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Journal : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Malikussaleh (JSPM)

Reflections on Village Autonomy through the Implementation of Village Funds in Gampong Kapa, East Langsa District, Langsa City Muklir Muklir; Fadhil Fadhil
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Malikussaleh (JSPM) Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Multidimensi Problematika Masyarakat
Publisher : FISIP Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/jspm.v2i2.6077


Village funds are provided by the central government to villages (gampong) to improve the welfare of the gampong community. The existence of village funds is expected to increase community productivity. This study aims to explain how the implementation of village fund policies in Gampong Kapa in 2019 by linking the policy implementation model according to Grindle. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection was carried out through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed that the implementation of village fund policies in Gampong Kapa has not been carried out well even though the budget absorption has reached 100%. The process is following the existing regulations, but in the implementation in the field, there are many problems. The development and empowerment activities made by the gampong government are not felt by the community. This is because the implementation of village funds in Gampong Kapa does not pay attention to both the policy context and policy content so that the village funds disbursed by the central government in very large numbers are considered by some residents to be not optimal in improving the welfare of the people of Gampong Kapa.
Performance of Pamong Praja Police Units in Disciplining Students in Timang Gajah District Bener Meriah Regency Muklir Muklir; Susi Diana Mustika
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Malikussaleh (JSPM) Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Kebudayaan, Keberagaman, dan Pembangunan
Publisher : FISIP Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/jspm.v1i2.3143


Satpol PP is an element that supports the duties of the Regional Government in securing and implementing Regional Government policies that are specified in the field of public order and peace. The level of discipline of students in Bener Meriah Regency is decreasing at this time. Many students are truant and wandering around during study hours. This study aims to describe how the performance of Satpol PP in controlling students, what efforts are made to improve discipline, and how students’ attitudes and behavior change after policing. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The results showed that the performance of Satpol PP in controlling student discipline was good because Satpol PP always routinely patrols 8 times a month. However, there are several obstacles, such as the minimum budget and inadequate facilities and infrastructure so that the performance of Satpol PP is not optimal. The efforts made by Satpol PP to improve discipline, namely in collaboration with the Education Office and school officials, as well as socializing and providing appeals to cafe owners. Meanwhile, we found variations in changes in student attitudes and behavior. AbstrakSatpol PP merupakan unsur pendukung tugas Pemerintah Daerah dalam mengamankan dan melaksanakan kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah yang bersifat khusus di bidang ketentraman dan ketertiban umum. Pada saat ini tingkat kedisiplinan pelajar di Kabupaten Bener Meriah menurun dan banyak sekali dijumpai siswa yang membolos dan berkeliaran pada saat jam belajar berlangsung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan bagaimana kinerja Satpol PP dalam penertiban pelajar, upaya apa saja yang dilakukan dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan, dan bagaimana perubahan sikap dan perilaku pelajar setelah dilakukan penertiban. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendektan kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja Satpol PP dalam penertiban kedisiplinan pelajar sudah baik karena Satpol PP selalu rutin melakukan patroli selama 8 kali sebulan. Akan tetapi ada beberapa kendala seperti minimnya anggaran dan sarana prasarana yang belum memadai sehingga kinerja Satpol PP menjadi kurang maksimal. Adapun upaya yang dilakukan Satpol PP untuk meningkatkan kedisiplinan yaitu bekerjasama dengan Dinas Pendidikan dan pihak sekolah, serta melakukan sosialisasi dan memberikan himbauan kepada pemilik caffe dan warnet. Sedangkan untuk perubahan sikap dan perilaku pelajar sangat variatif.
Perempuan Ulee Pulo dan Industri Kecil Batu Bata: Peran Ekonomi Keluarga dan Upaya Pemberdayaan Risna Dewi; Nur Hazizah; Muklir Muklir
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Malikussaleh (JSPM) Vol 2, No 1 (2021): Tantangan Pengembangan Masyarakat dan Pemberdayaan Perempuan
Publisher : FISIP Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/jspm.v2i1.4018


Ulee Pulo Village, Dewantara District, North Aceh Regency is a small brick industrial area. This material is needed as a building material. The construction worker/laborer profession is identical to the menial jobs performed by men. However, the brick as a building material is produced by women, such as in Gampong Ulee Pulo. Most of the workers in the small brick industry are housewives who are looking for additional income. But the brick production process is out of date. This makes the bricks produced are of low quality because they are undercooked during firing, crushed, and the thickness is not uniform. This condition encourages BUMG Ulee Pulo to carry out empowerment programs for small industry players and brick workers who are predominantly women. This study describes the role of women and efforts to empower the brick business in Ulee Pulo village. The research method used is qualitative with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation. The entire data obtained were analyzed in a reduced way, then presented so that it was easy to understand, and conclusions were found. The results showed that the empowerment strategy was carried out through coaching and training of female brick industry workers where the funds were sourced from BUMG Gampong Ulee Pulo. AbstrakGampong Ulee Pulo Kecamatan Dewantara Kabupaten Aceh Utara adalah daerah penghasil batu bata. Material ini dibutuhkan sebagai bahan bangunan. Sebenarnya profesi tukang/buruh bangunan itu sendiri identik dengan pekerjaan kasar yang dilakukan oleh kaum laki-laki. Namun batu bata sebagai bahan material bangunan ternyata diproduksi oleh kaum perempuan seperti di Gampong Ulee Pulo. Sebagian besar pekerja industri kecil batu bata adalah para ibu rumah tangga yang mencari penghasilan tambahan. Tetapi proses produksi batu bata sudah ketinggalan zaman. Hal ini membuat batu bata yang dihasilkan berkualitas rendah karena kurang matang saat pembakaran, hancur, dan tingkat ketebalan tidak seragam. Kondisi ini mendorong BUMG Ulee Pulo melaksanakan program pemberdayaan kepada para pelaku industri kecil dan pekerja batu bata yang notabene didominasi kaum perempuan. Studi ini menggambarkan peran perempuan dan upaya pemberdayaan usaha batu bata di Gampong Ulee Pulo. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Keseluruhan data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan cara direduksi, kemudian disajikan agar mudah dipahami, dan ditemukan kesimpulannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi pemberdayaan dilakukan melalui pembinaan dan pelatihan pekerja perempuan industri batu bata dimana dananya bersumber dari BUMG Gampong Ulee Pulo.