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Teroris Ke-Agama’an, Bukan Agama Neri Widya Ramailis; Abdul Munir
SISI LAIN REALITA Vol. 2 No. 1 (2017): Sisi Lain Realita
Publisher : UIR PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/sisilainrealita.2017.vol2(1).1389


Religious Terrorism is different from religion it self. It is an act of terrorism that uses religion as a mask and a horse to reach its destination. The use of Religion legitimizes acts of terrorism by the offender group due to the silting of the understanding of the scriptures. This condition does not only give a bad image to religion, especially Islam, it also has implications of discrimination against Muslims primarily when associated with international policies concerning counter terrorism.
SISI LAIN REALITA Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): Sisi Lain Realita
Publisher : UIR PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (620.706 KB) | DOI: 10.25299/sisilainrealita.2016.vol1(1).1399


The phenomenon of traffic violations made by motorcyclists on the road is a pattern of behavior that is accustomed habit, done repeatedly and happen everyday, so as to for man aberrant culture. Then, in another case of traffic violation phenomenon is also seen as a condition of demoralization, which is interpreted as a form of the decrease to values, morality and norms in society. Where, in this case the people familiar with the rules and laws that apply, however, the rules are not well practiced in everyday life. This thesis tries to explain how cultural criminology see motorcyclists behavioral phenomena in everyday life dimension in crime and crime as culture. The method used in this research is a visual analyst criminology developed by Cecil E. Greek to display an image/photo related traffic offenses committed motorcyclists. The conclusion of this thesis is the behavior of motorcyclists present in this case as a form of crime phenomena in everyday life (crime in everyday life), and the phenomenon of crime and culture (culture as crime).
Homo Seksual Potret Perilaku Seksual Menyimpang Dalam Perspektif Kriminologi, Islam dan Budaya Melayu Neri Widya Ramailis
SISI LAIN REALITA Vol. 2 No. 2 (2017): Sisi Lain Realita
Publisher : UIR PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (136.33 KB) | DOI: 10.25299/sisilainrealita.2017.vol2(2).2455


Homosexual is a term used to describe the general tendency of sex with other people of the same genes. Measures of deviant behavior are not in the right or completely wrong size in the general sense, which occur based on the size or absence of norms and values ​​of their sociality. If viewed from the aspect of criminology, deviant behavior becomes something that deviates from the limits determined by the norms and society. Lessons about Malay culture are inseparable from Islamic teachings which are the foundation of customs. Therefore the philosophy of Malay people says "Adat Bersendi Syarak, Syarak Bersendikan Kitabullah". From this sentence, it can be interpreted that religion and customs that grow and develop in Malay culture are very different. Where values, religious norms and rules that apply in the community are highly upheld in the life and culture of Malay people. Al-Qur'an as a book that is a source of guidance is the main basis of the handle of human life in carrying out daily activities, whether it is about how someone communicates with others and behaves in accordance with reasonable customs and culture. In this context homosexual behavior is seen as one manifestation of human behavior with deviant sexual orientation present in the community through a process of cultural development that is not good and immoral.
Peran BPOM Kota Pekanbaru Dalam Mengawasi Perdagangan Kosmetik Illegal: Universitas Islam Riau Neri Widya Ramailis; Deki Putra Wandi
SISI LAIN REALITA Vol. 3 No. 2 (2018): Sisi Lain Realita
Publisher : UIR PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (122.156 KB) | DOI: 10.25299/sisilainrealita.2018.vol3(2).3708


This Research study about Observation Of Bpom Town of Pekanbaru To supervison Cosmetic of Illegal in Town of Pekanbaru. Aim research is to know how observation done/conducted by BPOM to commerce of cosmetic of illegal in Town of Pekanbaru. research this of method use of qualitative Descriptive. Data technique collecting by doing/conducting direct observation, interview with precise documentation of time,Objective and totally , centrally at dots observation of strategic, Realistic economically, Realistic organizationally. Result of research of showing observation of BPOM to Commerce of Cosmetic of illegal in Town of Pekanbaru do not walk optimal caused by the lack of human resource to do/conduct observation , Schedule implementation of observation disagree with inexistence and rule of sansi coherent to owner of distribution medium which is order breaking. Its of him that is renewing data sum up and existence of cosmetic distribution medium, giving socialization, coaching, examination more public often, publish of cosmetic warning in printing / book , doing/conducting progam by exploiting media of internet like instrgram, facebook, as well as recruitment yahoo, do to then observation.
Analisa Wacana Pemberitaan Kasus Korupsi E-KTP Pada Media Terhadap Pembentukan Opini Publik: Universitas Islam Riau Neri Widya Ramailis; Dede Nopendri
SISI LAIN REALITA Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019): Sisi Lain Realita
Publisher : UIR PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (939.443 KB) | DOI: 10.25299/sisilainrealita.2019.vol4(1).4043


Discourse is a series of sentences that relate and connect one proposition with the other propositions to from a unity. The main function of the news is not to warn, instruct, and make the public stunned, the main function of the news is to inform and then it is upto the public to utilize the news. There are two ways for the news to be useful to the public, the first to effort news as general knowledge and the second to effort the news a tool of social control. E-Ktp corruption cases are one of the biggest corruption cases that occurered in Indonesia. Therefore, many mass media reported heavilly on E-Ktp corruption cases, one of which was the furthermore, to find out how the writer gets the source the writer gets the source of data and information the writer uses the criminology visual method and then analyzes it using criminology newsmaking theory. However, the results of this study illustrate that the aspect highlighted are those of actors suspected of being involved in E-Ktp corruption cases. Where the media only emphasizes one institution, namely the people’s representative council, even though in this case the involved parties are not only the legislature but case the involved parties are not only the legislature but also from various institutions such as the interior ministry, state-owned enterprises, and private entrepreneurs. In the aspect of media projection make the bulk of the news about E- Ktp corruption cases as news headline and a tranding topic.
SISI LAIN REALITA Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019): Sisi Lain Realita
Publisher : UIR PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (578.874 KB) | DOI: 10.25299/sisilainrealita.2019.vol4(2).4824


Considering the rampant phenomenon of the trade in alcoholic beverages that are traded in various places by motorbike peddlers especially along the road in Juanda, Pekanbaru City has the potential to add new criminal problems, for example there are indications of abuse of alcoholic beverage use by the buyer (users) especially children and adolescents whose loss of control from family party. Then, people often go to clubs or nightclubs. When they are having a problem or conflict within themselves, they will tend to do things beyond the limits of normal people's thinking, such as drinking excessive alcoholic drinks to get drunk, causing damage and disturbing public order. Fraudulent traders by trading drinks in any place is a phenomenon of crime that leads to the criminal sphere, if viewed from a criminological perspective this phenomenon falls into the category of crime that can interfere with human survival, leading to the disruption of peace, order and peace in the environment Public.
SISI LAIN REALITA Vol. 5 No. 01 (2020): Sisi Lain Realita
Publisher : UIR PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (284.921 KB) | DOI: 10.25299/sisilainrealita.2020.vol5(01).6381


The phenomenon of the industrial revolution 4.0 has had many influences, both positive and negative for society. It is undeniable that slowly everything has turned to digital. So that the interaction between humans and technology is inevitable. Such developments make digitization even more difficult to recognize, because everything is now integrated, everything now requires the internet. The opportunities for cyber criminals are getting wider, various kinds of cyber threats continue to emerge and this is a challenge for users. So many crimes that occur today in cyberspace or what is known as cyber crime, especially affect women. There are cases of illegal content (illegal content), violations of privacy (infringement of privacy), threats of private photo or video distribution (malicious distribution), online defamation, to online recruitment (online recruitment). The high number of online-based gender violence, especially for women, seems to open our eyes to always wisely use internet technology in carrying out activities and routines of daily life.
Dinamika Pengembangan Wisata Halal Di Kota Pekanbaru Ema Fitri Lubis; Evi Zubaidah; Neri Widya Ramailis; Meldawati
ASKETIK: JURNAL AGAMA DAN PERUBAHAN SOSIAL Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): Asketik: Jurnal Agama dan Perubahan Sosial
Publisher : Prodi Sosiologi Agama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/asketik.v6i2.889


The development of halal-based tourism requires planning, Implementation, and control efforts, to create added value as desired. One is implementing the Indonesian halal tourism logo and the Halal Tourism Halal Logo. Halal Tourism is an additional service that is part of tourism. The research was conducted to analyze and explain the Implementation of Halal Tourism Development in Pekanbaru City. This research was conducted using indicators of Implementation according to Edward III, namely first Communication, second Resources, third Disposition and fourth bureaucratic structure. This type of research uses descriptive with qualitative methods. The study results are based on indicators of Communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. Communication activities in the form of socialization by the implementor have been carried out through various media, namely social media, the web, and promotion through local television media. However, consistency still needs to be improved. Not a few of the community/business people themselves still need to understand the concept of halal tourism, steps in the Implementation of halal tourism development have been at the stage of making a decree (SK) Accelerating the Development of Halal Tourism. Halal certificates in several culinary businesses and restaurants must be implemented better. There are budget constraints owned by the Pekanbaru City Culture and Tourism Office, so the Implementation of halal tourism development activities has yet to be maximally achieved.
KLASIKAL : JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, LANGUAGE TEACHING AND SCIENCE Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Klasikal: Journal of Education, Language Teaching and Science
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52208/klasikal.v4i3.323


This paper discusses the implementation of child-friendly schools towards fulfilling children's rights at 3 levels of schools in Pekanbaru. The purpose of this research is to find out how each school implements child-friendly schools to fulfill children's rights. The theory used is the theory of criminal policy which in this theory explains how a policy is carried out to prevent criminal politics from occurring. This research is based on the results of using the Mix Methode method, namely quantitative and qualitative, to get the result that all schools that were sampled from this study have fulfilled the rights of children in implementing child-friendly schools, this is indicated by the results of 46.8% stating that they get their rights fulfilled from implementation of child-friendly schools implemented by their schools.