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Pendampingan Kantor Desa Sumberejo Kota Kediri dalam Penerapan Permenpan RB Nomor 14/2017 Tentang Pedoman Penyusunan Survey Kepuasan Masyarakat Ajie Hanif Muzaqi; Tri Ambulanto; Elly Widiarti
SINAR SANG SURYA Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Agustus 2021
Publisher : UM Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/sss.v5i2.1653


ABSTRAK Seiring berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, terdapat beberapa macam survei di lingkungan masyarakat belakangan ini diantaranya survei terkait sosial ekonomi, survei opini publik, survei terkait riset bisnis yang biasanya disebut sebagai riset pasar, dan lain sebagainya. Salah satu survei yang menjadi tolak ukur dalam menilai kepuasan masyarakat terhadap layanan publik adalah survei kepuasan masyarakat atau (SKM). Survei ini didasari dari banyaknya layanan publik yang masih belum optimal dari aspek kualitas maupun kuantitasnya. Sehingga melalui payung regulasi Permenpan RB Nomor 14 Tahun 2017 ini pemerintah terus berupaya dalam meningkatkan kualitas layanannya. Pengukuran SKM sangat diperlukan di Kantor Desa Sumberejo untuk menilai perkembangan kinerja aparatur pemberi layanan. Pengukuran SKM ini juga sebagai alat kendali yang efektif bagi penyaluran aspirasi masyarakat khususnya pengguna layanan publik di Kantor Desa Sumberejo. Hasil dari pendampingan SKM yang dilakukan di Kantor Desa Sumberejo memperlihatkan kualitas layanan administratif dalam kategori BAIK. Meskipun demikian terdapat 2 (dua) unsur pelayanan yang masih harus diperbaiki, sebab ke-dua unsur terbetu memiliki kategori KURANG BAIK.Kata Kunci:  Pendampingan, Survei Kepuasan Masyarakat, Pelayanan Publik ABSTRACT Along with the development of science and technology, there are various types of surveys in the community including socio-economic surveys, public opinion surveys, business research surveys or market research, and so on. The type of survey that is used as a reference for assessing community satisfaction is the community satisfaction survey or (Survei Kepuasan Masyarakat). This survey is based on public services that are still not optimal in terms of quality and quantity. So that through Permenpan RB Nomor 14 Tahun 2017 the government continues to improve the quality of public services. SKM measurement is very necessary for the Sumberejo Village Office to assess the development of apparatus performance. This SKM measurement is also an effective controller for the distribution of community aspirations, especially public service users in Sumberejo Village. The results of SKM assistance show that the quality of administrative services is in a GOOD category. However, there are two elements of service that still need to be improved, because the two elements are categorized as LESS GOOD.Keywords: Accompaniment, Community Satisfaction Survey, Public Service.
Analisis Kebijakan Dana Desa dalam Merespon Masalah Kemiskinan di Indonesia Ajie Hanif Muzaqi; Djoko Susanto; M. Daimul Abror; Tri Ambulanto
Jurnal ilmiah Manajemen Publik dan Kebijakan Sosial Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Publik dan Kebijakan Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jmnegara.v6i2.4847


This study purposes to describe the evaluation of village fund program policies in answering the problem of poverty in Indonesia between 2017-2021. To obtain data in evaluating this policy, it is obtained from holistic data consisting of the number of poor people and the Building Village Index (IDM). Meanwhile, data analysis was carried out using a descriptive method by dividing into 6 (six) large regions in Indonesia, namely Sumatra, Java & Bali, Maluku & Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, and Papua. The results showed that for five years the village fund has increased drastically. This condition also coincides with the decline in the poverty rate of around 15% from 2017 to 2021 in Indonesia. Meanwhile, IDM status by province also shows an increase from what was originally a disadvantaged village in 2017 to a developing village in 2021. The Java & Bali region is the region that contributes the most in improving the status of IDM, be it a developing, developed or independent village. Meanwhile, Papua is the largest area in the context of underdeveloped villages in Indonesia.