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Jurnal Agribis Vol 8 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Agribis
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Maros

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This research was conducted in the SIPILU Center area (Sidrap, Pinrang, Luwu), South Sulawesi Province. This location was chosen because it is one of the areas that has rice production, which is scattered in an area known as a rice granary area. The data used is quantitative data is a type of data that can be measured (measurable) or calculated directly as numerical or numeric variables, and secondary data is data that is already contained in literature or official data. The type of data used in this research is time series data. The objectives of this study were: To determine lowland rice production in the SIPILU center area in South Sulawesi. Data were collected from the results of researching at the Maros Central Bureau of Statistics. The collected data is then tabulated to obtain real data used for production contribution purposes. This study uses a method of analyzing the contribution of lowland rice production in central areas to rice production in South Sulawesi divided by the total production of South Sulawesi rice multiplied by one hundred percent. The results showed that the Contribution of Paddy Paddy Production in Sentra Sipilu Area was 14,136,031.31 and South Sulawesi as much as 55,041,131.00 tons.
05 ANALISIS PENDAPATAN PABRIK PENGGILINGAN PADI (Studi Kasus Penggilingan Padi Di Kelurahan Pabundukang, Kecamatan Pangkaje’ne, Kabupaten Pangkep) Jurnal Agribis; Muhammad Iqbal; Mohammad Anwar Sadat; Arifin Arifin
Jurnal Agribis Vol 8 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Agribis
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Maros

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This research was conducted on Jalan Keadilan, Pabundukang Village, Pangkajene District, Pangkep Regency. This location was chosen with the consideration that it has been a long time running rice mill business. There are two data used, namely: data Primary data is data obtained or taken directly on the object of research, namely at the Haeruddin Rice Mill and secondary data is data obtained from various government agencies related to this research and various other literature as support in preparing the results of this study. The purpose of this study were: to analyze the income and feasibility of the Haeruddin Rice Mill business on Jl. Justice Ex. Pabundukang Kec. Pangkaje'ne Kab. Pangkep. This study uses a quantitative descriptive analysis method to determine the amount of income obtained by farmers from Haeruddin rice milling business on Jl. Justice Ex. Pabundukang Kec. Pangkaje'ne Kab. Pangkep. The results of this study indicate that the income of Haeruddin rice milling business in the last five years has fluctuated. In 2015, he earned an income of Rp. 145,694,763, in 2016 increased to Rp. 179,985,499, in 2017 Haeruddin's rice mill business revenue still increased to Rp. 211,695,587, but in 2018 operating income has decreased from the previous year which amounted to Rp. 109,183,316, and in 2019 Haeruddin's rice mill business income again increased by Rp. 113,723,985. Haeruddin rice milling business is eligible for business with an R / C ratio value from 2015-2019, namely > 1.
01 FAKTOR - FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PERMINTAAN DODOL BERAS KETAN DI KABUPATEN MAROS (Studi Kasus di Pammelakkang Je’ne Kelurahan Allepolea Kecamatan Lau Kabupaten Maros) Jurnal Agribis; Herlina Herlina; Mohammad Anwar Sadat; Arifin Arifin
Jurnal Agribis Vol 5 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Agribis
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Maros

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The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence consumer demand for sticky rice dodol and find out how consumers' perceptions of sticky rice dodol and study every problem that occurs in dodol business management. So that we can knowledge and solve every problem that exists, especially consumer demand. Because this study has an unlimited population, the sampling technique is using accidental sampling, which is a sampling technique that is based on chance meeting with researchers and can be used as a sample if it is seen that people who happen to be met are suitable as data sources. Data obtained from questionnaires which are then processed and analyzed using multiple regression analysis techniques. This analysis includes: validity and reliability test, classic assumption test, multiple regression analysis, hypothesis testing through t test and F test, and analysis of the coefficient of determination (R2).
05 ANALISIS PRODUKSI DAN PENDAPATAN USAHATANI JERUK PAMELO (Studi Kasus di Kelurahan Attang Salo Kecamatan Ma’rang Kabupaten Pangkep) Jurnal Agribis; Urianti Urianti; Arifin Arifin; Mohammad Anwar Sadat
Jurnal Agribis Vol 5 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Agribis
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Maros

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The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of production and farming income of pummelo oranges in Attang Salo Village, Ma'rang District, Pangkep Regency. This research will be conducted in Tanete Village, Simbang District, Maros Regency. Knowing the factors that influence the production of pemelo citrus farming in Attang Salo Village, Ma'rang District, Pangkep Regency. And knowing the factors that affect the income of pemelo citrus farming in Attang Salo Village, Ma'rang District, Pangkep Regency. The research activity was carried out in Attangsalo Village, Ma'rang District, Pangkep Regency. To determine the factors that influence farmer motivation, the data analysis used is income analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of research and discussion, the results of the study are that the average production and income of citrus farmers in Attang Salo Village, Ma'rang District, Pangkep Regency is a production of 1,641 fruits and an income of Rp. 4,197,591.11. The variables of land area, labor and organic fertilizers had a significant effect on the production of citrus plants. And the variables of land area, labor wages and NPK fertilizer have a significant effect on citrus farming income.
Jurnal Agribis Vol 5 No 2 (2017): Jurnal Agribis
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Maros

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Research aims to understand factors that influences demand corn in south sulawesi and to know variable what most dominant impact on demand corn in south sulawesi. This research carried out in regions south sulawesi province about the request of corn and time used for the implementation of research this is more or less six months, from January until June 2017. Data used in this research was secondary data (time series) from year 2000-2015 to the source of data from central bureau of city makassar .The method of analysis the data used in research is regression analysis linear multiple. With using the tools microsoftt excel 2007 and SPSS (statistical product and service solution) version 16. This research result obtained the value of 0,992) r-squared (determination , this means 99,20 percent variable demand can be explained by the independent variable (production, the price of corn and PDRB), the remaining of 0,80 percent described by other variables that are not included in the model .Test results showing that the f count (α : 1 % ), of greater than f table 499,956 (19,43) means that the independent variable (demand ) had have real impact on the production , the price of corn and regional gross domestic product (PDRB). While the most dominant variable demand for corn is production of corn.
03 ANALISIS FAKTOR PENDAPATAN YANG BERPENGARUH TERHADAP USAHATANI CABAI BESAR (Studi Kasus Desa Sawaru Kecamatan Camba Kabupaten Maros) Jurnal Agribis; Muhammad Rizal Syam; Arifin Arifin; Mohammad Anwar Sadat
Jurnal Agribis Vol 5 No 2 (2017): Jurnal Agribis
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Maros

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The research objective is: to determine the income factors that affect large chilli farmers in Sawaru Village, Camba District, Maros Regency. The sampling technique in this study is all farmers who are trying to have large chillies of up to 45 people, out of the population the number of samples taken is 50% then the number of samples is 23 people with a random sampling technique. Based on the results of the analysis presented in Table 1, it is known that the coefficient of determination (R-squared) of 0, 961, this means 96.10 percent of income variables large chili can be explained by independent variables (land area, age, and experience of farming). Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the factors affecting the income of large chili farmers are the area of land and the age of the farmer.
05 PEMBERDAYAAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT DALAM PEMANFAATAN LIMBAH AMPAS TEH SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKU PUPUK BOKASHI (Studi Kasus di Kelompok Wanita Tani Cemara Desa Mattoangin Kecamatan Bantimurung Kabupaten Maros) Jurnal Agribis; Sulaeman Sulaeman; Arifin Arifin; Mohammad Anwar Sadat
Jurnal Agribis Vol 5 No 2 (2017): Jurnal Agribis
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Maros

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In the evergreen farmer women's group Mattoangin village there is a community economic empowerment activity that aims to utilize and manage tea waste waste into bokashi fertilizer. The purpose of this study was to determine the economic empowerment of the community in the utilization of tea pulp waste as a raw material for bokashi fertilizer in the evergreen women farmer group Mattoangin Village, Maros Regency. This research was carried out in January to June 2017 in Mattoangin Village, Bantimurung District, Maros Regency. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study indicate that the economic empowerment of the community in the utilization of tea pulp waste as a raw material for bokashi fertilizer in the evergreen farmer women's group Mattoangin Village, Bantimurung District, Maros Regency is at an average level of empowerment at 95.27%.
05 ANALISIS TREND JAGUNG DI SULAWESI SELATAN Jurnal Agribis; Satriani Satriani; Arifin Arifin; Mohammad Anwar Sadat
Jurnal Agribis Vol 6 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Agribis
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Maros

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The objectives of this study are: (1) To find out the trend of production, prices, and demand for corn in South Sulawesi (2) To find out the estimated production, prices, and demand for corn in South Sulawesi in 2016 up to 2020. This research was carried out in the scope of Sulawesi South regarding trends in production, prices, and demand for corn. The determination of this research area was determined intentionally. The type of data used is secondary data obtained from the central statistical body for use in analysis purposes. This study uses trend analysis methods to predict or find out how much the production, price, and demand for corn in South Sulawesi in 2016 to 2020. The results of the study show that (1) the trend of production, prices, and demand for corn in South Sulawesi fluctuate ( 2) Estimated production, price, and demand for corn in South Sulawesi from 2016 to 2020 has increased.
01 PROSPEK PENGEMBANGAN USAHATANI KACANG TANAH (Studi Kasus Desa Limampoccoe Kecamatan Cenrana Kabupaten Maros) Jurnal Agribis; Hasmawati Hasmawati; Arifin Arifin; Muhammad Risal
Jurnal Agribis Vol 6 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Agribis
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Maros

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Peanut agribusiness in this area has prospects to be developed considering that the available land resources are quite extensive, suitable climatic conditions, sufficient peanut cultivation technology is available, human resources are quite skilled in farming and the market is still wide open for peanut commodities. This research was carried out in Cenrana District, Maros Regency, this location was chosen because most of the villagers produce peanuts. There are two data used: primary data, namely data obtained from observations through direct interviews and also through the help of questionnaire lists, and secondary data, namely data obtained from agencies / institutions that are related or related to this research. The purpose of this study was to determine the prospects for developing peanut farming and to know the results of the production of farmers in the District of Cenrana. Data was collected from the survey results using a questionnaire and supplemented with observations / field observations. The data that has been collected is then tabulated to get the real data used for analysis. This study uses the SWOT Analysis method to determine the prospects for developing Peanut Farming in Cenrana District, Maros Regency, the results of the production of Peanut farmers. The results of this research can be seen the prospect of developing peanut farming is in quadrant I (one). This quadrant illustrates a very favorable situation for developing the farming business.
Jurnal Agribis Vol 6 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Agribis
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Maros

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Pulp corn is one type of corn with a pulut taste or sticky rice, so it is rather sticky and fluffier when boiled. This research was conducted in Simbang District, Maros Regency. This location was chosen with consideration of accedetial sampling. The data used are primary data obtained from observations through direct interviews and also through the help of questionnaire lists. The purpose of this study was to determine consumer responses to boiled pulut corn in Simbang District, Maros Regency, and to find out the most influential and dominant factors affecting boiled corn. Data was collected from the survey results using a questionnaire and added with observations / field observations. The collected data is then tabulated to obtain the real data used for analysis purposes. This research uses quantitative descriptive analysis method to determine consumer responses to boiled pulut corn, and the method of multiple regression analysis to determine the influential and most dominant factors affecting pulut boiled corn. The results of this study can be seen that the responses of consumers of Simbang District's boiled corn are included in the high category with price and taste indicators. The factors that significantly influence consumers' responses to boiled corn are price and taste.