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STUDI KASUS : TERAPI BLOWING BALLON UNTUK MENGURANGI SESAK NAFAS PADA PASIEN ASMA Putra Agina Widyaswara Suwaryo; Selfa Yunita; Barkah Waladani; Aprilia Safaroni
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Nursing Science Journal (NSJ)
Publisher : AKPER Pemkab Purworejo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53510/nsj.v2i2.86


Asthma is characterized by chronic inflammation of the airways involving various mediators and interrelated inflammatory cells resulting in physiological and structural changes in the airways. Asthma treatment aims to make asthma controllable. Controllable asthma is an asymptomatic state of asthma. Breathing relaxation has many techniques including using a blowing balloon technique (inflating a balloon). The purpose of this case study is to determine the effectiveness of giving blowing balloon therapy to asthma patients with a diagnosis of ineffective breathing pattern. The method used in this research is descriptive observation method with a case study approach. The subjects in this study were 3 patients with asthma aged 13-50 years, suffering from asthma for more than 3 months, recurrence frequency 2 times/week and willing to be respondents. Therapy was carried out 5 times. The study was conducted for 2 weeks in February 2021. The results of the case study showed that the three patients gave a positive response and experienced a decrease in respiration. The average respiratory frequency of patients 21-23x/minute with complaints of reduced shortness of breath. Blowing balloon therapy to stabilize the respiratory rate of asthma patients
TEKNIK EVAKUASI BENCANA TANAH LONGSOR UNTUK WARGA DESA TUNJUNGSETO KECAMATAN SEMPOR Putra Agina Widyaswara Suwaryo; Hendri Tamara Yuda; Wati Prasetyaningsih; Wahidah Isnaeni; Septi Ayu Amalia
Prosiding University Research Colloquium Proceeding of The 8th University Research Colloquium 2018: Bidang Teknik dan Rekayasa & Bidang Tekni
Publisher : Konsorsium Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (358.183 KB)


Negara Indonesia secara geografis terletak pada pertemuan beberapa lempeng tektonik dunia yaitu lempeng Australasia, lempeng Pasifik, lempeng Eurasia dan Filipina. Hal ini menyebabkan Indonesia rentan terhadap geologis. Disamping itu, kurang lebih 5.590 daerah aliran sungai yang terdapat di Indonesia, yang terletak antara Sabang dan Merauke, mengakibatkan Indonesia menjadi salah satu negara yang beresiko tinggi terhadap ancaman bencana gempa bumi, tsunami, deretan gunung api (129 gunung api aktif) dan gerakan tanah. Berdasarkan kajian risiko bencana tahun 2011 yang disusun oleh BNPB, potensi jumlah jiwa terpapar risiko bencana, jumlah kerugian fisik, ekonomi dan lingkungan berkategori sedang-tinggi yang tersebar di 34 provinsi dimana Jawa merupakan wilayah yang paling banyak mengalami potensi bencana. Tujuan dilakukan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah untuk memberikan informasi dan teknik evakuasi bencana tanah longsor. Selain itu, merencanakan dan mendorong latihan kesiapsiagaan bencana pada warga Masyarakat. Proses Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) terdiri dari edukasi dan praktik dengan materi bantuan hidup dasar dan teknik evakuasi transportasi korban bencana. Perubahan kognitif sebelum dan sesudah edukasi dievaluasi menggunakan soal dari rata-rata nilai 36 menjadi 82. para peserta juga antusias dan saling bergantian dalam mempraktikan teknik bantuan hidup dasar dan evakuai korban bencana. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini adalah edukasi dan praktik langsung dalam penanganan korban bencana diperlukan sebagai salah satu langkah pra-bencana dalam pengurangan risiko bencana.
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Nursing Science Journal (NSJ)
Publisher : AKPER Pemkab Purworejo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53510/nsj.v3i2.112


Background: Stroke has become a health problem that is the main cause of disability and is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Stroke is the third leading cause of death after coronary heart disease and cancer in developing countries. Developing countries also accounted for 85.5% of the total deaths. One of the rehabilitation that can be given to stroke patients is range of motion exercises or commonly referred to as Range Of Motion. Cylindrical grip is part of the ROM. Cylindrical Grip is a functional hand exercise by holding a cylindrical object in the form of rolled tissue in the palm of the hand which functions to move the fingers to grip perfectly. Objective: to determine the effectiveness of Cylindrical Grip therapy in stroke patients. Method: research using literature study method or literature review with PICO analysis. Search using researchgate, sciencedirect, proquest and pubmed databases with keywords stroke, cylincrical grip, and muscle strength. Assessment of articles using Duffy's Research Appraisal Checklist Approach category of superior paper (score 205-306) Results: There were 10 articles that entered the superior paper, where all articles explained that ROM was effective in increasing muscle strength in stroke patients, and 2 articles using the cylindrical grip method were more effective than other. Conclusion: Cylindrical Grip ROM therapy is an effective alternative to increase muscle strength in stroke patients.
The Effectiveness of Swiss Ball Exercise to Increase Balance and Mobility of Patient with Stroke Putra Agina Widyaswara Suwaryo; Eko Budi Santoso; Bambang Utoyo
Babali Nursing Research Vol 4 No 2 (2023): April
Publisher : Babali Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37363/bnr.2023.42135


Stroke cases increased to 10.9% in 2018 or an estimated 2.1 million people. Central Java was ranked in the top 10 with 11.8% of stroke cases. Post-stroke control adherence to health care facilities nationally is also still low. The development of treatment methods for stroke patients has been very rapid in hospitals, starting from therapy, rehabilitation care and the results have shown a decrease in mortality due to stroke in the acute phase. The most effective method to improve balance and mobility of post-stroke patients is using Swiss Ball Exercise. The purpose of this study was to prove the effectiveness of Swiss ball exercise on the level of balance and mobility in post-stroke patients. This study used a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest control group design, with a post-stroke patient population. The sample in this study was taken by consecutive sampling technique, with the inclusion criteria of acute post-stroke patients who experienced pharese or weakness of the upper and lower limbs for a duration of 1-3 months, aged 40-60 years, male and female patients, no disturbances. visual and sensory disturbances. Exclusion criteria were patients with spinal deformity, mental disorders, a history of spinal surgery, hemorrhagic stroke and cognitive deficits. The research sample amounted to 36 people who were divided into 2 groups. The first group got Swiss Ball Exercise in 35-40 minutes for 6 days/week once a day for 3 weeks. The results showed that the control group and the intervention group were 18 respondents respectively. Swissball exercises were carried out by respondents with the assistance of a facilitator for 6 times in 1 week and were carried out for 3 weeks, a total of 18 times. The results of statistical tests using the Wilcoxon test showed that there were significant changes in stroke patients, the majority of whom had non-hemorrhagic strokes. These changes were assessed using the Berg Balance Scale (p=0.005) and the Time Up Go Test (p=0.002) in the intervention group. Conclusion that swiss ball exercise is effective to improve balance and mobility of post-stroke patients
TEKNIK EVAKUASI BENCANA TANAH LONGSOR UNTUK WARGA DESA TUNJUNGSETO KECAMATAN SEMPOR Putra Agina Widyaswara Suwaryo; Hendri Tamara Yuda; Wati Prasetyaningsih; Wahidah Isnaeni; Septi Ayu Amalia
Prosiding University Research Colloquium Proceeding of The 8th University Research Colloquium 2018: Bidang Teknik dan Rekayasa & Bidang Tekni
Publisher : Konsorsium Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Negara Indonesia secara geografis terletak pada pertemuan beberapa lempeng tektonik dunia yaitu lempeng Australasia, lempeng Pasifik, lempeng Eurasia dan Filipina. Hal ini menyebabkan Indonesia rentan terhadap geologis. Disamping itu, kurang lebih 5.590 daerah aliran sungai yang terdapat di Indonesia, yang terletak antara Sabang dan Merauke, mengakibatkan Indonesia menjadi salah satu negara yang beresiko tinggi terhadap ancaman bencana gempa bumi, tsunami, deretan gunung api (129 gunung api aktif) dan gerakan tanah. Berdasarkan kajian risiko bencana tahun 2011 yang disusun oleh BNPB, potensi jumlah jiwa terpapar risiko bencana, jumlah kerugian fisik, ekonomi dan lingkungan berkategori sedang-tinggi yang tersebar di 34 provinsi dimana Jawa merupakan wilayah yang paling banyak mengalami potensi bencana. Tujuan dilakukan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah untuk memberikan informasi dan teknik evakuasi bencana tanah longsor. Selain itu, merencanakan dan mendorong latihan kesiapsiagaan bencana pada warga Masyarakat. Proses Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) terdiri dari edukasi dan praktik dengan materi bantuan hidup dasar dan teknik evakuasi transportasi korban bencana. Perubahan kognitif sebelum dan sesudah edukasi dievaluasi menggunakan soal dari rata-rata nilai 36 menjadi 82. para peserta juga antusias dan saling bergantian dalam mempraktikan teknik bantuan hidup dasar dan evakuai korban bencana. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini adalah edukasi dan praktik langsung dalam penanganan korban bencana diperlukan sebagai salah satu langkah pra-bencana dalam pengurangan risiko bencana.