedu, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, fertilitas dan mortalitas embrio
Penerapan Algoritma Apriori Untuk Menentukan Persediaan Peralatan Dan Mesin Batubara, Debora Kesia; Suryani, Nining; Buani, Duwi Cahaya Putri
Indonesian Journal on Software Engineering (IJSE) Vol 6, No 2 (2020): IJSE 2020
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31294/ijse.v6i2.9032


Abstract: The DKI Jakarta Regional Asset Management Agency (BPAD) is a State Agency that regulates budget costs for many types of assets in the DKI Jakarta area. One type of budget is for equipment and machinery that are needed annually. The local budget so far has not focused on the equipment and machinery needed. This is needed in order to be able to minimize the budget and focus on the equipment and machinery needed each year. In this case Data Mining can be applied to find information from the dataset. In order to know the Equipment and Machines that are most needed each year, searching for information on the dataset can be done by one of the Data Mining methods, namely the A priori Algorithm by looking for patterns of relationships in a dataset. If you know the equipment and machinery that are most needed each year, BPAD can focus the budget on the goods most needed and can find out which SKPD need more equipment and machinery each year.Keywords: BPAD, Data Mining, Algoritma Apriori.Abstraksi: Badan Pengelolaan Aset Daerah (BPAD) DKI Jakarta adalah Instansi Negara yang mengatur biaya anggaran untuk banyak jenis aset di daerah DKI Jakarta. Salah satu jenis anggaran yang ada ialah untuk Peralatan dan Mesin yang tiap tahunnya dibutuhkan. Anggaran daerah sejauh ini belum berfokus pada Peralatan dan Mesin yang dibutuhkan. Hal ini diperlukan agar dapat lebih meminimalisir anggaran dan berfokus kepada Peralatan dan Mesin yang dibutuhkan tiap tahunnya. Dalam hal ini Data Mining dapat diterapkan untuk mencari informasi dari dataset. Agar dapat mengetahui Peralatan dan Mesin yang paling dibutuhkan tiap tahunnya, pencarian informasi pada dataset dapat dilakukan dengan salah satu metode Data Mining yaitu Algoritma Apriori dengan mencari pola hubungan dalam sebuah dataset. Jika mengetahui Peralatan dan Mesin yang paling dibutuhkan tiap tahunnya maka BPAD dapat memfokuskan anggaran pada barang yang paling dibutuhkan dan dapat mengetahui SKPD mana yang lebih membutuhkan Peralatan dan Mesin setiap tahunnya..Kata Kunci: BPAD, Data Mining, Algoritma Apriori.
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Pemilihan Smartphone bagi Pengguna Nining Suryani
Swabumi Vol 6, No 1 (2018): Volume 6 Nomor 1 Tahun 2018
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika Kota Sukabumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31294/swabumi.v6i1.3315


Abstrak Kehadiran smartphone memberikan banyak manfaat diantaranya adalah komunikasi menjadi lebih praktis dan efesien, karena dengan smartphone kita dapat berkomunikasi dimana dan kapan saja. Beragamnya smartphone yang ditawarkan dan daya beli masyarakat yang semakin tinggi dengan kriteria-kriteria yang ada, mulai dari daya guna, sistem operasi sampai dengan jaringannya, sehingga memicu timbulnya masalah yang membuat konsumen bingung dalam menentukan produk smartphone yang sesuai dengan keinginan. Kondisi tersebut biasanya sering dialami konsumen ketika ingin mencoba menentukan keputusan dalam membeli sebuah smartphone, sehingga tak heran jika konsumen kadang salah memilih smartphone yang sesuai dengan kebutuhannya dikarenakan beragamanya tipe, spesifikasinya dan harga yang ditawarkan karenanya diperlukan rekomendasi kepada para pembeli handphone, untuk dapat memilih atribut, fitur, dan merek handphone berdasarkan spesifikasi handphone yang sesuai dengan kriteria yang diajukan, namun pengambilan keputusan akhirnya tetap ditentukan oleh pembeli. Metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan pemilihan adalah metode ANP. Dengan metode ini diharapkan konsumen tepat dalam memilih smartphone yang akan dibeli dan digunakan. Kata kunci: ANP, Smartphone, Spk Abstract The presence of smartphones provide many benefits including communication becomes more practical and efficient, because with a smartphone we can communicate where and anytime. The variety of smartphones offered and the higher purchasing power of the existing criteria, ranging from usability, operating system to network, so that trigger the emergence of problems that make consumers confused in determining smartphone products in accordance with the wishes. The condition is usually experienced by consumers when trying to determine the decision in buying a smartphone, so no wonder if consumers sometimes choose the wrong smartphone according to their needs due to the variety of types, specifications and prices offered therefore required recommendations to mobile phone buyers, to be able to choose the attributes , features, and brands of mobile phones based on the specification of mobile phones in accordance with the criteria proposed, but decision-making ultimately remains determined by the buyer. The method used to determine the selection is the ANP method. With this method is expected the right consumer in choosing a smartphone to be purchased and used. Keywords: ANP, Smartphone, Spk
Swabumi Vol 4, No 2 (2016): Volume 4 Nomor 2 Tahun 2016
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika Kota Sukabumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31294/swabumi.v4i2.1023


The learning method is currently done is face to face with the learning process Sundanese language subjectswith time once a week with a period of 1 hour so that the provision of material Sunda language is very limited.By this time limitation makes it difficult students in understanding the material provided. For that we need a funway of learning that should be improved by the teacher to the subject matter can be conveyed properly to thestudents so we need a tool for students to learn anytime and anywhere with a sense of fun. Intelligent agentsSundanese language learning can be one way to study for the selection of students for the intelligent agent is funand not boring in its use. This study uses data collection, analysis, project design, manufacture and testingprojects on intelligent agents that will be designed.
Swabumi Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Volume 4 Nomor 1 Tahun 2016
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika Kota Sukabumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31294/swabumi.v4i1.1015


School is one institution that has the duty and function to seek, promote and foster the potential of thestudents. Various factors affect the quality of education among which is the curriculum, instructionalmedia, learning and other methods can also give effect to student interest. Students' interest often affectstudent learning outcomes, with interest in learning the low is likely to produce learning outcomes thatare not optimal, in addition to the above lack of student interest is also influenced by the learning methodthat teachers are still using a system of conventional teaching by means lecture. The results ofobservations at one junior high school students to the data values are still many students who get lowmarks, especially in science subjects. This is caused by boredom experienced by the students of theatmosphere in the classroom, as well as the delivery of content media pembelajaan unattractive anddifficult to be understood by the students. So in need of a new system that can support teaching andlearning activities, one of which is interactive learning with intelligent agent-based animation. Thislearning system using multimedia development cycle by Mc Leod.
SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION : Economic, Accounting, Management and Business Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION: Economic, Accounting, Management, & Business
Publisher : Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Pustek

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37481/sjr.v2i1.52


Empirically, this study aims to determine the effect of rotation audits on audit quality with audit fees as moderating manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012-2016. The population in this study are manufacturing companies listed on the Stock Exchange in 2012-2016. The sampling technique in this study used a purposive sampling technique, sampled were 24 companies with a research period of 5 years, to obtain 120 research samples. The hypothesis test uses logistic regression analysis and the moderating variable test uses Moderated Regression Analysis. The results show that the rotation audit variable doesn’t significant on audit quality, the audit fee variable has a significant effect on audit quality, while audit fees cannot moderate the effect of rotational audits on audit quality. According to the research results obtained in the F test, the rotation audit and audit fee as moderating simultaneously have a significant effect on audit quality
SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION : Economic, Accounting, Management and Business Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION: Economic, Accounting, Management, & Business
Publisher : Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Pustek

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37481/sjr.v4i1.255


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of socialization and promotion strategies in increasing student participation rates at UT Mataram. The method used in this research is correlational descriptive survey method. The results of this study are: 1. The target target of the socialization and promotion program in the future by utilizing information technology as a promotional media, 2. The number of respondents who know about UT is 101 people or 77.7%, while respondents who do not know about UT are as many as 101 people. 29 people or 22.3% indicates that the dissemination of information about UT in the NTB region is still not optimal. 3. The effectiveness of the social program has an impact on increasing student participation rates. Then sosprom activities in the period 2019.2 can be used as a reference for the activity stage in the next period
Perancangan Mobile Sample Preparation Unit Dengan Model Process Lay Out Girman Sihombing; Evy Priyanti; Nining Suryani
IMTechno: Journal of Industrial Management and Technology Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Januari 2023
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31294/imtechno.v4i1.1640


One of the most important activities in Mining industry is the exploration step, Because the result of this activities will be as a basis of taking a decision about the continuity of mining activities in the future. This step must give the accuracy of information about the mineral content and the geological condition where the mining activity is done. The sample preparation is one of the parts of laboratory activities in exploration step. This activity is the first process before analyzing the sample content, so that this process must be organized and controlled as well for getting high quality final analysis result which is based on its precision and accuracy value. In getting the precision and accuracy of value content in the sample, the beginning process until finish in the laboratory activities must be assured that no value interference from the other source or other sample. The Mobile Sample Preparation Unit (MSPU) is one of the designs which can be applied in remote area where the exploration activities are done.