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Evaluasi Program Pendidikan Ketermapilan PKK pada Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama (SLTP) di Kabupaten Sleman Kapti Asiatun; Djemari Mardapi
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 3, No 4 (2001)
Publisher : Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/pep.v3i4.2074


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh program pendidikan keterampilan PKK dapat dilaksanakan. Aspek yang diamati adalah: ketepatan dan kelayakan rancangan program, kesiapan segenap sumber yang terlibat dalam melaksanakan program, partisipasi siswa dan guru, strategi pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran, tingkat ketercapaian tujuan, serta hasil dan dampaknya bagi siswa setelah mengikuti program. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan sistem dengan model CBPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) dari Stufflebeam. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh SLTP yang melaksanakan program pendidikan keterampilan PKK di Kabupaten Sleman. Sampel ditentukan dengan menggunakan tehnik purposive sampling. Responden dipilih sebagai sampel sebanyak 234 orang siswa, dan 9 orang guru bidang studi dari sekolah dan siswa yang terpilih sebagai sampel. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah angket yang dilengkapi dengan dokumentasi, pengamatan, dan wawancara. Bukti kesahihan angket untuk siswa diperoleh berdasarkan penilaian para ahli, dan kesahihan konstruk dengan analisis faktor. Keandalan tiap faktor diperoleh dengan rumus koefisien Alpha dari Cronbach, dan keandalan gabungan semua faktor dengan rumus keandalan gabungan berdasarkan sistem kombinasi linier dari Nunnaly. Khusus untuk aspek pengetahuan, bukti kesahihan dan keandalannya diperoleh dengan program Iteman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan program pendidikan keterampilan PKK pada SLTP di Kabupaten Sleman sangat relevan sebagai media yang tepat untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan siswa. Pelaksanaan program dinilai belum berhasil. Jika dilihat dari minat siswa, minat gum, partisipasi siswa ataupun strategi pelaksanaan dinilai cukup baik. tetapi penilaian terhadap ketersediaan fasilitas masih sangat kurang. Terlebih lagi jika dilihat dari penguasaan pengetahuan dan keterampilan siswa setelah mengikuti program. Dari 234 orang responden baru 105 orang (44.8%) yang memperoleh nilai cukup dan nilai tinggi, dan 129 orang (55,2%) memperoleh nilai kurang serta nilai rendah. Kata kunci: evaluasi program, keterampilan PKK.
Kajian Tracer Study LulusanJurusan PTBB FT UNY Tahun 2012 Noor Fitrihana; Prihastuti Ekawatiningsih; Ichda Chayati; Kapti Asiatun; Asi Tritanti
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan Vol 22, No 1 (2014): (Mei)
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (991.436 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jptk.v22i1.8837


The objectives of this study were: (1) to describe the graduates’ profile of the Department of Fashion Design and Hospitality Education of 2010-2012 that is required by the National Accreditation Commision for Higher Education, (2) to examine the gap between the graduates’ competencies with the market needs. This tracer study is a descriptive survey study conducted from June to November 2012. The population were 241 graduates of the academic year of 2012. 87 samples were succesfully interviewed through telephone interviews. The instruments of this study was a questionnaire. Quantitative data was analysed using crosstab and percentages. While the qualitative data was analysed by categories. The results showed: (1) the graduates of the Fashion Design, the Hospitality, and the Make-up and Beauty Therapy Programmes who understand the job application process were 85%, 78%, and 86% respectively (b) the graduates of Fashion Design, Hospitality, and Make-up and Beauty Therapy Programmes with the less than 6 months waiting period before the first employement were 85%, 100%, 80%  respectively (c) The graduates of Fashion Design, Hospitality, and Make-up and Beauty Therapy Programmes who get job vacancies from advertisements and direct application to the company were 15% and 85%, 43% and 57%, 80% and 20% respectively. d. the graduates of Fashion Design, Hospitality, and Make-up and Beauty Therapy Programmes who are employed in the fields related to their study were 61.5% 71%, 60% respectively (2) The graduates’ competencies compared to the market needs were as follows: (a) Competencies required were integrity, mastery of science, English, information technology, communication, teamwork, self-development, mastery of skills, special expertise, leadership, and organizational management.  (b) 98% of the graduates have excellent performance in terms of integrity, expertise, science, English, information technology, communication, teamwork, and self-development.
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan Vol 20, No 2 (2011): (Oktober)
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (371.287 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jptk.v20i2.3317


ABSTRACTThis research aims at develping database of self evaluation among the students and lecturers of Food and Clothing Department with empirical testing. This database was implemented to five study programs, i.e. Food Engineering Education (S1), Clothing Engineering Education (S1), Food Engineering (DIII), Clothing Engineering (DIII) and Make Up Beauty (DIII). This research was using Reseach and Development Approach. The development of database was conducted through need analysis, planning, making program prototype, testing and evaluation. The software program to make database was using Microsoft Access 2007. The source of data was from the lecturers and the students. The data collection method was using need analysis data, documentation for planning, and datbase prototype creation, observation for program testing. Data analysis was conducted through qualitative descriptive analysis according to the research stages. The finding was in the form of database of self-evaluation consisted of students and lecturers data from Food and Clothing Department, which had been tested emphirically. The development stage had completed until the making of prototype of electronic database. The development procces had conducted throgh some stages, i.e. analysis, designing, implementation and evaluation.Keywords: database, Food and Clothing Department and self-eveluation
Analisis Tugas Akhir Skripsi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Busana Widjiningsih Widjiningsih; Kapti Asiatun
Home Economics Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2017): October
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (135.718 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/hej.v1i2.23278


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui: (1). Pendekatan penelitian; (2). Populasi dan sampel; (3). Metode pengumpulan data; (4). Teknik analisis data; (5). Model pembelajaran; (6). Metode pembelajaran; (7). Bidang keahlian yang menjadi fokus penelitian; (8). Produk yang dihasilkan. Sampel  penelitian  adalah populasi  skripsi mahasiswa angkatan Tahun 2009/2010 sampai 2011/2012.  Analisis data yang digunakan analisis diskriptif. Hasil analisis konten: (1). Pendekatan penelitian adalah Reseach Development sejumlah 43 skripsi  (37%), dan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) sejumlah 34 skripsi (29,31%); (2).  Populasi penelitian tersebar di SD, SMP, SMK Tata Busana, dan masyarakat, sejumlah 116, terbanyak di SMK sejumlah 107 (92,24%).  (3).  Metode terbanyak yaitu  observasi  (89,65%); Uji  validitas  yang  banyak adalah   validitas  konstruk  (55,63%),  dan  validitas  isi  (37,755).  Reliabilitas  yang  digunakan adalah Alfa Cronbach (50,35%), dan Antar Rater (35,66% ); (4). Analisis data terbanyak menggunakan analisis deskriptif (61,21%); (5). Implementasi model pembelajaran yang terbanyak model Saintifik (22%);  (6). Metode pembelajaran banyak digunakan: Ceramah (29.2%),  Demonstrasi (25.8%),   Tanya  Jawab  dan  Penugasan  masing-masing  (17.5%);  (7). Bidang  keahlian  fokus penelitian terbanyak diteliti Pola Busana  (24,14%); (8) Produk terbanyak Job Sheet (29.77%).
Pelatihan Pembuatan Ecoprint Sebagai Upaya Memberikan Bekal Kewirausahaan Siswa Tata Busana Sugiyem Sugiyem; Widihastuti Widihastuti; Kapti Asiatun; Sri Widarwati; Afif Ghurub Bestari; Kusminarko Warno
Jurnal KARINOV Vol 6, No 3 (2023): Online First
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M), Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um045v6i3p132-137


Ecoprint merupakan teknik pencetakan pada kain atau kertas yang menggunakan bahan-bahan alami seperti daun, bunga, dan kayu untuk menghasilkan pola dan warna yang indah. Pelatihan ecoprint sangat penting untuk fesyen berkelanjutan karena fesyen merupakan industri yang memiliki dampak besar terhadap lingkungan. Tujuan kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan membuat ecoprint sebagai upaya memberikan bekal kewirausahaan sekaligus menuju fesyen yang berkelanjutan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah ceramah untuk menyampaikan teori ecoprint, metode demonstrasi untuk memberikan contoh proses pembuatan ecoprint, dan praktek membuat ecoprint hingga produk jadi yang dilakukan oleh peserta dengan didampingi tim pengabdi. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah sebagai berikut (1) Terselenggaranya kegiatan pelatihan membuat ecoprint sebanyak tiga kali tatap muka yang diikuti oleh 20 siswa dan empat orang guru dengan tingkat kehadiran 100% (2) Lebih dari 90% siswa mampu membuat produk ecoprint berupa tempat pensi/tas mukena/dompet kosmetik yang siap dipasarkan. Sebagian besar peserta menyatakan puas dengan kegiatan ini dan berpendapat bahwa pelatihan ini bermanfaat bagi pengembangan diri bidang fesyen, pengayaan materi dalam menghias tekstil, peningkatan kualitas diri, peningkatan kualitas lembaga, dan tuntutan pembelajaran kurikulum 2013. Kata kunci— Pelatihan, Ecoprint, Kewirausahaan, Sustainability Abstract Ecoprint is a printing technique on fabric or paper that uses natural materials such as leaves, flowers, and wood to produce beautiful patterns and colors. Ecoprint training is essential for sustainable fashion because fashion is an industry that hugely impacts the environment. The purpose of this training activity is to provide knowledge and skills in making eco prints as an effort to provide entrepreneurial provisions as well as towards sustainable fashion. The methods used in this training activity are lectures to convey eco print theory, demonstration methods to provide examples of the process of making eco prints, and the practice of making eco prints to finished products carried out by participants accompanied by a service team. Results of the activity: (1) The implementation of training activities to make eco prints three times face-to-face which was attended by 20 students and four teachers with an attendance rate of 100% (2) More than 90% of students were able to make eco print products in the form of pensi/mukena bags/cosmetic wallets that were ready to be marketed. Most participants expressed satisfaction with this activity and argued that this training was useful for self-development in the field of fashion, material enrichment in decorating textiles, self-quality improvement, improving the quality of institutions, and learning demands of the 2013 curriculum. Keywords— Training, Ecoprint, Entrepreneurship, Sustainability