Nadiatul Khoiroh
STIE-Graha Karya Muara Bulian

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Analisa Maksimum Produksi dalam Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Konsumen Serta Perhitungan Laba Usaha Pada Industri Batu Bata Usaha Baru Desa Sungai Buluh Kecamatan Muara Bulian Ratumas Hartha Delima; Nadiatul Khoiroh
CITRA EKONOMI Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): 2020

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The title of this research is the Analysis of Maximum Production in Meeting the Needs of Consumers as well as the Calculation of Business Profits in the New Business Brick Industry Sungai Buluh Village, Muara Bulian District. The purpose of this study was to determine the analysis of production development, sales volume, and operating profit in the new brick industry of Sungai Buluh Village. Data analysis method is using quantitative descriptive approach. Intended for the problem by describing the data obtained through observation, interviews in the literature in accordance with the problems studied. Data obtained directly from employees and leaders of the New Business Bricks Industry. The results of the study that the authors found in the field are as follow. From the data of the development of new brick business production in Sungai Buluh Village in 2018-2019, the production development experienced an instability every month. The highest increase occurred in November 2018, an increase of 33%. Then the lowest increase occurred in September 2018 5.6% with an average production development of 0.005%. And If seen from the data development of potential business demand for new brick businesses in Sungai Buluh Village in 2018-2019, the development of potential demand on a monthly basis is experiencing instability. The highest increase occurred in November 2018, an increase of 5,0%. And then the lowest increase was only 5,6% due to the decline in purchasing power of new business products in Sungai Buluh Village with an average potential growth of 2,4%. When viewed from the sales volume data at the New Business Bricks Company is unstable or up and down. The highest increase of 11,4% was due to many factors, one of which was the increase in consumer demand for products from the new brick business because of the large number of housing and other buildings. And then the lowest increase was only 10,2% due to the decline in purchasing power of new business products in Sungai Buluh Village. That is expected due to declining economic factors so that people's purchasing power is decreasing. So the profit in the brick business is a new business in producing 40,000 bricks which is Rp. 4.170.000.
Analisis Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Pada Kantor Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kabupaten Batang Hari Ratna Ratna; Nadiatul Khoiroh; Muhammad April Riansyah
CITRA EKONOMI Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): 2020

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The purpose of this study was to determine the occupational health safety management system at the Office of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) in Batang Hari Regency. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Methods of data collection by library research and field research from interviews and observations. Methods of data analysis by data reduction, data presentation, and data inference. The results showed that from 3 dimensions related to perceptions of safety management within the organization, namely (1) commitment to management leadership where leaders prioritize work safety for members, (2) empowerment of safety management, leaders give confidence to all members (BPBD) because leaders are confident in their abilities. (3) management fairness towards work safety, management treats all members equally, there is no difference between new and old members and 4 dimensions related to perceptions of the work group, among others (1) workers' commitment to the promotion of work safety, indicating commitment to work safety, being active in the promotion of work safety and caring about the safety of others (2) showing that BPBD members prioritize community safety without neglecting their own safety (3) learning, communication and trust, in the workplace in discussing i su-safety issues, learn from work experience, help each other to be able to work safely, accept input related to work safety properly and believe in each other's ability to ensure safety while working is good (4) trust in the effectiveness of work safety systems However, workers' perceptions regarding the belief in the effectiveness of the work safety system run by members of the Batang Hari BPBD have been going well.
Pengaruh Biaya Promosi dan Biaya Distribusi Terhadap Penjualan Pada PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk. Tahun 2015-2019 Ratna Ratna; Nadiatul Khoiroh; Muhammad Ridho
CITRA EKONOMI Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (524.972 KB)


This study aims to determine the effect of promotion costs and distribution costs on sales at PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk. 2015-2019.In this research, we will look for how the promotion costs, distribution and sales costs, and the effect of promotion costs and distribution costs on sales. In analyzing the data, testing was carried out using multiple regression analysis. This is done because there are two independent variables, namely promotion costs and distribution costs. Then to find the effect used the t test, f test, and the coefficient of determination. The results showed that the promotion costs at PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk in 2015-2019 continues to increase each year. The same is the case with the distribution costs from 2015-2019 which tend to continue to increase each year. Likewise, sales from 2015-2019 continue to increase each year. The results of hypothesis testing on the influence of the Promotion Cost variable on Sales show that the t value is 2.433> from t table 1.7396 and the significance value is (sig) 0.026 <from the level of significance (α) 0.05 (5%). This promotion has an influence on sales. The results of testing the distribution cost variable hypothesis on sales that the t value is 13.805> from t table 1.7396 and the significance number is sig) 0.000 <from the level of significance (α) 0.05%, it can be seen that this distribution cost has an effect on sales. The results of the hypothesis testing for the variable promotion costs and distribution costs on sales show that the F value counts 1350,783 with a significance level of (0,000 <0.05), the F table value is 3.59 (1350,783> 3.59), this means that Promotion Costs (X1) and Distribution Costs (X2) have a positive effect simultaneously or together on Sales at PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk in 2015-2019. The resulting Adjusted R Square is 0.993. So, it can be concluded that the percentage of influence of leadership and job sanctions on employee work discipline is 99.3% and 0.7% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.
Analisis Penerimaan, Penempatan serta Promosi Jabatan Karyawan Pada PT. Bank Syari’ah Indonesia Kantor Cabang Pembantu Muara Bulian Nadiatul Khoiroh; Ratna Ratna; Dian Pratiwi
CITRA EKONOMI Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (818.309 KB)


The purpose of this study was to analyze the leadership style in the process of accepting, placing and promoting employees at the Indonesian Islamic bank branch office Muara Bulian. Where the method used is qualitative with data collection in this study used observation, interviews and documentation with data analysis techniques used data reduction, data presentation and conclusions.Based on the results of this study, it can be explained that in the process of hiring employees using a closed method which prioritizes employees from internal sources, in the placement of employees based on the needs of work positions and abilities or expertise possessed, then promotion of employees is seen on the basis of experience and skills of employees and also comply with the conditions that have been determined.
Pengaruh Pengendalian Intern, Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Komitmen Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. Berkah Sapta Palma (BSP) Ratna Ratna; Nadiatul Khoiroh; Desi Ulandari
CITRA EKONOMI Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (407.153 KB)


Changes in the organizational environment that are increasingly complex and competitiv, require every organization and company to be more responsive in order to survive and continue to grow. The aims of this research are (1) to find out whether internal control, leadership style and organizational commitmenthave an effect on organizational performance at PT. Berkah Sapta Salma (BPS) Muara Bulian. (2) To find out whether internal control affects the company’s performance at PT. Berkah Sapta Salma (BPS) Muara Bulian. (3) To find out whether the leadership style affects the company’s performance at PT. Blessings of Sapta Salma (BPS) Muara Bulian. (4) To find out whether organizational commitment affects the company’s performance at PT. Blessings of Sapta Salma (BPS) Muara Bulian. The data used are primary data obtained through questionnaires to emloyees of PT. Berkah Sapta Salma (BPS) M uara Bulian and the sample of this study were 80 respondents. The data analysis method used multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS.20 program. Overall, it can be concluded that if the variables of internal Control, Leadership Style and Organiztional Commitment simultaneously affect the company’s performance variables, the better the implementation of the variables of Internal Control, Leadership Style and Organizational Commitment, the better the company’s performance will be.
Analisa Maksimum Produksi dalam Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Konsumen Serta Perhitungan Laba Usaha Pada Industri Batu Bata Usaha Baru Desa Sungai Buluh Kecamatan Muara Bulian Ratumas Hartha Delima; Nadiatul Khoiroh
CITRA EKONOMI Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): 2020

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (232.317 KB)


The title of this research is the Analysis of Maximum Production in Meeting the Needs of Consumers as well as the Calculation of Business Profits in the New Business Brick Industry Sungai Buluh Village, Muara Bulian District. The purpose of this study was to determine the analysis of production development, sales volume, and operating profit in the new brick industry of Sungai Buluh Village. Data analysis method is using quantitative descriptive approach. Intended for the problem by describing the data obtained through observation, interviews in the literature in accordance with the problems studied. Data obtained directly from employees and leaders of the New Business Bricks Industry. The results of the study that the authors found in the field are as follow. From the data of the development of new brick business production in Sungai Buluh Village in 2018-2019, the production development experienced an instability every month. The highest increase occurred in November 2018, an increase of 33%. Then the lowest increase occurred in September 2018 5.6% with an average production development of 0.005%. And If seen from the data development of potential business demand for new brick businesses in Sungai Buluh Village in 2018-2019, the development of potential demand on a monthly basis is experiencing instability. The highest increase occurred in November 2018, an increase of 5,0%. And then the lowest increase was only 5,6% due to the decline in purchasing power of new business products in Sungai Buluh Village with an average potential growth of 2,4%. When viewed from the sales volume data at the New Business Bricks Company is unstable or up and down. The highest increase of 11,4% was due to many factors, one of which was the increase in consumer demand for products from the new brick business because of the large number of housing and other buildings. And then the lowest increase was only 10,2% due to the decline in purchasing power of new business products in Sungai Buluh Village. That is expected due to declining economic factors so that people's purchasing power is decreasing. So the profit in the brick business is a new business in producing 40,000 bricks which is Rp. 4.170.000.
Analisis Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Pada Kantor Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kabupaten Batang Hari Ratna Ratna; Nadiatul Khoiroh; Muhammad April Riansyah
CITRA EKONOMI Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): 2020

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (733.201 KB)


The purpose of this study was to determine the occupational health safety management system at the Office of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) in Batang Hari Regency. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Methods of data collection by library research and field research from interviews and observations. Methods of data analysis by data reduction, data presentation, and data inference. The results showed that from 3 dimensions related to perceptions of safety management within the organization, namely (1) commitment to management leadership where leaders prioritize work safety for members, (2) empowerment of safety management, leaders give confidence to all members (BPBD) because leaders are confident in their abilities. (3) management fairness towards work safety, management treats all members equally, there is no difference between new and old members and 4 dimensions related to perceptions of the work group, among others (1) workers' commitment to the promotion of work safety, indicating commitment to work safety, being active in the promotion of work safety and caring about the safety of others (2) showing that BPBD members prioritize community safety without neglecting their own safety (3) learning, communication and trust, in the workplace in discussing i su-safety issues, learn from work experience, help each other to be able to work safely, accept input related to work safety properly and believe in each other's ability to ensure safety while working is good (4) trust in the effectiveness of work safety systems However, workers' perceptions regarding the belief in the effectiveness of the work safety system run by members of the Batang Hari BPBD have been going well.
Pengaruh Biaya Promosi dan Biaya Distribusi Terhadap Penjualan Pada PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk. Tahun 2015-2019 Ratna Ratna; Nadiatul Khoiroh; Muhammad Ridho
CITRA EKONOMI Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (524.972 KB)


This study aims to determine the effect of promotion costs and distribution costs on sales at PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk. 2015-2019.In this research, we will look for how the promotion costs, distribution and sales costs, and the effect of promotion costs and distribution costs on sales. In analyzing the data, testing was carried out using multiple regression analysis. This is done because there are two independent variables, namely promotion costs and distribution costs. Then to find the effect used the t test, f test, and the coefficient of determination. The results showed that the promotion costs at PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk in 2015-2019 continues to increase each year. The same is the case with the distribution costs from 2015-2019 which tend to continue to increase each year. Likewise, sales from 2015-2019 continue to increase each year. The results of hypothesis testing on the influence of the Promotion Cost variable on Sales show that the t value is 2.433> from t table 1.7396 and the significance value is (sig) 0.026 <from the level of significance (α) 0.05 (5%). This promotion has an influence on sales. The results of testing the distribution cost variable hypothesis on sales that the t value is 13.805> from t table 1.7396 and the significance number is sig) 0.000 <from the level of significance (α) 0.05%, it can be seen that this distribution cost has an effect on sales. The results of the hypothesis testing for the variable promotion costs and distribution costs on sales show that the F value counts 1350,783 with a significance level of (0,000 <0.05), the F table value is 3.59 (1350,783> 3.59), this means that Promotion Costs (X1) and Distribution Costs (X2) have a positive effect simultaneously or together on Sales at PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk in 2015-2019. The resulting Adjusted R Square is 0.993. So, it can be concluded that the percentage of influence of leadership and job sanctions on employee work discipline is 99.3% and 0.7% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.
Analisis Penerimaan, Penempatan serta Promosi Jabatan Karyawan Pada PT. Bank Syari’ah Indonesia Kantor Cabang Pembantu Muara Bulian Nadiatul Khoiroh; Ratna Ratna; Dian Pratiwi
CITRA EKONOMI Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (818.309 KB)


The purpose of this study was to analyze the leadership style in the process of accepting, placing and promoting employees at the Indonesian Islamic bank branch office Muara Bulian. Where the method used is qualitative with data collection in this study used observation, interviews and documentation with data analysis techniques used data reduction, data presentation and conclusions.Based on the results of this study, it can be explained that in the process of hiring employees using a closed method which prioritizes employees from internal sources, in the placement of employees based on the needs of work positions and abilities or expertise possessed, then promotion of employees is seen on the basis of experience and skills of employees and also comply with the conditions that have been determined.
Pengaruh Pengendalian Intern, Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Komitmen Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. Berkah Sapta Palma (BSP) Ratna Ratna; Nadiatul Khoiroh; Desi Ulandari
CITRA EKONOMI Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (407.153 KB)


Changes in the organizational environment that are increasingly complex and competitiv, require every organization and company to be more responsive in order to survive and continue to grow. The aims of this research are (1) to find out whether internal control, leadership style and organizational commitmenthave an effect on organizational performance at PT. Berkah Sapta Salma (BPS) Muara Bulian. (2) To find out whether internal control affects the company’s performance at PT. Berkah Sapta Salma (BPS) Muara Bulian. (3) To find out whether the leadership style affects the company’s performance at PT. Blessings of Sapta Salma (BPS) Muara Bulian. (4) To find out whether organizational commitment affects the company’s performance at PT. Blessings of Sapta Salma (BPS) Muara Bulian. The data used are primary data obtained through questionnaires to emloyees of PT. Berkah Sapta Salma (BPS) M uara Bulian and the sample of this study were 80 respondents. The data analysis method used multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS.20 program. Overall, it can be concluded that if the variables of internal Control, Leadership Style and Organiztional Commitment simultaneously affect the company’s performance variables, the better the implementation of the variables of Internal Control, Leadership Style and Organizational Commitment, the better the company’s performance will be.