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Upaya Menumbuhkembangkan Pengamalan Kesadaran Lingkungan Hidup Melalui Kegiatan Kepramukaan Suyahman, Suyahman
WIDYATAMA Vol 20, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : WIDYATAMA

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Upaya Menumbuhkembangkan Pengamalan Kesadaran Lingkungan Hidup Melalui Kegiatan Kepramukaan ( Studi Kasus Di Wilayah Kwartir Daerah Jawa Tengah ) SuyahmanProgram Studi PPKn, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo, Jl. Letjend Sujono Humardani No. 1 Sukoharjo Telp. 0271-593156 AbstraksiLingkungan Hidup adalah Kesatuan ruang dengan semua benda, daya, keadaan, dan makhluk hidup, termasuk manusia dan perilakunya yang mempengaruhi alam itu sendiri, kelangsungan peri kehidupan dan kesejahteraan manusia serta makhluk hidup lain. Dalam rangka membangun kesadaranlingkungan hidup bagi para generasi muda dapat dilakukan melalui pendidikan formal, non-formal, maupun in-formal. Salah satu bentuk pendidikan non-formal yang dapat dijadikan sarana  tersebut yaitu Gerakan Pramuka. Gerakan Pramuka adalah nama organisasi yang merupakan wadah proses pendidikan kepramukaan yang dilaksanakan di Indonesia. Gerakan Pramuka baik secara substansial maupun material di dalamnya berisikan kegiatan-kegiatan yang bermuara pada kesadaran berlingkungan hidup.Karena itu, dalam suatu kegiatan kepramukaan selalu diupayakan untuk diinternalisasikan keasadaran berlingkungan hidup bagi para anggota pramuka. Dimana perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup sebagai upaya sistematis dan terpadu yang dilakukan untuk melestarikan fungsi lingkungan hidup dan mencegah terjadinya pencemaran dan atau kerusakan lingkungan hidup meliputi perencanaan, pemanfaatan, pengendalaian, pemanfaatan, pemeliharaan, pengawasann, dan penegakan hukum Keyword: Lingkungan hidup, Gerakan Pramuka, Perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup 
Kebijakan Hukum Pidana Dalam menanggulangi Tindak Pidana Pendidikan Suyahman, Suyahman
WIDYATAMA Vol 20, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : WIDYATAMA

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Kebijakan Hukum Pidana Dalam menanggulangi Tindak Pidana Pendidikan   Suyahman Dosen Program Studi Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan-Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas veteran Bangun Nusantara SukoharjoEmail Abstract  Educational criminal act is integrated part of common criminal act. In Indonesia, educational criminal act since 1945 to 2002 there is no certain determination that manages educational criminal act, just in 2003 the act No 20 year 2003 about national education system in Chapter X section 67-71 arranged about criminal determination related with educational criminal act. But, statement related with main concept about it cannot be found in that act, as well as in KUHP and another roles. This reality gives image that educational criminal act is unimportant thing, whereas if it investigated deeply, the access of it give larger influences toward essential and existence of Indonesia. Therefore, it should be effort the tackling of efficiency and effective educational criminal act. There are many tools to tackle educational criminal act. One of them is using criminal act. Related to the using of criminal act as tackling criminal act tool, there are many problems linked, like: how does the criminal act policy tackle the educational criminal act? How should criminal act policy in tackling educational criminal act in the future? Those problems are the main problem that should be answered in this research. Based on the main problems, this research can be done by using policy approach. The type of this research is descriptive research to explain current and future problem. This research belongs to literacy research with secondary data as the main data. The collecting data is using documentation method. Data is presented and analyzed qualitative, from juridical analyze based on interactive model that rotates four cycles that are data collection, data reduction, presentation and verification. The result shows that legislative policy in tackling educational criminal act by penal tool prevail at this time included in act No 20 year 2003 about national education system chapter X section 67 – section 71. In this act related to educational criminal act cannot be differential between criminal and violation, while specifically educational criminal act cannot be found in KUHP at this time. In educational criminal act determination the sanction toward educational criminal act agent is in the form of fine act and prison act. While administrative and additional sanction is not involved. Therefore, the essences and existences of educational criminal act develop both quantitative and qualitative as well as the limitation sanction in educational criminal act so it is very urgently certain act that discussed about educational criminal act. Legislative policy in tackling educational criminal act by peal tool in the future should be: (1) formulating act about educational criminal act, (2) in that act formulated about qualification between criminal and violence, (3) formulating the complete and representative sanction so that covered administrative sanction, prison act sanction and additional act sanction, by determinate the amount of fine act minimum.   Keywords: legislative policy in tackling educational criminal act
PROCEEDING Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : PROCEEDING

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GURU BERSERTIFIKASI DAN KEPERCAYAAN ORANG TUA MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI BELAJAR DALAM PRESPEKTIF PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER Suyahman Dosen Program Studi Pendidikan Pancasila dan KewarganegaraanFKIP, Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara SukoharjoE-mail:  Abstrak Persoalan pendidikan mengalami suatu dinamika pasang dan surut sesuai dengan kompleksitas yang dihadapi. Salah satu masalah dalam dunia pendidikan adalah masalah mutu pendidikan. Masalah mutu pendidikan tidak hanya ditentukan oleh salah satu faktor saja akan tetapi ditentukan oleh banyak faktor yang saling berkaitan.  Salah satu faktor yang menjadi sentral pada  permasalahan pendidikan adalah masalah guru. Guru menjadi faktor penentu dalam mewujudkan mutu pendidikan yakni pencapaian prestasi belajar siswa. Hal ini disadari karena gurulah yang secaa langsung dan intensif melakukan interaksi edukatif dengan para siswa. Sehingga dampaknya adalah pencapaian prestasi belajar siswa bertumpu pada guru. Dalam ranggka meningkatkan mutu guru maka pemerintah telah melakukan tindakan dengan melaksanakan sertifikasi guru yan secara serentak dimulai pada tahun 2006. Dengan adanya kebijakan tersebut maka guru dibedakan menjadi 2 yaitu guru yang bersertifikasi dan guru yang belum bersertifikasi. Guru yang besertifikasi tentu telah memenuhi persyaatan yang telah ditentukan oleh pemerintah, sehingga mendapatkan predikat sebagai guru yang professional. Pandangan masyarakat terhadap guru yang bersetifikasi dalam aspek-aspek Memiliki Kemampuan mengajar, Mampu memberikan motivasi berprestasi siswa dan Menghasilkan prestasi belajar siswa yang baik cukup beragam dalam upaya pencapaian prestasi belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tingkat kepercayaan terhadap guru yang berprestasi dalam rangka pencpaian prestasi belajar siswa kurang maksimal, sehinggga orang tua banyak melakukan tindakan-tindakan sebagai berikut : mengikutkan anaknya mengikuti bimbingan belajar, mengikutkan les provat, mengikutkan les dan tambahan belajar di sekolah Serta mengijinkan anaknya untuk belajar kelompok. Dalam hal Pendidikan karakter anaknya sangat dirasakan kurangnya kepedulian orang tua, hal ini disebabkan karena orang tua lebih mengutamakan kecerdasan kognitif dalam bentuk pencapaian prestasi belajar seoptimal mungkin tanpa diimbangi dengan pendidikan karakter anaknya. Bagi orang tua pendidikan karakter lebih diserahkan pada : tokoh masyarakat, tokoh adat, tokoh aama, dan tokoh pemuda. Hal demikian harus diluruskan karena tanggungg jawab pendidikan karakter yang memuat 18 nilai karakter  adalah menjadi tanggungg jawab besama antara Orang tua, masyarakat  dan pemerintah sesuai dengan kewenangannya masing-masing. Karena itu agar dapat diwujudkan prestasi belajar dan sekalius pendidikan karakter yang memadai maka orang tua perlu diberikan penyuluhan, bimbingan, dan pembinaan oleh pihak-pihak yang berwenang, sehingga dapat diwujudkan anak yang berpestasi sekaligus berkarakter. Anak yang demikian menjadi harapan masyarakat, bangsa dan negara karena dapat memberikan kontibusi dalam mewujudkan Tujuan Pendidikan nasional Indonesia. Kata Kunci : guru bersertifikasi, kepercayaan orang tua, pendidikan karakter.
Pendidikan Untuk Semua Antara Harapan Dan Kenyataan (Studi Kasus Permasalahan Pendidikan Di Indonesia) Suyahman, Suyahman
Publisher : Program Studi S3 Ilmu Pendidikan

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Education for all merupakan suatu konsep yang idealistik dalam konteks pendidikan, mengapa karena tidaklah mungkin untuk dapat diwujudkan secara sempurna dan maksimal. Banyak faktor yang menjadi penyebabnya diantaranya faktor budaya, faktor kesadaran masyrakat, faktor teknologi dan sebagainyaSebenarnya Pendidikan untuk semua di indonesia merupakan suatu upaya untuk mewujudkan amanah para pendiri negara yang terdapat dalam pembukaan UUD 1945 alinea Iv yang kemudian ditindaklanjuti dengan pasal 31 UUD 1945 dan UU nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang sistem pendidikan nasional.Fenomena yang terjadi saat ini adalah terjadinya perlakuan diskriminatif antara anak-anak kaya dengan miskin, anak-anak normal dengan anak berkebutuhan khusus, sehingga yang tercipta adalah bukan pendidikan untuk semua kan tatapi pendidikan untuk yang pembeda dan pendidikan untuk si kaya. Namun demikian sumbang pemikiran, ide dan gagasan untuk mewujudkan konsepsi pendidikan untuk semua tetap diperlukan , sehingga dapat meminimalisir fenomena-fenomena yang bertentangan dengan substansi pendidikan untuk semua.
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 6, No 2 (2016): Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Indonesia

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Writing this article aims to describe the Free Education Policy Analysis At High School In Relation With Education Quality SMA. This article is a scientific work that is done by using the approach of literature that examines the books, literature-Literatu, research journals related to the topic of the article the author writes, the data collection methods were used that documentation, the data analysis technique interactive techniques comprising of 3 stages: data reduction, data display and data verification. The results showed that the policy of free education in high school is less on target for implementation is not selective. This policy should only intended for students who are economically poor but have great potential. This policy has nothing to do with improving the quality of learning. Due to this policy no challenge for the students to study harder, as well as for the teachers nor the effort to reorganize the learning process more qualified. This is due to the absence of proactive parents toward school, lack of harmonization of interaction between teachers and parents, because the parents assumption that free education means free everything. The conclusion of this article is necessary reconsideration existent essence and school policy for high school students. And it should also be followed keasadarn teachers to improve the quality of learning. Keywords: free schools and improving the quality of learning.
Multicultural Education of Strengthening in Global Era Through Pancasila and Civics Educations (PPKN) Learning for Yunior High School Students Kartasura District Suyahman, Suyahman
PROCEEDING ICTESS (Internasional Conference on Technology, Education and Social Sciences) 2018: PROCEEDING ICTESS
Publisher : PROCEEDING ICTESS (Internasional Conference on Technology, Education and Social Sciences)

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This study aims to describe the strengthening of multicultural education in theglobal era through PPKn Learning for Junior High School students in Kartasuradistrict. This research is qualitative research with descriptive approach.Research subjects: teachers, and students of class VII SMP Kartasura district,the object: multicultural education and PPKn Learning. Methods of datacollection: observation, interview and documentation. Validity of data is doneby triangulation of data and method. Data analysis technique is done by usinginteractive analysis technique consist of 3 stages: data reduction, data displayand data verification. The results showed: based on findings in the field that theexistence of multicultural education in SMP Kartasura district currently feltquite weak; this is indicated by the indicator: students form discussion groupstend to choose their friends who are in religion, students in terms of helping todistinguish the tribe, students in visiting his sick friends still consider thesimilarities of religion and tribe, students in performing art performance are stillsorting the same culture. Similarly, the results of interviews conducted onteachers, mentors, and students show that in general teachers, mentors, andstudents do not understand the meaning of multicultural, teachers and coachesfeel difficult to apply multicultural to students, students feel the lack ofexemplary attitude, behavior, and action teachers who reflect multiculturalvalues. The learning of PPKn can be used as a means of strengtheningmulticultural education in SMP Kartasura by: teacher appreciate and respect theexistence of different owned by every student either religion, tribe, culture, orlanguage different. Through PPKn Learning can be instilled in student studentsthe attitude of tolerance, mutual respect and mutual respect for the differencesof religion, ethnicity, culture, and language. Through Learning PPKN isimplanted in students to always live side by side despite the different religions,tribes, cultures, and languages peacefully and harmoniously. Through PPKNlearning can be educated to each student for mutual cooperation, mutualcooperation and public interest over personal and group interests by not lookingat differences in religion, ethnicity, culture and nation. Conclusion because ofthe weakness of the values of multicultural education for junior high schoolstudents Kartasura District, it is necessary to strengthen. One means ofstrengthening multicultural education can be done through PPKn Learning.Key Words: Multicultural Education and PPKn Learning
Increasing Understanding of Family Members We On Children In Early Childhood Education Aisyiah Wirogunan Through Learning Method Game Guess My Family Suyahman, Suyahman
Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies Vol 5 No 2 (2016): November 2016
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijeces.v5i2.13923


Motivating the selection of the title of this study is the existence of a fact that the majority of children in Early Childhood Education Aisyiah when asked by the teacher about the identity of family members generally confused or do not know even cried. This condition is scientifically interesting to examine why this is so. I was thinking whether the way the teacher when ask less humanist, or the language used by teachers are poorly understood or ask when the time is not quite right. My mind ultimately boils down to the method used by the teacher is less precise, that's why I made the decision to examine scientifically by choosing a method of game "guessed my family members" can make it easier to understand a family member. The purpose of this study is to describe an improved understanding of family members through the use of Learning Method Game Guess My Family. This research is qualitative research with research subjects: children Aisyiah Wirogunan Early Childhood Education, and the object of research: Understanding Family Members We On Children In Early Childhood Education Aisyiah Wirogunan. Source informant were teachers and children Didik In Childhood Education Disi Aisyiah Wirogunan, Kartasura. Data collection methods used were interviews, observation and documentation. To obtain the validity of the data used triangulation method, and for the sake of data analysis used descriptive data analysis techniques interactive that includes four stages: data collection, data verification, exposure data and drawing conclusions The results empirically showed that before the teacher using the game of guessing my family members, children in early childhood education Aisyiah Wirogunan, Kartasura when asked who the members kelurganya, children generally can not answer, there is no idea, there are confused and even there crying. Having used method of guessing game of my family members there are significant changes that the child can answer with a firm, precise and fast even dare to tell the class about their family members.
Jurnal Global Citizen : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 7, No 1 (2019): GLOBAL CITIZEN
Publisher : Prodi PPkn Universitas Slamet Riyadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (572.059 KB) | DOI: 10.33061/jgz.v7i1.3058


Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pembelajaran problem based learning berbasis nilaipancasila dalam menghadapi revolusi industri 4.0 bagi siswa Kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 1Kartasura tahun Pelajaran 2018-2019. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjekpenelitiannya: guru PPKn dan siswa kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 1 Kartasura, dan objeknya adalahpembelajaran inovatif berbasis nilai pancasila dan refolusi industri 4.0. Metode pengumpulandata menggunakan: observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Validitas data dilakukan dengantrianggulasi sumber dan metode. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis kualitatifterdiri dari 4 tahap yaitu: pengumpulan data, reduksi data, display data dan verifikasi data. Hasilpenelitian: berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dilapangan yang dilakukan dari tanggal 14-20 maret2019 ditemukan hal-hal sebagai berikut: dalam pembelajaran terlihat siswa aktif, siswa beranimengemukakan pendapat, guru neghargai pendapat siswa yang berbeda, guru bersikapdemokratis, guru memberi kesempatan siswa untuk bertanya, guru memposisikan diri hanyasebagai fasilitator, guru mengakui potnsi yang dimiliki siswa berbeda, guru tidak hanyamenekankan pada aspek pengetahuan akan tetapi lebih mengedepankan aspek sikap, gurumemberikan contoh-contoh konkrit sikap positif yang harus dimiliki siswa untuk menghadapirevolusi industri 4.0, guru menginstruksikan pada siswa untuk tidak menolak globalisasi akantetapi menerima dengan filter nilai-nilai pancasila. Simpulannya bahwa dengan penerapanpembelajaran problem based learning yang berbasis nilai-nilai pancasila dapat mendaya dayadukung siswa dalam menghadapi revolusi industri 4.0 bagi siswa kelas VIIIsiswa kelas VII diSMP Negeri 1 Kartasura tahun Pelajaran 2018-2019.Kata-kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Berbasis Nilai Pancasila dan RefolusiIndustri 4.0
Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial Vol 27, No 1 (2017): JURNAL PENDIDIKAN ILMU SOSIAL
Publisher : Department of Accounting Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2317/jpis.v27i1.5116


This study aimed to describe the character strengthening kewirausahaanship through education Wirogunan family in the village, District Kartasura, Sukoharjo.This research is a qualitative case study approach. His research interests are the residents in the village Wirogunan as many as 40 families, while the research object is the kewirausahaanial character. Methods of data collection are interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques using interactive analysis technique consists of three steps: data reduction, data display and data verification.The results showed that the strengthening of the kewirausahaanial character through family education can be done by providing habituation-conditioning on their children to have the kewirausahaanial character and reduce to a minimum dependence on parents. Moreover, it can be done pul a manner giving the example of kewirausahaanship to get their children educated and kewirausahaanial character internalized so as to have a mental attitude that is not always dependent on parents in performing everyday activities in the family. Another way to do consistent with the order that prevailed in the beginning forced keluarega willingly so it will be a habituation run by itself.In conclusion strengthening the kewirausahaanial character must be built from an early age through family education, so that when teenagers and even into adulthood sehingg have the mental attitude of independence and not always rely on others. In this way it will also awaken creativity and innovative power in the face of many challenges in life together in society.
Strengthening The Professionalism of PAUD Aisyiah Teachers in Wirogunan Village through Humanical Communication in The Era of Pandemi Covid 19 Suyahman, Suyahman
Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies Vol 10 No 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijeces.v10i1.44721


This study aims to describe the strengthening of the professionalism of Aisyiah Early Childhood Education (PAUD) teachers in Wirogunan Village through humanist communication in the Covid 19 pandemic era. : qualitative descriptive research. Data collection methods: interviews with applications; Whatshaap, google form and documentation. The data analysis technique uses qualitative analysis techniques consisting of 3 stages, namely: data reduction, data display and data verification. Research result ; The results of interviews with 8 teachers and 1 principal conducted on 4-10 June 2020 obtained information: teachers are less familiar with their students, teachers have difficulty managing classes, teaching styles are monotonous, less interactive, less able to provide motivation, difficult to give examples of behavioral attitudes to students, it is difficult to educate character, less able to develop the material actually. The impact of all this is that students do not maximize their potential, interests and talents. This condition must be found a solution. One solution is to strengthen the professionalism of the Early Childhood Education (PAUD) teacher Aisyiah, Wirogunan Village, through humanist communication.