I Putu Mardika
Sekolah Tinggi Agama Hindu Negeri Mpu Kuturan Singaraja

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Cultoure: Jurnal Ilmiah Pariwisata Budaya Hindu Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Hindu Negeri Mpu Kuturan Singaraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (241.272 KB) | DOI: 10.55115/cultoure.v2i2.1609


This article aims to examine the development of cultural-based tourism villages in the Bali Aga Region, Banjar District. The Bali Aga villages include Sidatapa, Cempaga, Tigawasa, Pedawa and Banyuseri villages which have very distinctive traditions, customs and cultures, so they deserve to be developed to attract tourists without having to change the characteristics of the village. This research is a qualitative research, with an ethnographic approach. As a result, Sidatapa Village has cultural potentials such as traditional houses, fruit rituals at Pura Desa, Briyang Agung rituals and folklore. Meanwhile, Cempaga Village has cultural characteristics such as the Kuningan Sabha, the Sakaroras Traditional House, and the Ngaben tradition. Especially for Tigawasa Village, it has cultural capital in the form of traditional houses, bamboo crafts, the tradition of wasting kidang, and tabuh rah. Pedawa Village has the traditional house of Bandung Rangki, the Ngaga Tradition, the Nguja Seed ritual, Saba Malunin, to the palm sugar craft. Banyuseri village has relics in the form of ancient inscriptions and the Mekelin Tradition. The strategy for developing cultural tourism is carried out through socialization, cooperating with academics and training for tourism awareness groups.Keywords: culture-based tourism, bali aga village region, banjar district
The Spirit Of Sobean Kebangkitan Pariwisata Buleleng Di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 I Putu Mardika; I Made Bagus Andi Purnomo
Cultoure: Jurnal Ilmiah Pariwisata Budaya Hindu Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Hindu Negeri Mpu Kuturan Singaraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (221.783 KB) | DOI: 10.55115/cultoure.v1i2.832


Tourism in Buleleng is slowly starting to rise amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The revival of tourism in Buleleng after the lull period was carried out with the launch of the concept of The Spirit of Sobean which displays the best local potential in Buleleng. The research analyzed is descriptive qualitative and interpretative, which is through the process of interpreting problems in the field. Next, the data obtained were collected from document studies, photo documentation, field observations, and interviews. This research is also supported by data analysis with qualitative analysis techniques. Furthermore, the researchers conducted studies regarding the policies that the government had taken at the time of the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the people in the region. As a result, the mapping of the best local potential in Buleleng to get sobean branding is being carried out by the Pariwsata Service, Culture Service, Trade and Industry Cooperative Service, Agriculture Service and Food Security Service. It is believed that the concept of The Spirit of Sobean will awaken the potential of northern Bali, which has a “nyegara-gunung” geography. This potential is then documented to choose the best. In fact, the Buleleng Tourism Office is targeting 400 new destinations from this Sobean manifestation that were born during this interval. This documentation also maps village profiles covering commodity products, livelihoods, handicrafts, architecture, culture and arts, culinary, loloh and traditional medicine as well as social systems. This is in line with the Law on Cultural Advancement No.5 of 2017, which measures the objects of cultural advancement, namely inventory, security, maintenance, and rescue. Keyword: Sobean, revival of tourism
Ngaben Kremasi Di Desa Pakraman Buleleng, Kecamatan Buleleng, Kabupetan Buleleng Wayan Murniti; I Putu Mardika
Vidya Darsan: Jurnal Mahasiswa Filsafat Hindu Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Hindu Negeri Mpu Kuturan Singaraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55115/vidyadarsan.v2i2.1397


Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif denegan menggunakan teori fenomenologi, Eksisteni dan teori komodifikasi. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti cenderung mempergunakan wawancara tidak terstruktur. Sedangkan penentuan informan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Fenomena ngaben kremasi di Desa Pakraman Buleleng, Kecamatan Buleleng, Kabupaten Buleleng adalah dilatar belakangi dengan prinsip efisiensi yang dapat dicermati dalam pengabenan di krematorium. Hal ini mencakup berbagai aspek yakni: efisiensi waktu. Eksistensi ngaben kremasi di Desa Pakraman Buleleng, Kecamatan Buleleng, Kabupaten Buleleng diyakini akan tetap eksis. Mengingat mendapat dukungan penuh dari pihak Desa Adat Buleleng dan masyarakat yang memiliki konsep nindihin gumi ini menjadi tanda jika desa pakraman Buleleng sangat solid dan menerima perubahan yang terjadi. Terlebih, masyarakat yang menggunakan jasa krematorium rupanya buka semata-mata karena konflik adat, seperti kasepekang atau dikucilkan dari pergaulan, namun justru warga yang memilki investasi modal sosial juga kerap menggunakan sarana krematorium. Implikasi ngaben di krematorium terhadap desa Pakraman di Buleleng, Kecamatan Buleleng, Kabupaten Buleleng secara tidak langsung berimplikasi terhadap pemahaman masyarakat tentang adaptasi dalam hal ritual keagamaan seiring perekmbangan globalisasi. Selama ini belum pernah ditemukan ada konflik adat yang berujung terhadap kasepekang. Namun, krama yang memilih menggunakan jasa crematorium memang karena sukarela atau ketidakterpaksaan. Implikasi selanjutnya adalah ngaben kremasi juga memberikan legitimasi ritual menjadi lebih kuat. Sebab, banyak pula prosesi dihadiri oleh krama desa pakraman. Pola ini merupakan tindakan kompromistik agar desa pakraman tidak tersinggung, karena mereka telah dilibatkan, meskipun tidak optimal seperti ngaben secara konvensional. Pasca pengabenan, yang bersangkutan tetap saja berpartisipasi di desa pakraman sehingga hubungannya dengan krama desa tetap terjaga baik. Kata kunci: Ngaben, Kremasi Desa Pakraman
Maha Widya Duta : Jurnal Penerangan Agama, Pariwisata Budaya, dan Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Hindu Negeri Mpu Kuturan Singaraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55115/duta.v3i1.693


Pura Bencingah, Sukasada Sub-District, Buleleng Regency has the historical value of the struggle of the Balinese people, especially in Buleleng, established because of a vow (promise) of fighters in terms of seizing independence from invaders to the Almighty God. So that it has a very thick acculturation at the time of praising which is very interesting to study. This study aims to find out philosophical values, pujawali procession and cultural acculturation found in Pura Bencingah. In this study, problems were examined using the theory of Social Change, Religious Theory and Cultural Acculturation. The results showed that the philosophical value of the Bencingah temple was founded on the feeling of obtaining a sense of security (raksanam) from Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa when fighting and liberating the Indonesian nation from the shackles of colonialism, as a form of state and religion. The procession at the preliminary ceremony was held at Soma Kliwon Wuku Kuningan (Soma Macekan Agung) in Bencingah Temple led by Pura Bencingah Jro Mangku Dalem Chief witnessed directly by pemedek and veteran fighters using banten facilities such as banten for offal, banten for sekonghe gong and help caru. Cultural acculturation that can be seen in this pujawali is when the process of mepurwa daksina (walking around the main monument) while carrying a red and white flag 2 stalks of the arena followed by approximately 15 people rotating 3 times. This procession was accompanied by a bell / bajra sound by the Bencingah temple langang. At this time, the pemedek who came to pray joined in singing a great Indonesian song accompanied by the sound of Gong (gambelan "longgoran" at the time murwa daksina) and after that continued with a moment of silence. Keywords: Cultural Aculturations, Pujawali, Desa Ambengan
Maha Widya Duta : Jurnal Penerangan Agama, Pariwisata Budaya, dan Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Hindu Negeri Mpu Kuturan Singaraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55115/duta.v1i1.768


Implementation of tradition in the community did not escape from the role of communication in it that can provide convenience for people to interact in their participation as individuals directly involved in it. Communication is a process of forming, delivering, receiving, and processing messages that occur within a person and between two or more persons with a particular purpose. Each communication must have a purpose of communication, one of the objectives is to transfer the value of norms, customs or culture of a region. With the advancement of science and technology that is increasingly global today, tradition exemplifies the role of communication in order to remain keep wholeness and holies. On this good occasion the author as the next generation discusses the role of communication in the implementation of tradition. The purpose of this study is to understand and study the relationship of tradition and communication in an effort to create togetherness and deep understanding of the meaning to implementation of tradition as a guide for community life in the current era of globalization. The results found : (1) The most basic of the tradition is the information passed on from generation to generation both written and oral, because without this a tradition can become extinct. Tradition is a custom, a culture that is a habit that continues on an ongoing basis and will continue to be done by the next generation either individual or group. Implementation of a tradition in the Hindu’s community in Bali is generally related to the concept of Tri Hita Karana is to seek a harmonious relationship between God with humans, humans with humans and humans with the environment. (2) With the development of communication technology, the interaction that occurs today makes it easier for mankind to fulfill information through various effective and efficient media. In the study of its forms, communication is generally divided into verbal and non-verbal forms. (3) Human interaction generally always have functions and goals that are beneficial to the development of life and the development of self potential to be able to provide positive things for the surrounding community. Interaction in the form of communication in general has a function and purpose depends on where the communication is carried out or when the communication took place. Keywords: Tradition, Communication Media
The 'Jari Manis' Strategy: Maintaining Ikat Weaving in the Midst of Weaver Regeneration Crisis in Julah Village, North Bali I Gusti Agung Ngurah Agung Yudha Pramiswara; I Putu Mardika
Jurnal Kajian Bali (Journal of Bali Studies) Vol 13 No 1 (2023): Volume 13 No 1 April 2023
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Bali Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JKB.2023.v13.i01.p16


The Julah Village in North Bali is known for its traditional ikat cloth crafts. However, the number of weavers is currently declining, which is due in part to the regeneration problem. This research examines factors contributing to the shortage of ikat weaving, and it comes to the conclusion that the absence of regeneration in the inheritance process is the primary cause. Following closely behind is the need for a variety of processes in weaving production, and finally, a prolonged and expensive process for producing ikat. There are a number of initiatives that can be performed to help encourage younger generations to be interested in weaving, such as socialization, enculturation, and collaboration using tradition-based regulations. The lack of Julah Traditional Ikat weaving signifies that it's impracticable to perform religious rituals, which is the implication of scarcity in the religious system. This article offers Jari Manis strategy (Julah Mandiri, Manjemen, Investasi or Julah Independent, Management, and Investment) to stimulate weaving production, including for the local younger generation.
Pewarisan Budaya Bali Aga dalam Tradisi I Putu Mardika
Pramana: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian Vol 2, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Pramana: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55115/jp.v2i2.2691


The Bali Aga community in Pedawa Village, Banjar District has the Saba Nguja Benih Tradition. This ritual is held at the village temple on the full moon of Sasih Kaulu every five years. Nguja Benih are believed to be a form of respect for Dewi Sri so that the glorified seeds can thrive. This article analyzes two things. Namely, how is the process of cultural inheritance in the Nguja Benih Tradition both formally and informally. Then this article also analyzes the media of inheritance through the jejumputan dance which accompanies the Saba Nguja BenihTradition in Pedawa Village. This qualitative study is based on data collected through observation, interviews, and literature study. As a result, Saba Nguja Benih are passed down from generation to generation across generations from children to adults through enculturation and socialization. Socialization is carried out both formally and informally. Jejumputan dance is part of the Saba Nguja Benih Ceremony procession. This dance is performed by children who have not reached puberty. This dance is a cultural identity of the Pedawa people and must be danced during Nguja Benih to please Dewi Sri.
Kajian Fenomenologi Ritual Nampah Batu Di Pura Puseh Desa Adat Depeha I Putu Mardika
Pramana: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian Vol 1, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Pramana: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55115/jp.v1i2.1884


This article examines the phenomenology of the Nampah Batu ritual at Puseh Temple, Depeha Traditional Village which is held once a year, precisely when Purwani Purnama Sasih Karo, which is one day before Purnama Sasih Karo. In this ritual, a unique offering is made called ngatarang lelampadan with offerings from the produce of the Depaha Village community after harvest. In addition there is a unique procession called nampah batu, which is a stone symbolized by a pig as a means of ceremony. There are several theories to dissect the problems studied, namely phenomenological theory, functionalism theory and religious theory. This research is a qualitative research with a qualitative approach. The type of data used is qualitative data and is supported by quantitative data. Data sources are primary data sources and secondary data sources. Data were collected using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. From the data collected, it was processed using qualitative descriptive methods through data analysis methods. The results, namely (1) The stages of the Nampah Batu ritual at the Puseh Temple, Pakraman Depeha Village, Kubuaddan District, Buleleng Regency are as follows: the first stage is registration at the Village Temple administratively to be recorded in the Tulud Apuh list; the second stage is the ritual of praying together at Puseh Temple; the third stage is the implementation of the ceremony at Yeh Kedis Temple, the fifth stage is prayer followed by eating together. The functions of the Nampah Batu ritual are: a) manifest functions, namely: 1) social functions 2) aesthetic cultural functions 3) educational functions 4) ethical and cultural functions. Meanwhile b) latent functions are: 1) religious function 2) purification function and 3) symbolic function. The meaning of the nampah stone ritual at Puseh Temple, Depeha Village, Kubutambahan District, Buleleng Regency is etymological meaning and symbolic meaning.