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Online shopping business start-known in Indonesia. Some advantages of online shopping is the marketing of products can reach consumers anywhere, the ease of both payment transactions and goods delivery, competitive pricing, product selection is varied, t he quality of the product can be communicated to consumers more transparent lagi.Tujuan of writing this thesis is to analyze and design website is also an online marketing system on PT. Ratu Enim Gallery so it could help market the products of fuel briquettes as a substitute for kerosene, LPG and charcoal is more efficient, safe, hot and easy to households and industry. The method used is the method of analysis and design methods. Analytical methods used to conduct surveys and questionnaires to PT. Ratu Eni m and consumers in order to get the proper analysis for the design of marketing systems at PT. Ratu Enim. Thus we can find out the advantages and disadvantages of this system. The results obtained from both methods is in the form of a website. Website PT. Ratu Enim serves as a means for the promotion of briquettes which provides various facilities, such facilities briquettes information about products and facilities to accommodate inquiries from consumers.
Jurnal Mantik Penusa Vol. 3 No. 2,Des (2019): Manajemen Dan Informatika
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian (LPPM) STMIK Pelita Nusantara Medan

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Seawater flood early warning system serves to inform the public of the occurrence of flood events caused by rising sea water. With an early prevention system, the occurrence of sea water floods can reduce the impact or loss caused by tidal floods. This research aims to make a prototype of an early warning system for tidal flooding. Arduino-based systems use ultrasonic sensors to measure sea water levels. The system is also equipped with a buzzer that serves as an alarm to inform the public of a tidal flood. In addition, an early warning for tidal floods will also be delivered to the public through the SMS (Short Message Service) communication media. From the results of the discussion it was found that the early warning system for seawater flooding using two ultrasonic sensors through the SMS communication media works well. The ultrasonic sensor used is able to measure the height (level) of the water surface from 5 cm to 60 cm. The average percentage of measurement error for the first ultrasonic sensor is 1.125% and for the second ultrasonic sensor is 1.515%. The average percentage of measurement error for both sensors is 1.32%. The level of accuracy of system in measuring the height (level) of the water surface is 98.68%.
Jurnal Mantik Penusa Vol. 3 No. 3 (19): COmputer Science
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian (LPPM) STMIK Pelita Nusantara Medan

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The excess temperature in the inverter will cause a decrease in efficiency. The research of over temperature protection systems on solar power generation inverters using Arduino aims to design an over temperature protection system on PLTS inverters using Arduino so that there is no reduction in efficiency and prevents the inverter components from damage due to heating. The method used is an experimental method that is designing an over temperature protection system on the inverter to get good design results. The equipment used is solar panels, inverters, fan motors, L298N drivers, Arduino and batteries. The results showed that the over temperature protection system equipment on the PLTS inverter using Arduino was able to protect the over heating in the inverter, especially to increase the load from 272 watts to 532 watts with an increase in temperature of only 0.1 0C. For the use of an inverter for a long time, the temperature inside the inverter in the previous state greatly affects the temperature inside the inverter in the next state so that the temperature decrease along with the linear load decrease is difficult to achieve, especially at 630 watts with an inverter temperature of 37.6 0C, some time after that a decrease in load occurs until the load becomes 105 watts but the temperature value in the inverter has a value greater than the 630 watts loading that is equal to 37.9 0C
Prototype Of Soil Analyzer Devices Based On Long Range (LoRa) Communication System Febrin Aulia Batubara Batubara; Bakti Viyata Sundawa; Muhammad Rusdi
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): Augustus: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Problems of environmental damage caused by palm oil industry has become a global issue. This is often an obstacle to development of palm oil industry in Indonesia. In fact, millions of Indonesians work in palm oil sector and they are a source of state income from non-oil and gas. For this reason, efforts to support a sustainable palm oil industry need to be made. One of them is application of a smart system in palm oil industry. Soil analyzer tool is a smart system in palm oil industry. Rainfall, soil pH, temperature and humidity as well as lighting are environmental parameters that affect the growth and development of palm oil plants. Measurement results can be accessed and displayed in real-time based on LoRa technology. It is hoped that this soil analyzer will be a solution to environmental problems and related parties can determine mitigation actions in the most extreme conditions average of rainfall is 2.8 mm/day. Average of soil PH is 5.5. Average of light intensity is 10.146 lux. Average of temperature is 30.170C. Average of humidity is 70.57%.
PKM IKAN PINDANG AL-BAROKAH DESA INDRA YAMAN, KECAMATAN TALAWI, KABUPATEN BATU BARA: PKM Ikan Pindang Al-Barokah Desa Indra Yaman, Kecamatan Talawi, Kabupaten Batu Bara Harris Nasution; Febrin Aulia Batubara; Ika Mary Pasaribu
Jurnal Ilmiah Madiya (Masyarakat Mandiri Berkarya) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Edisi November 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Medan

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Ikan yang telah diolah menjadi ikan pindang biasanya memiliki daya tahan yang cukup lama. Namun apabila ikan tersebut disimpan dengan kondisi baik sehingga mutu ikan akan terjaga. Oleh karena itu suhu ruangan tempat penyimpanan ikan pindang perlu dicermati sebelum melakukan penyimpanan. Ruang yang paling ideal bagi penyimpanan ikan pindang yang berlemak sebaiknya disimpan dalam ruangan yang mempunyai suhu 5oC – 15oC dan daya simpan ikan-ikan pindang akan lama. Saat ini kendala produksi utama yang dihadapi adalah gudang penyimpanan untuk bahan baku maupun produk jadi. Kondisi sekarang tempat penyimpanan ikan sementara yang dimiliki hanya 1 unit freezer rumah tangga biasa model standing sehingga untuk proses penyimpanan ikan sementara dari selesai produksi tidak muat di kulkas karena kapasitasnya hanya untuk 100 liter saja selebihnya di letakkan di fiber boks. Tim pengabdian bermaksud memberikan bantuan bagi usaha ikan pindang Al-Barokah meningkatkan kapasitas produksi dengan memberikan batuan mesin box freezer serta memberikan pelatihan arti pentingnya gudang dalam proses produksi kepada mitra.
System of Carbon Dioxide (Co2) Detection Using Sim7600 Communication Module in Palm Oil Plantations Febrin Aulia Batubara; Bakti Viyata Sundawa; Tuti Adi Tama Nasution
International Journal of Research in Vocational Studies (IJRVOCAS) Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): IJRVOCAS - Special Issues - International Conference on Science, Technology and
Publisher : Yayasan Ghalih Pelopor Pendidikan (Ghalih Foundation)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53893/ijrvocas.v2i4.171


The problem of environmental damage caused by the palm oil industry has become a global issue. This often becomes an obstacle to the development of the palm oil industry in Indonesia. In fact, millions of Indonesians work in the palm oil sector and are a source of non-oil and gas state revenue. For this reason, efforts to support a sustainable palm oil industry need to be carried out. One of them is the implementation of a smart system in the form of a carbon dioxide (CO2) level detection system. It is important to know these parameters because they are affected by the expansion of oil palm plantations. The measurement results can be accessed and displayed in real-time web-based using the SIM7600 communication module. It is hoped that this CO2 detector will be a solution to environmental problems and related parties can determine mitigation actions in the most extreme conditions.
Peningkatan Kemampuan Literasi Digital Siswa SD AL Falah Desa Karang Berombak, Medan, Sumatera Utara Febrin Aulia Batubara; Tuti Adi Tama Nasution; Wiwinta Sutrisno; Rina Anugrahwaty
Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Edisi Desember
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Politeknik Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51510/komposit.v1i2.1450


Dunia pendidikan telah mengalami perubahan pada saat pandemi dan pasca pandemi Covid-19. Walaupun pandemi sudah mereda, namun perubahan kebiasaan ke arah penggunaan teknologi informasi dalam proses belajar mengajar (PBM) masih dilakukan. Pada saat ini, PBM dilaksanakan secara blended antara luring dan daring. Hal ini membutuhkan suatu jaringan internet yang memadai. Banyak sekolah yang belum mampu menyediakan fasilitas internet dengan memadai, padahal banyak prestasi-prestasi siswa yang sudah dicapai dari sekolah tersebut. Kemampuan siswa harus ditingkatkan melalui penguatan kemampuan literasi mereka. SD AL Falah Karang Berombak sebagai mitra, telah membuat program unggulan Al Falah Talks yaitu berupa program siswa bercerita/membaca buku baik buku berbahasa Indonesia dan berbahasa Inggris. Ini dilakukan untuk menambah kemampuan dan wawasan dari siswa-siswa SD Al Falah Karang Berombak. Untuk itu, kegiatan ini harus didukung dengan cara menambah jaringan internet, menambah pojok-pojok baca, menambah koleksi buku-buku, dan mengadakan infocus agar PBM dapat lebih menarik dan interaktif serta mengadakan pelatihan agar mahir menggunakan internet untuk mencari bahan-bahan pembelajaran. Hal ini semua untuk meningkatkan kemampuan/literasi siswa agar bisa berprestasi secara regional dan nasional.