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Journal : Gorontalo Journal of Infrastructure and Science Engineering

Gorontalo Journal of Infrastructure and Science Engineering Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Gorontalo Journal Of Infrastructure And Science Engineering
Publisher : Universitas Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32662/gojise.v4i1.1470


This article talks about the optimization, schedule, and selection of equipment for each type of construction work which is very important to do in order to optimize operational and support capabilities for other equipment. Heavy equipment is very expensive and its contribution is quite dominant in the improvement of the Karya Agung dam project in Wonosari District, so that efficient action is needed by utilizing the resources themselves. This study aims to determine the cost efficiency of heavy equipment needs in the excavation work project in the improvement of the Karya Agung Dam, Wonosari District. This research was conducted using a quantitative method with the Line of Balance method, then plotted the difference in the cost of heavy equipment contained in the contract document of Rp. 5,347,800,048.53 and the implementation of Rp. 2,356,634,697. From the calculation of equipment requirements, 10 units of 4 m3 Dump Truck, 3 PC-200 Excavator, 1 Unit Grader Motorbike, 1 Unit Bulldozer, and 1 Unit Vibrator Roller The qualitative method is divided into 1 part, namely equipment productivity, or the results of equipment capacity and equipment time which can predict equipment performance requirements with efficiency factors in the field and material conditions.Artikel ini berbicara mengenai Optimalisasi, jadwal, dan pemilihan peralatan untuk setiap jenis pekerjaan konstruksi sangat penting dilakukan guna mengoptimalkan kemampuan operasional dan penunjang terhadap peralatan lain. Alat berat tersebut sangat mahal dan kontribusinya cukup dominan dalam peningkatan proyek bendungan Karya Agung Kecamatan Wonosari, sehingga diperlukan tindakan yang efisien dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efisiensi biaya kebutuhan alat berat pada proyek pekerjaan ekskavasi di peningkatan Bendungan Karya Agung Kecamatan Wonosari. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan metode Line of Balance, kemudian diplotkan selisih biaya alat berat yang terdapat dalam dokumen kontrak sebesar Rp. 5.347.800.048,53 dan implementasinya Rp. 2.356.634.697. Dari hasil perhitungan kebutuhan peralatan didapatkan Dump Truck 4 m3 sebanyak 10 unit, Excavator PC-200 3 unit, Sepeda Motor Grader 1 Unit, Bulldozer 1 unit, dan Vibrator roller 1 Unit. Metode kualitatif dibagi menjadi 1 bagian yaitu produktivitas peralatan, atau hasil kapasitas peralatan dan waktu peralatan yang dapat memprediksi kebutuhan kinerja peralatan dengan faktor efisiensi di lapangan dan kondisi material