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Journal of S&T Policy and R&D Management Vol 12, No 2 (2014): Journal of S&T Policy and R&D Management
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Perkembangan Iptek, LIPI

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It is an accepted view that technological progress is an extremelyimportant, perhaps the most important, determinant in the growth in output per man. Therefore, the governments policies related to the R & D activities to spur the development of the technology in order to enhance economic growth in Indonesia are becoming very important to be analyzed. For this purpose, a process oriented model of technology-economy interactions (Technology-Economy Model) was developed; and through the simulation of the model a clear and distinct understanding of the role of the technology in the Indonesian economy can be obtained. In the model, the capital-labor ratio (KLR) is proposed as an indicator of the technology in an economic system. This implies that the development of technology will be strongly determined by the decisions those related to the development of capital (investment and depreciation) and the growing of labor (hire and fire). The structure of decision making process is naturally consists of the interdependent relationships among some components which constructing causal loops (feedback loops). Based on this thought, the system dynamics methodology is used in this study to develop the Technology-Economy Model. The growth behavior of the technology and the economy is obtained through simulating the model from year 2000 until year 2050 for some scenarios related to the R&D activities and the economic policies. The analysis of the model behavior provides some important policy directions those expected to produce the higher technology and economic growth and also the better performance of the economy, i.e.: policies to manage R&D activities becoming effective, R&D policies should have a linkage with the education and training policies (link and match), have also a linkage with the economic policies (investment, export, and import), and the development of industry (wage policies).
Redesigning the Structure of Republic Indonesian Defense System; An Analysis of Systems Thinking Muhammad, Ade; Tasrif, Muhammad; Hartati, Sri
The Asian Journal of Technology Management (AJTM) Vol 6, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung

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The phenomenon of Shrinking Defense Capabilities is only the tip of the iceberg of Indonesian Defense System’s problem. The root of the problem that lies beneath and outside is keep untouched. This journal is the part of the efforts to reveal the phenomenon’s structure that binding as a system. The present structure is a cause of that phenomenon and the basis of the current organization responsible for Republic Indonesia Defense sector. With the Systems thinking analysis, the research has revealed the structure that become the problem cause and give a holistic solution trough redesigning new structure based on two theories namely the Strategic-Operational Management with Vision Dissemination of Prof. Dr. Jürgen Strohhecker and the Defense System Generic Dr. Ir. Muhammad Tasrif, M.Eng and Ir. Ade Muhammad, M.Han. The logical consequences would also changing of formation of Indonesian Defense Organization. Keywords : Design, Redesigning, Defense System, System, Defense, Holistic
DIMENSI SPIRITUAL KEBUDAYAAN: Di Tengah Relasi yang Timpang Antara Utara dan Selatan Tasrif, Muhammad
El-HARAKAH (TERAKREDITASI) el-Harakah (Vol 12, No 2
Publisher : UIN Maliki Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/el.v0i0.449


Moslem society as a part of the population of the south world, culturally is in the influence of the hegemony of non-Moslem culture. Mainly, European, American, and Australian as parts of the north world population. Until the mid twentieth century, the hegemony existed in the form of military imperialism. Meanwhile, in post-mid twentieth century, the hegemony changed into cultural imperialism in many areas, such as, social, economic, and art. The countries of the south world have really done some efforts to face the neo-imperialism, but have not succeeded well. Therefore, more serious efforts should be done to face the neo-imperialism, that is, the creativity to make the European and American cultural products as materials that can be creatively rearranged and matched with the local culture. In the creative process, the spiritual dimension of culture should become the basis of cultural production process at present and in the future to create a fair relation. The use of spiritual dimension of culture can create new cultural products. In turn, the cultural products of the south world will exist, and finally they can be exchanged with the products of the north world. This is what China is doing with its developing economic power to balance out the domination of Europe and America. The same hopefully appears from the Islam world although it needs more serious cultural works. According to Faisal Ismail, the awakening of Islam and its culture depends on the Moslems themselves, depends on their cultural works they do.
Indonesian Journal of Socio Economics Juni, Jurnal Sosio Ekonomika
Publisher : Lampung University

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The tea industry participants have to deliver their products with a good quality, quantity, continuity, right time,and the lower price. The efficiency is not only applied to individual business entity, but also applied to all participants in the tea industry supply chain. Recently, business decisions in the tea industry supply chain network still have individually and uncoordinated. This condition is different from the ideal supply chain management concept. Each business participants coordinates directly and transparently in the collaborative decisions making which aims to satisfy consumers in high efficiency level. The aim of this research are (1) identify and modelling  the recent tea industry supply chain system; (2) analyze and simulate of the of supply chain management implementation  in the tea industry; and (3) recommend the supply chain management strategy which can improve the performance of all the participants involved in tea industry. The research is using the “System Dynamics”  which used as a system approach using computers to analize and solving the problem and focused to analize and policy design.  The application of the supply chain management in the tea industry has a high ability to keep the level of inventory in optimum condition, then stockout was nothing happened. Inline with those condition, the application oh the supply chain management also avoids overstock which can cause high cost production. At the end, the supply chain management can improve the profitability of the involved participants on the tea industry supply chain.  In the effort to improve the tea industry supply chain need a cooperative development on the smallholders plantation level.
Indonesian Journal of Socio Economics Juni, Jurnal Sosio Ekonomika
Publisher : Lampung University

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The tea industry participants have to deliver their products with a good quality, quantity, continuity, right time,and the lower price. The efficiency is not only applied to individual business entity, but also applied to all participants in the tea industry supply chain. Recently, business decisions in the tea industry supply chain network still have individually and uncoordinated. This condition is different from the ideal supply chain management concept. Each business participants coordinates directly and transparently in the collaborative decisions making which aims to satisfy consumers in high efficiency level. The aim of this research are (1) identify and modelling  the recent tea industry supply chain system; (2) analyze and simulate of the of supply chain management implementation  in the tea industry; and (3) recommend the supply chain management strategy which can improve the performance of all the participants involved in tea industry. The research is using the “System Dynamics”  which used as a system approach using computers to analize and solving the problem and focused to analize and policy design.  The application of the supply chain management in the tea industry has a high ability to keep the level of inventory in optimum condition, then stockout was nothing happened. Inline with those condition, the application oh the supply chain management also avoids overstock which can cause high cost production. At the end, the supply chain management can improve the profitability of the involved participants on the tea industry supply chain.  In the effort to improve the tea industry supply chain need a cooperative development on the smallholders plantation level.
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Vol 17, No 1 (2019): JURNAL EKONOMI PEMBANGUNAN
Publisher : Pusat Pengkajian Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (188.961 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jep.v17i1.7495


Agricultural enterprises have a very high dependence on land. If the availability of agricultural land is threatened, the agricultural products are threatened. The development of a region also requires land, but sometimes due to land constraints, there is a lot of conversion of agricultural land, including rice fields that ultimately impact on rice production. Bandung Regency is one of the areas that cannot be separated from the problem of development and conversion of agricultural land, meanwhile Bandung Regency is one of the contributors to the availability of food crops, one of them is rice. The government's target to be self-sufficient in food and make Indonesia as the world's food granary in 100 years of Indonesia's independence makes Bandung Regency must join efforts to increase rice production in the midst of widespread land use. This research was conducted to model the dynamics of rice production in Bandung regency. The approach used is system dynamics methodology that can contribute in understanding a problem built through dynamic hypothesis. Through the system dynamics method, a model developed illustrating the increase in rice production by identifying the various related elements and patterns of interrelationships between them. With the help of the model, several policy scenarios can be designed to increase rice production. The results showed that rice production if not intervened by policy, the rate of growth will decrease, especially if the over of fixed land functions still occur. The policy of using new varieties, namely INPARI 42 with a delay time of 3 years implementation, coupled with pest prevention policies, availibility and affordability fertilizers, and irrigation improvement can encourage the growth rate of rice production in Bandung Regency.