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Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Melalui Program Sosialisasi Jus Jambu Biji Merah Terhadap Meningkatkan Kadar Hb Ibu Hamil Di PMB Walidatun Marisa, S.ST Muhammad Hatta; Rosmiyati Rosmiyati; Walidatun Marisa
Jurnal Perak Malahayati Vol 4, No 1 (2022): Vol.4 No 1,Mei 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (562.8 KB) | DOI: 10.33024/jpm.v4i1.6887


Pendahuluan: Anemia pada kehamilan adalah anemia karena kekurangan zat besi, dan merupakan jenis anemia yang pengobatannya realtif mudah, bahkan murah. Tujuan Sosialisasi ini adalah untuk memberikan pengertian kepada ibu hamil bahwa Jus Jambu Biji Merah bisa meningkatkan Kadar Hb Pada Ibu Hamil.  Metode: penyuluhan dengan ceramah, diskusi dan demosntrasi. Sosialisasi dilakukan pada bulan April 2022 di PMB Walidatun Marisa Kampung Kekatung Kecamatan Dente Teladas. Peserta dalam sosialisasi ini sebanyak 8 responden.Hasi:l Kegiatan di lakukan di salah satu rumah warga dengan 8 ibu hamil. Pelaksanaan di lakukan selama kurang lebih 90 menit. Pelaksanaan kegiatan di lakukan dengan langkah – langkah yang sudah di susun pada SAP sebelumnya. Pelaksanaan di lakukan secara hikmat, rangkaian persiapan sudah di sediakan seperti media leaflet untuk di bagikan kepaa ibu hamil.  Kegiatan Sosialisasi direncanakan dimulai pada bulan April 2020. Kegiatan ini dilakukan meliputi kegiatan Sosialisasi materi-materi tentang kehamilan, pencegahan anemia pada ibu hamil dan persiapan persalinan sesuai dengan panduan kelas ibu. Materi yang diberikan dalam bentuk power point. Kegiatan dilakukan secara berkala 2x dalam seminggu. Semua ibu hamil yang mengikuti kelas ibu selain membagikan materi-materi dilakukan juga diskusi dan tanya jawab langsung untuk materi yang belum dipahami oleh ibu hamil.Kesimpulan: Hasil sosialisasi mengenai program jus jambu biji merah terhadap peningkatan kadar ibu hamil di dapatkan hasil yang baik dimana ibu hamil dapat menjawab pertanyaan yang di berikan mengenai manfaat jambu biji dan kandungan jambi biji merah. Diharapkan ibu hamil untuk menerapkan ilmu yang didapat, menambah wawasan, serta pengalaman khususnya tentang manfaat mengkonsumsi jus jambu biji terhadap kenaikan kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil dengan anemia. Kata kunci: Anemia, jambu biji merah, kehamilan ABSTRACT Introduction: Anemia in pregnancy is anemia due to iron deficiency, and is a type of anemia whose treatment is realtively easy, even cheap.  The purpose of this socialization is to provide understanding to pregnant women that Red Guava Juice can increase Hb Levels in Pregnant Women. Method: counseling with lectures, discussions and demosntration. The socialization was carried out in April 2022 at PMB Walidatun Marisa Kampung Kekatung, Dente Teladas District. Participants in this socialization were 8 respondents. Result: The activity was carried out in one of the residents' houses with 8 pregnant women. Implementation is carried out for approximately 90 minutes. The implementation of activities is carried out with the steps that have been compiled in the previous SAP. The implementation is done wisely, a series of preparations have been provided such as media leaflets to be distributed to pregnant women. The socialization activity is planned to start in April 2020. This activity includes outreach activities on materials about pregnancy, prevention of anemia in pregnant women and preparation for childbirth according to the mother's class guide. The material given is in the form of power point. Activities are carried out regularly 2x a week. All pregnant women who took part in the mother's class apart from distributing materials, discussions and direct questions and answers were also held for materials that were not understood by pregnant women.Conclusion: The results of the socialization of the red guava juice program on increasing the level of pregnant women were obtained good results where pregnant women could answer the questions given regarding the benefits of guava and the content of red guava. It is expected that pregnant women will apply the knowledge gained, add insight, and experience, especially about the benefits of consuming guava juice to increase hemoglobin levels in pregnant women with anemia. Keywords: Anemia, red guava, pregnancy 
Giving Booked Chicken Eggs White Affects Perineal Wound Healing Sunarsih Sunarsih; Rosmiyati Rosmiyati; Ana Mariza; Nana Kristina
JKM (Jurnal Kebidanan Malahayati) Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Vol 8.No.2.April 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkm.v8i2.5038


Latar Belakang: Bagi perempuan, perineum sangatlah penting. Peregangan dan robekan pada perineum selama proses persalinan dapat melemahkan otot – otot dasar panggul pada dinding vagina. Trauma pada perineum juga menimbulkan rasa tidak nyaman dan nyeri pada saat berhubungan seksual. Diperkirakan 85% ibu bersalin mengalami robekan jalan lahirTujuan: Diketahui pengaruh pemberian putih telur ayam rebus terhadap penyembuhan luka perineum.Metode: Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, rancangan penelitian quasy eksperimen dengan pendekatan Pretest-Posttest Control Group design, penelitian dilakukan diwilayah kerja puskesmas serupa indah, sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 32 ibu nifas  dengan pembaguan 16 intervensi, 16 kontrol, penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Februari-Juli Tahun 2021, teknik sampling purposive sampling, penelitian menggunakan analisa univariat dan bivariat man witneyHasil: Rata-rata luka perineum pada hari 1 kelompok yang tidak diberi putih telur ayam rebus dengan Mean 6,69 Min 5 Max 8.luka perineum pada hari 7 kelompok yang tidak diberi putih telurayam rebus dengan Mean 1,81 Min 0 Max 4.Hasil uji statistic didapatkan nilai P-value= 0.029 (<0,05)Kesimpulan: terdapat pengaruh pemberian putih telur ayam rebus terhadap penyembuhan luka perineum.Saran : Bagi tenaga medis diharapkan dapat mengedukasi masyarakat tentang pentingnya asupan protein salah satunya telur untuk penyembuhan luka khususnya luka perineum. Kata kunci: Protein, telur, perineum ABSTRACT Background : For women, perineum is very important. Stretching and tearing on perineum during childbirth process can weaken the pelvic floor muscles in the vaginal wall. Trauma on perineum causes discomfortable feeling and pain when doing sexual intercourse. It is estimated around 85% of mothers who giving a birth have experience of tearing in the birth canal.Purpose : by known the influence of giving boiled chicken eggswhite toward perineal wound healing.Methods: kind of quantitative research, Quasi- experimental research design by using Pretest-Posttest Control Group design approach, this study was done in worked area of Serupa Indah Public Health Center. The sample of the study is 32 postpartum mother by detailing 16 interventions, and 16 controls. This study was conducted on February – July 2021, purposive sampling technique, this research uses univariate and bivariate Man Witney’s analysis.The result : the average of perineal wound in the first day for the group who was not given boiled chicken eggswhite by Mean 6,69 Min 5 Max 8. Perineal wound in the seventh day for the group who was not given boiled chicken eggswhite by Mean 1,81 Min 0 Max 4. For the result of statistical test is gotten, P-value= 0.029 (<0,05).Conclusion: there is the influence of giving boiled chicken eggswhite toward perineal wound healing.Suggestions: for medical workers are hoped to educate society about the importance of protein intake one of them is egg for would healing, especially the wound of perineum. Keyword: Protein, egg, perineum 
Pijat Oksitoksi Pada Ibu Nifas 0-3 Hari Di RSIA Santa Anna Yulistiana Evayanti; Rosmiyati Rosmiyati; Nurul Isnaini
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v3i2.3037


Pijat oksitosin adalah suatu tindakan pemijatan tulang belakang mulai dari nervus ke 5–6 sampai scapula yang akan mempercepat kerja saraf parasimpatis untuk menyampaikan perintah ke otak bagian belakang sehingga oksitosin keluar. Tujuan Pijat oksitosin untuk merangsang refleks oksitosin Atau let down reflex dan merangsang let down reflex. Manfaat pijat oksitosin bagi ibu nifas dan ibu menyusui, diantaranya: Mempercepat penyembuhan luka bekas implantasi plasenta, mencegah terjadinya perdarahan post partum, dapat mempercepat terjadinya proses involusi uterus, meningkatkan produksi ASI, meningkatkan rasa nyaman pada ibu menyusui, meningkatkan hubungan psikologis antar ibu dan keluarga. Metode yang digunakan  pre planning,persiapan alat-alat yaitu handuk dan minyak zaitun atau boby oly.Pasien di pijat di bagian tulang belakang, ASI ditampung dengan gelas atau botol, pijat dilakukan pada 10 ibu menyusui. Hasil dari kegiatan pasien dan suami paham cara melakukan pijat oksitosi dan menghasilkan ASI yang banyakKesimpulan Pijat oksitosin sangat mudah dilakukan.Anda bisa menggunakan minyak zaitun atau minyak lainnya agar pijatan mudah dilakukan. Tentunya, Anda membutuhkan bantuan orang lain untuk melakukan pijatan ini, misalnya suami Anda Kata Kunci :  Pijat Oksitoksi,Produksi Asi, Ibu Nifas  ABSTRACTOxytocin massage is an act of massaging the spine from the 5th to 6th nerves to the scapula which will accelerate the work of the parasympathetic nerves to convey commands to the back of the brain so that oxytocin comes out. Purpose of oxytocin massage to stimulate the oxytocin reflex or let down reflex and stimulate the let down reflex. The benefits of oxytocin massage for postpartum and nursing mothers, including: Accelerate healing of placental implantation scars, Prevent post partum bleeding, Can accelerate the process of uterine involution, Increase breast milk production, Increase comfort in nursing mothers, Improve psychological relationships between mothers and families. The method used was pre planning, preparation of tools, namely towels and olive oil or boby oly. Patients were massaged on the spine, breast milk was collected in a glass or bottle, massage was carried out on 10 nursing mothers.The results of the activities of the patient and the husband understand how to do oxytoc massage and produce lots of breast milk. Conclusion Oxytocin massage is very easy to do. You can use olive oil or other oil to make massage easier. Of course, you need help from other people to do this massage, for example, your husband. Keywords: Oxytoxy Massage, Breast Production, Mother Postpartum
JKM (Jurnal Kebidanan Malahayati) Vol 5, No 3 (2019): Volume 5 Nomor 3, Juli 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkm.v5i3.1435


ABSTRAK Program kelas ibu hamil adalah salah satu bentuk pendidikan prenatal yang dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu hamil, terjadi perubahan perilaku positif sehingga ibu memeriksakan kehamilan dan melahirkan ke tenaga kesehatan. Hasil prasurvey pada bulan maret terhadap 10 lbu hamil di Puskesmas Madukuro Kecamatan Kotabumi Utara Kabupaten Lampung Utara didapatkan data sebanyak 70% tidak mengetahui manfaat senam hamil dan 100% tidak pemah melakukan senam hamil, dari pengakuan responden didapatkan bahwa aktifitas yang dilakukan hanya sebatas jalan pagi. Sebanyak 100% tidak mengetahui cara senam hamil. Tujuan penelitian diketahui pengaruh demonstrasi senam hamil terhadap pengetahuan ibu hamil trimester III di Puskesmas Madukuro Kecamatan Kotabumi Utara Kabupaten Lampung Utara Tahun 2018 Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan penelitian eksperimen semu (quasi exsperiment) dengan pre test dan post test design. Populasi penelitian ibu hamil yang ada di di Puskesmas Madukuro Kecamatan Kotabumi Utara Kabupaten Lampung Utara, berdasarkan data terakhir tanggal 18 Februari 2018 diketahui ibu hamil Trimester III berjumlah 20 orang, Dengan  sampel sebanyak 20 orang teknik sampling accidental sampling. Analisa data univariat dan bivariat uji t (t-test). Hasil penelitian terdapat rata-rata pengetahuan sebelum diberikan demonstrasi  adalah 42,50 dengan standar deviasi 8,030. Rata-rata pengetahuan sesudah diberikan demonstrasi adalah 69,75 dengan standar deviasi 7,340. Ada pengaruh demonstrasi senam hamil terhadap pengetahuan ibu hamil trimester III di Puskesmas Madukuro Kecamatan Kotabumi Utara Kabupaten Lampung Utara Tahun 2018, nilai p-value 0,000. t-test 16,602. Diharapkan program demonstrasi senam hamil  tetap dilanjutkan di puskesmas sebagai wadah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu hamil dan dikembangkan secara luas dan dilanjutkan ke kelas ibu balita Kata kunci: demonstrasi senam hamil, pengetahuan, ibu hamil 
ANJANI Journal (Medical Science & Healthcare Studies) Vol 2, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : ANJANI Journal (Medical Science & Healthcare Studies)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (193.689 KB)


The local health office managed to collect data on postpartum women, including postpartum women, including 3000 physiological postpartum women, and postpartum women with problems, including 60 postpartum women who experienced uterine atony, 445 people. experienced breast milk dams, 4112 postpartum women experienced bleeding, 150 postpartum women experienced uterine involution, 100 postpartum women experienced dizziness, 25 postpartum women experienced an increase in body temperature and 266 postpartum women experienced mastitis. Based on the data from the Preliminary Study that I did at BPM Diana Ariyanti, I got data for the period May - August 2020, it was found that there were 19 postpartum mothers who experienced breast milk dams and for the period September - December 2020, 32 postpartum mothers received and who experienced breast milk dams. as many as 21 breastfed people. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between postpartum mother's knowledge about breastfeeding techniques and the occurrence of breast milk dams in the Working Area of the Aji Building Health Center, Tulang Bawang Regency in 2021.This type of research is quantitative. This type of research is descriptive correlation with the aim of knowing the relationship between one variable and another by using a cross sectional design. In this study, the number of samples to be taken were 32 respondents from postpartum mothers, total population technique. Analysis of univariate and bivariate data using chi square.good knowledge as many as 14 people (43.8%), and poor knowledge as many as 18 (56.2%). 15 respondents (46.9%) did not experience breast milk dam, and 17 respondents (53.1%) had breast milk dam. The results of the study obtained a p-value of 0.005 (0.05), which means that there is a relationship between postpartum mother's knowledge about breastfeeding techniques and the occurrence of breast milk dams in the Working Area of the Puskesmas Gedung Aji, Tulang Bawang Regency in 2021, with an Odds Ratio of 12.833 which means that the respondents' knowledge is not good. will be 13 times at risk of experiencing breast milk dam. It is hoped that the results of this study can be used as input for and improvement of programs related to the implementation of prevention of breast milk dams in their respective Puskesmas Working Areas. In addition, increasing exposure can also be done by presenting PPT or leaflets related to the handling and prevention of breast milk dams
Relationship Of Injectable Contraceptive Use Depo Medroxyprogesterone Acetate With Blood Pressure Acceptor Kb In The Work Indah Suprihatin; Ike Ate Yuviska; Rosmiyati Rosmiyati
JKM (Jurnal Kebidanan Malahayati) Vol 9, No 1 (2023): Volume 9 No.1 Januari 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkm.v9i1.8897


Latar Belakang Alat kontrasepsi yang sering menjadi pilihan PUS adalah alat kontrasepsi suntik. Kontrasepsi suntik merupakan metode kontrasepsi jangka panjang yang bekerja lama (panjang) dan sangat efektif, penggunaannya sangat praktis, harganya murah, aman dan tidak memerlukan penggunaan setiap hari atau setiap kali berhubungan. Prevalensi hipertensi berdasarkan diagnosis dokter di Provinsi Lampung tahun 2020 sebesar 15,10%, dengan kejadian tertinggi di Kabupaten Way Kanan sebesar 25,9% dan terendah di Kabupaten Tanggamus sebesar 10,0% sedangkan Kabupaten Lampung Selatan sebesar 12,5%.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan penggunaan kontrasepsi suntik depo medroxyprogesterone acetate dengan tekanan darah akseptor KB di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Penengahan Kabupaten Lampung Selatan. Metode Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu akseptor KB suntik 3 bulan dengan sampel sebanyak 152 responden dengan teknik total sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan kuesioner dan pengukuran tekanan darah. Analisis dataadalah univariat dan bivariat (chi square). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 120 responden (78,9%), dengan penggunaan alat kontrasepsi suntik dari Depo Medroxy Progesterone Acetate selama 2-3 tahun, dan 126 (82,9%). Kesimpulan Ada hubungan antara penggunaan alat kontrasepsi suntik di Depo Medroxy Progesterone Acetate dengan tekanan darah akseptor KB di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Penengahan Kabupaten Lampung Selatan dengan nilai (p-value = 0,036 < = 0,05) . Saran kepada Puskesmas agar dapat memberikan edukasi kepada akseptor KB baru dan lama mengenai efek samping KB terhadap tekanan darah serta cara pencegahan dan pengobatannya. Kata Kunci : Alat Kontrasepsi, Akseptor KB, Depot Medroxy, Tekanan Darah ABSTRACT Contraceptive devices that are often the choice of EFA are injectable contraceptives. Injectable contraception is a long-term contraceptive method that works long (long) and is very effective, its use is very practical, the price is cheap, it is safe and does not require use every day or every time you have intercourse. The prevalence of hypertension based on doctor's diagnosis in Lampung Province in 2020 was 15.10%, with the highest incidence in Way Kanan District at 25.9% and the lowest in Tanggamus District at 10.0% while South Lampung District was 12.5%. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the use of depo medroxyprogesterone acetate injectable contraception and the blood pressure of family planning acceptors in the working area of the Penengahan Health Center, South Lampung Regency.This type of research is quantitative with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study is mothers with 3 months injection family planning acceptors with a sample of 152 respondents with total sampling technique. Data collection by questionnaire and blood pressure measurement. Data analysiswas univariate and bivariate (chi square).The results showed that 120 respondents (78.9%), with the use of injectable contraceptives from Depo Medroxy Progesterone Acetate for 2-3 years, and 126 (82.9%). There is a relationship between the use of injectable contraceptives at the Depo Medroxy Progesterone Acetate with the blood pressure of family planning acceptors in the work area of the Penengahan Health Center, South Lampung Regency with a value (p-value = 0.036 < = 0.05). Suggestions to the Puskesmas to be able to provide education to new and old family planning acceptors regarding the side effects of family planning on blood pressure and how to prevent and treat it. Keywords: Blood Pressure, Contraceptive devices, family planning acceptors, Medroxy Depot