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Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 11, No 1 (2015): JURNAL KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT (KEMAS) JULI 2015
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v11i1.3459


Toksoplasmosis merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh Toxoplasma gondii yang merupakan golongan protozoa yang sifatnya parasite obligat intraseluler. Salah satu Provinsi terbesar di Indonesia yaitu Provinsi Riau terdapat kasus Toksoplasmosis yang menurut data dari rekam medis RSUD Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau toksoplasmosis merupakan penyakit peringkat 9 tertinggi dari 15 penyakit terbesar dalam kehamilan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi faktor determinan terjadinya toksoplasmosis pada ibu hamil di RSUD Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian case control. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu hamil yang tercatat di rekam medik RSUD Arifin Achmad pada tahun 2012 dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 60 orang terbagi menjadi 30 orang sebagai kasus dan 30 orang sebagai kontrol (dengan teknik systematic random sampling). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner data analisis multivariat dengan uji multiple logistic regresion. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya dua variabel yang berhubungan secara signifikan yaitu variabel pekerjaan dengan p value (0,008) OR: 7,97 ; CI 95% (1,70-37,34)  dan status paritas dengan p value (0,029) OR: 5,33 ; CI 95% (1,18-24,18). Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan group obligate intracellular parasite nature. Riau province there are cases of toxoplasmosis which according to data from medical records General Hospital of Arifin Achmad in Riau Province toxoplasmosis is a disease of the 15 highest ranked 9th largest disease in pregnancy. The purpose of this study to identify the determinants of the occurrence of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women at General Hospital of Arifin Achmad in Riau Province. This research uses quantitative research with case-control study design. The population were all pregnant women recorded in the medical record Arifin Achmad Hospital in 2012 with sample of 60 people divided 30 people as cases and 30 persons as control (with a systematic random sampling technique). Data collection was performed using multivariate analysis of data questionnaire with multiple logistic regresion test. The results presence of two variabels significantly associated job with p value (0.008) OR: 7.97; 95% CI (1.70 to 37.34) and parity status with p value (0.029) OR: 5.33; 95% CI (1.18 to 24.18). Results of the study are expected to health workers to inform about toxoplasmosis complete and CHL counseling and regular prenatal care in the prevention of toxoplasmosis.
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan (Journal of Health Sciences) Vol 11 No 2 (2018): August 2018
Publisher : Unusa Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (175.417 KB) | DOI: 10.33086/jhs.v11i2.111


An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs outside the uterine cavity. Ectopic pregnancy is an experienced abortion referred to as ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Based on data from the WHO in 2003 there was 1 in 250  (0.04%) births in the world suffer from an ectopic pregnancy, the gestational type of ectopic pregnancy is the fallopian tubes, the majority (80%) experienced by women at the age of 30 years and above and reported that 60% experienced by women with a first pregnancy and the second aim of this study was to determine the relationship of maternal age and parity with the incidence of KET Arifin Achmad Hospital in Pekanbaru. This type of analytic studies (case-control). Population of 114 people with a total population of retrieval techniques as 57 for case and 57 for controls, using secondary data, in room Seagull III and Medical Records. Bivariate data analysis is performed with computerized as a benchmark for the discussion and conclusions. The result showed that there are age and parity relationship with the incidence of ruptured ectopic pregnancy in hospitals Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru In 2012, at the age of Pvalue 0.024 <α 0.05 and Pvalue parity of 0.023 <α 0.05. Arifin Achmad hospital is expected to provide midwifery services through antenatal care services in early detection of emergency obstetric
GEMASSIKA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 3, No 1 (2019): MEI
Publisher : P3M STIKES Aisyiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (226.615 KB) | DOI: 10.30787/gemassika.v3i1.322


Sembelit adalah suatu kondisi di mana sekresi sisa metabolisme metabolisme tubuh dalam bentuk feses menjadi keras dan menimbulkan kesulitan saat buang air besar. Perubahan pola makan pada wanita hamil berkontribusi terhadap sembelit. Tujuan: Terapi lini pertama dan utama untuk sembelit adalah meningkatkan asupan serat dan cairan. Kebutuhan serat dapat diperoleh dengan upaya alternatif, salah satunya adalah penggunaan bubur kelapa. ampas kelapa memiliki beberapa keunggulan, yang memiliki kandungan protein 18%, lemak 8%, dan 12% serat kelapa mentah juga mengandung 61% galaktomanan. Kandungan galaktomanan berfungsi sebagai sumber serat makanan dan sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan dan pencernaan yang lancar. Metode: Kegiatan dilakukan melalui dua tahap, yaitu pengolahan ampas kelapa menjadi tepung (pengumpulan bahan, pengolahan bahan dan proses penggilingan) dan tahap kedua, pengolahan tepung kelapa menjadi kue serat tinggi. Hasil: Terdapat 8 wanita hamil yang mengalami sembelit dan telah diberi kue dari tepung bubur kelapa dan setelah 1 minggu evaluasi ada 7 orang yang tidak lagi mengalami sembelit (87,5%) dan 1 orang (12,5%) yang masih memiliki sembelit
JURNAL MEDIA KESEHATAN Vol 12 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Media Kesehatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu Volume 12 No 1 Juni Tahun 201
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33088/jmk.v12i1.381


Nutrition improvement programs aimed at increasing the amount and quality of MP-ASI have been carried out, including the provision of MP-ASI for infants and children aged 6-24 months from poor families. In general, there are two types of MP-ASI, which is the result of factory processing or what is known as the manufacturer's MP-ASI and which is processed at home or referred to as local MP-ASI. This study aims to determine the effect of manufacturing MPASI and local MPASI on the nutritional status of infants in the working area of ​​Sidomulyo Health Center. This research was conducted through a quasy experiment research design with a series of time (time series design) that is without using the control group as a comparison. The population is babies aged 6-12 months with a sample of 15 people in the group who were given MP-ASI Manufacturing and 15 groups who were given Local MP-ASI. The results of the study the influence of Manufacturing MPASI and Local MPASI on nutritional status with pvalue = 0.548. The need for counseling about nutritional needs, training in food processing and weighing and measuring baby's height regularly
Pengetahuan Dengan Keterampilan Praktek Asuhan Kebidanan Antenatal Care Pada Mahasiswa Semester IV (Empat) DIII Kebidanan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Respati Indonesia. Triana, Ani
Jurnal Martenity and Neonatal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2015): Maternity and Neonatal : Jurnal Kebidanan
Publisher : Jurnal Martenity and Neonatal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Midwifery students are candidates or embryo midwife who has the knowledge and professional skills and the quality of education obtained through a midwife for 3 years at the college level. Of the data value of midwifery care I (in pregnant women) and the value of student clinical practice DIII Midwifery Faculty of Health Sciences University of Indonesia Respati there is a gap between the knowledge with their skills because of the number of students is about 54 people to value their practice skills got a C and D as 39 people. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of knowledge to the practice of midwifery care skills antenatal care in the fourth semester students Midwifery Diploma Respati Faculty of Health Sciences University of Indonesia in 2009, includes anamnesis, clinical examination, laboratory examination and diagnosis. This is design research with cross sectional study and sampel equals 54 respondent. The analysis used is Chi Square test. Results of research have variabels a significant relationship with the practice of midwifery care skills antenatal care is the clinical examination (p = 0.007), laboratory tests (p = 0.009), diagnosis (p = 0.002).
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 7, No 2 (2016): April 2016
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (129.827 KB) | DOI: 10.33846/%x


Pendahuluan: Hypnobirthing adalah upaya alami untuk menanamkan niat positif ke pikiran bawah sadar dalam menjalani kehamilan, dan persiapan persalinan. Berdasarkan jumlah ibu hamil yang ada di BPM Bidan Evi pada tanggal 1 Mei – 31 Desember 2014 masih sedikit ibu hamil yang memilih mengikuti relaksasi hypnobirthing yaitu hanya 21 orang ibu hamil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan minat ibu hamil dengan metode relaksasi hypnobirthing di BPM Bidan Evi Pekanbaru Tahun 2015. Metoda: Desain penelitian ini adalah cross-sectional yang dilakukan di BPM Bidan Evi Pekanbaru. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu hamil yang ada di BPM Bidan Evi Pekanbaru pada bulan 1 Mei – 31 Desember 2014 yang berjumlah 189 orang, dimana seluruh populasi dijadikan sampel penelitian. Analisa data yang digunakan yaitu analisa univariat dan bivariat dengan uji Chi Square. Hasil: Mayoritas ibu hamil tidak berminat sebanyak 128 orang (67,7%) dan mayoritas ibu hamil tidak mengikuti metode relaksasi hypnobirthing sebanyak 168 orang (88,9%) dan dari hasil uji statistik terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara minat ibu hamil dengan metode relaksasi hypnobirthing dengan p value 0,0001. Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara minat ibu hamil dengan metode relaksasi hypnobirthing. Dengan demikian ibu hamil dapat meningkatkan informasi tentang hypnobirthing dan perlunya bidan melakukan sosialisasi pada masyarakat terutama ibu hamil melalui penyuluhan ataupun brosur tentang hypnobirthing.
The Effectiveness of Relaxation Massage on Sleep Quality in Pregnant Women at PMB Deliana, Marpoyan Damai District, Pekanbaru City Riza Febrianti; Ani Triana
Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Health Science
Publisher : Institute Of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Hormonal changes, weight gain and changes in body posture are some of the factors that cause back pain that often occurs during pregnancy (Mufdlilah, 2009). In the process of pregnancy, complaints always arise, one of which is very disturbing is the problem of back pain during pregnancy. Back pain during pregnancy is usually experienced by women at certain times during pregnancy, usually in the third trimester of pregnancy. Back pain is common in pregnancy with the reported incidence varying from approximately 50% in the UK and Scandinavia to close to 70% in Australia. The research objective of this study was to determine how relaxation massage affects sleep quality in pregnant women. The research method isThe type of research conducted is quasi-experimental (quasi-experimental) which is a research plan that is structured in such a way that it can lead researchers to obtain answers to researchers (Notoatmodjo 2010). The results of the study obtained a p value = 0.000 so that H0 was rejected, it was concluded that there was an effect of relaxation massage on the quality of sleep for pregnant women (p <0.000), so it could be concluded that there was an effect of relaxation massage given to pregnant women on the quality of sleep of mothers. It is hoped that further research will be able to examine different variables so that they can find out how to improve sleep quality for pregnant women
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol 11 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan (Journal of Health Science)
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (175.417 KB) | DOI: 10.33086/jhs.v11i2.111


An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs outside the uterine cavity. Ectopic pregnancy is an experienced abortion referred to as ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Based on data from the WHO in 2003 there was 1 in 250 (0.04%) births in the world suffer from an ectopic pregnancy, the gestational type of ectopic pregnancy is the fallopian tubes, the majority (80%) experienced by women at the age of 30 years and above and reported that 60% experienced by women with a first pregnancy and the second aim of this study was to determine the relationship of maternal age and parity with the incidence of KET Arifin Achmad Hospital in Pekanbaru. This type of analytic studies (case-control). Population of 114 people with a total population of retrieval techniques as 57 for case and 57 for controls, using secondary data, in room Seagull III and Medical Records. Bivariate data analysis is performed with computerized as a benchmark for the discussion and conclusions. The result showed that there are age and parity relationship with the incidence of ruptured ectopic pregnancy in hospitals Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru In 2012, at the age of Pvalue 0.024 <α 0.05 and Pvalue parity of 0.023 <α 0.05. Arifin Achmad hospital is expected to provide midwifery services through antenatal care services in early detection of emergency obstetric
Pengaruh Kadar Hb dan Paritas dengan Kejadian Intra Uterine Fetal Death (IUFD) di RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru. Ani Triana
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 2 No 1 (2012): Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (190.257 KB) | DOI: 10.25311/keskom.Vol2.Iss1.37


IntraUterineFetalDeath(IUFD) is adead fetusin the wombweighing ≥500 gramsordeath ofthe fetus in thewombat 20 weeksormore. Data obtainedfrom theMedical RecordsGeneral HospitalArifinAchmadPekanbarufrom 2009 to2011 toincreasethe incidence ofIUFD. In 2009the proportion ofthe incidence ofIUFD3.6%of2929deliveries.In 2010the proportion ofIUFDincidenceincreased 4.2% from 2989deliveries. In 2011the proportionincreased 4.4% from 2856deliveries. The purposeof researchisknownrisk factorin theincidence ofIUFDGeneral Hospital Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru2010-2011.The designstudy is acase-control study(casecontrol study). The case ofthedead fetusin the wombwere born tomothersin General Hospital Arifin Achmad Pekanbaruin 2010-2011periodJanuary 2010-December 2011 andthe controlinfants born tomotherslivingin General Hospital Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru2010-2011periodJanuary 2010-December 2011 .The resultsof women havingHb<11 g% higher risk of havingIUFD3 times(95% CI1.9 to 4.9) than those whohave theHb level≥11 g%, mothers withparity0 and> 4 moreriskybearwithIUFD1.5 times(95% CI1 to 2.1) compared towomen whohadparity1-4. The conclusionthatthe independentvariablesthat havea causal relationshipwith the incidence ofIUFDishemoglobinandparity. Adviceisintended forhealth professionalsactive inproviding information, forGeneral Hospital Arifin Achmad Pekanbaruneed tobe active inimplementingAMP, andfor pregnant womenand families that participate inprenatal careandfamily planning
Pengaruh Penyakit Penyerta Kehamilan dan Kehamilan Ganda dengan Kejadian Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah di RSUD Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau Ani Triana
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 2 No 5 (2014): Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (203.804 KB) | DOI: 10.25311/keskom.Vol2.Iss5.73


Of data obtained from the Medical Records General Hospital Arifin Achmad Riau from 2011 to 2013 for that is LBW in 2011 registered 46 cases (1.62%) of 2833 deliveries, 179 cases registered in 2012 (5.44%) of the 3290 labor and in 2013 registered 130 cases (4.56%) of 2848 births and LBW are still included in 3 of the 15 diseases causing neonatal mortality. Purpose of research is known factors related to LBW in General Hospital Arifin Achmad Riau Year 2011- 2013. Design of research is case-control study. The case is infat born to LBW in General Hospital Arifin Achmad Riau in 2011-2013 equal 355 respondent and control is infants born to normal birth weight in General Hospital Arifin Achmad Riau in 2011-2013 equal 355 respondent. The results of research maternal to Accompanying Disease Pregnancy is more risk of giving birth to LBW 10 times (95% CI 6.2 -16.6) and maternal to more risk of having a multiple pregnancy to LBW 15 times (95% CI 4,8- 45.1). Conclusion that is the independent variables have causal relations with incidence of LBW is Age, Accompanying Disease Pregnancy, Preeclampsia/eclampsia, Multiple pregnancy, PROM, Hydramnion, Plasenta Previa. Advice is intended for health professionals that is active in counseling, the General Hospital Arifin Achmad Riau need liveliness LBW prevention