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SINAR SANG SURYA Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Agustus 2021
Publisher : UM Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/sss.v5i2.1532


ABSTRAK  Kegiatan pengabdian bertujuan untuk melatih kemampuan berwirausaha melalui digital marketing. Kegiatan pengabdian diikuti oleh  remaja panti  asuhan Tuma’ninah Yasin kota Metro yang  menjadi mitra dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini. Metode yang digunakan teknik demonstrasi, tanya jawab, diskusi dan praktik. Hasil pelatihan yang didapat adalah sejumlah 91,71. % peserta memiliki keterampilan memanfaatkan digital marketing untuk berwirausaha dengan menjual produk kerajinan kain flanel. Kata kunci : berwirausaha, digital marketingABSTRACT The purpose of of this dedication is to train entrepreneurial skills through digital marketing. The community service activity was followed by the teenagers of the Metro city Tuma'ninah Yasin orphanage who became partners in this service activity. The methods used were demonstration techniques, question and answer, discussion and practice. The results of the training obtained were 91.71. % of participants have the skills to take advantage of digital marketing for entrepreneurship by selling flannel craft products.  Keywords: entrepreneurship, digital marketing
SINAR SANG SURYA Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Februari 2022
Publisher : UM Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/sss.v6i1.1869


ABSTRAK Pandemi virus covid-19 yang menyerang masyarakat Indonesia, mengharuskan masyarakat menjaga imunitas tubuhnya lebih baik agar tidak terserang penyakit tersebut. Salah satu tanaman toga yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai jamu herbal yang memiliki manfaat anti virus dan kaya antioksidan adalah jamu temulawak. Jamu temulawak cair selain sulit membuatnya juga tidak dapat disimpan dalam jangka waktu lama. Jamu temulawak serbuk instan yang dijual dipasaran memiliki harga jual tinggi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, solusi yang kami tawarkan adalah pelatihan pembuatan jamu serbuk instan temulawak dengan memanfaatkan tanaman TOGA (Tanaman Obat Keluarga). Selain dapat dikonsumsi sendiri, jamu temulawak instan juga dapat dipasarkan karena memiliki nilai jual tinggi. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian antara lain, observasi, sosialisasi, dan pelatihan. Obeservasi digunakan untuk mendata kelompok Mitra Dasa Wisma Kebun Jeruk yang Produktif dan aktif mengikuti kegiatan rutin. Sosialisasi digunakan untuk menjelaskan manfaat penting dari jamu herbal khususnya temulawak berdasarkan hasil penelitian/jurnal. Sosialisasi juga digunakan untuk menjelaskan proses pembuatan jamu serbuk instan temulawak. Dan pelatihan untuk mempraktekan langsung pembuatan jamu serbuk instan temulawak. Hasil dari kegiatan OPR-pengabdian ini adalah 1) Mitra yakni, ibu rumah tangga Dasa Wisma Jeruk Metro Timur mampu membuat jamu serbuk instan yang dapat dikonsumsi sehari-hari. 2)  Mitra memiliki pengetahuan mengenai manfaat temulawak yang sangat banyak manfaatnya bagi tubuh. 3) Mitra dapat mempasarkan produk jamu serbuk instan temulawak. Kata kunci: TOGA; Jamu herbal; Serbuk Instan; Temulawak. ABSTRACT The Covid-19 virus pandemic that attacks the Indonesian people, requires people to maintain their body immunity better so they don't get the disease. One of the toga plants that can be used as herbal medicine that has anti-virus benefits and is rich in antioxidants is temulawak. Liquid temulawak herbal medicine is not only difficult to make, but also cannot be stored for a long time. Instant powdered ginger herbal medicine sold in the market has a high selling price. Based on this, the solution that we offer is training on making instant herbal powder of temulawak by utilizing TOGA (Family Medicinal Plants) plants. Besides being able to be consumed alone, instant temulawak herbal medicine can also be marketed because it has a high selling value. Methods of implementing service include observation, socialization, and training. Observations are used to record the group of Mitra Dasa Wisma Kebun Jeruk who are productive and actively participate in routine activities. Socialization is used to explain the important benefits of herbal medicine, especially temulawak based on research/journal results. The socialization was also used to explain the process of making instant ginger powder herbal medicine. And training for direct practice of making herbal instant ginger powder. The results of this OPR-service activity are 1) Partners, namely, the housewife of Dasa Wisma Jeruk Metro Timur is able to make instant powdered herbal medicine that can be consumed daily. 2) Partners have knowledge about the benefits of ginger which has many benefits for the body. 3) Partners can market the herbal products of instant ginger powder. Keywords: TOGA; Herbal medicine; Instant Powder; Curcuma.
Pengaruh Promosi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pakaian pada Toko Qolsa Metro Tahun 2022 Ningrum; Lilian Mega Puri; Eva Ratnasari
Journal of Student Research Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Januari: Journal of Student Research
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jsr.v1i1.1067


Promotion is a communication activity carried out by a person or company with the broader community, where the aim is to introduce something (goods/services/brands/companies) to the community and at the same time influence the wider community to buy and use the product. Purchasing decisions are a process where consumers choose and evaluate products or services, often consumers consider various things that suit their needs in the purchase decision process. Every company built by a business entity or individual is generally the same, namely, to seek as much profit as possible by increasing purchases at the company, it takes various kinds of marketing activities, one of which is to hold promotional activities for the products produced, with the existence of marketing activities. Sales promotion in each company will indirectly help increase purchases of products. This study aims to determine how much influence promotion has on purchasing decisions at the Qolsa Fashion Store. The type of research used is quantitative research. The population in this study were all consumers of the Qolsa store in the metro city. In this study, samples were taken from many as 50 respondents. Data was taken through a questionnaire method. Data processing is done with the help of Microsoft Excel. The test includes a validity test, reliability test, normality test, homogeneity test, simple linear regression test, F-test, and t-test. The results show that there is a significant positive effect of promotion on purchasing decisions. The results of this study indicate that: There is a promotion effect on purchasing decisions for clothing at the Qolsa store in 2022 with the regression equation Y = 44.324 + 0.3233 X can be seen from the results of the analysis of the calculation of the value of t-count and t-tab above, it means that it is known that t-count > t-tab can be seen in the table of t point on the 5% significant list, namely 2.65> 1.68 also the Fcount value of 4.28 is greater than Ftab = 4.04 which is 4.28> 4.04 means There is a Significant Effect of Promotion on Purchase Decisions Clothing at Qolsa Stores in Metro City in 2022.
Pelatihan Desain Dan Konten Sosial Media Sebagai Penguatan Promosi Pasar Kreatif Rejomulyo Fajri Arif Wibawa; Lilian Mega Puri; Desi Budiono
SINAR SANG SURYA Vol 7, No 1 (2023): Februari 2023
Publisher : UM Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/sss.v7i1.2555


ABSTRAKKegiatan pengabdian ini bermitra dengan Pengurus Tim Kreatif Pasar Kreatif Kelurahan Rejomulyo, Kota Metro Selatan, Kota Metro. Mayoritas anggota Tim Kreatif Pasar Kreatif Kelurahan Rejomulyo Metro Selatan Kota Metro kebanyakan adalah anak muda yang masih produktif. Dengan memberikan pendampingan kepada Tim Kreatif Pasar Kreatif Kelurahan Rejomulyo Metro Selatan, Kota Metro diharapkan mampu memajukan generasi muda yang mampu meningkatkan kegiatan ekonomi kreatif tingkat masyarakat. Seiring dengan berkembangnya era industri 4.0 yang menuntut semua kalangan terutama kaum muda untuk dapat mengakses informasi dan aktivitas secara online, diperlukan persiapan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan mengembangkan kemampuan. tentunya akan sangat mendukung kemajuan Pasar Kreatif Rejomulyo di masyarakat yang lebih sejalan dengan era industri 4.0. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan pemahaman dan mengembangkan kemampuan di bidang Desain dan Konten Media Sosial bagi Tim Kreatif Pengelola Pasar Kreatif Rejomulyo, serta kesiapan menghadapi era industri 4.0. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini berlangsung selama 3 bulan dengan tiga tahapan utama yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Untuk memantau hasil dan keberlanjutan kegiatan ini akan dipantau selama dua minggu. Tim kreatif pengelola Pasar Kreatif Rejomulyo diberikan Pelatihan Penguatan Media Sosial melalui Desain dan Konten Media Sosial kepada Tim Kreatif Pengelola Pasar Kreatif Rejomulyo.Kata Kunci: Pelatihan, Sosial Media, Desain dan Konten ABSTRACTThis service activity is in partnership with the Creative Market Creative Team Manager, Rejomulyo Metro Selatan Village, Metro City. The members of the Creative Market Creative Team, Rejomulyo Metro Selatan Village, Metro City, are mostly young people who are still productive. By empowering the management of the Creative Market Creative Team, Rejomulyo Metro Selatan Urban Village, Metro City is expected to be able to advance the youth generation who are able to increase community-level creative economic activities. Along with the development of the industrial era 4.0 which requires all people, especially youth to be able to access information and activities online, it is necessary to prepare to increase understanding and development of capabilities in the field of Strengthening Social Media Through Social Media Design and Content Training for the Creative Team of Rejomulyo Creative Market Management. will greatly support the progress of the Rejomulyo Creative Market in the midst of a society that is more in line with the industrial era 4.0. The purpose of this service activity is to develop understanding and development of capabilities in the field of Design and Social Media Content for the Creative Team of the Rejomulyo Creative Market Management, as well as readiness to face the industrial era 4.0. The implementation of this service activity is for 3 months with three main stages, namely preparation, implementation, and evaluation. For monitoring the results and sustainability of this activity will be monitored for two weeks. The creative team management group of Rejomulyo Creative Market was given Social Media Strengthening through Social Media Design and Content Training to the Creative Team of Rejomulyo Creative Market Management.Keywords: Training, Social Media, Design and Content