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Using Center of Islamic Business and Economic Studies Model (CIBEST Model) to Measure Islamic Poor of Indeks in Pekanbaru City 2014-2016 Emkhad Arif
Jurnal Ekonomi KIAT Vol. 27 No. 2 (2016): Desember 2016
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/kiat.2016.vol27(2).3008


This study aims to measure and assess the level of poverty and the welfare of citizen in Pekanbaru. The difference of this research with other research lies in how to measure poverty and social welfare Pekanbaru city that does not use indicators of the level of income and consumption, but to measure and assess the degree to Pekanbaru city public welfare by using CIBEST Model. Formulation of the problem in this study is not yet known the level of welfare of Pekanbaru when measured by using analytical tools CIBEST MODEL. This study focuses on measuring the level of welfare of Pekanbaru by using analytical tools CIBEST MODEL. The research method in this study is a quantitative research methods. Samples in this study are families (KK ) who live in the district ofBukit Raya and Marpoyan Damai.The results of this study show, score SH respondents, shows the average value over three (3). SH value reflects the spiritual values ​​of a family. So we can conclude the value of spirituality of households who responded are in quadrant 1, which is prosperous, while the value of MV which illustrates the level of the minimum requirements that must be met by a family in a position above the standard poverty line (GK), thus showing that it materill heads of family in Pekanbaru also are in quadrant 1, which is prosperous. So overall if analyzed using MODEL CIBEST it can be concluded that the majority of households/families in the city of Pekanbaru is in quadrant 1 depicting well-being, both non- material well-being (religion) and material (clothing, food and shelter).
Metoda Pengajaran Akuntansi Di Tingkat Pengantar Menggunakan Persamaan Dasar Akuntansi Berbasis Logika Matematika: (From Rule of Thumb Toward Algebraic Equations Rationality) Emkhad Arif
Jurnal Ekonomi KIAT Vol. 26 No. 2 (2015): Desember 2015
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/kiat.2015.vol25(2).3027


Pendahuluan Ilmu akuntansi bukanlah sebuah dogma, doktrin apalagi ilmu magic. Angka-angka di laporan keuangan bukanlah sebuah angka yang turun dari langit dan sulit untuk dinalar dan logikakan. Akuntansi juga bukanlah sebuah pelajaran cerdas-tangkas, dihafal dan kemudian dilupakan. Untuk bisa memahami akuntansi tanpa ada resistensi dari pembelajar akuntansi (accounting scholarship) dan nonakuntansi, maka pembelajaran akuntansi harus diberikan ruang untuk bebas berfikir, kritis, bernalar dan mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dalam berbagai konteks keuangan. Maka yang dibutuhkan untuk menimbulkan sikap tersebut adalah pola pembelajaran dengan menggunakan contructive view of learning, luaranya pada penekanan makna dan pemahaman, yang pada akhirnya mengendalikan pengetahuan yang didapatkan secara terstruktur untuk dapat menyelesaikan praktekpraktek akuntansi yang berkembang secara kontekstual. Selama ini konsep pembelajaran akuntansi di Indonesia lebih cenderung mengarah pada konsep pembelajaran reproductive view of learning (Byrne and Flood, 2004). Hal ini dikarenakan kuatnya hegemoni dunia barat dalam menanamkan dogmanya kepada pembelajar di dunia timur khususnya di Indonesia. Hal ini dapat dilihat dengan pemakaian standar yang digunakan di negara barat juga digunakan di negeri ini tanpa adanya proses penalaran dan daya kritis terhadap standar tersebut. Introduction Accounting science is not a dogma, a doctrine let alone magic. The numbers in the financial statements are not numbers that fell from the sky and are difficult to reason and logic. Accounting is also not an agile lesson, memorized and then forgotten. To be able to understand accounting without resistance from accounting and non-accounting students, accounting learning must be given space to think freely, critically, reason, and apply knowledge in various financial contexts. So what is needed to create this attitude is a pattern of learning using a constructive view of learning, the output of which is to emphasize meaning and understanding, which in turn controls the knowledge gained in a structured manner to be able to complete accounting practices that develop contextually. So far, the concept of accounting learning in Indonesia more likely to lead to the concept of reproductive view of learning (Byrne and Flood, 2004). This is due to the strong hegemony of the western world in instilling its dogma to learners in the eastern world, especially in Indonesia. This can be seen with the use of standards used in western countries are also used in this country without any reasoning process and critical power to these standards.