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Bina Teknika Vol 16, No 2 (2020): Bina Teknika
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering UPN "Veteran" Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54378/bt.v16i2.2306


Pelek kendaraan sepeda motor adalah komponen yang sangat penting sekali dalam sebuah kendaraan dimana pelek sepeda motor merupakan komponen yang langsung bersingungan dengan jalan raya. Pada aspek keselamatan pelek juga sangat berperan penting dan sangat diperhitungkan dalam proses pembuatannya, Pemakaian bahan baku yang berkualitas tinggi sangat diperlukan dalam pembuatan pelek sepeda motor. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan pelek tipe cast wheel dengan spoke berjumlah 5 dan 6 dengan variasi kecepatan impact yang diberikan yaitu 10km/h, 15km/h dan 20km/h. lalu pada material pelek yang digunakan menggunakan alumunium alloy 6061-T6 dan material proyektilnya menggunakan alumunium alloy 6061-T0. Pada pelek yang dirancang memiliki ukuran diameter 433,3 mm dan lebarnya 68 mm untuk memudahkan dalam mendesain pelek cast wheel menggunakan software yang berbasis metode elemen hingga, dengan menggunakan software ini kita bisa dapat merancang atau mendesain suatu bahan sehingga dapat diketahui tegangan dan regangan yang terjadi saat simulasi impact pada bidang antar spoke.
Pendampingan Pembuatan Bahan Ajar Atraktif Bagi Tenaga Pengajar Sebagai Penunjang Pembelajaran Siswa/Siswi SMA BP FAI UMJ Muhammadiyah Boarding School "Ki Bagus Hadikusumo" Zackharia Rialmi; Fitri Wahyuni; Ferdyanto Ferdyanto
Indonesian Journal of Society Engagement Vol. 2 No. 3: Desember 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Kajian Demokrasi dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LKD-PM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33753/ijse.v2i3.43


The use of technology in education is a necessity that cannot be avoided. Information technology-based learning such as presentations using Microsoft Power Point is an interesting process for students. Teaching materials/materials delivered using Microsoft power point can help students understand the material being taught. Generation Z as a generation that is already familiar with technological advances, of course, is also familiar with this technology. This affects their learning process. Visual learning style by relying on visual acuity is a mainstay for generation Z in the learning process. Attractive media and teaching materials will help them understand the material being studied. High school students BP FAI UMJ Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS) "Ki Bagus Hadikusumo" are included in generation Z who like visual learning styles. Therefore, the teaching staff of SMA BP FAI UMJ Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS) "Ki Bagus Hadikusumo" needs to deepen the use of attractive learning media in delivering material so that students more easily understand the subject. In this mentoring activity, it is expected that the teaching staff can explore the features in Microsoft Power Point so that they can create attractive teaching materials that can be implemented in the teaching and learning process in class or online.
Media Mesin: Majalah Teknik Mesin Vol 23, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Mesin, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/mesin.v23i2.18217


A new method that is more practical, efficient and applicable is proposed to track the position of fluid flow separation on the upper side of NACA 0015. The proposed method is the coefficient of friction curve (Cf) method on the airfoil's upper side. The approach used is a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach. The governing equation used is the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equation.  is the turbulence model implemented in this study. The research is conducted on the low Reynolds number category. The low Reynolds number is in the range of values from 104 to 3Í105. Cf can predict the location of fluid flow separation more practically, efficiently, and applicable than the fluid flow velocity profile method. Flow separation begins to form at  =8° at position x/c=0.8. The location of the fluid flow separation continues to move closer to the leading edge as the  airfoil increases. Through the Cf curve, the location of the fluid flow separation is when the Cf curve experiences a sudden decrease and approaches the x-axis. If the separation points are described in the form of velocity profiles and fluid flow velocity contours, it will form an extreme decrease.
Analisis Motor Listrik Tipe Synchronous dengan Metode Komputasi James Julian; Fitri Wahyuni; Lomo Mula Tua; Nely Toding Bunga
Jurnal Asiimetrik: Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa & Inovasi Volume 3 Nomor 1 Tahun 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Pancasila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35814/asiimetrik.v3i1.1879


In the current technological development, the electric motor is the most popular in various industrial applications. Electric motors today have evolved very quickly and have a significant impact on the lives of the wider community. The use of environmentally friendly and efficient energy is one of the reasons why this motorbike has become a pioneer of technological advances, especially in the automotive world. This research focuses on conducting a comprehensive analytical study on one type of electric motor, namely synchronous because it is widely applied in various conditions today. The analysis was carried out using a computational method by applying the finite element as a method of solving the magnetic field case involving Maxwell's equations and its impact on the torque generated in this synchronous motor. From the computation results, it is found that this synchronous motor does have a high torque when the magnetic field flux works constantly at 0.015 Wb. With an average torque generated by this synchronous motor of 1.5 kW.
Effect of Single Slat and Double Slat on Aerodynamic Performance of NACA 4415 James Julian; Waridho Iskandar; Fitri Wahyuni; Armansyah Armansyah; Ferdyanto Ferdyanto
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1410.49 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v7i2.12875


This study uses a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach. The main object in this study is NACA 4415 with slat variations. The airfoil used as the slat is Eppler 421. Reynolds number in this study is 3Í106. This study uses an unstructured mesh with a triangular cell shape with 137824 elements. The use of slats can improve the aerodynamic performance of NACA 4415. NACA 4415 without slat stalled at AoA=16º. Stall on airfoils with a single slat and double slat occurred at AoA=20º. Slat can increase Cl in NACA 4415; however, the difference in Cl increase is not much different when using a single slat or double slat. An airfoil with a single slat, on average, can increase Cl by 20.9129%. The average increase in Cl for an airfoil with a double slat is 25.6878%. Single slat and double slat increase Cd. A single slat increased Cd with an average increase of 26.1109%, and the average increase in Cd for airfoils with double slat was 54.6152%. Single slat can produce a better Cl to Cd ratio than double slat, but the optimum AoA of double slat is 1º higher than single slat. Visualization of fluid flow at AoA=16° shows the fluid flow separation in the airfoil without a slat. The fluid flow separation can be handled well when NACA 4415 is given a single slat or double slat.
Characterization of the Co-Flow Jet Effect as One of the Flow Control Devices James Julian; Waridho Iskandar; Fitri Wahyuni; Ferdyanto; Nely Toding Bunga
Jurnal Asiimetrik: Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa & Inovasi Volume 4 Nomor 2 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Pancasila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35814/asiimetrik.v4i1.3437


The computational study discusses the application of the co-flow jet technique as a fluid flow control device on the NACA 0015 airfoil. The numerical equation used is the RANS equation with the k-ε turbulence model. There are three variations of the mesh proposed in this paper. The first variation is a fine mesh with 100,000 elements. The second variation is a medium mesh with 50,000 elements. Meanwhile, the third variation is coarse mesh with 25,000 elements. Based on the mesh independence test results, the mesh with the lowest error value is the fine mesh. Co-flow jet is proven to control fluid flow on the upper side of NACA 0015. Co-flow jet can also improve the aerodynamic performance of NACA 0015 by increasing Cl and decreasing Cd. The increase in Cl was 114% and the decrease in Cd was 24%. The fluid flow separation on the upper side of the airfoil can also be handled well by the co-flow jet.
Aerodynamics Improvement of NACA 0015 by Using Co-Flow Jet James Julian; Waridho Iskandar; Fitri Wahyuni
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 7, No 4 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v7i4.14898


This study analyzes co-flow as active flow control in the object of the airfoil. NACA 0015 is the airfoil used in this study. The airfoil was then modified to add co-flow jet features. Co-flow jet was placed on the upper chamber to analyze its effect on airfoil performance. Further, the Co-flow jet was studied by varying the injected mass flow rate () in the injection slot. The variation of  is 0.15, 0.20, and 0.25 kg/s. The study used CFD with the governing equation RANS. Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes combined with turbulence model to solve all equations. Two equations for the turbulence model are used in this study. Specifically, this study discusses the aerodynamics of the airfoil, i.e., lift force, drag force, and fluid flow visualization, such as pressure contour and velocity contour. Co-flow jets can improve the aerodynamics of airfoils. The bigger the  injected, the higher the lift coefficient increases. On the other hand, the drag force will be reduced as the number of injected fluid flow increases. Because of that, the airfoil efficiency will be better if using a co-flow jet. However, the Cl/Cdcurve peak shifts to smaller as the injection fluid flow are bigger. The fluid flow visualization by velocity contour on AoA=20° revealed that the co-flow jet could overcome separation. 
Cakrawala: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Global Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): November : Cakrawala: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Global
Publisher : Universitas 45 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (655.766 KB) | DOI: 10.30640/cakrawala.v1i4.354


Manajemen laboratorium adalah suatu kegiatan atau usaha dalam mengelola laboratorium meliputi perencanaan, SDM, pemeliharaan, dan pengawasan. Laboratorium/bengkel di sekolah menengah kejuruan merupakan tempat praktik siswa yang diharapkan dapat membantu membentuk kompetensi siswa melalui pembelajaran berbasis projek. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan di SMK Negeri 12 Jakarta bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan standarisasi laboratorium komputer di SMK Negeri 12 Jakarta sesuai norma dan standar laboratorium/ bengkel SMK. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan dengan beberapa tahapan, mulai dari observasi, wawancara, sosialisasi dan dilanjutkan dengan pendampingan mengenai standar dan norma laboratorium komputer agar mampu menunjang kegiatan pembelajaran praktik siswa. Proses analisis kebutuhan diawali dengan menelaah data hasil observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi yang berkaitan dengan manajemen laboratorium komputer di SMK Negeri 12 Jakarta. Dalam kegiatan pendampingan ini, diharapkan kepala sekolah, kepala laboratorium, wakasek sarana prasarana, dan guru paham sehingga dapat mengimplementasikan norma dan standar laboratorium komputer dalam mendukung pembelajaran praktik siswa SMK sesuai standar dunia kerja.    
Reliability Analysis of pH Measurement on TLC4502 with E201C Electrodes based on ATmega328P Microcontroller: Approach to Analysis of Variation with ANOVA James Julian; Fitri Wahyuni; Faiz Daffa Ulhaq
ELKHA : Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol. 15 No.1 April 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/elkha.v15i1.62982


The development of the water management system has so far reached the stage of utilizing IoT technology in the monitoring and operation process. An essential factor in water that affects the quality of a substance is pH. The research aims to analyze and ensure that the devices have a small pH measurement error rate with TLC4502 & E201C. The calibration process was carried out using linear regression, and  value of 0.99 was obtained. Analysis was carried out using one-way ANOVA and Tukey HSD methods, and it was found that all data pairs rejected the null hypothesis (H0) and accepted the alternate hypothesis (H1). This hypothesis indicated a significant difference in the relative measurement error of pH in each condition. The standard error value of each measurement after filtration was 0.00, with an uncertainty value ranging from 0.07 to 0.02. If the sensor can provide measurement results with low error and high accuracy, then the sensor can be widely circulated and used. Through this research, the feasibility of a measuring instrument was developed based on the perspective of errors and high accuracy. A quality measuring instrument certainly helpful in various fields from the fisheries, hydroponics, and environmental sectors.
The effect of curvature ratio towards the fluid flow characteristics in bend pipe based on numerical methods James Julian; Fitri Wahyuni; Waridho Iskandar; Rifqi Ramadhani
TURBO [Tulisan Riset Berbasis Online] Vol 12, No 1 (2023): Jurnal TURBO
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/trb.v12i1.2564


Internal flows in pipes are studied in greater depth and comprehensiveness in research. The computation done by using RANS equation. In particular, this study uses two equations turbulence model which is k-ε turbulence model. Mesh with 2×106 element is used because it is a mesh with lowest error. The research focuses on the effect of the curvature ratio (Rc) at the bend on changes in fluid flow characteristics. The Rc variations chosen in this study were 0.01, 0.02, and 0.03. The pipe diameter is 0.01 m, resulting in Rc/D=1, Rc/D=2, and Rc/D=3. At Rc/D=1, the maximum fluid flow velocity is in an area closer to the inner core than the outer core. The fluid velocity distribution is also more even if Rc/D=1 is enlarged. The fluid flow separation appears in the pipe with Rc/D=1, but the fluid flow separation in Rc/D=2 and Rc/D=3 is not visible. The separation is at α=75.96º, while the reattachment location is at x/D=0.014.