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Nusanatara of Engineering Vol 1, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Nusanatara of Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


AbstractThesis is one of the guidingacademic activities that must be carried outby students after completing all the coursesthat must be taken during the learningprocess at the college undergraduate level.Applications guiding thesis is indispensablein controlling the process of coaching,facilitate consultation with a faculty mentorstudents without having to do a face to faceand evaluate the thesis topics for mentoringthe next period.Previous studies ever conductedThe study will be conducted using areference obtained from the literature aboutthe application online consultation formwith supporting documents draft partiallyThesis Thesis preparation and proceduresestablished by the University of PGRINusantara Kediri.The data collected consists of thedata that follows several students andfaculty mentor coaching Thesis anddocuments to be consulted students Thesis.While the report generated from thisresearch is on the evaluation of supervisionand monitoring activities.This activity is planned to becarried out for 6 months in accordance withthe guardianship of the stage of making athesis that includes spesification, design,coding, and testing.While the resulting outcome is anapplication that can be used by the system inthe process of thesis guidance and monitorimplementation of these activities as well asscientific articles on Informatics guiding thesis using UML. The results of this studycan also be used as an example of teachingmaterials design Informatics analysis usingUML.Final results of the monitoringactivities of each student will be used as abasis for improving the guidance andreference in the preparation of the nextthesis, so that academic activities in theUniversity Studies Program InformationEngineering Nusantara Kediri PGRI canrun more intensive and successful.Keywords :Guiding Academic,Thesis, Software Engineering, UML
MULTI-DOCUMENT SUMMARIZATION BASED ON SENTENCE CLUSTERING IMPROVED USING TOPIC WORDS Lukmana, Indra; Swanjaya, Daniel; Kurniawardhani, Arrie; Arifin, Agus Zainal; Purwitasari, Diana
JUTI: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi Vol 12, No 2, Juli 2014
Publisher : Department of Informatics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (292.988 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j24068535.v12i2.a317


Informasi dalam bentuk teks berita telah menjadi salah satu komoditas yang paling penting dalam era informasi ini. Ada banyak berita yang dihasilkan sehari-hari, tetapi berita-berita ini sering memberikan konten kontekstual yang sama dengan narasi berbeda. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan metode untuk mengumpulkan informasi ini ke dalam ringkasan sederhana. Di antara sejumlah subtugas yang terlibat dalam peringkasan multi-dokumen termasuk ekstraksi kalimat, deteksi topik, ekstraksi kalimat representatif, dan kalimat rep-resentatif. Dalam tulisan ini, kami mengusulkan metode baru untuk merepresentasikan kalimat ber-dasarkan kata kunci dari topic teks menggunakan Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). Metode ini terdiri dari tiga langkah dasar. Pertama, kami mengelompokkan kalimat di set dokumen menggunakan kesamaan histogram pengelompokan (SHC). Selanjutnya, peringkat cluster menggunakan klaster penting. Terakhir, kalimat perwakilan yang dipilih oleh topik diidentifikasi pada LDA. Metode yang diusulkan diuji pada dataset DUC2004. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata 0,3419 dan 0,0766 untuk ROUGE-1 dan ROUGE-2, masing-masing. Selain itu, dari pembaca prespective, metode kami diusulkan menyajikan pengaturan yang koheren dan baik dalam memesan kalimat representatif, sehingga dapat mempermudah pemahaman bacaan dan mengurangi waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk membaca ringkasan.
Network Engineering Research Operation Vol 6, No 2 (2021): NERO
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/nero.v6i2.239


Menciptakan lingkungan yang aman di lingkungan sekolah dapat dilakukan dengan memasang CCTV yang dilengkapi aplikasi yang mampu mendeteksi masalah lewat pola gerakan gestur tangan. Namun dalam proses pengenalan pola gestur tangan terkendala oleh pengambilan data citra capture gestur tangan dari CCTV yang kualitas kontras citra kurang merata. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat sebuah sistem yang dapat melakukan perbaikan kualitas citra hasil capture gestur tangan dari CCTV. Dalam melakukan penelitian ini akan menggunakan metode histogram equalization dan adaptive histogram equalization dan selanjutnya membandingkan hasil perbaikan kualitas citra diantara kedua metode yang digunakan. Data citra yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu citra gestur tangan melambai. Dari hasil uji coba yang sudah dilakukan didapatkan hasil bahwa penggunaan metode adaptive histogram equalization lebih baik dari pada metode histogram equalization yang mana dari segi tampilan visual histogram equalization menunjukan hasil yang lebih gelap dari pada metode adaptive histogram equalization. Sedangkan untuk hasil nilai rata-rata MSE paling rendah didapatkan oleh metode adaptive histogram equalization yaitu sebesar 102.368 untuk tabel 3 (citra pencahayaan terang) dan 120.162 untuk tabel 4 (citra pencahayaan redup), dan untuk metode histogram equalization mendapatkan nilai rata-rata MSE sebesar 214.473 dan 262.285.
Hypergraph-Partitioning pada Co-Authorship Graph untuk Pengelompokan Penulis Berdasarkan Topik Penelitian Daniel Swanjaya; Chastine Fatichah
Melek IT : Information Technology Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): Melek IT : Information Technology Journal
Publisher : Informatics Engineering Department-UWKS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (561.981 KB) | DOI: 10.30742/melekitjournal.v1i1.40


Research topics can be seen from Abstraction research documents, for example, reports Scientific Writing (KTI) in the form of Final Project, Thesis and Dissertation. Research Topics of KTI is a collection of important words that indicate the area / field of study of the KTI. A guided KTI some supervisor, and a lecturer normally would guide some particular topic. Some lecturers have the same field of research formed a research group within the Department, but some courses are lecturers who exhibit similarities field of research. At this thesis proposed a method for classifying Writer (Lecturer) based on common research topics in Co-Authorship Graph using the Hypergraph Partitioning, making it possible to create a research group within the scope of inter Programs or college level. The method is divided into three stages: extraction of research topics, pembentuksn Co-Authorship Graph, and grouping author. Extraction of research topics, get the topic of EI by Title and Abstract using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). Formation of Co-Authorship Graph, where the nodes are the author, edge is the collaborative relationship and similarity / resemblance of research topics, and the weighting edge is Jaccard and cosine values similary research topics between author. Grouping Writers on Co-Authorship Graph using the Hypergraph Partitioning. Test method uses data from the Research Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM) ITS. Grouping the results are validated using the Silhouette and Entropy. The final results showed that the grouping has been formed group Authors whose members come from the Department or a different field, with high similarity topic.
Pelatihan Pengemasan Gula Jawa Di Desa Slumbung Kecamatan Ngadiluwih Siti Rochana; Made Ayu Dusea Widya Dara; Resty Wulanningrum; Daniel Swanjaya; Rony Heri Irawan; Nur Mohamad Iqbal Jauhari Iqbal Jauhari
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nusantara Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Vol.2 No.2 (Juni 2023)
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29407/dimastara.v2i2.19610


Javanese sugar at this time is also the sugar that is needed by society apart from granulated sugar, many benefits can be obtained from brown sugar besides granulated sugar as an alternative to sweeteners in various processed dishes. In Slumbung Village, many farmers plant sugarcane on their land, with so much sugarcane in Slumbung Village, therefore many people use the sugar cane to be processed into Javanese sugar. After conducting a survey on the average packaging of Javanese Sugar products, they were still not packaged properly so that Java Sugar could not last long. There is also no packaging design and it seems less attractive. It is hoped that if the packaging and product packaging design are more attractive it will help increase sales of community products in Slumbung Village, so that they can be marketed in the modern market. The objectives of this PKM activity are: 1) to provide training on how to pack good products and make Javanese sugar products last a long time; 2) provide training on how existing designs will be used for product packaging; 3) accompany partners until they can actually implement the training they have received. This PKM activity is carried out for 6 months until the partners can actually implement the training that has been obtained.