Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin

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Pahlawan Vol. 17 No. 1 (2021): April, 2021
Publisher : Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (141.219 KB)


Students’ Errors in Writing Simple Present Tense at Counseling Department of Achmad Yani University. The objective of this study is to analyze the students’ errors in writing sentences in simple present tense. The scope of the research is focused on one tenses namely simple present tense. Research method was used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Based on the result of the research, the researcher could conclude that most of subject or sample of the research did mistakes in misinformation because they write wrong in grammatical form and made the sentences were incorrect
The Students' Mistakes In Using Simple Past Tense For Writing Short Sentences Helmi
Pahlawan Vol. 17 No. 2 (2021): Oktober, 2021
Publisher : Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (305.486 KB) | DOI: 10.57216/pah.v17i2.41


Students’ Mistakes in using simple past tense for writing short sentences at elementary teacher department of faculty of teachers’ training and education of Achmad Yani University. The objective of this study is to analyze the students’ mistakes in writing short sentences based on in simple past tense. The scope of the research is focused on one tenses namely simple past tense. Research method was used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Based on the result of the research, the researcher could conclude that most of subject or sample of the research did mistakes in misinformation because they write wrong in grammatical form and made the sentences were incorrect.
Pahlawan Vol. 14 No. 1 (2019): April, 2019
Publisher : Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (913.996 KB) | DOI: 10.57216/pah.v14i1.290


This research is purposed to analyze the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their skill in writing a short text at the second semester of counseling department of Achmad Yani University. In this research, the writer used quantitative method by Pearson correlation product moment. There are two variables in this research. Students’ vocabulary as independent variable (variable X) and writing ability as dependent variable (variable Y), the technique of collecting data was by using a test. The test consists of 22 items of vocabulary test and 1 item of writing ability. The object of study is 10 students from the second semester of counseling department of Achmad Yani University. From the calculation by using product moment formula, it was found out that the mean of the scores of the vocabulary test is 67,6. The mean of the scores of the students’ achievement in writing mastery is 67,8. The result of applying the rxy (r count) distribution shows that the coefficient correlation is 0.777. The degree of significance 5% is 0.632 and the degree of significance 1% is 0.765. It means r count is higher than r table (0.777 > 0.632) and (0.777 > 0.765). So, alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. The conclusion of this research is there is a significant correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their writing a short text ability.
Pahlawan Vol. 16 No. 1 (2020): April, 2020
Publisher : Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (486.822 KB) | DOI: 10.57216/pah.v16i1.291


This research is an experimental research that was conducted by using English conversation applicatioon as a media to activate the students’ speaking skill of Public Administration Department. Speaking is one of the language skills to develop the communication competency, and to reach the level of functional literacy. Thus, speaking is one of the language skills that must be mastered by students. Based on those conditions, the writer tries to offer one teaching media for teaching speaking that is English conversation application. The purpose of this research was to know whether or not there was a significant effect of using English conversation application on the second semester at public administration department. The research design was quasi experimental research with non-equivalent groups pre-test and post-test design. Researcher chose two classes, they were given a pre-test to check on the equivalent of the groups on the dependent variable before the experiment began. After knowing the scores of pre-test the experimental group received treatment, that is, using guessing games while the control group was taught using question and answer technique. After that, the researcher gave a post-test to both groups to know the significant difference of the speaking achievement between the experimental and the control group. The subjects of this research were banjarmasin and banjarbaru class. Based on the computation of the t-test formula (from the scores of pre test), it showed that the mean scores of the control class was 54.28 and the mean scores of experimental class was 60.16. Meanwhile, the computation of the independent sample t-test formula (from the scores of post test) showed that the mean scores of control class was 52.78 and the mean scores of the experimental class was 61,02. Analyzing the mean scores of both groups, the mean scores of the students’ speaking test in the control class was decreased, from 54,28 to 52,78. On the contrary, the mean scores of the students’ speaking test in the experimental class was increased, from 60.16 to 61.02. From the fact findings, it can be seen that the treatment could give a significant result to the students’ speaking skill to the experimental class.
Pahlawan Vol. 16 No. 2 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (461.003 KB) | DOI: 10.57216/pah.v16i2.295


The purpose of this study was to examine the comparison between the vocabulary mastery of students who were taught using mind mapping techniques and students who were not taught using these techniques. Based on the results of preliminary observations and interviews with English teachers at local schools, there were several obstacles experienced by students in learning English. The main problem is the lack of mastery of English vocabulary that is owned by students so that they have difficulty communicating using English both spoken and written. Based on this problem, the researcher formulated the problem in this study, namely, how much influence is the mind mapping learning model to improve the English vocabulary of students in class VII at SMPN 35 Banjarmasin City. In this study, researchers are the main actors in applying the mind mapping learning model to the learning process in the classroom.This research will use quasi experimental research. The population of this study were all of the seventh grade students of SMPN 35 Banjarmasin City. The author will take a sample using purposive random sampling in which students are divided into two groups. The research instrument that will be used to collect data in this study is a test. The test results are the scores of students from the experimental and control groups. The data of the research were then analyzed through paired sample t-test after normally test. Researchers used the SPSS version 21 application. Based on the findings of this research, mind mapping technique cannot give significance influence to the students’ vocabulary mastery because significance value of wilcoxon analysis was bigger than 0,05. So the alternative hypothesis was rejected and null hypothesis is accepted. it can be concluded that mind mapping technique is not good learning model to apply in teaching English for junior high school.
The Correlation Between The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery And Their Skill In Writing Short Sentences Of Simple Future Tense Helmi
Pahlawan Vol. 18 No. 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (212.764 KB) | DOI: 10.57216/pah.v18i1.358


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kosakata penguasaan dan keterampilan menulis kalimat pendek simple future tense. Desain penelitian ini adalah desain korelasional; untuk mengetahui masalah penelitian. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa UIN antasari dari kelas intensif Bahasa inggris dan sampelnya diambil oleh menggunakan ukuran sampel untuk menentukan jumlah sampel berdasarkan tabel ukuran sampel, penulis mendapat tiga mahasiswa. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan tes, ada dua jenis tes untuk mengukur kemampuan siswa dalam penguasaan kosakata dan keterampilan menulis kalimat pendek siswa berdasarkan simple future tense. Teknik yang digunakan untuk menganalisis product moment dengan menggunakan SPSS 20. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan positif antara penguasaan kosakata dan keterampilan siswa dalam menulis kalimat pendek simple future tense.
Strategi Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Profesional Guru Pada SMP Negeri 1 Belawang Helmi Helmi; Ahmad Rudini; M. Ihsan Ramadhani; Nadya Huda; Nurul Huda Fitriani
Journal on Education Vol 5 No 3 (2023): Journal on Education: Volume 5 Nomor 3 Tahun 2023 In Press
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v5i3.1498


This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study show that: Programs to improve the professional competence of SMP Negeri 1 Belawang teachers are: Curriculum development training such as preparing annual programs, semester programs, educational calendars, training in compiling syllabus, lesson plans (RPP). Improvement and enrichment program through MGMP. Improving the competence of educators (teachers) such as teacher certification training, computer training for teachers, holding internal teacher competency workshops. 2) The implementation of teacher professional competence improvement by the principal of SMP Negeri 1 Belawang, namely: Training in compiling a syllabus, and learning implementation plans (RPP). The improvement and enrichment program through the MGMP SMP Negeri 1 Belawang has attended trainings and upgrades, both internally and externally or outside of school. Improving the competence of educators (teachers) such as teacher certification training has been carried out, but the improvement as expected has not been achieved, computer training for teachers has been carried out but has not gone well, and held an internal teacher competency workshop, there has been an increase in understanding of the competencies that must be developed. have by the teacher. 3) The obstacles experienced by the principal in improving the professional competence of teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Belawang are the lack of support for facilities and infrastructure, the lack of awareness of teacher responsibilities, and the lack of support from the school committee and the community.
Pendampingan Guru Pembelajar Pada MGMP Melalui Metode Tutor Sebaya Dengan Pendekatan Andragogi Helmi
COMPETITIVE: Journal of Education Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Fakultas Agama Islam Indramayu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58355/competitive.v2i2.23


Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengopimalkan kompetensi guru pembelajar melalui metode tutor sebaya dengan pendekatan andragogi pada MGMP Kimia “Isotop Jari Janang" Kabupaten Barito Timur; (2) mengubah mindset guru Kimia pada MGMP Kimia “Isotop Jari Janang" Kabupaten Barito Timur Kabupaten Barito Timur menjagi guru sebagai agen pembaharuan yang siap menghadapi Uji Kompetensi Guru. Metode pembinaan dan pemberdayaan MGMP Kimia “Isotop Jari Janang" dengan metode totur sebaya dengan pendekatan andragogi. Hasil yang diperoleh dengan penerapan Pembinaan dan Pemberdayaan guru pembelajar melalui metode tutor sebaya dengan pendekatan andragogi dapat mengoptimalkan kompetensi Guru pada MGMP Kimia “Isotop Jari Janang" Kabupaten Barito Timur dan mampu mengubah mindsetnya sebagai guru yang menjadi agen pembaharuan dalam memfasilitasi pembelajaran yang berpihak pada murid dan siap menghadapi Uji Kompetensi Guru (UKG).
Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Di Era Digital Helmi
DIROSAT: Journal of Education, Social Sciences & Humanities Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Fakultas Agama Islam Indramayu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (824.893 KB) | DOI: 10.58355/dirosat.v1i2.8


Pendidikan di era digital memerlukan upaya-upaya khusus untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan yang disesuaikan dengan perkembangan teknologi. Hal ini menuntut adanya transformasi pendidikan yang dapat mengintegrasikan teknologi dalam pembelajaran untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan yang lebih optimal. Dalam makalah ini, kami membahas tentang upaya-upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di era digital, di antaranya adalah penggunaan platform pembelajaran digital, integrasi kurikulum dengan teknologi, pelatihan guru, pengembangan materi pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan zaman, serta upaya kolaborasi antara sekolah, guru, dan orang tua. Makalah ini juga membahas tantangan dan peluang yang dihadapi dalam implementasi upaya-upaya tersebut, serta memberikan beberapa contoh studi kasus mengenai upaya meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di era digital. Makalah ini menunjukkan bahwa upaya-upaya tersebut dapat meningkatkan mutu pendidikan secara signifikan dan berkelanjutan di era digital. Oleh karena itu, upaya-upaya tersebut perlu terus dikembangkan dan diimplementasikan secara terintegrasi dan berkesinambungan agar dapat memberikan manfaat yang maksimal bagi dunia pendidikan.
Pendampingan Guru Pembelajar Pada MGMP Melalui Metode Tutor Sebaya Dengan Pendekatan Andragogi Helmi
COMPETITIVE: Journal of Education Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Fakultas Agama Islam Indramayu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58355/competitive.v2i2.23


Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengopimalkan kompetensi guru pembelajar melalui metode tutor sebaya dengan pendekatan andragogi pada MGMP Kimia “Isotop Jari Janang" Kabupaten Barito Timur; (2) mengubah mindset guru Kimia pada MGMP Kimia “Isotop Jari Janang" Kabupaten Barito Timur Kabupaten Barito Timur menjagi guru sebagai agen pembaharuan yang siap menghadapi Uji Kompetensi Guru. Metode pembinaan dan pemberdayaan MGMP Kimia “Isotop Jari Janang" dengan metode totur sebaya dengan pendekatan andragogi. Hasil yang diperoleh dengan penerapan Pembinaan dan Pemberdayaan guru pembelajar melalui metode tutor sebaya dengan pendekatan andragogi dapat mengoptimalkan kompetensi Guru pada MGMP Kimia “Isotop Jari Janang" Kabupaten Barito Timur dan mampu mengubah mindsetnya sebagai guru yang menjadi agen pembaharuan dalam memfasilitasi pembelajaran yang berpihak pada murid dan siap menghadapi Uji Kompetensi Guru (UKG).