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Sosialisasi Penegakan Undang-Undang No 32 Tahun 2009 Tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup pada Masyarakat di Kecamatan Medan Belawan dan Medan Marelan MYF Hafidz Nasution; Dwi Sartika Paramyta; Neri Arisuma; Salman Alfarisi; Maya Puspita Ningrum
Jurnal Abdi Mas Adzkia Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Januari - Juli 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30829/adzkia.v2i2.11087


AbstractThe activity of PKM is continued from project collaboration of environmental education for water environment improvement in the deli river basin north Sumatra province since 2015 between the University of North Sumatra, University Kitakyushu Japan, and Institute of Graha Kirana.  In 2021, this project involves a public in two primary schools, a senior high school dan two junior high schools in Deli River path for more active in conservation environment from Environmental Law knowledge and issue of environmental water (UU No.32 Tahun 2009 and PP No. 22 Tahun 2021). It's expected to lectures who directly involved in this workshop can provide education to the public about Protection and Managing Environment (PPLH) based on UU No 32 Tahun 2009 chapter 1 paragraph 2 that systematic and integrated efforts to preserve function and prevent environmental and/or damage include planning, utilization, controlling, maintenance, supervision, and law enforcement
Jurnal Lex Lectio Vol 2, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum Graha Kirana

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AbstractMarriages that have different religions can cause the offspring born from the marriage to follow a different religion. The change of religion of one or more family members can also cause religious differences in marriage. The requirements to be an heir are people who at the time of death have a blood relationship or marital relationship with the testator, are Muslims and are not hindered by law to become heirs. the problem of inheritance rights between heirs of different religions with the testator according to Islamic Inheritance Law. The benefit of this research is an understanding of the inheritance rights between heirs of different religions with the testator according to Islamic inheritance law.This research uses normative legal research methods. The statutory approach is used in this research. In normative legal research, legal materials whether primary, secondary, tertiary, or non-legal are studied through literature study. Indonesian citizens who are Muslims are those who follow Islamic Inheritance Law and the Compilation of Islamic Law. The provisions in Islamic Law and the Compilation of Islamic Law apply and are binding in terms of inheritance. All of these provisions begin with determining heirs based on blood relations (nasabiyah) or marriage (sababiyah). According to the provisions of the Islamic Inheritance Law and the Compilation of Islamic Law above, the determination of inheritance rights for heirs is based on blood relations (nasabiyah), marital relations (sababiyah), or groups of heirs, and is not hindered from inheritance such as slavery, murder, differences in religion or state.The inheritance rights between heirs of different religions and heirs according to Islamic inheritance law are heirs of different religions whose heirs are prohibited from becoming heirs. Heirs of different religions are not counted as heirs because they do not meet the requirements or are blocked as heirs. Another way for heirs of different religions to obtain heirs' inheritance is through a binding will. AbstrakPerkawinan yang memiliki agama berbeda dapat menyebabkan keturunan yang dilahirkan dari pernikahan tersebut menganut agama yang berbeda. Perpindahan agama salah satu atau lebih anggota keluarga juga dapat menyebabkan perbedaan agama dalam perkawinan. , syarat menjadi ahli waris adalah orang yang pada saat meninggal dunia mempunyai hubungan darah atau hubungan perkawinan dengan pewaris, beragama Islam dan tidak terhalang karena hukum untuk menjadi ahli waris.permaslahan mengenai hak waris antara para ahli waris yang berbeda agama dengan pewaris menurut Hukum Waris Islam. Manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah pemahaman tentang hak waris antara para ahli waris yang berbeda agama dengan pewaris menurut hukum waris Islam.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif. Pendekatan undang-undang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Dalam penelitian hukum normatif, bahan hukum baik primer, sekunder, tersier, atau non-hukum dipelajari melalui studi pustaka. Warga negara Indonesia yang beragama Islam adalah mereka yang mengikuti Hukum Waris Islam dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam. Ketentuan-ketentuan dalam Hukum Islam dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam berlaku dan mengikat dalam hal waris. Semua ketentuan ini dimulai dengan menentukan ahli waris berdasarkan hubungan darah (nasabiyah) atau perkawinan (sababiyah). Menurut ketentuan Hukum Waris Islam dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam di atas, penentuan hak waris bagi ahli waris berdasarkan hubungan darah (nasabiyah), hubungan perkawinan (sababiyah), atau kelompok ahli waris, dan tidak terhalang dari perwarisan seperti perbudakan, pembunuhan, perbedaan agama atau negara.Hak waris antara ahli waris yang berbeda agama dengan ahli waris menurut hukum waris Islam adalah ahli waris yang berbeda agama yang ahli warisnya dilarang menjadi ahli waris. Ahli waris yang berbeda agama tidak dihitung sebagai ahli waris karena tidak memenuhi syarat atau terhalang sebagai ahli waris. Cara lain bagi ahli waris yang berbeda agama untuk memperoleh warisan ahli waris adalah melalui wasiat yang mengikat.
Jurnal Lex Lectio Vol 1, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum Graha Kirana

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AbstractThe sale and purchase of land is a means of transferring land use rights because the community's need for land is increasing. However, many problems arise related to the certificate of use rights that want to be traded, ranging from fake certificates, original but fake, double certificates. then the importance of guarantees and legal certainty to overcome the double certificate and also other land certificate forgery because it is detrimental to land use right holders. The research method used in this research is the normative legal research method which includes searching and analyzing document sources including establishing facts, determining conformity between laws and standards, legal standards, defining norms in the form of orders or prohibitions according to legal principles, and defining certain actions based on applicable legal rules. Land that is granted and owned based on the rights regulated and granted by the UUPA will be meaningless if its use and utilization is limited to the surface of the land. The purpose of registration is to ensure certainty of individual rights, in addition to preventing border disputes and taxation. The certainty of one's rights, i.e. registration that clarifies one's rights, such as ownership rights, usufruct rights, building use rights, or others. Land registration through the National Land Agency aims to prevent the emergence of multiple certificates.AbstrakJual beli tanah merupakan sarana peralihan hak guna tanah karena kebutuhan masyarakat akan tanah semakin meningkat. Namun banyak permasalahan yang muncul terkait sertifikat hak guna yang ingin diperdagangkan, mulai dari sertifikat palsu, asli tapi palsu, sertifikat ganda. maka pentingnya jaminan dan kepastian hukum untuk mengatasi sertifikat ganda tersebut dan juga pemalsuan sertifikat tanah lainnya karena merugikan pemegang hak guna tanah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif yang meliputi penelusuran dan analisis sumber-sumber dokumen termasuk menetapkan fakta, menentukan kesesuaian antara undang-undang dan standar, standar hukum, mendefinisikan norma berupa perintah atau larangan menurut asas hukum, dan mendefinisikan tindakan tertentu berdasarkan aturan hukum yang berlaku. Tanah-tanah yang dihibahkan dan dimiliki berdasarkan hak-hak yang diatur dan diberikan oleh UUPA tidak akan ada artinya jika penggunaan dan pemanfaatannya hanya terbatas pada permukaan tanah. Tujuan pendaftaran adalah untuk menjamin kepastian hak individu, selain untuk mencegah sengketa perbatasan dan penetapan pajak. Kepastian hak seseorang, yaitu pendaftaran yang memperjelas hak seseorang, seperti hak milik, hak pakai hasil, hak guna bangunan, atau lainnya. Pendaftaran tanah melalui Badan Pertanahan Nasional bertujuan untuk mencegah munculnya sertifikat ganda.
Settlement of Workers' Rights at PT Satelit Bintang Persada Through PKPU Legal Efforts at the Medan Commercial Court Gindo Nadapdap; Hendrik Sulistiawan; Salman Alfarisi
Jurnal Penelitian Medan Agama MEDAN AGAMA, VOL. 15, NO. 1, JUNE 2024
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58836/jpma.v15i1.20776


Generally, if a company is no longer able to provide for the welfare of its employees, then the company experiences a financial crisis and this will result in the company's bankruptcy. Bankruptcy or bankruptcy is legal certainty received by the debtor because of the court's bankruptcy decision. The result of bankruptcy is that the debtor's assets are placed under investment so that the debtor cannot have his assets back. The problem is that this research was conducted to reveal how the rights of PT workers are resolved. Bintang Persada Satellite through legal action at the Medan District Court and how the PKPU was resolved at the Medan Commercial Court. The research method uses normative juridical research methods. The research results show that PT. Bintang Persada Satellite was found guilty and had to pay workers their rights in accordance with the provisions of article 156 of Law no. 13 of 2003 which includes severance pay, long service awards and rights assignment money. Meanwhile, in the case of delayed debt payment obligations (PKPU) which occurred at PT. Bintang Persada Satellite where the company is deemed incapable and is no longer actively running its busines.