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International Journal of Social Science Vol. 1 No. 4: December 2021
Publisher : Bajang Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53625/ijss.v1i4.735


Bilebante Green Tourism Village Central Lombok and Sesaot Green Tourism Village are two tourist villages that have the same history in building and developing tourist villages. DWH Bilebante was first initiated for its development by the Putri Renjani cooperative. At the same time, DWH Sesaot was ideated and set for the first time by the Sugeh Engger Sesaot Cooperative. The cooperative has a business unit, DWH, which is tasked with developing tourism businesses to increase cooperative profits. The two DWHs were also facilitated in 2014 by GIZ (Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit), an institution from Germany whose primary focus is building the Government of Indonesia to develop Tourism Villages. These two villages were significantly impacted by the organization's assistance in developing the village into tourist spots.This study aims to find out how the tour packagesinnovationoccurred at DWH Bilebante and DWH Sesaot. This research describes how to tour package innovations and product designs are carried out using a business model BMC (business model canvas). This research is qualitative. The reference for innovation comes from Law No. 19. Innovation is a research, development, and/or engineering activity carried out to develop the practical application of new scientific values ​​and contexts or new ways to apply existing science and technology into products or production processes.This research was included in the research and development study, and the engineering carried out for the development.So, this study views the process in Research & Development developed by Sugiono (2008:40). It can be used to describe how the tour package innovations were carried out by the two DWHs, Bilebante and Sesaot. The stage starts from finding potential and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, redesign vision, product testing, product revision, product testing, potential and problems, mass production (marketing). The study results are DWH Bilebante, and DWH Sesaot have carried out various tour package innovations but have not implemented BMC (business model canvas) to innovate tour package products.They have stepped up the process without going through product designs made in BMC, so the resulting product has no desirability, feasibility, viability. Thus these two DWHs have not been able to sell tour packages optimally with maximum value.
NILAI-NILAI EKONOMI ISLAM PARIWISATA HALAL NTB Supardi Supardi; Endang Sri Wahyuni; IAY Sari Dewi Utami Pidada
Media Bina Ilmiah Vol. 17 No. 8: Maret 2023
Publisher : LPSDI Bina Patria

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33578/mbi.v17i8.324


Ekonomi Islam diperkenalkan dengan gencar pada kurun 2 dekade terakhir ini dikarenakan banyaknya ketimpangan ekonomi pada masyarakat bumi, yang kaya semakin kaya, yang miskin tidak dapat bergerak secara signifikan untuk keluar dari kekangan ekonomi yang terus melilit, praktek ribawi terus berkembang, makanan dan minuman yang berlabel halal masih sangat kurang, begitu juga kurangnya keberpihakan terhadap wisatawan muslim yang mengunjungi destinasi-destinasi yang dimana masyarakatnya mayoritas non Muslim. Oleh karena itu Ekonomi Islam hadir dengan nilai-nilai rububiyah (Tauhid), ‘adl (keadilan), Nubuwwah (kenabian), Khilafah (Pemerintahan), dan Ma’ad (hasil) selama ini Pariwisata halal. Penerapan pariwisata halal secara umum di Nusa Tenggara Barat terdiri dari halal fasilitas, makanan, minuman dan tersedianya fasilitas ibadah untuk wisatawan Muslim termasuk pemandu yang memahami Syariah dan berpenampilan sopan secara alami. Disamping itu juga sudah terdapat akomodasi, destenasi ataupun restoran yang bersertifikasi halal. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pariwisata halal di NTB diterapkan oleh praktisi Muslim dan non-Muslim. Orang Muslim menjalankan pariwisata halal semata-mata untuk mendapatkan Ridha Allah SWT selain itu juga untuk mendapatkan kesejahteraan duniwiyyah. Ridha Allah merupakan nilai-nilai ekonomi Islam yaitu Rububiyyah atau Tauhid, dimana orang muslim menjalankan usahanya tetap berlandasakan kepada ketentuan Tuhan Allah SWT. Sementara praktisi yang non-Muslim menerapkan pariwisata halal semata-mata untuk memenuhi keinginan pasar yang tentunya akan mendatangkan benefit.