Dapot Pardamean Saragih
Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi Negara, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Musamus

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Upaya Birokrasi Pemerintah Dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Lokal Sekitar Taman Nasional Wasur Andi Patta Yusuf; Dapot Pardamean Saragih
SOCIETAS Vol 10 No 1 (2021): Societas : Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Dan Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Musamus, Merauke, Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/sjias.v10i1.3263


Taman Nasional Wasur tidak terlepas dari berbagai permasalahan yang melekat didalamnya.Pada saat iniumumnya mengalami berbagai permasalahan dihadapi dimana telah terekam dalam media informasi yaituperburuan hewan sejenis kanguru, rusa, cenderawasih dan pembakaran di wilayah hutan seperti datamenunjukkan kejadian kebakaran hutan sejak agustus hingga september 2019 ada sekitar 44 titik api diTaman Nasional Wasur (TNW) Merauke. Permasalahan tersebut merupakan aktivitas masyarakat secarameramu dalam melangsungkan hidupnya untuk menopan perekonomian keluarga. Keberadaan TamanNasional Wasur disyaratkan birokrasi pemerintah berupaya memberdayakan masyarakat sekitar tamannasional wasur. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan upaya birokrasi pemerintah dalampemberdayaan masyarakat lokal. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber dataprimer dan sekunder. Penelitian dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan angketpertanyaan secara mendalam.Teknik Analisis data dilakukan dengan mereduksi, menyajikan danmenyimpulkan. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa upaya birokrasi pemerintah dalam pemberdayaankepada masyarakat sekitar taman nasional wasur terdapat beberapa upaya dilakukan dengan adanyakegiatan-kegiatan pemberdayaan kepada masyarakat seperti: pemberian bantuan pengembagan usahaekonomi produktif, mengola penyulingan minyak kayu putih dan mengelola budidaya anggrek danpengembangan usaha jasa wisata. Dengan demikian pemberdayaan masyarakat memberikan nilai tambahterhadap perekonomian masyarakat lokal dan mengalihkan aktivitas masyarakat sebelumnya merusakhutan yang dilindungi menjadi aktivitas pembangunan masyarakat
Menakar Kinerja DPRD Kabupaten Merauke Dapot Pardamean Saragih; Aenal Fuad Adam
Musamus Journal of Public Administration Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Musamus Journal of Public Administration
Publisher : Department of State Administration - Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mjpa.v4i2.4069


Kapasitas DPRD dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya sebagai lembaga perwakilan menjadi penting di era pemerintahan daerah saat ini. Rendahnya kapasitas dan kapabilitas DPRD akan menjadi masalah yang pada gilirannya akan berdampak pada rendahnya kepercayaan publik terhadap kinerja DPRD. Oleh Karena itu, penelitian ini memandang pentingnya menakar kinerja DPRD Kabupaten Merauke, oleh untuk itu diperlukan penelitian awal untuk memahami sejauhmana DPRD Kabupaten Merauke menjalankan amanah dan tugas yang dipegang sebagai lembaga aspirasi rakyat dan sebagai penyelenggara pemerintahan yang bersinergi dengan pihak eksekutif dalam menjalankan roda pemerintahan daerah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penelurusan dalam memahami praktik DPRD Kabupaten Merauke dalam menjalankan peran, tugas dan fungsinya sebagai lembaga legislasi. Lokasi penelitian ini berada di Kabuapaten Merauke. Sementara data didapatkan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi yang berhubungan tentang peran, tugas dan fungsi DPRD Kabupaten Merauke dalam proses penyusunan legislasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja anggota DPRD merauke belum memenuhi 6 dimensi kinerja yang mana masih banyak hambatan – hambatan eksternal dalam proses penyusunan dan penyelesaian proses legislasi.
Transparency in Village Fund Financial Management Ramos Da Chrismas; Elias Mite; Edoardus E Maturbongs; Imelda C Laode; Dapot Pardamean Saragih; David Laiyan
Musamus Journal of Public Administration Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Musamus Journal of Public Administration
Publisher : Department of State Administration - Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mjpa.v2i2.2802


The launch of village funds in Papua is always increasing every year given by the government, but on the other hand raises new problems regarding financial management and transparency. This study aims to provide new thinking about financial transparency of village funds suitable for the Papua region. The method used is literature study, and the results of this study are transparency that must be carried out, namely the provision and access of clear information about planning, implementation procedures and accountability (billboards, website, Facebook), the existence of deliberations involving the community and indigenous peoples / Chair Adat, Openness of the management process, Supervision is carried out by the whole community, Transparency of information on Village Financial management documents, Continual socialization and training from the government to the Village for effective management of the Village Fund, and Village Fund Assistance is actually recruited from people who have very high self-integrity.
The Relationship of Employee's Ethnic Origin to the Maturity Level of Subordinates in Situational Leadership Fitriani Fitriani; Dapot Pardamean Saragih; Poetri Enindah Suradinata
SOCIETAS Vol 11 No 2 (2022): Societas: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Musamus, Merauke, Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The uniqueness of the population in Papua is the diversity of ethnicities and religions that come from all corners of the archipelago, but can live side by side without conflict. This condition also occurs in the world of government, especially in the application of situational leadership types. This study aims to determine how much the relationship between the ethnic origin of employees and the level of maturity of subordinates in situational leadership is carried out in the Papua Provincial Government. The method used is a quantitative research method using the statistical test of Sommer's dyx relationship to validate the theory of situational leadership, namely to determine the maturity level of subordinates and the leadership style used based on the suitability of the situation meeting, as well as the additional Lambda relationship test. Respondents consist of 21 (twenty one) leaders and 130 (one hundred and thirty) subordinates spread over 7 (seven) offices in the Papua Provincial Government. The results of this study found the magnitude of the relationship +0.23 (very weak relationship) where the subordinates of each ethnic origin, were at a high level of maturity, which had a weak/small relationship in the group of ethnic origin. This indicates that the Papua Provincial Government employees already have a high level of subordinate maturity (M3-M4) by applying a situational leadership style (S3-S4) and only slightly has a relationship with the employee's ethnic origin, while a large/strong relationship comes from factors otherThe uniqueness of the population in Papua is the diversity of ethnicities and religions that come from all corners of the archipelago, but can live side by side without conflict. This condition also occurs in the world of government, especially in the application of situational leadership types. This study aims to determine how much the relationship between the ethnic origin of employees and the level of maturity of subordinates in situational leadership is carried out in the Papua Provincial Government. The method used is a quantitative research method using the statistical test of Sommer's dyx relationship to validate the theory of situational leadership, namely to determine the maturity level of subordinates and the leadership style used based on the suitability of the situation meeting, as well as the additional Lambda relationship test. Respondents consist of 21 (twenty one) leaders and 130 (one hundred and thirty) subordinates spread over 7 (seven) offices in the Papua Provincial Government. The results of this study found the magnitude of the relationship +0.23 (very weak relationship) where the subordinates of each ethnic origin, were at a high level of maturity, which had a weak/small relationship in the group of ethnic origin. This indicates that the Papua Provincial Government employees already have a high level of subordinate maturity (M3-M4) by applying a situational leadership style (S3-S4) and only slightly has a relationship with the employee's ethnic origin, while a large/strong relationship comes from factors otherThe uniqueness of the population in Papua is the diversity of ethnicities and religions that come from all corners of the archipelago, but can live side by side without conflict. This condition also occurs in the world of government, especially in the application of situational leadership types. This study aims to determine how much the relationship between the ethnic origin of employees and the level of maturity of subordinates in situational leadership is carried out in the Papua Provincial Government. The method used is a quantitative research method using the statistical test of Sommer's dyx relationship to validate the theory of situational leadership, namely to determine the maturity level of subordinates and the leadership style used based on the suitability of the situation meeting, as well as the additional Lambda relationship test. Respondents consist of 21 (twenty one) leaders and 130 (one hundred and thirty) subordinates spread over 7 (seven) offices in the Papua Provincial Government. The results of this study found the magnitude of the relationship +0.23 (very weak relationship) where the subordinates of each ethnic origin, were at a high level of maturity, which had a weak/small relationship in the group of ethnic origin. This indicates that the Papua Provincial Government employees already have a high level of subordinate maturity (M3-M4) by applying a situational leadership style (S3-S4) and only slightly has a relationship with the employee's ethnic origin, while a large/strong relationship comes from factors otherThe uniqueness of the population in Papua is the diversity of ethnicities and religions that come from all corners of the archipelago, but can live side by side without conflict. This condition also occurs in the world of government, especially in the application of situational leadership types. This study aims to determine how much the relationship between the ethnic origin of employees and the level of maturity of subordinates in situational leadership is carried out in the Papua Provincial Government. The method used is a quantitative research method using the statistical test of Sommer's dyx relationship to validate the theory of situational leadership, namely to determine the maturity level of subordinates and the leadership style used based on the suitability of the situation meeting, as well as the additional Lambda relationship test. Respondents consist of 21 (twenty one) leaders and 130 (one hundred and thirty) subordinates spread over 7 (seven) offices in the Papua Provincial Government. The results of this study found the magnitude of the relationship +0.23 (very weak relationship) where the subordinates of each ethnic origin, were at a high level of maturity, which had a weak/small relationship in the group of ethnic origin. This indicates that the Papua Provincial Government employees already have a high level of subordinate maturity (M3-M4) by applying a situational leadership style (S3-S4) and only slightly has a relationship with the employee's ethnic origin, while a large/strong relationship comes from factors otherThe uniqueness of the population in Papua is the diversity of ethnicities and religions that come from all corners of the archipelago, but can live side by side without conflict. This condition also occurs in the world of government, especially in the application of situational leadership types. This study aims to determine how much the relationship between the ethnic origin of employees and the level of maturity of subordinates in situational leadership is carried out in the Papua Provincial Government. The method used is a quantitative research method using the statistical test of Sommer's dyx relationship to validate the theory of situational leadership, namely to determine the maturity level of subordinates and the leadership style used based on the suitability of the situation meeting, as well as the additional Lambda relationship test. Respondents consist of 21 (twenty one) leaders and 130 (one hundred and thirty) subordinates spread over 7 (seven) offices in the Papua Provincial Government. The results of this study found the magnitude of the relationship +0.23 (very weak relationship) where the subordinates of each ethnic origin, were at a high level of maturity, which had a weak/small relationship in the group of ethnic origin. This indicates that the Papua Provincial Government employees already have a high level of subordinate maturity (M3-M4) by applying a situational leadership style (S3-S4) and only slightly has a relationship with the employee's ethnic origin, while a large/strong relationship comes from factors otherThe uniqueness of the population in Papua is the diversity of ethnicities and religions that come from all corners of the archipelago, but can live side by side without conflict. This condition also occurs in the world of government, especially in the application of situational leadership types. This study aims to determine how much the relationship between the ethnic origin of employees and the level of maturity of subordinates in situational leadership is carried out in the Papua Provincial Government. The method used is a quantitative research method using the statistical test of Sommer's dyx relationship to validate the theory of situational leadership, namely to determine the maturity level of subordinates and the leadership style used based on the suitability of the situation meeting, as well as the additional Lambda relationship test. Respondents consist of 21 (twenty one) leaders and 130 (one hundred and thirty) subordinates spread over 7 (seven) offices in the Papua Provincial Government. The results of this study found the magnitude of the relationship +0.23 (very weak relationship) where the subordinates of each ethnic origin, were at a high level of maturity, which had a weak/small relationship in the group of ethnic origin. This indicates that the Papua Provincial Government employees already have a high level of subordinate maturity (M3-M4) by applying a situational leadership style (S3-S4) and only slightly has a relationship with the employee's ethnic origin, while a large/strong relationship comes from factors otherThe uniqueness of the population in Papua is the diversity of ethnicities and religions that come from all corners of the archipelago, but can live side by side without conflict. This condition also occurs in the world of government, especially in the application of situational leadership types. This study aims to determine how much the relationship between the ethnic origin of employees and the level of maturity of subordinates in situational leadership is carried out in the Papua Provincial Government. The method used is a quantitative research method using the statistical test of Sommer's dyx relationship to validate the theory of situational leadership, namely to determine the maturity level of subordinates and the leadership style used based on the suitability of the situation meeting, as well as the additional Lambda relationship test. Respondents consist of 21 (twenty one) leaders and 130 (one hundred and thirty) subordinates spread over 7 (seven) offices in the Papua Provincial Government. The results of this study found the magnitude of the relationship +0.23 (very weak relationship) where the subordinates of each ethnic origin, were at a high level of maturity, which had a weak/small relationship in the group of ethnic origin. This indicates that the Papua Provincial Government employees already have a high level of subordinate maturity (M3-M4) by applying a situational leadership style (S3-S4) and only slightly has a relationship with the employee's ethnic origin, while a large/strong relationship comes from factors otherThe uniqueness of the population in Papua is the diversity of ethnicities and religions that come from all corners of the archipelago, but can live side by side without conflict. This condition also occurs in the world of government, especially in the application of situational leadership types. This study aims to determine how much the relationship between the ethnic origin of employees and the level of maturity of subordinates in situational leadership is carried out in the Papua Provincial Government. The method used is a quantitative research method using the statistical test of Sommer's dyx relationship to validate the theory of situational leadership, namely to determine the maturity level of subordinates and the leadership style used based on the suitability of the situation meeting, as well as the additional Lambda relationship test. Respondents consist of 21 (twenty one) leaders and 130 (one hundred and thirty) subordinates spread over 7 (seven) offices in the Papua Provincial Government. The results of this study found the magnitude of the relationship +0.23 (very weak relationship) where the subordinates of each ethnic origin, were at a high level of maturity, which had a weak/small relationship in the group of ethnic origin. This indicates that the Papua Provincial Government employees already have a high level of subordinate maturity (M3-M4) by applying a situational leadership style (S3-S4) and only slightly has a relationship with the employee's ethnic origin, while a large/strong relationship comes from factors otherThe uniqueness of the population in Papua is the diversity of ethnicities and religions that come from all corners of the archipelago, but can live side by side without conflict. This condition also occurs in the world of government, especially in the application of situational leadership types. This study aims to determine how much the relationship between the ethnic origin of employees and the level of maturity of subordinates in situational leadership is carried out in the Papua Provincial Government. The method used is a quantitative research method using the statistical test of Sommer's dyx relationship to validate the theory of situational leadership, namely to determine the maturity level of subordinates and the leadership style used based on the suitability of the situation meeting, as well as the additional Lambda relationship test. Respondents consist of 21 (twenty one) leaders and 130 (one hundred and thirty) subordinates spread over 7 (seven) offices in the Papua Provincial Government. The results of this study found the magnitude of the relationship +0.23 (very weak relationship) where the subordinates of each ethnic origin, were at a high level of maturity, which had a weak/small relationship in the group of ethnic origin. This indicates that the Papua Provincial Government employees already have a high level of subordinate maturity (M3-M4) by applying a situational leadership style (S3-S4) and only slightly has a relationship with the employee's ethnic origin, while a large/strong relationship comes from factors otherThe uniqueness of the population in Papua is the diversity of ethnicities and religions that come from all corners of the archipelago, but can live side by side without conflict. This condition also occurs in the world of government, especially in the application of situational leadership types. This study aims to determine how much the relationship between the ethnic origin of employees and the level of maturity of subordinates in situational leadership is carried out in the Papua Provincial Government. The method used is a quantitative research method using the statistical test of Sommer's dyx relationship to validate the theory of situational leadership, namely to determine the maturity level of subordinates and the leadership style used based on the suitability of the situation meeting, as well as the additional Lambda relationship test. Respondents consist of 21 (twenty one) leaders and 130 (one hundred and thirty) subordinates spread over 7 (seven) offices in the Papua Provincial Government. The results of this study found the magnitude of the relationship +0.23 (very weak relationship) where the subordinates of each ethnic origin, were at a high level of maturity, which had a weak/small relationship in the group of ethnic origin. This indicates that the Papua Provincial Government employees already have a high level of subordinate maturity (M3-M4) by applying a situational leadership style (S3-S4) and only slightly has a relationship with the employee's ethnic origin, while a large/strong relationship comes from factors otherThe uniqueness of the population in Papua is the diversity of ethnicities and religions that come from all corners of the archipelago, but can live side by side without conflict. This condition also occurs in the world of government, especially in the application of situational leadership types. This study aims to determine how much the relationship between the ethnic origin of employees and the level of maturity of subordinates in situational leadership is carried out in the Papua Provincial Government. The method used is a quantitative research method using the statistical test of Sommer's dyx relationship to validate the theory of situational leadership, namely to determine the maturity level of subordinates and the leadership style used based on the suitability of the situation meeting, as well as the additional Lambda relationship test. Respondents consist of 21 (twenty one) leaders and 130 (one hundred and thirty) subordinates spread over 7 (seven) offices in the Papua Provincial Government. The results of this study found the magnitude of the relationship +0.23 (very weak relationship) where the subordinates of each ethnic origin, were at a high level of maturity, which had a weak/small relationship in the group of ethnic origin. This indicates that the Papua Provincial Government employees already have a high level of subordinate maturity (M3-M4) by applying a situational leadership style (S3-S4) and only slightly has a relationship with the employee's ethnic origin, while a large/strong relationship comes from factors otherThe uniqueness of the population in Papua is the diversity of ethnicities and religions that come from all corners of the archipelago, but can live side by side without conflict. This condition also occurs in the world of government, especially in the application of situational leadership types. This study aims to determine how much the relationship between the ethnic origin of employees and the level of maturity of subordinates in situational leadership is carried out in the Papua Provincial Government. The method used is a quantitative research method using the statistical test of Sommer's dyx relationship to validate the theory of situational leadership, namely to determine the maturity level of subordinates and the leadership style used based on the suitability of the situation meeting, as well as the additional Lambda relationship test. Respondents consist of 21 (twenty one) leaders and 130 (one hundred and thirty) subordinates spread over 7 (seven) offices in the Papua Provincial Government. The results of this study found the magnitude of the relationship +0.23 (very weak relationship) where the subordinates of each ethnic origin, were at a high level of maturity, which had a weak/small relationship in the group of ethnic origin. This indicates that the Papua Provincial Government employees already have a high level of subordinate maturity (M3-M4) by applying a situational leadership style (S3-S4) and only slightly has a relationship with the employee's ethnic origin, while a large/strong relationship comes from factors otherThe uniqueness of the population in Papua is the diversity of ethnicities and religions that come from all corners of the archipelago, but can live side by side without conflict. This condition also occurs in the world of government, especially in the application of situational leadership types. This study aims to determine how much the relationship between the ethnic origin of employees and the level of maturity of subordinates in situational leadership is carried out in the Papua Provincial Government. The method used is a quantitative research method using the statistical test of Sommer's dyx relationship to validate the theory of situational leadership, namely to determine the maturity level of subordinates and the leadership style used based on the suitability of the situation meeting, as well as the additional Lambda relationship test. Respondents consist of 21 (twenty one) leaders and 130 (one hundred and thirty) subordinates spread over 7 (seven) offices in the Papua Provincial Government. The results of this study found the magnitude of the relationship +0.23 (very weak relationship) where the subordinates of each ethnic origin, were at a high level of maturity, which had a weak/small relationship in the group of ethnic origin. This indicates that the Papua Provincial Government employees already have a high level of subordinate maturity (M3-M4) by applying a situational leadership style (S3-S4) and only slightly has a relationship with the employee's ethnic origin, while a large/strong relationship comes from factors otherThe uniqueness of the population in Papua is the diversity of ethnicities and religions that come from all corners of the archipelago, but can live side by side without conflict. This condition also occurs in the world of government, especially in the application of situational leadership types. This study aims to determine how much the relationship between the ethnic origin of employees and the level of maturity of subordinates in situational leadership is carried out in the Papua Provincial Government. The method used is a quantitative research method using the statistical test of Sommer's dyx relationship to validate the theory of situational leadership, namely to determine the maturity level of subordinates and the leadership style used based on the suitability of the situation meeting, as well as the additional Lambda relationship test. Respondents consist of 21 (twenty one) leaders and 130 (one hundred and thirty) subordinates spread over 7 (seven) offices in the Papua Provincial Government. The results of this study found the magnitude of the relationship +0.23 (very weak relationship) where the subordinates of each ethnic origin, were at a high level of maturity, which had a weak/small relationship in the group of ethnic origin. This indicates that the Papua Provincial Government employees already have a high level of subordinate maturity (M3-M4) by applying a situational leadership style (S3-S4) and only slightly has a relationship with the employee's ethnic origin, while a large/strong relationship comes from factors otherThe uniqueness of the population in Papua is the diversity of ethnicities and religions that come from all corners of the archipelago, but can live side by side without conflict. This condition also occurs in the world of government, especially in the application of situational leadership types. This study aims to determine how much the relationship between the ethnic origin of employees and the level of maturity of subordinates in situational leadership is carried out in the Papua Provincial Government. The method used is a quantitative research method using the statistical test of Sommer's dyx relationship to validate the theory of situational leadership, namely to determine the maturity level of subordinates and the leadership style used based on the suitability of the situation meeting, as well as the additional Lambda relationship test. Respondents consist of 21 (twenty one) leaders and 130 (one hundred and thirty) subordinates spread over 7 (seven) offices in the Papua Provincial Government. The results of this study found the magnitude of the relationship +0.23 (very weak relationship) where the subordinates of each ethnic origin, were at a high level of maturity, which had a weak/small relationship in the group of ethnic origin. This indicates that the Papua Provincial Government employees already have a high level of subordinate maturity (M3-M4) by applying a situational leadership style (S3-S4) and only slightly has a relationship with the employee's ethnic origin, while a large/strong relationship comes from factors otherThe uniqueness of the population in Papua is the diversity of ethnicities and religions that come from all corners of the archipelago, but can live side by side without conflict. This condition also occurs in the world of government, especially in the application of situational leadership types. This study aims to determine how much the relationship between the ethnic origin of employees and the level of maturity of subordinates in situational leadership is carried out in the Papua Provincial Government. The method used is a quantitative research method using the statistical test of Sommer's dyx relationship to validate the theory of situational leadership, namely to determine the maturity level of subordinates and the leadership style used based on the suitability of the situation meeting, as well as the additional Lambda relationship test. Respondents consist of 21 (twenty one) leaders and 130 (one hundred and thirty) subordinates spread over 7 (seven) offices in the Papua Provincial Government. The results of this study found the magnitude of the relationship +0.23 (very weak relationship) where the subordinates of each ethnic origin, were at a high level of maturity, which had a weak/small relationship in the group of ethnic origin. This indicates that the Papua Provincial Government employees already have a high level of subordinate maturity (M3-M4) by applying a situational leadership style (S3-S4) and only slightly has a relationship with the employee's ethnic origin, while a large/strong relationship comes from factors otherThe uniqueness of the population in Papua is the diversity of ethnicities and religions that come from all corners of the archipelago, but can live side by side without conflict. This condition also occurs in the world of government, especially in the application of situational leadership types. This study aims to determine how much the relationship between the ethnic origin of employees and the level of maturity of subordinates in situational leadership is carried out in the Papua Provincial Government. The method used is a quantitative research method using the statistical test of Sommer's dyx relationship to validate the theory of situational leadership, namely to determine the maturity level of subordinates and the leadership style used based on the suitability of the situation meeting, as well as the additional Lambda relationship test. Respondents consist of 21 (twenty one) leaders and 130 (one hundred and thirty) subordinates spread over 7 (seven) offices in the Papua Provincial Government. The results of this study found the magnitude of the relationship +0.23 (very weak relationship) where the subordinates of each ethnic origin, were at a high level of maturity, which had a weak/small relationship in the group of ethnic origin. This indicates that the Papua Provincial Government employees already have a high level of subordinate maturity (M3-M4) by applying a situational leadership style (S3-S4) and only slightly has a relationship with the employee's ethnic origin, while a large/strong relationship comes from factors otherThe uniqueness of the population in Papua is the diversity of ethnicities and religions that come from all corners of the archipelago, but can live side by side without conflict. This condition also occurs in the world of government, especially in the application of situational leadership types. This study aims to determine how much the relationship between the ethnic origin of employees and the level of maturity of subordinates in situational leadership is carried out in the Papua Provincial Government. The method used is a quantitative research method using the statistical test of Sommer's dyx relationship to validate the theory of situational leadership, namely to determine the maturity level of subordinates and the leadership style used based on the suitability of the situation meeting, as well as the additional Lambda relationship test. Respondents consist of 21 (twenty one) leaders and 130 (one hundred and thirty) subordinates spread over 7 (seven) offices in the Papua Provincial Government. The results of this study found the magnitude of the relationship +0.23 (very weak relationship) where the subordinates of each ethnic origin, were at a high level of maturity, which had a weak/small relationship in the group of ethnic origin. This indicates that the Papua Provincial Government employees already have a high level of subordinate maturity (M3-M4) by applying a situational leadership style (S3-S4) and only slightly has a relationship with the employee's ethnic origin, while a large/strong relationship comes from factors otherThe uniqueness of the population in Papua is the diversity of ethnicities and religions that come from all corners of the archipelago, but can live side by side without conflict. This condition also occurs in the world of government, especially in the application of situational leadership types. This study aims to determine how much the relationship between the ethnic origin of employees and the level of maturity of subordinates in situational leadership is carried out in the Papua Provincial Government. The method used is a quantitative research method using the statistical test of Sommer's dyx relationship to validate the theory of situational leadership, namely to determine the maturity level of subordinates and the leadership style used based on the suitability of the situation meeting, as well as the additional Lambda relationship test. Respondents consist of 21 (twenty one) leaders and 130 (one hundred and thirty) subordinates spread over 7 (seven) offices in the Papua Provincial Government. The results of this study found the magnitude of the relationship +0.23 (very weak relationship) where the subordinates of each ethnic origin, were at a high level of maturity, which had a weak/small relationship in the group of ethnic origin. This indicates that the Papua Provincial Government employees already have a high level of subordinate maturity (M3-M4) by applying a situational leadership style (S3-S4) and only slightly has a relationship with the employee's ethnic origin, while a large/strong relationship comes from factors other.
Menakar Kinerja DPRD Kabupaten Merauke Dapot Pardamean Saragih; Aenal Fuad Adam
Musamus Journal of Public Administration Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Musamus Journal of Public Administration
Publisher : Department of State Administration - Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mjpa.v4i2.4069


Kapasitas DPRD dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya sebagai lembaga perwakilan menjadi penting di era pemerintahan daerah saat ini. Rendahnya kapasitas dan kapabilitas DPRD akan menjadi masalah yang pada gilirannya akan berdampak pada rendahnya kepercayaan publik terhadap kinerja DPRD. Oleh Karena itu, penelitian ini memandang pentingnya menakar kinerja DPRD Kabupaten Merauke, oleh untuk itu diperlukan penelitian awal untuk memahami sejauhmana DPRD Kabupaten Merauke menjalankan amanah dan tugas yang dipegang sebagai lembaga aspirasi rakyat dan sebagai penyelenggara pemerintahan yang bersinergi dengan pihak eksekutif dalam menjalankan roda pemerintahan daerah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penelurusan dalam memahami praktik DPRD Kabupaten Merauke dalam menjalankan peran, tugas dan fungsinya sebagai lembaga legislasi. Lokasi penelitian ini berada di Kabuapaten Merauke. Sementara data didapatkan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi yang berhubungan tentang peran, tugas dan fungsi DPRD Kabupaten Merauke dalam proses penyusunan legislasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja anggota DPRD merauke belum memenuhi 6 dimensi kinerja yang mana masih banyak hambatan – hambatan eksternal dalam proses penyusunan dan penyelesaian proses legislasi.
Upaya Birokrasi Pemerintah Dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Lokal Sekitar Taman Nasional Wasur Andi Patta Yusuf; Dapot Pardamean Saragih
Societas : Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Sosial Vol 10 No 1 (2021): Societas : Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Dan Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Musamus, Merauke, Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/sjias.v10i1.3263


Taman Nasional Wasur tidak terlepas dari berbagai permasalahan yang melekat didalamnya.Pada saat iniumumnya mengalami berbagai permasalahan dihadapi dimana telah terekam dalam media informasi yaituperburuan hewan sejenis kanguru, rusa, cenderawasih dan pembakaran di wilayah hutan seperti datamenunjukkan kejadian kebakaran hutan sejak agustus hingga september 2019 ada sekitar 44 titik api diTaman Nasional Wasur (TNW) Merauke. Permasalahan tersebut merupakan aktivitas masyarakat secarameramu dalam melangsungkan hidupnya untuk menopan perekonomian keluarga. Keberadaan TamanNasional Wasur disyaratkan birokrasi pemerintah berupaya memberdayakan masyarakat sekitar tamannasional wasur. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan upaya birokrasi pemerintah dalampemberdayaan masyarakat lokal. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber dataprimer dan sekunder. Penelitian dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan angketpertanyaan secara mendalam.Teknik Analisis data dilakukan dengan mereduksi, menyajikan danmenyimpulkan. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa upaya birokrasi pemerintah dalam pemberdayaankepada masyarakat sekitar taman nasional wasur terdapat beberapa upaya dilakukan dengan adanyakegiatan-kegiatan pemberdayaan kepada masyarakat seperti: pemberian bantuan pengembagan usahaekonomi produktif, mengola penyulingan minyak kayu putih dan mengelola budidaya anggrek danpengembangan usaha jasa wisata. Dengan demikian pemberdayaan masyarakat memberikan nilai tambahterhadap perekonomian masyarakat lokal dan mengalihkan aktivitas masyarakat sebelumnya merusakhutan yang dilindungi menjadi aktivitas pembangunan masyarakat
Pemberdayaan Karang Taruna Dalam Meningkatkan Kepedulian Sosial Pemuda Dapot Pardamean Saragih; Ratna Juwita
Jurnal Administrasi Karya Dharma Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Administrasi Karya Dharma (September 2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Karya Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (217.891 KB)


Karang Taruna is a youth organization that functions as a forum for the younger generation to develop themselves, grow and develop on the basis of awareness and social responsibility from, by, and for the younger generation, which is oriented towards achieving social welfare for the community. This study aims to find out how the empowerment carried out by youth organizations in increasing youth social awareness in Sidomulyo Village.This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The subjects in this study consisted of the head of the youth organization, members of the youth group, the head of the Sidomulyo village and the people of Sidomulyo village. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documents with data analysis techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions or verification. The results showed of the study show that in empowering youth organizations in increasing youth social awareness did not go well, seen from the lack of organizational management, lack of human resource capacity, lack of available facilities and infrastructure and existing networks in the youth organizations of Sidomulyo village
Transparency in Village Fund Financial Management Ramos Da Chrismas; Elias Mite; Edoardus E Maturbongs; Imelda C Laode; Dapot Pardamean Saragih; David Laiyan
Musamus Journal of Public Administration Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Musamus Journal of Public Administration
Publisher : Department of State Administration - Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mjpa.v2i2.2802


The launch of village funds in Papua is always increasing every year given by the government, but on the other hand raises new problems regarding financial management and transparency. This study aims to provide new thinking about financial transparency of village funds suitable for the Papua region. The method used is literature study, and the results of this study are transparency that must be carried out, namely the provision and access of clear information about planning, implementation procedures and accountability (billboards, website, Facebook), the existence of deliberations involving the community and indigenous peoples / Chair Adat, Openness of the management process, Supervision is carried out by the whole community, Transparency of information on Village Financial management documents, Continual socialization and training from the government to the Village for effective management of the Village Fund, and Village Fund Assistance is actually recruited from people who have very high self-integrity.