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Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (368.521 KB) | DOI: 10.36656/jpmph.v2i1.739


Health services are a basic need for the community, therefore the Government is obliged to provide health service facilities in each region. Health services are increasingly needed in line with the high cases of sudden death and the occurrence of extraordinary diseases. In order to improve the health status of the community, the government must set clear and measurable standards to be easily implemented in every health service in the region. In avoiding problems, there must be a minimum service standard. With the minimum service standards, it is hoped that regional health services will be better. Utilization of health services is every effort carried out individually or jointly in an organization to maintain and improve health, prevent and cure disease and restore the health of individuals, families, groups and communities. Utilization of health services becomes a demand for consumers based on the need for pain, discomfort or desire for the prevention of a disease. In the Education of Service Standards at the Public Health Center and its Relation to the Utilization of Health Services, it is hoped that it can increase the knowledge of health workers at the Namorambe Health Center to improve health services and use health services properly.
FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN KELENGKAPAN RESUME MEDIS PASIEN RAWAT INAP DI RSUD BATU BARA TAHUN 2021 Bachtiyar - Wahab; putri khairun nisa; akhmad fatikhus sholikh; desmayanti br surbakti; ripando jhon satria sembiring
Jurnal Penelitian Kesmasy Vol 5 No 1 (2022): JURNAL PENELITIAN KESMASY
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Institut Kesehatan Deli Husada Delitua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36656/jpksy.v5i1.1093


Every hospital is required to maintain medical records. In the medical record there is a medical resume form which is very important to complete, because it contains the entire medical history of the patient. Problems were still found related to filling out incomplete medical resume forms at Batu Bara General Hospital.The purpose of this study was to determine the factors related to the completeness of inpatients medical resume at Batu Bara General Hospital. This type of research used an observational research method by using cross sectional design. The total population were 36 doctors who work at Batu Bara General Hospital.The sampling technique used total sampling. The research instrument was questionnaire and checklist sheet. Data analysis used Chi Square test. The results showed that from 36 doctors, 23 doctors (64%) had knowledge in the good category about filling out medical resume sheets and 13 doctors (36%) had knowledge in the poor category while 27 doctors (75%) had attitudes in the good category. and 9 doctors (25%) had bad attitude.The results of Chi Square test showed that there was significant relationship between doctor's knowledge and the completeness of a medical resume with P value of (0.003) (P-value <0.05) and Prevalence Ratio (PR) = 0.081. Meanwhile, the results of the Chi Square test showed that there was a significant relationship between the attitude of doctor and completeness of medical resume with P value (0.021) (P-value <0.05) and Prevalence Ratio (PR) = 0.200. The hospital should provide understanding and socialization to doctors that it is important to complete medical records, especially on medical resume sheets
PENYULUHAN PEMANFAATAN REKAM MEDIK ELEKTRONIK DI INSTALASI RAWAT JALAN RUMAH SAKIT UMUM CUT MEUTIA KABUPATEN ACEH UTARA Bachtiyar - Wahab; rosmiati -; desmayanti br surbakti; tedty rohaya tinambunan; ripando jhon satria sembiring; akhmad fatikhus sholikh; Herawati Br Bukit; Fithri Handayani Lubis
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau Vol 2 No 4 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36656/jpmph.v2i4.1022


Perkembangan zaman telah menjadikan kebutuhan semakin kompleks. Kebutuhan akan kemudahan dalam mengakses teknologi mengharuskan suatu perusahaan untuk meningkatkan kinerjanya demi memenuhi faktor kepuasan pelanggan Pentingnya penggunaan teknologi informasi mulai disadari oleh organisasi modern, terutama dalam era globalisasi dimana perusahaan/instansi dituntut untuk semakin kompetitif dan berdaya saing. Oleh karena itu menjadi penting untuk memacu tingkat pemanfaatan dan penggunaan teknologi informasi di organisasi. Manfaat penggunaan Rekam Medis Elektronik (RME) telah diakui secara luas. Salah satu manfaatnya adalah pemeriksaan data yang berkelanjutan berkualitas, terutama ketika pembuatan dan pengumpulan data dilakukan secara otomatis. Misalnya data dari perangkat laboratorium, atau dari radiologi. Manfaat lain kemampuan penyimpanan data dalam jumlah besar dalam waktu komputasi singkat, menghasilkan hasil yang handal. Tujuan dari pemanfaatan RME sebagai solusi berbasis Informasi Teknologi (IT) yang dapat meningkatkan pertukaran informasi dan komunikasi antar tenaga kesehatan yang lebih efektif karena data saling terintegrasi. Metode penyuluhan dilakukan menggunakan peresentasi dan interaksi kepada pegawai di Rumah Sakit Umum Cut Meutia Kabupaten Aceh Utara. Kesimpulan akhir dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah dari kegiatan penyuluhan pegawai dapat mempermudahkan pekerjaanya dengan pemanfaatan rekam medis elektronik di instalasi rawat jalan rumah sakit
COUNSELING ABOUT GIVING PINEAPPLE SKIN TEA TO ELDERLY BLOOD PRESSURE WITH HYPERTENSION bungamri sembiring; fithri handayani lubis; Bachtiyar Wahab; Bahtera Bindavid Purba
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau Vol 3 No 3 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36656/jpmph.v3i3.1343


Aging occurs when a person reaches a certain level of physical development. can change. In old age, this is the last person, who gradually degenerates physically, mentally and socially. Persistent hypertension in the arteries, with a systolic blood pressure above 140 mm Hg and a diastolic blood pressure above 90 mm Hg. The incidence of arterial hypertension increases every year. Hypertension is the most dangerous disease in the world. High blood pressure in the long term can damage various organs in the body, such as the kidneys, heart and brain. This happens if you have high blood pressure and are handled properly as soon as possible. This activity was held in Deli Tua, Deli Serdang in September 2022. All the elderly who attended this activity experienced an increase in knowledge regarding the utilization of pineapple skin waste which can be reused into tea which is beneficial for the elderly who specifically suffer from hypertension.