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Jurnal Teknovasi : Jurnal Teknik dan Inovasi Vol 8, No 4 (2021): TEKNOVASI DESEMBER 2021
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik LP3I Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55445/teknovasi.v8i4.622


Human resources play a very significant role in the running of an organization or company to manage the running of the company's system optimally so that it can support the achievement of the goals of the organization or company. But the problem that is often faced by companies today is how to create human resources that can produce optimal performance and in accordance with what the company expects. This research was conducted at a fertilizer plant in the city of East Java with the main activity of supplying national fertilizer needs. This company includes advanced companies so the demand for fertilizer production is also increasing. With these conditions, the role of employees becomes an important factor for the company in realizing the vision and mission of the company. The company always strives to improve the internal quality of the company in order to compete with competing companies. One of the efforts made is an assessment of employee performance and team work. The purpose of research is to assess the influence and interrelationships between dependent variables (organizational culture) and independent (employee performance and team work). This research population is employees in fertilizer companies who understand the problems and people who are experts in their fields to ensure the data generated is relevant and in accordance with the purpose of the research. The sample used to fill out the variable questionnaire amounted to 52 employees.The methods used are statistical analysis of multiple linear regression, test F and coefficient of determination. The results of research and analysis conducted by researchers showed that independent variables namely team work (X1) and employee performance (X2) simultaneously or together had a positive influence and significance on dependent variables namely organizational culture (Y). Or in other words, if the dependent variable increases, it will be accompanied by an increase in independent variables.
Analisis Risiko Pada Area Rotary Kiln di PT Gresik Mitra Teknik Guna Pencegahan Kecelakaan Kerja Reynaldi Ahmad Faizin; Moch. Nuruddin
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 7, No 3 (2022): Juli 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v7i3.4487


PT. Gresik Mitra Teknik (PT GMT) is a company in the field of contractor services and trading services. In its operational activities, PT. GMT is inevitable from accidents at work. As the K3 team at PT. GMT, in particular, has recorded cases of work accidents that occur specifically in the area of rotary kilns. Based on data on the number of accidents that occurred in several activities at PT GMT, it was concluded that fire brick installation activities dominated the occurrence of accidents in the company. The purpose of this study is to apply the HIRARC method to identify existing occupational accident risks and identify the steps that need to be taken to manage all existing risks. The results of the study found that there were 10 risks with the following details 2 risks including the low level category, 4 risks including the medium level category, 2 risks including the high level category and 2 risks including the very high level category. Risk control measures focus on reducing the level of risk, which is the highest risk category. The measures taken include the new design of the production floor, the provision of PPE earplugs, regular testing of noise levels.
Analisis Keandalan Pada Operator Grinding Menggunakan Metode Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis di PT Ravana Jaya Siti Nur Hasanah; Moch. Nuruddin
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 7, No 3 (2022): Juli 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v7i3.4373


PT Ravana Jaya is a company implementing construction services and steel plate fabrication. As for the activities of the steel plate fabrication process, labor makes direct contact with work activities that have a high risk of work accidents and are dangerous. Based on work accident report data from 2019 to 2021, the majority of work accidents occur in grinding activities caused by work conditions, operator experience and human error. The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze the factors of accidents that occur caused by human error using the CREAM method. The CREAM method is a method of analyzing human constraints that measures cognitive reliability and possible errors. The results showed that the cognitive function with the highest error value was found in the interpretation perspective of diagnosing inaccurate or incomplete data with a CFP value of 0.024 contained in Task 4.2 in the error mode ensuring the quality of the grinding stone in good condition and not cracked, Task 4.3 in the mode of ensuring that the rpm of the grinding stone is greater than the rpm of the grinding machine and Task 5.1 in the mode of checking the work area neatly before activities.
JUSTI (Jurnal Sistem dan Teknik Industri) Vol 2 No 4 (2021): justi
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (238.679 KB) | DOI: 10.30587/justicb.v2i4.4243


Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin maju dalam proses produksi mendorong dunia industri untuk semakin berkembang. PT Smelting Gresik adalah pabrik pengolahan bijih tembaga menjadi tembaga murni. Berlokasi di kabupaten Gresik Jawa Timur, memiliki tiga plan yaitu Acid plan, Smelter, dan Refinery. Dalam kegiatan operasionalnya pekerja Plat Mantenance,Cell, CWSM ( Catoda Washing Stripping Machine pada plan Refinery ini banyak berinteraksi dengan mesin, peralatan dan lingkungan kerja yang memiliki resiko kecelakaan sangat tinggi. Mendeteksi potensi bahaya kecelakaan kerja perlu adanya identifikasi bahaya dalam setiap aktivitas proses produksi, untuk mengidentifikasi bahaya dan menganalisa bahaya suatu pekerjaan diperlukan metode Job safety analysis (JSA). Untuk meminimalisasi potensi bahaya yang ada maka diperlukan identifikasi, penilaian dan pengendalian risiko (HIRARC-Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, Dan Risk Control) sebagai salah satu langkah dalam manajemen risiko. Hasil pengamatan pada plan refinery dari 3 pekerjaan yaitu Plat Mantenance,Cell, CWSM ( Catoda Washing Stripping Machine. Terdapat 13 langkah kerja dengan 32 potensi kecelakaan kerja. Terdapat 1 kategori insignifican, 4 minor, 9 moderate, 16 major, dan 6 kategori catastrophic. Evaluasi risiko menggunakan pendekatan HIRARC menunjukkan tingkat level risiko dari 13 langkah kerja plan refinery pada pekerjaan Plat Mantenance,Cell, CWSM ( Catoda Washing Stripping Machine, terdapat 1 level low risk, 3 medium risk, 18 high risk, dan 16 risiko kerja dengan level extreme risk. Usulan pengendalian risiko dengan tindakan pencegahan yang tepat, menunjukkan solusi – solusi apa saja yang tepat untuk pencegahan terjadinya kecelakaan kerja, dan meminimalkan dampak dari proses pekerjaan plan refinery pengendalian risiko berupa alat pelindung diri (APD), tindakan pencegahan dan pelaksanaan program JSA
Perancangan Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) proses produksi pada TEFA (Teaching Factory) (Studi Kasus: Smk Manbaul Ulum) Novi Nur Hidayanti; Moch. Nuruddin; hidayat hidayat
JUSTI (Jurnal Sistem dan Teknik Industri) Vol 2 No 2 (2021): justi
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (117.969 KB) | DOI: 10.30587/justicb.v2i2.3673


Perancangan SOP sangat penting dilakukan di SMK Manbaul Ulum untuk memperjelas alur kerja dalam proses produksi. Hal ini digunakan untuk menjadikan siswa lebih memahami praktik, dan juga menjadikan siswa lebih mandiri dan siap terjun ke lingkungan kerja nantinya. SOP dalam kegiatan produksi harus diterapkan sejak dini agar siswa dapat terbiasa dengan pekerjaan yang akan mereka hadapi nanti di dalam dunia kerja. Oleh karena itu, perlu dibuat suatu standar operasi sehingga langkah-langkah dalam suatu prosedur tidak berubah. Hasil dari pembahasan pada penelitian ini yaitu:Standard Operating Prosedure (SOP) proses pemotongan Manbaul Ulum telah tersusun dengan menggunakan flowchart swimlane dan naratif, Standard Operating Prosedure (SOP) proses laminating & edging, Standard Operating Prosedure (SOP) proses boring, Standard Operating Prosedure (SOP) proses assembling pada teaching factory di SMK Manbaul Ulum telah tersusun dengan menggunakan flowchart swimlane san naratif.
Analisis Postur Tubuh Pekerja Di Graph Multimedia Menggunakan Metode Rula (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment) Untuk Mengetahui Tingkat Resiko Pekerja Printing Prisko Ariyo; Moch. Nuruddin
JTI: Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol 8, No 2 (2022): DESEMBER 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jti.v8i2.20034


Penerapan prinsip ergonomi sangatlah penting di dunia kerja. Desain tempat kerja akan sangat bergantung pada jenis pekerjaan dan alat atau fasilitas yang digunakan untuk menunjang pelaksanaan operasi kerja. Graph multimedia pekerjaan printing belum menerpakan prinsip ergonomic seperti meja dan kursi belum menerapkan prinsip ergonomi. Hal itu akan menyebabkan terkjadinya MSDS. Metode yang digunakan yaitu kuesioner Nordic body map untuk mengetahui keluhan pekerja. RULA digunakan sebagai analisis postur kerja yang berpotensi menimbulkan keluhan. Antropometri digunakan sebagai usulan alat bantu meja dan kursi. Hasil yang didapatkan Keluhan yang dirasakan Pekerja printing di graph multimedia dengan menggunakan kuesioner Nordic body map  diktehaui pekerja memiliki skor 69 Yang artinya . Analisis postur kerja dengan menggunakan metode RULA dikethui pekerja printing memiliki skor 5 yang artinya pekerja printing graph multimedia tergolong Action Level 3: Skor 5 atau 6 menunjukkan bahwa penyelidikan dan perubahan dibutuhkan segera. Desain usulan alat bantu dengan menggunakan metode antropometri diantaranya ukuranya sebagai berikut. Tinggi sandaran punggung 54,89cm, Lebar sandaran punggung 38,75 cm, Lebar dudukan kursi 32,32 cm.Tinggi kaki kursi 40,07 cm, Panjang dudukan kursi 39,88 cm, Tinggi meja , 60.39, Panjang meja kedepan 39,88 cm. 
Penentuan Interval Penggantian Komponen Mesin Pengayakan BatuBara Dengan Metode Age Replacement Ahmad Badriez Zamani; Moch. Nuruddin; Said Salim Dahda
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Januari 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v8i1.5016


PT X is a manufacturing industry company, where one of the machines used is the Coal Sieving Machine. Krena machines are used continuously meneurs, so regular maintenance is required. This machine has two critical components, namely the gearbox component and the V-Belt Conveyor. During this time, PT. X carries out suboptimal repair activities, namely technicians only replace components when there is damage that can cause downtime. The purpose of this study is to determine alternative time intervals for machine component replacement and analyze the implementation of appropriate preventive maintenance to reduce the total downtime that occurs with the age replacement method approach. The results of the study obtained the replacement time interval for Gearbox components at intervals of 14 days while on the V-Belt Conveyor components, namely at intervals of 16 days. The total cost of replacing gearbox components due to damage amounted to Rp. 3,286,955 and for the calculation of the total maintenance cost (TC*) of Rp. 56,549,187. As for the replacement of V-Belt Conveyor components due to damage amounting to Rp. 3,101,104 and for the calculation of the total maintenance cost (TC*) of Rp. 58,260,118.
Analysis of Chemical Inventory Control in the GGCP Unit Using Forecasting and EOQ Methods at PT. XYZ Hisyam Aziz Aditya; Moch. Nuruddin; Yanuar Pandu Negoro
Advance Sustainable Science Engineering and Technology Vol 5, No 3 (2023): August-October
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/asset.v5i3.17205


PT. XYZ is a company operating in the energy producing industry. Which has 2 types of products, steam power and electricity. Steam in GGCP contains 3 chemicals, namely Amine, phosphate, oxygen scavenger. However, this company experienced an accumulation of excessive chemical stocks and reduced chemical consumption. This research aims to determine the number of company orders and determine overall inventory costs using forecasting methods and economical order quantities. In calculating the Total Inventory Cost (TIC) results, there is a significant calculation where TIC EOQ has an economical cost for Amine chemicals of IDR. 15,879,937 while the company's TIC is IDR. 36,226,539. with forecast results for Amine chemicals of 4148/ltr, phosphate of 3061/ltr, and scavenger oxygen of 5450/ltr. Meanwhile, the EOQ calculation results obtained a value for Amine chemicals of 1361/ltr, phosphate of 1164/ltr and 1554/ltr for oxygen scavenger chemicals.
Analyzing Product Defects in the Production Process of Tempeh Using the FTA and FMEA Methods at CV. Aderina Moch. Nuruddin; Adi Dharma
MOTIVECTION : Journal of Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Engineering Vol 5 No 3 (2023): Motivection : Journal of Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Engineering
Publisher : Indonesian Mechanical Electrical and Industrial Research Society (IMEIRS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46574/motivection.v5i3.276


CV. Aderina is a Home Industry that produces tempeh has a product quality problem that is still found defective products. The types of product defects that often occur are foreign object entry, blackish color, and maturity level. A very effective method to overcome these problems is the FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) and FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) methods. The purpose of this research is to identify the types of defects and factors that cause the highest defects in tempeh products and provide recommendations for improvement to improve the quality of Tempe products. Foreign body entry is the highest type of tempeh product defect in October 2021 based on the Pareto diagram with the number of defective products, namely 356 pcs and a defect percentage of 47.72%. In the Fault Tree of foreign object entry, the causes of defects that occur are caused by tools, human error, and the environment. Based on the FMEA method, the highest RPN value is obtained, namely the cause of defects in a less clean room with an RPN value of 189 and becomes a priority for improvement. CV. Aderina adalah Home Industry yang memproduksi tempe memiliki masalah kualitas produk yaitu masih ditemukan produk yang cacat. Adapun jenis cacat produk yang sering terjadi yaitu kemasukan benda asing, berwarna kehitaman, dan tingkat kematangan. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah metode FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) dan FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis). Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini ialah untuk mengidentifikasi jenis kecacatan dan faktor penyebab kecacatan paling tinggi pada produk tempe serta memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk Tempe. Kemasukan benda asing merupakan jenis kecacatan produk tempe yang tertinggi pada bulan Oktober 2021 berdasarkan diagram Pareto dengan jumlah produk yang cacat yakni 356 pcs dan persentase cacat sebesar 47,72 %. Berdasarkan Fault Tree kemasukan benda asing, penyebab kecacatan yang terjadi adalah disebabkan oleh tools, human error, dan lingkungan. Berdasarkan metode FMEA, didapatkan nilai RPN paling tinggi yaitu pada penyebab kecacatan ruangan kurang bersih dengan nilai RPN sebesar 189 dan menjadi prioritas perbaikan.