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Gambaran Radiologis pada Bidang Neurologis Stroke Ilma Fahira Basyir; Ninda Nurkhalifah; I Gusti Bagus Widiamatra Linggabudi
Jurnal Syntax Fusion Vol 1 No 10 (2021): Jurnal Syntax Fusion: Jurnal Nasional Indonesia
Publisher : Rifa' Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54543/fusion.v1i10.84


Setiap gangguan neurologik mendadak yang terjadi akibat pembatasan atau terhentinya aliran darah melalui sistem suplai arteri otak mengacu sebagai istilah stroke. Stroke merupakan penyakit yang berada dimanapun dengan proporsi kejadian yang tidak tertandingi. Menurut World Health Organization (WHO) diperkirakan 17,5 juta orang meninggal dunia akibat penyakit kardiovaskular dengan 6,7 juta orang meninggal akibat stroke, yaitu urutan kedua tertinggi. Stroke dikategorikan menjadi 3 yaitu stroke iskemik/transient ischemic attack, stroke hemoragik, dan stroke transformasi iskemik menjadi hemoragik (IHT). Pencarian sumber dilakukan di portal online publikasi jurnal sebanyak 20 sumber yang berasal dari MedScape, Google Scholar dan Nation Center for Biotechnology Information/ NCBI dengan kata kunci stroke dan radiolog of stoke. Perubahan iskemik fase awal dapat dideteksi dengan CT-scan tanpa kontras. Menunjukkan korteks insular yang tidak jelas dan ganglia basalis kanan tertutup, dengan hilangnya perbedaan abu-abu-putih dan hiperdens. MRI dan CT-scan memiliki sensitivitas yang sama dalam mengidentifikasi stroke hemoragik, namun MRI memiliki sensitivitas lebih tinggi dalam mengidentifikasi stroke hemoragik subakut. Diagnosis IHT hanya ditentukan dengan radiologi yang akan dikategorikan sebagai hematoma parenkim atau infark hemoragik. Stroke adalah kematian jaringan otak yang terjadi karena berkurangnya aliran darah dan oksigen ke otak. Stroke dapat berupa iskemik, hemoragik maupun transformasi iskemik menjadi hemoragik.
Mengenal Spina Bifida dan Pencegahannya Genta Faesal Atsani; Zanetha Mauly Ilawanda; Ilma Fahira Basyir
Jurnal Syntax Fusion Vol 1 No 12 (2021): Jurnal Syntax Fusion: Jurnal Nasional Indonesia
Publisher : Rifa' Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54543/fusion.v1i12.119


Neural tube defects (NTD) are one of the birth defects or congenital abnormalities that occur in the brain and spine, and commonly find in newborns worldwide. Anencephaly and spina bifida are the two prevalent forms of NTD. The incidence of spina bifida happen on average 1 in 1000 cases of birth worldwide and there are 140,000 cases per year worldwide. Source searches were carried out on the online portal of journal publications as many as 20 sources from MedScape, Google Scholar and the Nation Center for Biotechnology Information / NCBI with the keywords “Neural tube defects (NTD), prevention, and spina bifida”. Spina bifida is a congenital abnormality that occurs in the womb due to a failure of closing process the neural tube during the first few weeks of embryonic development which causes the spine not completely close around the developing spinal cord nerves. NTD can ensue multifactorial conditions such as genetic, environmental, and folate deficiency. The use of folic acid supplementation starting at least 3 months before pregnancy, those are 400 mcg (0.4 mg) per day and 800 mcg per day during pregnancy can reduce the risk of developing neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Generally, spina bifida is undertaking by surgery and the regulation of patients comorbid. Public can find out prevention to avoid or reduce the risk of spina bifida so that the incidence of spina bifida can decrease along with the increasing awareness of the community regarding this disease.