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Persepsi Remaja terhadap Pekerjaan di Sektor Pertanian Padi Sawah di Desa Cileungsi Kecamatan Ciawi Kabupaten Bogor Meilina, Yoshinta; Virianita, Ratri
Jurnal Sains Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat [JSKPM] Vol 1, No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Departemen Sains Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, IPB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (355.564 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jskpm.1.3.339-358


Cileungsi Village, Ciawi Subdistrict, Bogor Regency is one of the potential areas of lowland rice farming. Adolescent of Cileungsi Village as the age of the workforce will be observed for their perceptions in farming. This research aims to identify the characteristics of adolescents and their environment, to analyze adolescent perceptions of lowland rice farming and factors which related with the adolescent of Cileungsi Village perception. The method of this research is survey method. The result obtained by the internal factors (educational level and gender) related with adolescent of the village’s perception (role and work comfort) about lowland rice farming.Keywords:  lowland rice, perception, adolescent--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRAKDesa Cileungsi, Kecamatan Ciawi, Kabupaten Bogor, merupakan salah satu daerah yang memiliki potensi alam yang mendukung untuk pertanian padi sawah. Remaja Desa Cileungsi sebagai salah satu orang dengan usia yang termasuk dalam angkatan kerja, akan diteliti persepsinya terhadap pekerjaan di sektor pertanian padi sawah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik remaja dan karakteristik lingkungan remaja di Desa Cileungsi, menganalisis persepsi remaja Desa Cileungsi terhadap pekerjaan di sektor pertanian padi sawah, dan mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang berhubungan dengan persepsi remaja Desa Cileungsi terhadap pekerjaan di sektor pertanian padi sawah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian survei. Adapun hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu faktor internal (tingkat pendidikan dan jenis kelamin) berhubungan dengan persepsi remaja Desa Cileungsi (dalam hal peranan dan kenyamanan kerja) terhadap pekerjaan di sektor pertanian padi sawah.Kata kunci: padi sawah, persepsi, remaja
Hubungan antara Keterdedahan Tayangan Iklan Komersial Makanan Ringan dan Dukungan Sosial dengan Perilaku Jajan Anak Dewi, Tania Linggarsari; Virianita, Ratri
Jurnal Sains Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat [JSKPM] Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Departemen Sains Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, IPB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (345.588 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jskpm.2.2.181-194


The purposes of this research are to describe: children’s television snacks advertisment exposure, children’s social support in Tanjungsari Village, and to analize  the relation between  televison commercial  snacks advertisment exposure and social support with children's snacking behavior.This research was conducted in Tanjungsari Village, cijeruk Bogor district. Using quantitave method supported by qualitative data. The results showed high exposure of television snacks commercial advertisement on children, and low social support. The results also showed that there is a relation of televison commercial  snacks advertisment exposure (rs = 0.480 **, ρ < 0.01), and social support (rs = -0.323*, p < 0.05) on snacking behaviorKeyword: advertisment exposure, snacking behavior--------------------------ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: keterdedahan anak usia sekolah dasar pada tayangan iklan komersial makanan ringan di televisi, keadaan dukungan sosial yang dimiliki anak usia sekolah dasar di Desa Tanjungsari, dan menganalisis hubungan keterdedahan anak pada tayangan iklan komersial makanan ringan di televisi dan dukungan sosial dengan perilaku jajan anak usia sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Tanjungsari, Kecamatan Cijeruk, Kabupaten Bogor. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan didukung oleh data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keterdedahan anak terhadap tayangan iklan komersial makanan ringan tergolong tinggi, dan dukungan sosial yang dimiliki anak tergolong rendah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara keterdedahan tayangan iklan komersial makanan ringan (rs = 0.480 **, ρ < 0.01), dan dukungan sosial (rs = -0.323*, p < 0.05) dengan perilaku jajan anak.Kata kunci : keterdedahan iklan, perilaku jajan
Jurnal Sains Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat [JSKPM] Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Article in Press
Publisher : Departemen Sains Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, IPB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jskpm.4.2.217-234


Problem with dropping out are still common in Indonesia, especially in rural areas. Village youth prefer to work and not continue school. The decision was made because of the notion that men are the main breadwinners of the family. This assumption affects the psychological state of men called male gender role conflict. With the existence of gender stereotypes and conflicting male gender roles can trigger the motivation to work. The purpose of this study was to determine the direct influence of male gender stereotypes on the work motivation of youth dropping out of school and the indirect influence between them through men?s gender role conflict. This research uses a quantitative approach with a questionnaire and is supported by a qualitative approach through interviews. The results showed that there was direct and indirect influence between male gender stereotypes to work motivation of youth drop out. Indirect effects are mediated by men?s gender role conflict with partial mediation.Key words: drop out, gender role conflict, gender stereotypes, men, village youth, work motivationABSTRAKPermasalahan putus sekolah masih sering terjadi di Indonesia, terutama di daerah pedesaan. Pemuda desa lebih memilih bekerja dan tidak melajutkan sekolah. Keputusan tersebut dilakukan karena anggapan bahwa laki-laki sebagai pencari nafkah utama keluarga. Anggapan tersebut memengaruhi keadaan psikologis laki-laki yang disebut konflik peran gender laki-laki. Dengan adanya stereotip gender dan konflik peran gender laki-laki dapat memicu adanya motivasi bekerja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh langsung stereotip gender laki-laki terhadap motivasi kerja pemuda desa putus sekolah serta pengaruh tidak langsung di antara keduanya melalui konflik peran gender laki-laki. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan kuesioner dan didukung pendekatan kualitatif melalui wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung antara stereotip gender laki-laki terhadap motivasi kerja pemuda desa putus sekolah. Pengaruh tidak langsung dimediasi oleh konflik peran gender laki-laki dengan mediasi bersifat parsial.Kata kunci: konflik peran gender, laki-laki, motivasi kerja, pemuda desa, putus sekolah, stereotip gender
Hubungan Antara Persepsi dan Tingkat Partisipasi Petani Padi Sawah dengan Tingkat Keberhasilan Program PHT Sandi, Luki; Virianita, Ratri
Jurnal Sains Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat [JSKPM] Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Departemen Sains Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, IPB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jskpm.3.2.%p


Pengendalian Hama Terpadu (PHT)is an attempt by the government to food self-sufficiency and improve the welfare of the farmer. Perception and participation is an important aspect that determines the success of PHT Program. This researchaims: (1) to describe the perception of field paddy farmer toward PHT Program inKarangwangi Village, (2) to describe the participation level of field paddy farmer in PHT Program in Karangwangi Village, (3) to describe the implementation andsuccess  rate  of  PHT   Program in Karangwangi  Village,  (4)  to  analyze  the relationship  between perception  and  participation  level  of  field  paddy  farmerin PHT Program in Karangwangi Village, and (5) to analyze the relationship between participation  level  of  field  paddy  farmer  and  success  rate  of PHT  Program inKarangwangi Village. The results of this study were: (1) the perception was in the neutral  category,  (2)  the  level of  participation in  the  medium  category,  (3)  PHT Program success rate was in the medium category, (4) there is relationship between perception and participation level (rs: 0,888; p < 0,01), and (5)there is a relationship between participation level and PHT Program success rate (rs: 0,869; p < 0,01).Keywords: participation, perception, PHTABSTRAKPengendalian Hama Terpadu (PHT) is an attempt by the government to food self-sufficiency and improve the welfare of the farmer. Perception and participation is an important aspect that determines the success of PHT Program. This research aims to analyze the relationship between perception with participation level of field paddy farmer in PHT Program in Karangwangi Village and to analyze the relationship between participation level of field paddy farmer with success rate of PHT Program in Karangwangi Village. This research are use survey metode with quantitative approach supported by qualitative data. For relationship analysis in this research used statistic test of rank spearman. Based on data result, the perception was in the neutral category. The level of participation in the medium category. PHT Program success rate was in the medium category. Statistic test result is explain there is relationship between perception and participation level (rs: 0,888; p < 0,01) and there is a relationship between participation level and PHT Program success rate (rs: 0,869; p < 0,01).Keyword: participation, perception, PHT
Partisipasi Masyarakat dan Keberhasilan Pengembangan "Kampoeng Wisata Cinangneng" Desa Cihideung Udik, Kecamatan Ciampea, Kabupaten Bogor Sundari, Destiyana; Virianita, Ratri
Jurnal Sains Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat [JSKPM] Vol 4, No 5 (2020): Article in Press
Publisher : Departemen Sains Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, IPB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jskpm.4.5.%p


ABSTRACTThe success in developing "Kampoeng Wisata Cinangneng (KWC)" can be seen from how the community participated in it. The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of community participation in developing “KWC”, analyze internal and external factors related to the level of community participation, analyze the success of “KWC”, and analyze the relationship between the level of community participation and the success of “KWC” development. This research was conducted in "Kampoeng Wisata Cinangneng", Cihideung Udik Village, Ciampea District, Bogor Regency. Respondents in this study were 50 people from Cihideung Udik Village who participated in the Development of “KWC”. The study showed that age (rs -0,288 ; p<0,05) and education level (rs 0,364 ; p<0,05) as internal factors are correlated to comunity participation stage (rs -0,160 ; p>0,005). Allso, correlation showed that external factors and the level of community participation (rs 0.562 ; p<0.05), such as the influence of driving actors (rs 0.508 ; p<0.05) and supporting facilities (rs 0.453 ; p<0.05). But, there is no correlation between the level of community participation and the success rate of developing "KWC" (rs 0.164 ; p>0.05). Although, there is correlation between of benefits of community participation stage and the success rate of developing “KWC” (rs 480 ; p<0.05). Keywords: society participation, the success of developing a “Kampoeng Wisata Cinangneng”. ABSTRAK                     Keberhasilan dalam mengembangkan “Kampoeng Wisata Cinangneng (KWC)” dapat dilihat dari seberapa berperannya masyarakat ikut berpartisipasi di dalamnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam mengembangkan “KWC”, menganalisis faktor internal dan eksternal yang berhubungan dengan tingkat partisipasi masyarakat, menganalisis keberhasilan “KWC”, dan menganalisis hubungan antara tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dan tingkat keberhasilan pengembangan “KWC”. Penelitian ini dilakukan di “Kampoeng Wisata Cinangneng” Desa Cihideung Udik, Kecamatan Ciampea, Kabupaten Bogor. Responden dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 50 orang masyarakat Desa Cihideung Udik yang berpartisipasi dalam Pengembangan “KWC”. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa umur (rs -0.288 ; p<0,05) dan tingkat pendidikan (rs 0,364 ; p<0,05) sebagai faktor internal berhubungan dengan tingkat partisipasi masyarakat (rs -0,160 ; p>0,005). Demikian juga, terdapat hubungan antara faktor eksternal dan tingkat partisipasi masyarakat (rs 0,562 ; p<0,05), seperti pengaruh aktor penggerak (rs 0,508 ; p<0,05) dan fasilitas pendukung (rs 0,453 ; p<0,05). Tetapi, tidak terdapat hubungan antara tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dan tingkat keberhasilan pengembangan "KWC" (rs 0,164 ; p>0,05). Meskipun, terdapat hubungan antara tahap menikmati hasil partisipasi masyarakat dan tingkat keberhasilan pengembangan "KWC" (rs 480 ; p<0,05). Kata kunci: keberhasilan pengembangan “Kampoeng Wisata Cinangneng”, partisipasi masyarakat
Persepsi Petani terhadap Dukungan Pemerintah dalam Penerapan Sistem Pertanian Berkelanjutan Ratri Virianita; Tatie Soedewo; Siti Amanah; Anna Fatchiya
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 24 No. 2 (2019): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (402.418 KB) | DOI: 10.18343/jipi.24.2.168


One of the factors that hinder the adoption of sustainable agriculture technology innovation is the farmers’ perception on the innovation, which is influenced by internal and external factors. One of them is the limited availabilities of infra structure and facilities to support sustainable agricultural production, which are external factors. This research was aimed to analyz the farmers’ perception on the government support in implementing sustainable agriculture system, to find out factors that are related to the farmers’ perception and to produce recommendations that support sustainable agriculture system to the government in the context of sustainable agriculture mainstreaming. This research was conducted in four different areas in Bogor municipality and regency, namely Cimahpar District, Situgede District, Benteng Village, and Purwasari Village. Survey method was used on 201 farmers selected purposively. The results showed that farmers’ perception was negative on government support in implementing sustainable agriculture system. Most of the farmers considered that government provided less support to the implementation of sustainable agriculture system (55.7%). Especially, in providing enough capital (65.7%), insurance on farmers’ business market (58.7%), insurance on the price of business production facilities (51.7%), and insurance on the market (sold with reasonable price) (50.2%). However, factors that were related to the farmers’ perception were formal education (rs = 0.150, P<0.05) and land area (rs = -0.154, P<0.05). Therefore, it is important for the government to provide the farmers’ needs, such as suficient capital, guarantee on market price of farm product, price guarantee for farming production facilities, and market continuity to support sustainable business activities for the continuity of the farmers’ business activity application.
Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan Vol. 4 No. 3 (2010)
Publisher : Departement of Communication and Community Development Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (564.13 KB) | DOI: 10.22500/sodality.v4i3.5836


As developed time, needs of information and communication media become significant. Internet utilization functions for business were transformed from information exchange into an instrument for business strategy application such as marketing, selling and customer service. In general, internet has three functions in business such as communication, promotion and research. Small and middle scale entrepreneur which exposed with the growth of information technology have the options whether to utilize internet for business or not. The objective of this study is to describe attitude and intention of internet utilization for business, and to analyze the effect of attitude and subjective norm to intention of internet utilization for business on small and middle scale entrepreneur. This research used quantitative approach. The results of this study is, mostly small and middle scale entrepreneur have positive attitude and intention to internet utilization for business. Attitude and subjective norm are effected to intention to internet utilization for business.
Partisipasi Buruh Dalam Aksi Unjuk Rasa Ratri Virianita
Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan Vol. 2 No. 3 (2008)
Publisher : Departement of Communication and Community Development Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (146.471 KB) | DOI: 10.22500/sodality.v2i3.5878


Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh identifikasi kolektif dan keyakinan subyektif tentang permeabilitas kelompok pada buruh yang berpartisipasi dalam aksi unjuk rasa. Kelompok buruh dipilih mengingat sejak krisis moneter 1997 sejumlah peristiwa sosial berbentuk tingkah laku kelompok, seperti aksi unjuk rasa buruh, meningkat frekuensinya di berbagai perusahaan di Indonesia. Berbeda dengan Smelser yang berperspektif sosiologis, teori Identitas Sosial menjelaskan tingkah laku kelompok dalam perspektif sosial-psikologis. Teori ini menekankan peranan identifikasi kolektif dan keyakinan subyektif tentang permeabilitas kelompok dalam proses terbentuknya tingkah laku kelompok. Dari subyek 102 buruh yang berpartisipasi dalam aksi unjuk rasa di Jakarta, data memperlihatkan identifikasi kolektif dan keyakinan subyektif tentang permeabilitas kelompok merupakan prediktor yang signifikan terhadap partisipasi buruh dalam aksi unjuk rasa. Dengan metode stepwise diketahui bahwa keyakinan subyektif tentang permeabilitas kelompok memberi sumbangan yang lebih besar daripada identifikasi kolektif. 
Adaptive capacity of coastal community to food insecurity due to climate change-a case of village in West Java Nurmala K. Panjaitan; Galuh Adriana; Ratri Virianita; Nanda Karlita; Renita Intan Cahyani
Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan Vol. 4 No. 3 (2016): Sodality
Publisher : Departement of Communication and Community Development Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (313.209 KB) | DOI: 10.22500/sodality.v4i3.14736


ABSTRACTClimate change provokes various problems on coastal community’s life such as reduction in the quantity and quality of the catch, sea-water flood, storms, tidal waves, and drought. Many impacts of climate change will not lead to the vulnerability of coastal communities when a community has sufficient adaptive capacity. The purpose of this study was to analyze the adaptive capacity of coastal communities to food insecurity as the impacts of climate change. Mix method approach such as survey, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and observation was applied to collect the data. The unit analysis was community level (n = 100 poor fishery households, beneficiaries of government’s poor rice program). The adaptive capacity of communities to food insecurity is relatively low due to low institutional memory, unable to conduct innovative learning and especially the lack of connectedness with others outside the community. There is no Collective action to cope with food insecurity due to poverty, community’s culture and lack of local leadership.Keywords: Climate change, adaptive capacity, coastal community, food insecurityABSTRAKPerubahan iklim menimbulkan banyak masalah pada kehidupan komunitas pesisir seperti penurunan kualitas dan kuantitas tangkapan, rob, badai, gelombang pasang dan kekeringan. Berbagai dampak perubahan iklim tidak akan menyebabkan kerentanan komunitas pesisir bila komunitas itu mempunya kapasitas adaptasi yang memadai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisa kapasitas adaptasi komunitas nelayan untuk melihat kesiapan komunitas dalam menghadapi kerawanan pangan akibat perubahan iklim. Pendekatan survei, wawancara mendalam, focus group discussion, dan observasi digunaan untuk mengumpulkan data. Unit analisa adalah pada tingkat masyarakat dengan sumber data 100 rumahtangga nelayan miskin yang merupakan penerima program raskin. Kapasitas adaptasi masyarakat terhadap kerawanan pangan tergolong rendah karena rendahnya institutional memory, tidak mampu melakukan innovative learning dan kurangnya connectedness terutama dengan pihak lain di luar komunitas. Aksi kolektif dari komunitas untuk mengatasi kerawanan pangan tidak ada yang disebabkan oleh kemiskinan,budaya komunitas dan kurang berfungsinya kepemimpinan lokal.Kata kunci: Perubahan iklim, kapasitas adaptasi, pantai komunitas, kerawanan pangan
Hubungan antara Keterdedahan Tayangan Iklan Komersial Makanan Ringan dan Dukungan Sosial dengan Perilaku Jajan Anak Tania Linggarsari Dewi; Ratri Virianita
Jurnal Sains Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat [JSKPM] Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Departemen Sains Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, IPB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jskpm.2.2.181-194


The purposes of this research are to describe: children’s television snacks advertisment exposure, children’s social support in Tanjungsari Village, and to analize  the relation between  televison commercial  snacks advertisment exposure and social support with children's snacking behavior.This research was conducted in Tanjungsari Village, cijeruk Bogor district. Using quantitave method supported by qualitative data. The results showed high exposure of television snacks commercial advertisement on children, and low social support. The results also showed that there is a relation of televison commercial  snacks advertisment exposure (rs = 0.480 **, ρ < 0.01), and social support (rs = -0.323*, p < 0.05) on snacking behaviorKeyword: advertisment exposure, snacking behavior--------------------------ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: keterdedahan anak usia sekolah dasar pada tayangan iklan komersial makanan ringan di televisi, keadaan dukungan sosial yang dimiliki anak usia sekolah dasar di Desa Tanjungsari, dan menganalisis hubungan keterdedahan anak pada tayangan iklan komersial makanan ringan di televisi dan dukungan sosial dengan perilaku jajan anak usia sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Tanjungsari, Kecamatan Cijeruk, Kabupaten Bogor. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan didukung oleh data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keterdedahan anak terhadap tayangan iklan komersial makanan ringan tergolong tinggi, dan dukungan sosial yang dimiliki anak tergolong rendah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara keterdedahan tayangan iklan komersial makanan ringan (rs = 0.480 **, ρ < 0.01), dan dukungan sosial (rs = -0.323*, p < 0.05) dengan perilaku jajan anak.Kata kunci : keterdedahan iklan, perilaku jajan