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Analisa Desain Komunikasi Visual Untuk Membangun e-Branding UKM Catering Kota Padang dengan Konsep CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Mutiana Pratiwi; Widia Marta
Majalah Ilmiah UPI YPTK Vol. 25 (2018) No. 2
Publisher : Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35134/jmi.v25i2.44


Usaha mikro kecil mengengah merupakan suatu bidang usaha yang sangat membantu dalam berbagai aspek perekonomian indonesia. Di kota Padang memiliki berbagai macam jenis bisnis UKM. Satu diantaranya adalah Catering. Perkembangan usaha catering dikota ini sangat pesat karena banyaknya minat masyarakat menggunakan jasa tersebut. Akibatnya muncul persaingan antar usaha yang memperlihatkan dampak yang cukup signifikan terhadap usaha catering sehingga masing-masing usaha tersebut harus mampu untuk menciptakan pasar mereka sendiri dengan cara menciptakan Brand terhadap usaha catering yang mereka miliki. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melakukan analisa desain komunikasi visual untuk menciptakan E-Branding dengan konsep CRM ( Customer Relationship Management) . Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terciptanya E-Branding Catering, yang memiliki manfaat sebagai bentuk aktualisasi karakter usaha UKM Catering serta menunjang pemasaran dan meningkatkan daya saing
Identifying Severe Malnutrition in Children with an Expert System Devia Kartika; Rima Liana Gema; Mutiana Pratiwi
Journal of Computer Scine and Information Technology Volume 7 Issue 2 (2021): JCSITech
Publisher : Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35134/jcsitech.v7i2.3


Expert system is a computer program which is designed for modelling the ability of problem solving as it is an expert (human expert). The expert system method used is the forward chaining method which is the inference method that is doing logical reasoning from the problem to its solution. The aim of this research is to design and develop an expert system that is able to identify the severe malnutrition on children from the age of 0 - 5 years old. The knowledge is derived from the question askedto a nutrition expert. The data are taken from the questions asked to the user and when all of the questions has been answered, then the goal will be appeared which shows the nutrition status. This system application will enable the user to diagnose the nutrition/disease that affects children and get the solution. This system can be used by any kind of user due to the easy access. This system is also put the important information about the severe malnutrition and the recent news of children’s health so it will add more knowledge for the parents about the importance of severe malnutrition’s prevention.