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Wimba : Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Vol. 8 No. 1 (2017)
Publisher : KK Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1441.748 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jkvw.2017.8.1.3


Bandung has already become a melting pot of migrant population who come from rural areas, including street vendors society. One distinguishing feature of Bandung's street vendors is its local lettering art, known as vernacular typography. Besides its economic function as a sign to convey information about street vendor's goods, vernacular typography also has a social function to represent the collective identity of street vendors society in Bandung. Collective identity resides in an abstract concept that forms harmony within the diversity in vernacular typography. The aim of this study is to reveal the harmony within diversity in vernacular typography of street vendors in Bandung by systematically assessing its visual characteristics. This study is structured by two continuous steps. The first is synthesizing a mapping method that would be relevant to be applied on vernacular typography. It results in a set of visual aspects with meaning potentials synthesized from van Leeuwen's distinctive features of typography, Machin's inventory of typographical meaning potentials, and Haswanto's morphology of vernacular typography. The second step is assessing vernacular typography samples through content analysis to reveal its visual characteristics. The result suggests that some characteristics are formed by its limited space, materials and processes. Several characteristics tend to create a typical communication system of urban sector informal society in using vernacular typography.
Kajian Media Interaksi Anak Usia Dini Semasa Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (Studi Kasus TK Islam Al-Azhar 20 Cibubur dan Sekolah Murid Merdeka) Rizki Riandini Ardhiana; Tsamarah Nadiyah; Dianing Ratri; Riama Maslan Sihombing
ANDHARUPA: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Vol 8, No 02 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Dian Nuswantoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/andharupa.v8i02.4697


AbstrakPendidikan merupakan investasi jangka panjang yang perlu diperhatikan sejak dini. Dukungan lembaga pendidikan prasekolah dianggap penting guna mendampingi orang tua memberikan tahapan stimulus yang sesuai hingga dapat memaksimalkan potensi anak. Dikarenakan kondisi COVID-19, pertemuan tatap muka berganti menjadi pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ), begitu pula pada level pendidikan prasekolah. Aspek motorik, kognitif, sosial, serta emosional anak sedang berkembang pesat di usia 2-6 tahun. Dibutuhkan interaksi intensif untuk memberikan stimuli, ruang gerak, ruang bicara dan berekspresi, serta pengalaman sosial. Pada penelitian ini diteliti adaptasi lembaga pendidikan prasekolah untuk menghadirkan ragam stimulus ini di rumah, dengan memaksimalkan penggunaan media digital dan analog. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa jenis aktivitas yang paling diminati oleh anak yaitu eksperimen sains (20%), story telling (20%), menggambar (16%), dan pertemuan kelas daring melalui Zoom (13%). Aktivitas yang diminati oleh anak usia TK A dan TK B berbeda. Pada usia lebih besar, anak tertarik pada tantangan, kompetisi, dan eksplorasi. Sistem blended learning diterapkan sebagai penyeimbang media belajar analog dan digital, serta pembelajaran konvensional dan aktivitas mandiri.   Kata kunci: Sistem Pembelajaran Campuran, Media Edukasi Digital, Lembaga Prasekolah Daring AbstractEducation is a long-term investment that needs our attention since the early stage of our children. Support from preschool institutions is considered important for accompanying parents to provide appropriate stimulus stages to obtain maximizing the potential of the child. Due to the condition of COVID-19, all classes change to online learning, likewise at preschool education level. Motor, cognitive, social, and emotional aspects is growing rapidly at the age of 2-6 years. Intensive interaction is required to provide stimuli, space for movement, space for speech and expression, as well as social experience. This research examines the adaptation of preschool education to present these kinds of stimuli at home, with maximize the use of digital and analogue media. The results showed that the types of activities most interested for children were science experiments (20%), story telling (20%), drawing (16%), and online class meetings through Zoom (13%). Children from kindergarten A and kindergarten B have different readability. At an older age, children are attracted to challenges, competition, and exploration. The blended learning system is applied as a counterweight to analogue and digital learning media, as well as conventional learning and independent activities. Keywords: Blended-Learning System, Digital Media Education, Online Preschool
Narada : Jurnal Desain dan Seni Vol 10, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/narada.2023.v10.i1.002


The Toba Batak ethnicity has a kinship system that becomes their cultural identity and way of life, known as Dalihan Na Tolu. Every Toba Batak needs to know two kinship systems in this philosophy: Tarombo Batak and Partuturan. After conducting research, it found that Toba Batak parents tend to teach Partuturan to their children as a basis they must know before exploring Dalihan Na Tolu. However, the Partuturan can be complicated for children to understand because it has many complex classifications. On the other hand, using verbal and observation to introduce this culture is also a problem that makes it more difficult for children to understand the Partuturan. This study aims analyze the method of introducing Partuturan using picture books and augmented reality. The methodology is mix-method in the form of interview data, literature study, and questionnaires in the form of open-ended questions. The implications of this study can be helpful for other researchers in understanding the design process of Partururan for Batak Toba children to foster a solid cultural identity using picture books based on augmented reality.
Analisis Ilustrasi Buku Anak sebagai Media Edukasi Stress dan Depresi kepada Anak Hannie Shahia Aqiela; Riama Maslan Sihombing
IMATYPE: Journal of Graphic Design Studies Vol 2, No 2: August 2023
Publisher : Penerbit Fakultas Desain Universitas Pelita Harapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37312/imatype.v2i2.7457


Stress dan depresi pada anak seringkali tidak disadari dan diabaikan, terlebih karena anak belum paham mengenai stress dan depresi dan belum mengenal gejalanya. Edukasi stress dan depresi kepada anak harus dilakukan dengan cara yang ringan, menyenangkan, dan mudah dipahami, salah satunya melalui media buku anak yang tidak terlepas dari ilustrasi buku anak. Bahasa visual pun menjadi penting dalam pembuatan ilustrasi buku anak. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis Bahasa visual dalam ilustrasi buku anak yang mengangkat tema stress dan depresi dengan studi kasus buku anak berjudul Balloons for Papa guna menghasilkan suatu kesimpulan yang kedepannya dapat diaplikasikan dalam perancangan buku anak bertema stress dan depresi.
Peningkatan Keterampilan Kognitif pada Anak Autis Usia Dini Melalui Media Visual Interaktif Rahina Nugrahani; Riama Maslan Sihombing; Muhammad Zaffwan bin Idris; Rina Windiarti; Diana Diana
Jurnal Sosioteknologi Vol. 23 No. 2 (2024): JULY 2024
Publisher : Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/sostek.itbj.2024.23.2.3


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition characterized by impairments in social communication, restricted interests, and repetitive behaviors. Children with ASD often face challenges in the development of cognitive skills, which play a crucial role in academic achievement, adaptive functioning, and overall quality of life. This study introduces an innovative approach to aid early childhood individuals diagnosed with ASD in recognizing their daily routines by means of a visual interactive board game. The developed visual interactive board game, although the design is simple, is meticulously structured to foster and enhance cognitive skills, specifically focusing on language development and improvement in adaptive behavior. The efficacy of this medium was examined through a single-case method utilizing the Single Subject Research (SSR) experimental approach. The research involved three children aged 4-5 years with an ASD diagnosis, employing a patterned B1-I-B2 design. The results of this study underline the potential of interactive board games as an engaging tool for fostering cognitive skills in early childhood autism.