Rafiatul Hasanah
Universitas Islam Negeri Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember

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Development of a Mobile Learning E-book on Islamic Integrated Human Circulatory System for Class VIII SMP/MTs Students Mochammad Ricky Rifa'i; Rafiatul Hasanah
Bioeducation Journal Vol 6 No 1 (2022): Bioeducation Journal
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang Address: Biology Education Study Program Faculty Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA) Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Air Tawar Barat, Padang-West Sumatera-Indonesia Telp. +62751-7057420 - Fax.+62751-7058772 - Ph. +6281363229286

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The purpose of this research and development is to describe the results of the validity and response of mobile learning e-books on the material of the Islamic integrated human circulatory system for class VIII SMP/MTs students. The method used is research and development with a 4-D model by Thiagarajan which includes four stages, namely define, design, development, and dissemination. However, in this research it is limited to the development stage. The subjects of this research include validators and students. The validators include material experts, media experts, Al-Qur'an and Tafsir experts, and practitioners. The object of this research is class VIII-C students of SMP Negeri 1 Tempeh, Lumajang Regency which is divided into two stages in the response test, namely a small scale of 10 students and a large scale of 30 students. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis in the form of expert validation instruments and student responses using a Likert scale. The results showed that the mobile learning e-book was feasible based on the percentage of material experts by 94%, media experts by 95%, experts in Al-Qur'an and Tafsir science by 95%, and teachers by 96%. Also obtained from the results of student responses on a small scale to get a percentage of 91% and a large scale of 94%. This means that in terms of readability and attractiveness, it is very interesting and feasible to be applied in learning. Overall, mobile learning e-books can be said to be very valid and interesting to apply in learning activities for the human circulatory system.
JURNAL BIOEDUCATION Vol 9, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Bioeducation
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29406/bioed.v9i2.3980


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) Mengembangkan buku monografi hasil identifikasi keanekaragaman tumbuhan berdasarkan klasifikasi ilmiah dan pengetahuan lokal, 2) Mendeskripsikan hasil kualitas monografi keanekaragaman tumbuhan berbasis pengetahuan lokal di UIN KHAS Jember berdasarkan hasil validasi dan respons mahasiswa. Jenis penelitianini yakni penelitian dan pengembangan) model ADDIE, dengan tahap evaluation tidak dilakukan. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah: (1) angket validasi untuk ahli materi dan ahli media, dan (2) angket respons mahasiswa. Ahli dalam penelitian ini ada tiga yaitu 2 ahli materi dan 1 ahli desain media. Jenis data yang diperoleh berupa data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil validasi ahli untuk kelayakan isi sebesar 93,05%, komponen kelayakan bahasa adalah 95,83% dan komponen kelayakan grafis adalah 91,67%. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahawa buku monografi yang telah dikembangkan layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran mata kuliah klasifikasi mahkluk hidup  pada prodi Tadris IPA FTIK UIN KHAS Jember. Hasil uji coba respons sebesar 90% dengan kriteria sangat menarik artinya buku mobografi sangat menarik untuk digunakan sebagai salah satu buku rujukan dalam belajar mata kuliah klasifikasi tumbuhan.
Pengembangan Game Edukasi Aturan Tangan Kanan pada Materi Kemagnetan Menggunakan Aplikasi Smart Apps Creator untuk Siswa SMP/MTs Dinar Maftukh Fajar; Gita Wulan Rohmatini; Rafiatul Hasanah
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Vol 6, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jipf.v6i3.6453


Aturan Tangan Kanan (ATK) dalam materi kemagnetan berguna untuk memudahkan menentukan arah medan magnet pada penghantar berarus, arah medan magnet pada solenoida, serta hubungan antara vektor medan magnet, arus dalam penghantar, dan gaya Lorentz dalam suatu ruang 3D. Soal tentang penerapan ATK sering muncul dalam ujian dan banyak siswa mengalami kesalahan dalam menjawab tipe soal tersebut. Tulisan ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan validitas dan respons siswa terhadap hasil pengembangan game edukasi ATK pada materi kemagnetan untuk siswa kelas IX SMP/MTs. Aplikasi Smart Apps Creator (SAC) dipilih sebagai platform pembuat game karena memiliki keunggulan dari segi kemudahan, sifat interaktif, dan visualnya. Studi ini merupakan hasil penelitian R&D (Research and Development) yang mengacu pada model ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, dan Evaluate). Melalui sejumlah instrumen yang telah divalidasi, produk diberi penilaian oleh 2 orang ahli, 1 orang pengguna, dan diberi respon oleh 36 siswa dari salah satu SMP di Lumajang kemudian dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Simpulan yang didapat antara lain: Pertama, game dinyatakan sangat valid dari segi materi, media, dan kepraktisan. Kedua, sebagian besar siswa memberi respons positif terhadap game edukasi ATK ini pada indikator kemenarikan, pemahaman, pembelajaran, dan penggunaan. Game ini dinilai responden memiliki keunggulan dalam memudahkan mahasiswa memahami penggunaan ATK dalam materi kemagnetan, kreatif, praktis, dan tidak membosankan. The Right Hand Rule (RHL) in magnetism is useful for making it easier to determine the direction of the magnetic field in a current-carrying conductor, the direction of the magnetic field in a solenoid, as well as the relationship between the magnetic field, the current-carrying conductor, and the Lorentz force in 3D space. RHL is often tested in exams, and most students need help working on these types of questions. This paper aims to describe the validity and student responses to the results of developing an RHL educational game on magnetism for grade IX junior high school students. The Smart Apps Creator (SAC) was chosen as a game-creator platform because it has advantages in terms of ease, interactive nature, and visuals. This study belongs to the Research and Development category, which refers to the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate). Through several validated instruments, the product was assessed by two experts and one user and responses were given by 36 students from a junior high school in Lumajang and then analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The conclusions obtained include: First, the game is stated to be very valid in terms of material, media, and practicality. Second, students positively responded to this RHL educational game on the indicators of interest, understanding, learning, and use. This game has advantages in making it easier for students to understand using RHL in magnetism, creative, practical, and not boring. 
Pengembangan Modul IPA Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Batik Gajah Oling Banyuwangi Pada Materi Klasifikasi Tumbuhan Untuk Siswa SMP/MTs Elly Purwandari; Rafiatul Hasanah
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/experiment.v2i2.18316


The purpose of this study was to describe the validity and response of students to the local wisdom-based science module Batik Gajah Oling Banyuwangi on plant classification material for SMP/MTs students. This type of research is development research (RD) with Thiagarajan's 4D model. The subjects for this trial were 30 students of class VII MTsN 8 Banyuwangi. The data collection instrument used was a validation questionnaire from experts and a small and large scale trial questionnaire for students. Validation from experts as well as small and large scale trials were carried out to determine the validity and student responses to the IPA module based on local wisdom of Gajah Oling Banyuwangi batik on plant classification material. The results obtained from the data collection were that the developed module received a score of 94.78% from the experts, for small-scale trials it received a value of 96.6%, and large-scale trials received a value of 91.5%. From these results it can be seen that the IPA module based on the local wisdom of Gajah Oling Banyuwangi batik on the plant classification material that the researchers developed has entered the "very valid" category. 
Development of Learning Videos on Vibration, Waves, and Sounds Material at Junior High Schools based on Local Wisdom of Gamelan Lumajang Dinar Maftukh Fajar; Alif Mardiana; Rafiatul Hasanah
KONSTAN - JURNAL FISIKA DAN PENDIDIKAN FISIKA Vol 8 No 01 (2023): KONSTAN (Jurnal Fisika dan Pendidikan Fisika)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/konstan.v8i01.212


One of the local wisdoms in Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia, namely the Gamelan musical instrument used to accompany Lumajang's typical performances such as Jaran Kencak, Jaran Slining, Ludruk, and so on, has a similar context with junior high school science material, namely Vibrations, Waves, and Sound. Therefore, a learning video for Vibrations, Waves, and Sound based on Lumajang's local wisdom was developed to introduce Lumajang culture to students. The objectives of this study are to describe (1) the validity of and (2) students' responses to the learning video on Vibrations, Waves, and Sound based on the local wisdom of Gamelan Lumajang. This study applies the 4-D development model (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate), where the dissemination stage is not executed. The learning video was validated by three experts (material expert, media expert, and teacher as a practitioner) and responded to by 36 junior high school students from the Lumajang district. The video is 31 minutes long, was created with Wondershare Filmora, and was uploaded via YouTube. The results showed that (1) This video met the criteria for material assessment, media assessment, and practicality assessment of 95%, 95%, and 91%, respectively, so it was declared very valid. (2) Descriptions of student responses to the learning video have been explained as a pie chart with the most comments, including engaging, making learning more manageable, and adding insight into Lumajang local wisdom.